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‫مـدرســة المــتـــيـــاز الـعالــمـيـــــة‬

Excellence International Schools Academic year 2023-2024

Third Term Reading Comprehension No.3 - For Grade 5
The weather is a common conversation for many people each day. The weather can change day-
to-day or even from hour-to-hour. On the other hand, the climate in an area usually takes a long
time to change. It is the average temperature and conditions in a specific place over a long period
of time, in years. Climate does not change day-to-day or month-to-month, but usually takes
hundreds, thousands, or millions of years to change.

The climate in one place on Earth is different than another place. For example, the climate in a
desert may be hot and dry, but in a rainforest, it is usually warm and humid. Nowadays, the
words climate change is often heard, and it usually refers to the process of the Earth heating up,
which is often called global warming.

The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and during its life, the climate has changed quite often
and has experienced an Ice Age, warming, and everything in between. All scientists agree that the
climate changed often during the first 4.5 billion years. However, it is also a proven fact that the
Earth's average temperature has increased about 1.33°F over the past 100 years between the
1900s and 2000s. Reviewing the past 200 years it has increased about 1.8°F. It may not sound like a
big change, but it will influence the Earth.

The Earth is covered like a greenhouse. The greenhouse gases include mostly carbon dioxide,
methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases (instead of glass) act as a blanket for the Earth, helping to
keep the Earth warm enough to support life, an average of about 59°F. An increase in the
greenhouse gases causes the Earth to become warmer. Think of it as a heavier blanket.

There may be some causes of climate change that cannot be prevented and have very little to do
with people, but there are things related to climate change, which are most likely caused by human
behaviors. Fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. When they are burned, the gases released
into the atmosphere are added to the 'blanket' that is covering the Earth.

Farming also contributes to the greenhouse effect. Methane gas is released into the atmosphere
when a cow releases its gas - or farts. There are over 1.5 billion cows in the world releasing
methane gas daily, further adding to the 'blanket' covering the Earth.

One of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, is absorbed by the trees and forests throughout
the world, and then released as oxygen. Unfortunately, deforestation, the cutting down of trees
and forests to make way for farms, roads, oil mines, and dams further leads to the greenhouse
effect and a thicker 'blanket'.

A warmer climate can affect the planet negatively. It could lead to unusual season changes, heat
waves, etc. Polar animals' natural habitats are melting because of warmer temperatures, affecting
polar bears, and seals. Sea turtles are losing nesting beaches because of rising sea levels. Farming in
developing countries face increased rain, floods, and droughts; plus, certain kinds of food items may
become unavailable, or more expensive for people to purchase.


To sum up, many scientists believe global warming is a result of human behavior, and changing
some of those behaviors will have a positive effect on earth.

A) Answer the following questions:

1- How long does the climate take to change?


2- What does the word climate change refer to?


3- Approximately, how much warmer has the Earth become over the past 200


B) Choose the correct answer:

1- How does greenhouse gas help the earth?
a) It releases the oxygen on earth.

b) It helps to keep the Earth warm.

c) It increases the rain.

2- What is true about the causes of climate change?

a) Human behaviors have caused climate change.

b) Some causes cannot be prevented by people.

c) A and B

3- The average temperature of Earth which is enough to support life is -----

a) 1.8°F

b) 59°F

c) 1.33°F

4- Methane gas is released by -----------------.

a) turtles

b) cows

c) polar bears


C) True or false:
1- Deforestation means the cutting down of trees and forests. (-------------------)

2- The rising of sea levels benefits sea turtles. (-------------------)

D) Find out of the passage:

1- A verb in the present perfect tense ----------------------------------.

2- Adverb -----------------------------------------------------------------.

3- A modal verb ------------------------------------------------------------.


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