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1.) What is visual basics 6.0?

Visual Basic 6.0 is a very powerful programming language. It enables GUI

application development, provides access to databases and enables the
creation of ActiveX controls. In addition, Visual Basic 6 is Event-driven
because we need to write code in order to perform some tasks in response
to certain events. The events usually comprises but not limited to the user's
inputs. Some of the events are load, click, double click, drag and drop,
pressing the keys and more.

2.) What are the applications you can create using visual basic 6.0?
Provide at least 5 examples and images.


Hotel Booking Software

Flight Booking Software


3.) Research sample interface with label of Visual Basic 6.0

4.) What are the tools of Visual Basic 6.0? Provide images.

Most Uses Tools of Visual Basic 6.0 :

 Command Button
 Label
 Text Box
 Picture Box
 Check Box
 Combo Box
 List Box
 Drive List Box
 Dir List Box
 File List Box
 Option Button
 Frame
 Timer
 Image
 Horizontal Scroll Bar
 Vertical Scroll Bar
 Shape
 Line
 Data

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