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Name: Fiel, Johnses G.

Date Submitted: March 30, 2022

Course/Section: BSCE 1A
1. In your own point of view and reasoning, “What is Entrepreneurial
Mind?” (Please don't ask Google)
In my own opinion an entrepreneur's attitude is the mindset that
he or she should have. It is a mentality in which an entrepreneur's
qualities should be displayed. These concepts came about as a result of
having an entrepreneurial mindset, being aware of and focused on
discovering an opportunity by addressing a problem, and being prepared
to take action to forward that idea. The entrepreneurial mentality is a
way of looking at the world through the eyes of an entrepreneur, where
everything is viewed through the lens of the business.

2. Why do we study Entrepreneurial Mind?

We study Entrepreneurial Mind in order to become aware of the
traits and attitude that an entrepreneur should possess. You can master
the fundamentals of establishing a business, avoid common errors,
propose ideas more successfully, verify your product, build a sound
business plan, and put yourself up for success in a sector where failure
is prevalent by studying the entrepreneurial mentality.

3. As a student, what is the importance in studying Entrepreneurial

Mind in your daily activity?
As a student the importance in studying the entrepreneurial mind
allows me to approach every circumstance with a business attitude. An
entrepreneurial mindset can aid the development of confidence and
mean that one is more inclined to take on opportunities as well as not
being afraid to take risks. Additionally, setting goals and milestones for
self-improvement is much easier if equipped with relevant
entrepreneurial skills.

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