Religion Final

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Nantangalan National High School

Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan


Understanding the Influence of Religion on Filipino Political Beliefs:

A HUMSS Perspective

A Research

Presented to the Senior High School Faculty

Of Nantangalan National High School

Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1

Landingin, Eliza Mae V.

Molina, Daniella Louise C.

Del Campo, Caroline V.

Prestoza, Johnny A.

Valdez, Samuel T.

Tolete, Rassel E.
Nantangalan National High School
Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan


Background of the Study

Religion has historically intertwined with political ideologies, shaping societal

norms globally. In the Philippines, where Catholicism and Islam hold sway, exploring

how these faiths impact political beliefs is vital. Studies by Baring et al. (2018)

highlight Filipino college students' attitudes towards religion, offering insights into

belief influences. Understanding the complexities of Filipino society requires an

examination of this intersection, as the study's background emphasizes. The analysis

focuses on the ways in which political ideologies and governmental structures are

influenced by religious diversity, specifically Catholicism, Islam, and indigenous

beliefs. Through examining this dynamic relationship, researchers can gain insights

into the ways in which religious values influence social movements, policy-making,

and political processes in the Philippines.

According to the study of Buenaobra (2016), which delves into religion's

impact on Philippine politics and society, valuable insights are provided. Buenaobra

focuses on the politics of religion in the nation, shedding light on the complexity of

religion and politics in the Filipino environment. The study examines religion's

significance in national politics, with an emphasis on electoral slates, endorsements,

and political campaigns. Buenaobra's research highlights the historical and present

impact of religion on Filipino politics, notably the Catholic Church's involvement in

nationalism, social justice, and political identity. The Humanistic, Moral,

Metaphysical, and Mystical aspects of religion significantly shape political beliefs

among Filipinos. By adopting a HUMSS perspective, this research aims to uncover

how these dimensions influence ideologies.

Nantangalan National High School
Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

The study hypothesis posits significant effects between politics and society in the

Philippines due to religious and spiritual beliefs (Baring et al., 2018).

Furthermore, by examining the interplay of these religious dimensions with

political beliefs, the research seeks to illuminate how they manifest in societal

dynamics. Analyzing the influence of humanistic values like compassion, moral

principles such as justice, metaphysical beliefs about existence, and mystical

experiences on political perspectives provides insights into how religion guides

political ideologies among Filipinos. This exploration is essential for understanding

the intricate relationship between spirituality, morality, and governance in shaping

societal norms and behaviors in the Philippines. Understanding how religion

influences Filipino political beliefs is crucial for policymakers, academics, and society.

By examining how religious teachings impact political attitudes, this study aims to

contribute to academic discourse and provide insights into the dynamics between

religion and politics in the Filipino context. Buenaobra's (2016) research emphasizes

addressing issues related to religion's influence on social outcasts and minorities in

Philippine society.

This background sets the stage for a detailed exploration into how religion

influences Filipino political beliefs from a HUMSS perspective through qualitative

research methods. In specific situations in the Philippines, this intricate relationship

between religion and politics comes to light during election seasons. The influence of

religious endorsements on electoral outcomes, the alignment of political platforms

with religious values, and the subsequent impact on societal perceptions exemplify

the dynamic interplay explored in this study. Such situations underscore the urgency

of understanding the nuanced connections between religion and political beliefs

among Filipinos within the HUMSS framework.

Nantangalan National High School
Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Statement of the Problem

Understanding the Influence of Religion on Filipino Political Beliefs: A

HUMMS Perspective, you can consider the following non-sensitive inquiries

tailored for a one-on-one interview:

1. How the participants religious background influences their political beliefs

and views?

2. How do the participants think studying humanities and social sciences

(HUMMS) has deepened their understanding of the relationship between

religion and politics?

3. What is a specific instance or situation where religious beliefs have

impacted the stance of the participants on a political issue?

4. How did the participants cope up with these issues or problems regarding

understanding the influence of religion on Filipino political beliefs, particularly

from a HUMMS perspective?

Theoretical Framework
This study was anchored on the concept and philosophy of the so-

called, “The Social Identity Theory” by Henri Tajfel.

The Social Identity Theory, proposed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner

in 1979, serves as a foundational framework for understanding intergroup

behaviors, particularly related to prejudice, bias, and discrimination. This

theory posits that individuals derive a significant part of their self-concept from

their membership in social groups, emphasizing the cognitive processes and

social conditions that underlie intergroup dynamics. (Tajfel & Turner, 1979).
Nantangalan National High School
Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Tajfel and Turner highlighted the importance of social identity groups

in shaping individuals' pride and self-esteem, with group affiliations providing

a sense of belonging, purpose, self-worth, and identity.

The theory elucidates how group memberships influence individuals'

perceptions of themselves and others within societal contexts. Moreover,

Social Identity Theory offers insights into the mechanisms that lead to in-

group bias and out-group prejudice, enabling the design of interventions to

foster intergroup understanding and cooperation. It is instrumental in

organizational settings for team formation, conflict resolution, and promoting

corporate identity by understanding group dynamics within organizations.

Additionally, the theory provides valuable insights into political and

social movements by explaining the formation and mobilization of social or

political groups, including factors contributing to radicalization.

Nantangalan National High School
Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Conceptual framework

Moral Promote critical

Framework thinking education.

Encourage diverse
Patterns candidates’ selection.
Understanding the
Influence of Religion
on Filipino Political
Beliefs: A HUMSS

Social Strengthen public

Welfare welfare services.

Uphold Legal

Figure 1. This figure shows the conceptual framework of the study. This includes

the research question number 1 which is all about the

Nantangalan National High School
Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan


Baring et al.(2018) Filipino College students’ attitudes towards religion: An

analysis of underlying factors. Religions 9:85.

Buenaobra, J. (2016) The Politics of Religion in the Philippines. The Asian


Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (1979). An integrative theory of inter-group conflict.

In W. G. Austin & S. Worchel (Eds.), The social psychology of inter-group


Nantangalan National High School
Nantangalan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

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