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The organization of the poem shows the contrast between humans and nature by using imagery and

alliteration to show the futility of life and the omnipresent nature. The poem uses an a-b-a-b rhyme scheme,
which helps to show the difference between nature and humans. Through the chaos and commotion of life, the
rhyme scheme also helps to instill a sense of order. The constant and repetitive nature from a to b helps to
signify the idea that some things never change and how futile and short life is. Where petals usually signify
marriage and union, now leaves a feeling of emptiness and dread. The old road where many once passed is lined
with graves signifying how human life is fleeting and how we make everything in the world revolve around us
when in reality, when we are gone, the only thing that shows our existence in the universe is a grave in which
life moves on as if we were never there in the first place. Words like “shedding” and “bend over” use imagery to
show the reader the constant passage of time despite humans not being present. The poem also uses alliteration
like when it says “morn” which sounds like “mourn” and helps to keep the idea that everyone is dead. The use
of alliteration helps the author of the poem, Edward Thomas, convey his emotions about life while also
contributing to the dark nature of the poem. The tone of the poem is dark and depressing, using death to
contribute to the idea that life is short. In the poem, though there is no sign of human presence, the wedding,
graveyard, and the old road are all based on human experience.In summary, Edward Thomas's poem highlights
the contrast between human life and the unchanging power of nature. Through its rhyme scheme, imagery, and
alliteration, the poem expresses the fleeting and ultimately insignificant nature of human existence. Despite the
absence of humans in the poem, it reflects our brief presence in the world. In the end, it reminds us that our
impact on the universe is as temporary as falling petals, while life continues unaffected.

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