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Romina: Hi guys! What are you doing?

Julio: Hey, nothing in particular. Just having a casual chat about some stuff.
Romina: Oh, what are you talking about?
Britney: We were talking about our vacation because our classes end next week
Damaris: I was telling them about my trip to Spain
Gianfranco: Nice, my grandmother also traveled to Spain, she told me that she lived there
for two years.
Romina: Wow, that's amazing. I’ve seen many videos about Spain and I think that it’s a
beautiful country, isn’t it?
Damaris: That’s true! you should definitely go there because videos don’t compare to real
life. It's much better to be there, isn’t it?
Julio: Yes, I agree with you. By the way, which one of you has traveled?
Gianfranco: Well, I was in Italy and it was an amazing experience. The food, architecture
and history were amazing.
Britney: Italy sounds amazing! I’ve always wanted to visit Rome and see the Colosseum.
Damaris: Yes, those places are very beautiful. I would like to go there again.
Britney: You have been there, haven´t you?
Damaris: Yes, I have. I went with my family
Julio: Oh really?! Me too, the Colosseum is breathtaking.
Gianfranco: By the way, Romina. You speak Italian, don’t you?
Romina: Yes, but I left it and now, I only remember the basics
Julio: ooooh I didn’t know it. If I’m not wrong, good morning is “buongiorno”, isn’t it?
Britney: Yes, it is. That is the only word that I know in italian, haha
Gianfranco: Speaking of Italy, I ate pasta and gelato. Have you tried authentic Italian gelato,
Romina: Not yet, but it's on my bucket list now! Gelato sounds delicious, doesn’t it?
Britney: yes, I would like to try the most popular flavors such as Cioccolato, Pistacchio,
Mandorla. I'm already craving for them haha
Damaris: Julio, have you ever traveled?
Julio: Not for now, but someday I would like to do it.
Britney: Let’s travel together one day, shall we?
Gianfranco: Yeah, why not? I´m down for it (means *yo jalo/va*)
Romina: Maybe, we could go to France
Julio: Yes, maybe. We have to plan it better
Damaris: Guyssss, what time is it?
Britney: I think it's 12 o'clock, isn’t it?
Gianfranco: Wait a second (revisa el celular)…. it's half past twelve, why are you asking?
Damaris: No way!
Romina: You are late, aren't you?
Damaris: Yes, I supposed to be at my grandmother’s house
Julio: In that case, you should go now, shouldn’t you?
Damaris: Yessss, bye guys

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