Speak Your Mine 2

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Daegu Catholic University Syllabus / 강의 계획서

Course: 실용영어 회화 중급 (2024-1)

Instructor: Jon Sumner (조나단)
Office: Room 205,
International Hall / 국제관 (B4-104)
Office Hours: Monday 13:00-15:00
Email: jon2018@cu.ac.kr
Core Course Textbook / 교재 :
ISBN: 978-138-003-118-1
(UNITS 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11)
Goals of this course:
-Students should improve their English conversation skills, in particular natural expressions,
pronunciation, intonation, speed and confidence.
-Students will gain experience of preparing and giving English presentations.

Evaluation and grading / 성적평가 방법

● 10% Attendance / 출석
● 10% Participation / 수업 참여
● 20% Midterm (Student - Student Interview) / 중간고사 (인터뷰)
● 15% Individual Presentation / 개인 발표
● 20% Group Presentation / 조별 발표
● 5% Quiz / 퀴즈
● 20% Final Test / 기말 고사

Grading Policy / 성적평가 기준:

A+ / A Maximum / 최대 50%
A+ / A / B+ / B Maximum / 최대 100%

Grading Scale / 점수 등급:

90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
≤59 and below = F

➔ 지각 = 3회 = 결석 1회
➔ 결석 = 5회 = 낙제

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