Discussion Post One or Two Paragraph - Edited

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Discussion Post One or Two Paragraph

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Discussion Post One or Two Paragraph

Cyber threats in the present world continue to increase, leading to the critical need for

secure software development. Security protocols should be integrated in every software

development stage to mitigate vulnerabilities. Security features involved in the development

of various platforms include threat modeling, which is applicable for identifying potential

risk factors. Authentication and access control are mechanisms that assess the identity of

users and control the access of a software program (Saqib et al., 2022). Input Validation and

output encoding are used for sanitizing and checking the appropriateness of data and

preventing common vulnerabilities (Marashdih et al., 2022). Also, error and exception

handling and secure communication and data storage strategies are security protocols that

handle errors to prevent leakage of information and provide strong encryption mechanisms.

By addressing security concerns with the identified protocols, developers can establish risk-

resistant applications.

However, the implementation of the security features faces various challenges. A

major challenge is an unauthorized access. The operating system should be designed to

prevent unauthorized users by implementing user authentication and encryption measures.

For instance, multi-factor authentication allows users to input more than one passcode for

accurate verification (Saqib et al., 2022). The operating system should also be designed to

defend against security threats like ransomware. Some countermeasures against security

threats include integrating a combination of active security measures, conducting frequent

updates, for instance, antivirus updates, and integrating firewalls and intrusion detection

systems. The best way of handling authorization needs is to implement attribute-based access

control (ABAC) (Shahraki et al., 2020). The system enables the control of access decisions

by specifying what users should access sensitive information, what time, and defining

location. Other security features include data encryption measures, that is, ensuring that any

data is encrypted and implementing secure configuration management systems that resonate

with the existing standards. By adopting the discussed data security measures, software

developers can achieve a secure environment.



Marashdih, A. W., Zaaba, Z. F., & Suwais, K. (2022). Predicting input validation

vulnerabilities based on minimal SSA features and machine learning. Journal of King

Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 34(10), 9311-9331.


Saqib, R. M., Khan, A. S., Javed, Y., Ahmad, S., Nisar, K., Abbasi, I. A., ... & Julaihi, A. A.

(2022). Analysis and Intellectual Structure of the Multi-Factor Authentication in

Information Security. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 32(3).


Shahraki, A. S., Rudolph, C., & Grobler, M. (2020, December). Attribute-based data access

control for multi-authority system. In 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on

Trust, Security, and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) (pp.

1834-1841). IEEE. DOI 10.1109/TrustCom50675.2020.00251

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