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1.1 Rates of Change and the Slope

of a Curve
The speed of a vehicle is usually expressed in
kilometres per hour. This is an expression of rate
of change. It is the change in position, in kilometres,
with respect to the change in time, in hours. This
value can represent an average rate of change or an
instantaneous rate of change . That is, if your vehicle
travels 80 km in 1 h, the average rate of change is
80 km/h. However, this expression does not provide
any information about your movement at different
points during the hour. The rate you are travelling at
a particular instant is called the instantaneous rate of
change. This is the information that your speedometer provides.
In this section, you will explore how the slope of a line can be used to
calculate an average rate of change, and how you can use this knowledge to
estimate instantaneous rate of change. You will consider the slopes of two
types of lines: secants and tangents.
• Secants are lines that connect two points that lie on the same curve.



• For simple curves, tangents are lines that run “parallel” to, or in the
same direction as, the curve, touching it at only one point. The point at
which the tangent touches the graph is called the tangent point . The line
is said to be tangent to the function at that point. Notice that for more
complex functions, a line that is tangent at one x-value may be a secant
for an interval on the function.

y y

P x
Tangent to f (x) at
the tangent point P

4 MHR • Calculus and Vectors • Chapter 1

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Investigate What is the connection between slope, average rate of change, and
instantaneous rate of change?

Imagine that you are shopping for a vehicle. One of the cars you are Tools
considering sells for $22 000 new. However, like most vehicles, this car loses • grid paper
value, or depreciates, as it ages. The table below shows the value of the car • ruler
over a 10-year period.
Time Value
(years) ($)
0 22 000
1 16 200
2 14 350
3 11 760
4 8 980
5 7 820
6 6 950
7 6 270
8 5 060
9 4 380
10 4 050

A: Connect Average Rate of Change to the Slope of a Secant

1. Explain why the car’s value is the dependent variable and time is the
independent variable .
2. Graph the data in the table as accurately as you can using grid paper.
Draw a smooth curve connecting the points. Describe what the graph tells
you about the rate at which the car is depreciating as it ages.
3. a) Draw a secant to connect the two points corresponding to each of the
following intervals, and determine the slope of each secant.
i) year 0 to year 10 ii) year 0 to year 2
iii) year 3 to year 5 iv) year 8 to year 10
b) R e f l e c t Explain why the slopes of the secants are examples of average
rates of change. Compare the slopes for these intervals and explain
what this comparison tells you about the average rate of change in
value of the car as it ages.
4. R e f l e c t Determine the first differences for the data in the table. What do
you notice about the first differences and average rate of change?
B: Connect Instantaneous Rate of Change to the Slope of a Tangent
1. Place a ruler along the graph of the function so that it forms an
approximate tangent to the point corresponding to year 0. Move the ruler
along the graph, keeping it tangent to the curve.
a) R e f l e c t Stop at random points as you move the ruler along the curve.
What do you think the tangent represents at each of these points?
b) R e f l e c t Explain how slopes can be used to describe the shape of a

1.1 Rates of Change and the Slope of a Curve • MHR 5

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2. a) On the graph, use the ruler to draw an approximate tangent at the

point corresponding to year 1. Use the graph to find the slope of the
tangent you have drawn.
b) R e f l e c t Explain why your calculation of the slope of the tangent is
only an approximation. How could you make this calculation more
C: Connect Average Rate of Change and Instantaneous Rate of Change
1. a) Draw three secants corresponding to the following intervals, and
determine the slope of each.
i) year 1 to year 9 ii) year 1 to year 5 iii) year 1 to year 3
b) What do you notice about the slopes of the secants compared to the
slope of the tangents you drew in part B? Make a conjecture about the
slope of the secant between years 1 and 2 in relation to the slope of the
tangent at year 1.
c) Use the data in the table to calculate the slope of the secant for the
interval between years 1 and 2. Does your calculation support your
2. R e f l e c t Use the results of this investigation to summarize the
relationship between slope, secants, tangents, average rate of change, and
instantaneous rate of change.

Determine Average and Instantaneous Rates of

Change From a Table of Values
A decorative birthday balloon is being filled with t(s) V (cm3)
helium. The table shows the volume of helium in the 0 0
balloon at 3-s intervals for 30 s. 3 4.2
a) What are the dependent and independent variables 6 33.5
for this problem? In what units is the rate of change 9 113.0
expressed? 12 267.9
15 523.3
b) Use the table of data to calculate the slope of the 18 904.3
secant for each interval. What does the slope of the 21 1436.0
secant represent? 24 2143.6
i) 21 s to 30 s ii) 21 s to 27 s iii) 21 s to 24 s 27 3052.1
30 4186.7
c) What is the significance of a positive rate of change
in the volume of helium in the balloon?
d) Graph the information in the table. Draw an approximate tangent at the
point on the graph corresponding to 21 s and calculate the slope of this
line. What does this graph illustrate? What does the slope of the tangent
e) Compare the secant slopes that you calculated in part b) to the slope of
the tangent. What do you notice? What information would you need to
calculate a secant slope that is even closer to the slope of the tangent?

6 MHR • Calculus and Vectors • Chapter 1

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a) In this problem, volume is dependent on time, so V is the dependent
variable and t is the independent variable. For the rate of change, V is
expressed with respect to t, or . Since the volume in this problem is
expressed in cubic centimetres, and time is expressed in seconds, the units
for the rate of change are cubic centimetres per second (cm3/s).
b) Calculate the slope of the secant using the formula

Δ V V2  V1

Δt t2  t1

i) The endpoints for the interval 21  t  30 are (21, 1436.0) and

(30, 4186.7).
Δ V 4186.7  1436.0
Δt 30  21
The symbol  indicates that an
ii) The endpoints for the interval 21  t  27 are (21, 1436.0) and answer is approximate.
(27, 3052.1).
Δ V 3052.1  1436.0
 ⬟ 269
Δt 27  21

iii) The endpoints for the interval 21  t  24 are (21, 1436.0) and
(24, 2143.6).
Δ V 2143.6  1436.0
 ⬟ 236
Δt 24  21
The slope of the secant represents the average rate of change, which
in this problem is the average rate at which the volume of the helium
is changing over the interval. The units for these solutions are cubic
centimetres per second (cm3/s).
c) The positive rate of change during these intervals suggests that the volume
of the helium is increasing, so the balloon is expanding.

d) Volume of Helium in a Balloon


Volume (cm3)

P(21, 1436)

Q(16.5, 500)

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 t
Time (s)

1.1 Rates of Change and the Slope of a Curve • MHR 7

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This graph illustrates how the volume of the balloon increases over time.
The slope of the tangent represents the instantaneous rate of change of the
volume at the tangent point.

To find the instantaneous rate of change of the volume at 21 s,

sketch an approximation of the tangent passing though the point
P(21, 1436). Choose a second point on the approximate tangent line,
Q(16.5, 500), and calculate the slope.
Δ V 1436  500
Δt 21  16.5

At 21 s, the volume of helium in the balloon is increasing at a rate of

approximately 208 cm3/s.
e) The slopes of the three secants in part b) are 305.6, 269.4, and 235.9.
Notice that as the interval becomes smaller, the slope of the secant gets
closer to the approximate slope of the tangent. You could calculate a
secant slope that was closer to the slope of the tangent if you had data for
smaller intervals.


Average rate of change refers to the rate of change of a function over
an interval. It corresponds to the slope of the secant connecting the
two endpoints of the interval.
Instantaneous rate of change refers to the rate of change at a specific
point. It corresponds to the slope of the tangent passing through a
single point, or tangent point, on the graph of a function.
An estimate of the instantaneous rate of change can be obtained by
calculating the average rate of change over the smallest interval for
which data are available. An estimate of instantaneous rate of change
can also be determined using the slope of a tangent sketched on a
graph. However, both methods are limited by the accuracy of the data
or the accuracy of the sketch.

Communicate Your Understanding

C1 What is the difference between average rate of change and instantaneous
rate of change?
C2 Describe how points on a curve can be chosen so that a secant provides
a better estimate of the instantaneous rate of change at a point in the
C3 Do you agree with the statement, “The instantaneous rate of change at a
point can be found more accurately by drawing the tangent to the curve
than by using data from a given table of values”? Justify your response.

8 MHR • Calculus and Vectors • Chapter 1

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A Practise
1. Determine the average rate of change between 3. Estimate the instantaneous rate of change at
the points in each pair. the tangent point indicated on each graph.
a) (4, 1) and (2, 6) a) b)
b) (3.2, 6.7) and (5, 17) y y
2 4 1 3 8
c) ,  and −1 ,
3 5 2 4 6 12
2. Consider the following data set.
4 8
x 3 1 1 3 5 7
2 4
y 5 5 3 5 6 45

⫺2 0 2 4 x 0 4 8 12x
a) Determine the average rate of change of y
over each interval.
i) 3  x  1 ii) 3  x  3 c)
iii) 1  x  7 iv) 1  x  5 8

b) Estimate the instantaneous rate of change at 6

the point corresponding to each x-value.
i) x  1 ii) x  1
iii) x  3 iv) x  5
⫺2 0 2 4 x

B Connect and Apply

4. For each graph, describe and compare the instantaneous rate of change at the points indicated.
Explain your reasoning.
a) y b) y
8 10
A 8

4 6
2 4
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 x
2 x
4 2 0 2 4 6 8
4 2

i) B, D, and F ii) A and G i) B and C ii) A, B, and E

iii) C and G iv) A and E iii) C and D iv) A and C

1.1 Rates of Change and the Slope of a Curve • MHR 9

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5. As air is pumped into Reasoning and Proving 6. Which interval gives the best estimate of the
an exercise ball, the Representing Selecting Tools tangent at x  3 on a smooth curve?
surface area of the ball Problem Solving
A 2x4 B 2x3
expands. The table Connecting Reflecting

shows the surface Communicating C 3  x  3.3 D cannot be sure

area of the ball at 2-s 7. a) For each data set, calculate the first
intervals for 30 s. differences and the average rate of change
of y between each pair of consecutive points.
Time (s) Surface Area (cm2)
0 10.0 i) x 3 2 1 0 1 2
2 22.56
y 50 12 2 4 6 20
4 60.24
6 123.04
ii) x 6 4 2 0 2 4
8 210.96
10 324.0 y 26 26 22 10 38 154
12 462.16
b) Compare the values found in part a) for
14 625.4
16 813.8
each set of data. What do you notice?
18 1027.4 c) Explain your observations in part b).
20 1266.0
d) What can you conclude about first
22 1529.8
differences and average rates of change for
24 1818.6
consecutive intervals?
26 2132.6
28 2471.8 8. Identify whether each situation represents an
30 2836.0 average rate of change or an instantaneous rate
of change. Explain your choice.
a) Which is the dependent variable and
a) When the radius of a circular ripple on the
which is the independent variable for
surface of a pond is 4 cm, the circumference
this problem? In what units should your
of the ripple is increasing at 21.5 cm/s.
responses be expressed?
b) Niko travels 550 km in 5 h.
b) Determine the average rate of change of the
surface area of the ball for each interval. c) At 1 p.m., a train is travelling at 120 km/h.
i) the first 10 s d) A stock price drops 20% in one week.
ii) between 20 s and 30 s e) The water level in a lake rises 1.5 m from
the beginning of March to the end of May.
iii) the last 6 s
9. The graph shows the Temperature of Water Being Heated
c) Use the table of values to estimate the
temperature of water C
instantaneous rate of change at each time.
being heated in an 100
i) 2 s ii) 14 s iii) 28 s
Temperature (ºC)

electric kettle.
d) Graph the data from the table, and use the 75
a) What was the
graph to estimate the instantaneous rate of 50
initial temperature
change at each time.
of the water? 25
i) 6 s ii) 16 s iii) 26 s What happened
e) What does the graph tell you about the after 3 min? 0 60 120 180 t
instantaneous rate of change of the surface b) What does the Time (s)
area? How do the values you found in graph tell you
part d) support this observation? Explain. about the rate of change of the temperature
of the water? Support your answer with
some calculations.
10 MHR • Calculus and Vectors • Chapter 1
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10. Chapter Problem Alicia found data showing c) Use Technology Graph the data in the
Canada’s population in each year from 1975 table using a graphing calculator. What does
to 2005. the graph tell you about the instantaneous
rate of change of Canada’s population?
Year Canadian Population
1975 23 143 192 d) Make some predictions about Canada’s
1976 23 449 791 population based on your observations in
1977 23 725 921 parts a), b), and c).
1978 23 963 370 e) Pose and answer a question that is related
1979 24 201 801 to the average rate of change of Canada’s
1980 24 516 071 population. Pose and answer another
1981 24 820 393
question related to the instantaneous rate of
1982 25 117 442
change of the population.
1983 25 366 969
1984 25 607 651
1985 25 842 736
Achievement Check
1986 26 101 155
1987 26 448 855 11. a) Describe a graph for which the average rate
1988 26 795 383 of change is equal to the instantaneous rate of
1989 27 281 795 change for the entire domain. Describe a real-
1990 27 697 530 life situation that this graph could represent.
1991 28 031 394 b) Describe a graph for which the average rate
1992 28 366 737 of change between two points is equal to the
1993 28 681 676 instantaneous rate of change at
1994 28 999 006
1995 29 302 091 i) one of the two points
1996 29 610 757 ii) the midpoint between the two points
1997 29 907 172
c) Describe a real-life situation that could be
1998 30 157 082
represented by each of the graphs in part b).
1999 30 403 878
2000 30 689 035 12. When electricity flows through a certain kind
2001 31 021 251 of light bulb, the voltage applied to the bulb,
2002 31 372 587 in volts, and the current flowing through it,
2003 31 676 077 in amperes, are as shown in the graph. The
2004 31 989 454 instantaneous rate of change of voltage with
2005 32 299 496 respect to current is known as the resistance of
Source: Statistics Canada, Estimated Population of the light bulb.
Canada, 1975 to Present (table). Statistics Canada Resistance of a Light Bulb
a) Does the
Catalogue no. 98-187-XIE. V
a) Determine the average rate of change in 120
increase or
Canada’s population for each interval. decrease as
Voltage (V)

i) 1975 to 2005 ii) 1980 to 1990 the voltage 90

is increased?
iii) consecutive 10-year intervals beginning
Justify your 60
with 1975
b) Compare the values found in part a).
b) Use the graph 30
What do you notice? Explain. Estimate the
to determine the
instantaneous rate of change of population
resistance of the
growth for 1983, 1993, and 2003.
light bulb at a 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 C
voltage of 60 V. Current (A)

1.1 Rates of Change and the Slope of a Curve • MHR 11

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C Extend and Challenge

13. c) Is the rate of change of the ladybug’s height
affected by where the blade is in its rotation
when the ladybug lands on it?
15. a) How would the graph of the height of the
ladybug in question 14 change if the wind
speed increased? How would this graph
change if the wind speed decreased? What
effect would these changes have on the rate
of change of the height of the ladybug?
Support your answer.
b) How would the graph of this function
change if the ladybug landed on a spot
An offshore oil platform develops a leak. As 1 m from the tip of the blade? What effect
the oil spreads over the surface of the ocean, would this have on the rate of change of the
it forms a circular pattern with a radius that height? Support your answer.
increases by 1 m every 30 s. 16. The table shows the height, H, of water being
a) Construct a table of values that shows the poured into a cone-shaped cup at time, t.
area of the oil spill at 2-min intervals for a) Compare the following with t (s) H (cm)
30 min, and graph the data. respect to the height of water 0 0
b) Determine the average rate of change of the in the cup. 1 2.48
area during each interval. i) average rate of change in 2 3.13
the first 3 s and last 3 s 3 3.58
i) the first 4 min 4 3.94
ii) the next 10 min ii) instantaneous rate of 5 4.24
change at 3 s and 9 s 6 4.51
iii) the entire 30 min
b) Explain your results in part a). 7 4.75
c) What is the difference between the 8 4.96
instantaneous rate of change of the area of c) Graph the original data and
9 5.16
the spill at 5 min and at 25 min? graphically illustrate the results
10 5.35
you found in part a). What
d) Why might this information be useful? would these graphs look like if the cup were
14. The blades of a particular windmill sweep in a cylinder?
a circle 10 m in diameter. Under the current d) The height of the cup is equal to its largest
wind conditions, the blades make one rotation diameter. Determine the volume for each
every 20 s. A ladybug lands on the tip of one height given in the table. What does the
of the blades when it is at the bottom of its volume tell you about the rate at which the
rotation, at which point the ladybug is 2 m off water is being poured?
the ground. It remains on the blade for exactly
two revolutions, and then flies away. 17. Math Contest If x and y are real numbers
such that x  y  8 and xy  12, determine the
a) Draw a graph representing the height of 1 1
the ladybug during its time on the windmill value of  .
x y
18. Math Contest If 5  3 g , find the value of
b) If the blades of the windmill are turning at
log9 g.
a constant rate, is the rate of change of the
ladybug’s height constant or not? Justify
your answer.

12 MHR • Calculus and Vectors • Chapter 1

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