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Fundamental reason why l

join the formation program TRANSPORTATION
One reason to study transportation management technology is
the essential field nowadays to optimize
The efficiency of operations in logistics and transport. The
integral management in transport implies the planning,
following, and control of movements of merchandise and people
it is important to reduce costs, minimize environmental impacts,
and upgrade the quality of life of the transportation services,
studying this technology will proportion the necessary skills to
face challenges in the modern transportation world and it will
contribute to the sustainable development of companies and
society in general.

cell phone number

+57 3215077733

welcome to the training

mail address

v ent
The applicant must have their basic secondary

studies finished and as a standard must have 16

years old also approving the selection process in

nt i za
SENA or the company.

competences level to be shown in the

admission Process by certificationtipe:

Academic level secundaria

Grade eleven grade
Yesenia Becerra
Require academic: certification: yes
Average age define in law: sixteen year
old "Allow yourself to be the engine of
additionals requirements:
change in a constantly moving
no job experience required
Eleven-grade Certification studíes
Pruebas SABER PRO.
world." 🌍🚀 APPRENTICE
take advantage of the selection process
within the Formation center or company
comprehensive transportation presentation
The technology program in integral management
program information transportation builds human skill that helps to perform
activities in transportation such as planeation, supervision,
coordination of resources, the analysis of costs
characterization of risks projections of requirements, and
analysis of data

program name : Code :

Comprehensive 121524

program justification

Total hours : Duration in months : program justification

The transportation management program of Sena offers an
3984: school stage : 3120 27 months integral formation with a total of three thousand eighty-
+ productive stage : 864. four hours divided into twenty-seven months virtual
modality prepares the students for activities of
transportation, including planning, supervising cost
management of risks, and analysis of data. The graduate
becomes competent professionally and is able to work in
the public section and private that are related to the
Modality : because we will defend movement of objects, animals, or people.
your education until the
Virtual end

"Become an expert in
optimizing and
profile of the applicant operations for a more
efficient and sustainable
The course was created to form applicants with technology
in transportation logistics, providing them with skills and future.
techniques who help them perform themselves with
efficiency in a variety of roles such as route inspector in
transportation, land transportation manager, operation
Your career will take you
transport manager, manager supervisor between the focus
is essentially in train the students the management of
diverse transport angles including passengers and loads,
programming routes and coordination.

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