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SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, Step by Step By Edoardo Aromataris, PhD, and

Dagmara Riitano, BHSC, BA

Constructing a Search Strategy and

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Searching for Evidence

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A guide to the literature search for a systematic review.

This article is the third in a new series on the systematic review from the Joanna Briggs Institute, an interna-
tional collaborative supporting evidence-based practice in nursing, medicine, and allied health fields. The
purpose of the series is to show nurses how to conduct a systematic review—one step at a time. This article
details the major considerations surrounding search strategies and presents an example of a search using
the PubMed platform (

he systematic literature review, widely regarded The time required to conduct a search for a sys-
as the gold standard for determining evidence- tematic review will also vary. It’s dependent on the
based practice, is increasingly used to guide review question, the breadth of the evidence base,
policy decisions and the direction of future research. and the scope of the proposed search as stated in the
The findings of systematic reviews have greater va- review protocol. Narrow searches will often be ade-
lidity than those of other types of reviews because quate when investigating a topic requiring a few spe-
the systematic methods used seek to minimize bias cific keywords, such as when you’re searching only
and increase rigor in identifying and synthesizing the for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted
best available evidence on a particular question. It’s in a single population with a rare disorder. A narrow
therefore important that when you search for evi- search will be less resource intensive than a search
dence, you attempt to find all eligible studies and conducted when the review question is broader or
consider them for inclusion in your review.1 the search relies on general keywords (such as edu-
One rule of thumb we use when beginning a cation, prevention, or experience). And while it may
search for evidence to support a systematic review: seem important conceptually to use a general key-
if you don’t find the evidence, it can’t be reviewed! word (such as safety in a search for articles on medi-
Unfortunately, there is no prescriptive approach to cal errors, for example), in practice it will add few
conducting a comprehensive search. But searching relevant studies beyond those identified using more
is an art that can be cultivated and practiced. It in- specific terms (such as error or harm).
volves several standard processes, such as develop- When beginning the search for evidence, you
ing search strings, searching across bibliographic should conduct a few small searches as a test of vari-
citation databases that index health care research, ous search terms and combinations of terms. An ideal
looking for “gray,” or unpublished, literature, and search strategy is both sensitive and specific: a sensi-
hand searching. tive search will recall relevant studies, while a specific
search will exclude irrelevant studies. A search that is
GETTING STARTED overly sensitive may capture all the necessary studies
Developing a search strategy is an iterative process— but may require a labor-intensive vetting of unneces-
that is, it involves continual assessment and refine- sary studies at the stage of study selection. A search
ment. As keywords or key terms are used in a search, that is overly specific will yield fewer results but is al-
their usefulness will be determined by the search re- ways subject to the risk that important studies may
sults. Consequently, searching for evidence is some- have been omitted.
times considered more of an art than a science. It’s Finding help. Given the complexity of the many
therefore unlikely that two people, whether they are indexing languages and rules governing the various
clinicians or librarians, will develop an identical search databases, we recommend that early in the process
strategy or yield identical results from a search on the you make use of an experienced research librarian
same review question. who can examine your search strategy and help you AJN ▼ May 2014 ▼ Vol. 114, No. 5 49


choose citation databases relevant to your review to as keywords or free-text words—within the litera-
question. If you can’t easily access the services of a re- ture itself. Perhaps you’ll start with a simple search us-
search librarian, there are many online tutorials that ing the terms dementia and animal-assisted therapy or
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can help. A Google search—for example, “How do I music therapy and aggressive behavior. By looking at
search using PubMed?”—will reveal sites containing the titles and abstracts of the retrieved articles, you
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helpful hints and training developed by the U.S. Na- can find key terms used in the literature, as well as
tional Library of Medicine (NLM) and librarians key concepts that are important to your question. For
from across the globe. instance, is the term animal-assisted therapy used syn-
onymously with the term pet therapy? Furthermore,
DEVELOPING THE SEARCH STRATEGY retrieving and reading a few relevant studies of any
A review protocol with a clearly defined review ques- design—such as an experimental study or a tradi-
tion and inclusion criteria will provide the founda- tional literature review on the topic—will further aid
tion for your search strategy. Before embarking on in identifying any commonly used terms.
the search, you will need to understand the review When developing your search strategy, note that
question and what information you’ll need to ad- most search platforms (such as Ovid or EBSCOhost)
dress it. For example, it’s important to consider the used to access databases (such as MEDLINE) search
type of data being sought (quantitative, qualitative, for the exact terms entered in the database, includ-
economic), the types of studies that report the data ing any misspellings. This means that to conduct a
(RCTs, cohort studies, ethnographic studies), and the comprehensive search, you should enter as many rel-
limits or restrictions you’ll apply (publication date or evant key terms as possible. Important articles may
language). This will shorten the time required to be overlooked if all relevant synonyms for a concept
search and help to ensure that the information re- aren’t included, as some authors may refer to the
trieved is both relevant and valid. same concept using a different term (such as heart
Once you’ve determined the review question, attack instead of myocardial infarction). Such differ-
you’ll need to identify the key terms articulated in ences notwithstanding, you may find that including
the question and the protocol and create a logic a relevant but broad term may retrieve many irrele-
grid or concept map. In a logic grid for a review on vant studies.
the effectiveness of an intervention, for example, Expanding on the logic grid shown in Table 1,
each column represents a discrete concept that is Table 2 now contains the keywords chosen from
generally aligned with each element of the PICO scanning the titles and abstracts of retrieved articles
mnemonic—Population, Intervention, Comparison in your initial search. Column one contains terms
intervention, and Outcome measures. relating to dementia, the defining feature of the pop-

A review protocol with a clearly defined review question

and inclusion criteria will provide the foundation for
your search strategy.

Consider an example using the following review ulation of interest; columns two and three contain
question: “Is animal-assisted therapy more effective terms relating to animal-assisted therapy and music
than music therapy in managing aggressive behavior therapy, the intervention and comparator of inter-
in elderly people with dementia?” Within this ques- est; and column four contains terms relating to ag-
tion are the four PICO concepts: elderly patients gressive behavior, the outcome of interest. Placing
with dementia (population), animal-assisted therapy the terms into a logic grid illustrates how the related
(intervention), music therapy (comparison interven- concepts or synonyms will combine to construct the
tion), and aggressive behavior (outcome measures) final search string.
(see Table 1 for an example of a logic grid). Index terms or subject headings. Comprehensive
Keywords or free-text words. The first formal step search strategies should consist of both keywords or
in all searches is to determine any alternative terms or free-text words and index terms, which are used by
synonyms for the identified concepts in the logic grid. some major bibliographic databases to describe the
Normally, you’ll identify these terms—often referred content of each published article using a “controlled

50 AJN ▼ May 2014 ▼ Vol. 114, No. 5

Table 1. Initial Logic Grid Aligned with the PICO Elements of the Review Question

Population Intervention Comparison intervention Outcome measures

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Dementia Animal-assisted therapy Music therapy Aggressive behavior

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Table 2. Logic Grid with Identified Keywords Added

Population Intervention Comparison intervention Outcome measures

Dementia Animal-assisted therapy Music therapy Aggression

Alzheimer Animal-assisted activities Music Neuropsychiatric
Huntington Animal-assisted Singing Apathy inventory
Kluver ­interventions Sing Cornell scale
Lewy Animal therapy Auditory stimulation Cohen Mansfield
Pet therapy BEHAVE-AD
Dog therapy CERAD-BRSD
Dog-assisted therapy Behavior
Canine-assisted therapy Behaviour
Pet-facilitated therapy

vocabulary”—that is, a list of standard terms that cat- used to describe the article’s content. Repeat this pro-
egorize articles based on their content (such terms cess with a number of different articles to determine
will vary from database to database). For example, whether similar indexing terms have been used.
PubMed uses medical subject heading (MeSH) terms, The terms in the logic grid can now be updated
the controlled vocabulary of MEDLINE.2 MeSH with the MeSH terms you have chosen from those
terms are categorized within 16 main “trees” (such listed with each retrieved article (see Table 3). The
as anatomy, organisms, diseases, drugs, and chemi- [mh] that appears next to these terms in the grid is the
cals), each of which branches from the broadest to search-field descriptor that stands for “MeSH head-
the most specific terms. ings.” It’s worth noting that “Entry Terms” under
To determine whether index terms exist for the each search term’s MeSH listing (if one is available)
concepts you’ve identified in your review question, can also be examined for suggestions of alternative
you can search for each term in the MeSH database terms that can be searched in titles and abstracts.
(selected from the drop-down list on the PubMed Because new articles in PubMed are not indexed
home page). For example, by entering dementia, immediately, and because indexing is a manual, sub-
PubMed will identify relevant MeSH terms that in- jective process susceptible to human variation, it’s im-
clude Dementia and Alzheimer Disease. By selecting portant to also search for the key terms in the titles
Dementia, you’ll see the term’s tree, including the sub- and abstracts of articles—in other words, for free-text
categories listed below it, such as Lewy Body Dis- or keywords—to capture any articles that could be
ease. missed by using index terms (such as MeSH headings)
As was the case when identifying key terms to use alone. For example, if we did not search for free-text
in the search strategy, it is also recommended that an words and did not include the index term Bonding,
initial, simple search using a few key concepts (demen- Human Pet (a MeSH term), we might miss an impor-
tia AND animal-assisted therapy or dementia AND tant article that wasn’t indexed under the MeSH term
music therapy AND aggressive behavior) be per- Animal-Assisted Therapy.
formed in PubMed to identify index terms. The aim By adding the search-field descriptor [tiab] (mean-
is to retrieve a few relevant articles to see how they ing “title/abstract”) to a search term, you can direct
were indexed using the controlled vocabulary. Once PubMed to search the title and abstract field code
the results are displayed, you can scroll through the for these terms. A number of other search-field
citations and click on the title of any eligible article ­descriptors can be used as well, such as [au] for
to view its details. From here, follow the link to the “author” and [pt] for “publication type.”2 Using a
article’s MeSH terms and examine which ones were search-field descriptor such as [tw] (“text word”) is AJN ▼ May 2014 ▼ Vol. 114, No. 5 51


often preferred over [tiab] for systematic reviews be- Dementia [tw] OR Alzheimer [tw] OR Hun-
cause the former searches in the title and abstract of tington* [tw] OR Kluver [tw] OR Lewy [tw]
articles as well as across a greater number of fields OR Dementia [mh] OR Alzheimer disease
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and will return a greater number of results for the [mh]

same search query. Shortcuts or “wildcard” charac-
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ters can also be used to account for different termi- This search could yield more than 100,000 citations.
nology or spelling. For example, PubMed allows Following this, clear the search box and repeat the
truncation searching, in which an asterisk can sub- process with search terms from the second column
stitute for any word’s beginning or ending (for in- in Table 4. It is easier to search each column of the
stance, a search for therap* will retrieve articles with logic grid individually—particularly if each column
the words therapy and therapeutic). Search-field de- contains an extensive list of search terms—rather
scriptors and wildcard characters should be applied than combining all the search sets in one go. Further-
to any newly identified keywords and index terms in more, by running each search successively you can
the logic grid (see Table 4). determine if a component of the search string is pro-
Once all search terms, including both free-text ducing many irrelevant results and easily adjust the
words and indexing terms, have been collected and search strategy. In our example, if you add the term
­finalized, a second search can then be undertaken aggress* [tw] to capture aggressive and aggression in
across all selected citation databases. Initially, the key the title or abstract, you will get an overwhelming
terms and synonyms within each column in the logic number of irrelevant results because these terms are
grid are combined using “OR.” (Most databases use also used to describe the spread of certain cancers.
some form of Boolean logic—search terms connected Once you complete the searches aligned to each
by the Boolean operators “OR” and “AND,” among concept, click on the “Advanced” option again. This
others.) This will direct the database to find articles allows for display of the “search history” and for a
containing any of the search terms within the indi- ready combination of the individual searches using
cated fields. To do this in PubMed, select the “Ad- the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR.” Using this
vanced” search box and clear the search history. Copy method, parentheses are automatically placed around
and paste the first set of terms into PubMed and run each set of terms to maintain the logical structure of the
the search. search. For example, the search for articles on animal-
For example, an initial search for articles related assisted therapy versus music therapy to treat aggres-
to different types of dementia might look like this: sion in patients with dementia might look like this:

Table 3. Logic Grid with Keywords and Index Terms or Subject Headings

Population Intervention Comparison intervention Outcome measures

Dementia Animal-assisted therapy Music therapy Aggression

Alzheimer Animal-assisted activities Music Neuropsychiatric
Huntington Animal-assisted Singing Apathy inventory
Kluver interventions Sing Cornell scale
Lewy Animal therapy Auditory stimulation Cohen Mansfield
Dementia [mh] Pet therapy Music [mh] BEHAVE-AD
Alzheimer disease Dog therapy Music Therapy [mh] CERAD-BRSD
[mh] Dog-assisted therapy Acoustic Stimulation [mh] Behavior
Canine assisted therapy Singing [mh] Behaviour
Aquarium Aggression [mh]
Animal-Assisted Therapy Personality inventory
[mh] [mh]
Pets [mh] Psychomotor
Dogs [mh] agitation [mh]
Cats [mh]
Birds [mh]
Bonding, Human-Pet [mh]
Animals, Domestic [mh]

52 AJN ▼ May 2014 ▼ Vol. 114, No. 5

Table 4. Logic Grid with Keywords and Index Terms Qualified with Field Codes and Wildcard Characters

Population Intervention Comparison intervention Outcome measures

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Dementia [tw] Animal-assisted therapy Music therapy [tw] Aggression [tw]

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Alzheimer [tw] [tw] Music* [tw] Neuropsychiatric

Huntington* [tw] Animal-assisted activit* Singing [tw] [tiab]
Kluver [tw] [tiab] Sing [tw] Apathy inventory
Lewy [tw] Animal-assisted interven- Auditory stimulat* [tw] [tiab]
Dementia [mh] tion* [tiab] Music [mh] Cornell scale [tiab]
Alzheimer disease Animal therapy [tw] Music Therapy [mh] Cohen Mansfield
[mh] Pet therapy [tw] Acoustic Stimulation [mh] [tiab]
Dog therapy [tw] Singing [mh] BEHAVE-AD [tiab]
Dog-assisted therapy [tw] CERAD-BRSD [tiab]
Canine-assisted therapy Behavior* [tiab]
[tw] Behaviour* [tiab]
Aquarium [tiab] Aggression [mh]
Animal Assisted Therapy Personality inventory
[mh] [mh]
Pets [mh] Psychomotor agita-
Dogs [mh] tion [mh]
Cats [mh]
Birds [mh]
Bonding, Human-Pet [mh]
Animals, Domestic [mh]

(Dementia [tw] OR Alzheimer [tw] OR Hun- groups, language, or any other limits appropriate to
tington* [tw] OR Kluver [tw] OR Lewy [tw] the review topic by selecting the relevant filter (left-
OR Dementia [mh] OR Alzheimer disease hand side of the screen in PubMed) from the range
[mh]) AND (Animal assisted therapy [tw] available. PubMed also provides predefined search fil-
OR Animal assisted activit* [tiab] OR Ani- ters that restrict search results to specific clinical study
mal assisted intervention* [tiab] OR Animal categories or subject matters (such as clinical queries).
therapy [tw] OR Pet therapy [tw] OR Dog You will have determined the date range for the search
therapy [tw] OR Dog assisted therapy [tw] at the protocol development stage. Given that your
OR Canine assisted therapy [tw] OR Aquar- aim is to summarize the evidence surrounding a par-
ium [tiab] OR Animal Assisted Therapy [mh] ticular question, you should justify any limits to the
OR Pets [mh] OR Dogs [mh] OR Cats [mh] publication date of included studies in the back-
OR Birds [mh] OR Bonding, Human-Pet [mh] ground section of the protocol. The chosen time
OR Animals, Domestic [mh]) OR (Music* frame will vary depending on the review question.
[tw] OR Music therapy [tw] OR Singing [tw] For example, reviewers may impose a start date for
OR Sing [tw] OR Auditory stimulat* [tw] a search that coincides with the introduction of a new
OR Music [mh] OR Music Therapy [mh] OR intervention and the advent of the preceding clinical
Acoustic Stimulation [mh] OR Singing [mh]) research on it.
AND (Aggression [tw] OR Neuropsychiatric The structure of the search strategy will remain
[tiab] OR Apathy inventory [tiab] OR Cornell the same regardless of the search platform used to
scale [tiab] OR Cohen Mansfield [tiab] OR search a database. But since most major databases
BEHAVE-AD [tiab] OR CERAD-BRSD [tiab] use a unique controlled vocabulary to index their
OR Behavior* [tiab] OR Behaviour* [tiab] articles, the indexing terms will need to be adapted
OR Aggression [mh] OR Personality inven- to each database; in most cases the key terms re-
tory [mh] OR Psychomotor agitation [mh]) main the same across different databases. These dif-
ferences in indexing terms are the main reason it is
Once the final search has been conducted, you can not recommended to search bibliographic citation
further refine search results by publication date, study databases for a systematic review using a federated AJN ▼ May 2014 ▼ Vol. 114, No. 5 53


search engine or platform—that is, one that searches Generally, a systematic review to inform health care
multiple databases and sources at once. practice and policy should search the major medical
You should also be aware that the platforms used databases including MEDLINE from the NLM in
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to search citation databases often use different wild- North America and searchable through PubMed, and
card characters or commands. For this reason, begin- Embase, a product of Elsevier that indexes many Eu-
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ning searchers should use the online tutorials and help ropean biomedical journals; the controlled vocabulary
pages of the various platforms and databases. For ex- for Embase is searchable through Emtree, which also
ample, while Ovid’s search platform can also be used contains all MeSH terms (
to search the MEDLINE database, the terms used for tools/embase/emtree). Nurses undertaking systematic
truncation searching are quite different: an asterisk reviews will find that much literature relevant to nurs-
(*) is used for unlimited truncation within PubMed ing practice is also available in the Cumulative Index
and a dollar symbol ($) in Ovid. Moreover, in Ovid to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
the question mark (?) wildcard can be used within or database by EBSCO. Beyond these, there are many
at the end of a word to substitute for one character or others: Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, JSTOR,
no characters (behavio?r will retrieve articles with the Academic Search Premier, Academic Onefile, the Co-
words behaviour and behavior); the number sign (#) chrane Nursing Care Field trials register, and the list
wildcard can substitute for a single character (wom#n goes on.
will retrieve articles with both woman and women). You should establish which databases index arti-
The use of wildcards for substitution of characters is cles relevant to the topic at hand. Some databases
not supported in PubMed. have a specific topic focus, such as PsycINFO, which

It is important to look at the results of the search continually

as you develop the search strategy to determine
whether the results are relevant.

Because searching is an iterative process, you won’t should be searched for a question related to mental
want to predetermine when it will end. Consequently, health. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and
it is important to look at the results of the search con- Implementation Reports is, as the name suggests, a re-
tinually as you develop the search strategy to deter- pository for systematic reviews and would be unnec-
mine whether the results are relevant. One way to do essary for most review searches (systematic reviews
this is to check if already identified relevant articles rarely include other systematic reviews among their
are being captured by the search. If not, the search inclusion criteria). Similarly, a quick Google search
strategy will need to be modified accordingly. (“What information is in . . . ?”) to establish the con-
Once the search is complete, the results can be ex- tent and coverage of other databases is worthwhile
ported to bibliographic management software such and will help in identifying unnecessary overlap in
as EndNote or Reference Manager. These tools are the search strategy.
useful for organizing the search results, removing du- Hand searching. You may also wish to consider
plicate citations, and selecting studies (the next step more traditional means of locating evidence. Screen-
of the systematic review process, to be discussed in ing the reference lists of studies already selected for
the next article in this series). inclusion in the review is often a valuable means of
identifying other pertinent studies. Similarly, hand
WHERE TO SEARCH? searching specific journals is often used by system-
Developing the search strategy and search filters for atic review authors to locate studies. Journals se-
use within each database is an important and time- lected for hand searching should be identified as
consuming part of the search process, often more so relevant from database or preliminary searching; the
than the search itself! Another important consider- likelihood is that these journals may contain relevant
ation is where to search. A search for a systematic studies. Because hand searching can be an onerous
­review should be comprehensive and attempt to iden- task, it’s recommended that no more than two or
tify all of the available evidence. This can be an enor- three relevant journals should be hand searched for
mous undertaking. a review.

54 AJN ▼ May 2014 ▼ Vol. 114, No. 5

Finding experts is another method of locating evi- will yield a large number of results. To make results
dence. While contacting authors to clarify details of more manageable, you can try limiting the search to
studies and to request data are relatively common terms that appear on the title page of an article only6
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pursuits for the systematic reviewer during the ap- or by using keywords that limit the results to specific
praisal and extraction processes, doing so to identify documents (such as guidelines). Searches can also be
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relevant studies can also be useful. Such experts can limited by language or sources (for example, adding
often provide papers that even a comprehensive site:gov to a Google search will limit results to govern-
search may have failed to identify. ment Web sites). An example of a tool that can also
help is the federated search engine MedNar (http://
SHADES OF GRAY that searches across a range of
Systematic reviews that purport to have conducted government and organizational sites, as well as com-
a comprehensive search should have made some mercial databases.
­attempt to search for gray literature. The Interna- Other sources of gray literature can be found in
tional Conference on Grey Literature in Luxem- numerous guides developed to assist researchers.
bourg defined it in 1997 (and expanded on it in For example, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and
2004) as literature “produced at all levels of govern- Technologies in Health’s Grey Matters provides an
ment, academic, business and industry in electronic extensive list of gray literature sources that can be
and print formats not controlled by commercial searched.7 Developed with the systematic reviewer
publishing.”3 However, this definition is often broad- in mind, the tool kit provides a checklist that aids
ened to include any study or paper that has not been users in documenting the search process and in en-
formally published or peer reviewed. Gray litera- suring it has been conducted in a standardized way.
ture often appears in the form of government or in-
stitution reports and newsletters and even in blogs, REPORTING THE SEARCH STRATEGY
­conference proceedings, census reports, or noninde- The final consideration is reporting the details of the
pendent research papers. As a result, these reports search strategy, including the filters (such as language,
or manuscripts are often not as widely available and date limits) and databases and other sources used. A
are generally more difficult to locate. hallmark of a systematic review is its reproducibility;
Nonetheless, the inclusion of gray literature in another researcher should be able to review the same
systematic reviews has emerged as an important ad- question and arrive at similar conclusions. Without a
junct to commercially published research, as it often transparent reporting of the search strategy—one that
reflects a source of timely or alternative information allows readers to assess the quality of the search and
that can help to minimize publication bias and pro- its sources, and in turn, make a judgment on the likely
vide a more accurate and thorough account of the credibility of the review8, 9—this would not be possi-
evidence.4, 5 ble.
There are three common ways to search for gray Most journals that publish systematic reviews now
literature. The first involves searching or browsing the espouse the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting
Web sites of organizations relevant to the review ques- Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; on-
tion (such as the World Health Organization or the line at, which dictate
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). that the full search strategy for at least one major da-
The second involves searching databases that collate tabase should be reported in an appendix and pub-
and index gray literature. Although gray literature is lished along with the review.10 Online repositories of
rarely indexed, two commonly used sources are Open- systematic reviews, such as the JBI Database of Sys-
Grey (, an open access database to tematic Reviews and Implementation Reports and
gray literature from Europe, and the Grey Literature the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, allow
Report (, a bimonthly report from for publication of all the search filters and strategies
the New York Academy of Medicine. Reviewers will across the databases and sites used. A systematic re-
find that such databases do not have an extensive or viewer will appreciate that reporting only the search
advanced search capability, and therefore searching filters used is inadequate. The methods section of a
them is often limited to the use of a few critical key- review should list all of the bibliographic citation da-
words. Furthermore, they lack indexing or subject tabases searched, ideally with the platform used to
headings; without this feature a search can be quite search them, as well as the dates they were searched
time consuming. The third approach is to use online and any limits used. The results of the search should
search engines. Search engines such as Google do not be adequately reported, as well; this is often quite
use a controlled vocabulary and so performing a sim- simple to convey in a flow diagram, which is also de-
ple search of a few select keywords is best. Such sites tailed in the PRISMA guidelines.10 AJN ▼ May 2014 ▼ Vol. 114, No. 5 55


Once the search is complete and the results from 2. National Center for Biotechnology Information, National
Library of Medicine. PubMed help [Internet]. Bethesda,
each source have been exported, the next step, study MD: National Library of Medicine; 2005 (updated 2013).
selection, can begin. This is where titles, abstracts, and
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sometimes the full text of studies found are screened 3. Tillet S, Newbold E. Grey literature at the British Library:
against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This step revealing a hidden resource. Interlending and Document
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Supply: the Journal of the British Library Lending Division

of the process will be the focus of the next article in 2006;34(2):70-3.
this series. ▼ 4. Hopewell S, et al. Grey literature in meta-analyses of ran-
domized trials of health care interventions. Cochrane Data-
Keywords: evidence, gray literature, literature base Syst Rev 2007(2):MR000010.
search, review question, systematic review 5. McAuley L, et al. Does the inclusion of grey literature influ-
ence estimates of intervention effectiveness reported in meta-
analyses? Lancet 2000;356(9237):1228-31.
Edoardo Aromataris is the director of synthesis science at the
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based medicine. n.d.
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