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ODS 8th Grade Dance and Picnic Information

Dear 8th Grade Families!

This is a follow up on the previous letter about two end-of-year events for our 8th graders;
Dance on June 3rd and Picnic on June 14th. In order for these events to happen and be
successful, we have some information below that we want to share and will need your help

June 3rd Dance Party!

o On Friday, June 3, 2022 the PTA and 8th grade parents will host an after-school
dance party (Theme: Galaxy/Stars) for the entire 8th grade.
o DJ, Photo Booth, Fun with Friends and more!
o Event Timing will be 4:15 to 6:15 p.m. 8th graders stay in classes through dismissal
then bring their belongings to the cafeteria
o Parents pick-up at 6:30 p.m. in the bus loop
o Pizza** will be provided (Donations of snacks, drinks, candy is needed)
o Teachers will chaperone but we need Parent volunteers for a successful event.
Please sign up on the attached Sign up Genius link.
o The dance tickets and the funds raised through concession sales (Candy and snacks)
at the dance will be used to fund all the end of the year celebrations/gifts for the
8th graders. General Donations can also be made toward End of Year events.
o Dance ticket cost is $10. Please use this online link to purchase your students’
ticket using a cc. Link to buy tickets online here: MemberHub There will be
volunteers selling the tickets at school (during lunch on Monday 5/23 and Thursday
5/26) *Only cash or check (made out to ODS PTA) will be taken during lunch sales.
June 14 Picnic in the Park
o On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, there will be an 8th grade picnic at Bayville Farms Park
from approximately 9:30 AM to 3 PM.
o There will be lunch** provided, games and socialization time for the students.
o Bus transportation will be provided from school.
o Parents are more than welcome to be at the picnic and help with games and
o We are hoping for a day of sunshine, downtime, and gametime. More volunteers are
needed to provide this event!
**Please email Mrs. Wade ( if your students have any allergies
or dietary needs we should be aware of for both events. That way we can purchase
items to accommodate**

Donations and Sponsorships Needed!!!

This event is solely funded by the PTA and parents. Monetary and other donations are
crucial to fund these events.
Additional funds collected through sponsorship will be used for additional expenses
related to food, entertainment and décor. Sponsors will receive the following:
● Business name and link included on the ODS PTA Website
● Business name and link listed on the ODS PTA Facebook page
● Business printed materials (provided by sponsor) displayed on a “sponsor table”
during the event
● A receipt on ODS PTA letterhead

***If interested in being a sponsor or making a donation, please email as soon as possible. Use the link below or checks
can be made out to ODS PTA and sent into the school (ATTN: ODS PTA),
please put “8th grade events” on the memo line.

Volunteers Needed
Simply put, these events can not be successful without Volunteers-
We have about 265 students plus staff and chaperones ... so we need
your help!
Thank you 8th grade parents and supporters!

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