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@ scnau Unit 2: Structure and Properties of Matter unit test Name: Date:, Marks obtained: Category ‘Total Marks Possible Marks Part-A-Knowledge/Understanding 8 (K/U)-25% Part-B- Application (A)-25% 16 Part-C- Thinking/Investigation (I/1)- 14 30% as Part-D-Communication (C)-20% 18 Total 56 Percentage - 7 Wo Oya te go Melary SOK Funaien no ceaitory Oud Tbe ected. ‘Q.2 Distinguish between continuous spectrum and line spectrum and Scientist use emission spectra to confirm the presence of an element in material. Explain why this possible, A in sith. A ~ @ en hs tts gpgn wicuseea, THe Specific unieenaint courssand lo We Arena Aten, Wouren quonweh eneiny Mute una come, Sorais\s uae caw ssion specu a tenty Ihe onerence of ete Needs corn oon oho UNAuE Net Ace. When of SENENIS, ~Hims_not_evcitch Whey eek on oh Mes SgEENNE WME On ReeNONe Le AD owe encsgy, veiete, Q.3 What are intermolecular forces and their types give example for each. rt ns ay Reiecu\ey Whe ON). Q.4 What are difference between ionic and covalent bond give example for each? Cowen bards TOM Uren 39 alos Grove Ceewweny ORY HOY, Ye fon-meiais, Fer cxompe, hoccutor hydraygr (%,) vhee \un yhayen oF eieckene, SECTION 2: Application ‘QS: Draw the Lewis structure and show your work with v.e calculation eke ete ws istaataes eva ow \ohast apt WeaSeNeD FEAR? Bp Se eee tray ysis ue IUF esa ACh At pete pe Tes Sut ue not © won com found & » s 3 26” ah ac? 38h 4s : b. Calcium atom in the excited state + aa°uqs or Astast agh ast see €.Calciumion + 15% 25% apt gat apt SECTION 3: Thinking/Inyestigation 8. Foreach ofthe following pairs of electrons, indicate whether or not they could both be in the same orbital according to the Pauli exclusion principle. Explain each of your decisions ina few words. Could this be apr ofelesrons in See the same orbital? Brief, justify your answer. Emezna Cirle yes or no. aiet a mn Gecniong Fo WE ay ame 951, As gwENV and YES) / NO Ranpers oss Atecerw ne 3 Le tm = 0,m = eer awenum reeset eas? WN vo ONOUE Tre enTmaIRaY qaanwm -% namioer *y° io ditkexeov = For the Wud ClECLTOND : ates TD Wray, 0 ie ARE na3 Islan lime ruta. @ Born |aeniong FOIE a3 tomes him pe sane HN queNn| Gi we) ore jwioayes SHE fl) na 3 te mi hme fexcrosion Frinengie he MOFENE Que i alae le sumioer” “AN As Aico =3,- 2,011, meaning FES ate rratcametm Rey ete Q.9-Draw a Bohr-rutherford diagram of an excited fluorine atom, Also explain ground state, Jn on exeed BONE, Ore of WE ceEvTONS. (BEAL HOM Ye “yacay He Bomaned 10 0 Naver eAeqy lech, This Wom me TU Be Heo 7) nodey to eM ones) Sa SHH TING WeBiCOHES OF Creed OY Grows ae 2 HEE ONE HAE eeegy Nae. eeemons on Weir WUESY ROLHIBIE HEI, eves vo hem, Pouings Gfourdetaie Tos B GEHENE NE 2 geevne Wt Shen .10 Write the quantum numbers associated with each of the following. mc |. the fifth principle energy level ©*© “Y can We 0.1,3,8 0° 4 Lies Ao " . the 6s sublevel =k, \*0, tye an orbital on the 3d sublevel -3,.\=. "= -\y age 4% . the first electron added tothe 4fsublevel nig \., 8 28, MEN 52 oF Pere Ee IN 3: Communication Q.11 :For each of the following particles, do the following: a. BC b.BHy CHS CFs 8) Draw the structure/geometry as predicted by the VSEPR theory. 'b) Name the shape of the geometry as predicted by the VSEPR theory ©) Indicate the bond angle(s) found in the particle 4) _ Indicate the polarity ofthe particle [Particle | Structure/geometry | Shape ‘Bond angle(s]| Polarity Bas swggrat ganoe | tet fe F00 Newer We yeoreng yas? ron gover We pe semot | anls Poror ® Cy q Aevraredray, \09.5° Non- GoLor Q.12 Use the electronegativity difference between atoms to classify each of the following of the following. bonds as polar covalent, nonpolar covalent or ionic a. CF = power coven B.P-CI = folar coumeny KBr > tonic (Q.13 Predict whether each of the following molecules is polar or non polar a,0c12 > foor b. BeH2 > cantor ©.SIF4 > ergo . Q.14 What is the hybridization of the central atom in each of the following molecule? B-H:S = Sq (Gaur aor Yas Wie bored FONE HME ete FAIS CECENE bcc > Sey (-corean Vos four torah fas OF accuens) e: Bie = 302 de moceue doce nev ONY G.No > Se (woregen Ny Yos a WIRE ‘hgrd UN OE Higa ard LE Yi ords),

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