Natasha Innogen L. Gorme P.E. Activity 3.1.

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Indoor and Outdoor

By: Natasha Innogen L. Gorme

Indoor Activities
A List and Description of Activities
Squash, sometimes called squash rackets, is a
racket-and-ball sport played by two or four players in
a four-walled court with a small, hollow, rubber ball.
The players alternate in striking the ball with their
rackets onto the playable surfaces of the four walls
of the court. The objective of the game is to hit the
ball in such a way that the opponent is not able to
play a valid return. Playing squash is important as it
helps people have an active lifestyle which helps
them boost their heart health, develop muscle
strength , decrease overall body fat, increase
stamina and oxygen to the brain and body, increase
focus and hand and eye coordination, develop
manual dexterity and improve immune function and
mental health as it decreases cortisol levels and
increases serotonin.
Mahjong or mah-jongg (English pronunciation: /mɑːˈdʒɒŋ/ mah-JONG) is a tile-based
game that was developed in the 19th century in China and has spread throughout
the world since the early 20th century. It is played by four players (with some
three-player variations found in parts of China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and
Southeast Asia). The game and its regional variants are widely played throughout
East and Southeast Asia and have also become popular in Western countries.The
game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols,
although many regional variations may omit some tiles or add unique ones. In
most variations, each player begins by receiving 13 tiles. In turn, players draw and
discard tiles until they complete a legal hand using the 14th drawn tile to form
four melds (or sets) and a pair (eye). A player can also win with a small class of
special hands. While many variations of mahjong exist, most variations have
some basic rules in common including how a piece is drawn and discarded, the
use of suits (numbered tiles) and honors (winds and dragons), the basic kinds of
melds allowed, how to deal the tiles and the order of play. Beyond these basic
common rules, numerous regional variations exist which may have notably
different criteria for legal melds and winning hands, radically different scoring
systems and even elaborate extra rules. A group of players may introduce their
own house rules which can notably change the feel of play. Playing Mahjong is
important because it helps people develop their observation skills, tactical
skills,memory and adaptive strategies and is also important as it is a social game
and helps people with their social development by playing with one another, but
despite this it also comes with its own side effects as people use it for gambling
and can foister a series of mental illnesses related to gambling addiction.
Jenga is a game of physical skill created by British
board game designer and author Leslie Scott and marketed by
Hasbro. Players take turns removing one block at a time from a
tower constructed of 54 blocks. Each block removed is then
placed on top of the tower, creating a progressively more
unstable structure.Jenga is important as it is not only an
ordinary game of blocks but it is also a thing that a family or a
group of friends can bond over while playing a game. Jenga is
also important for the individual as it promotes manual
dexterity, hand and eye coordination,precision skills and
Gaming is the action of playing online or video games using a
gaming console, mobile phone laptop or personal computer.
Gaming is important to people as it improves some of the the
brain’s specific functions such as manual dexterity and hand and
eye coordination, and provides entertainment , relaxes the mind
from all the daily stresses of the outside world and also helps
others socialize with other people which improves a person’s
mental health and well-being and aids in their social
development, but despite the benefits and the fun gaming brings
it has also been proven to be deleterious to human beings as it is
the breeding ground of developing physical health issues such as,
severe weight gain, headaches, body aches, and bad posture and
also harms your mental and psychological health and social
development as it separates people from family members and
loved ones and isolates people from the rest of society. Not only
that but it also increases the likelihood of having insomnia , as it
causes your brain to be overstimulated preventing it from resting
properly, causing a sharp decline in mental alertness and mood
stability leading to depression, rage, the inability to focus on
certain tasks and poor academic performance.
Sleep is a state of reduced mental and physical activity in which
consciousness is altered and certain sensory activity is inhibited.
During sleep, there is a marked decrease in muscle activity and
interactions with the surrounding environment. While sleep differs
from wakefulness in terms of the ability to react to stimuli, it still
involves active brain patterns, making it more reactive than a coma
or disorders of consciousness. Sleep is important as it allows the
body and the mind to renew itself, rest and recharge for the day and
activities ahead, Sleep is also important as it improves a person’s
mental health as it relaxes the mind and relieves stress which helps
improve a person’s mood, it also improves a person’s physical health
as it generates new antibodies, improving the immune system and
also improves mental alertness helping them overcome challenges,
have an improved athletic performance, and help them perform tasks
and duties efficiently , but despite the good effects of sleep
oversleeping can also pose a threat to your physical and mental
health by worsening body inflammations, decreasing immune
function, increase incidents of developing type 2 diabetes, heart
disease, depression, and head aches.

Outdoor Activities
A List and Description of Activities
Gardening is the act of tending and cultivating a garden.It is
the process of growing plants for their vegetables, fruits,
flowers, herbs, and appearances within a designated
space.Gardens fulfill a wide assortment of purposes
including but not limited to production of aesthetically
pleasing areas, medicines, cosmetics, dyes, foods, wildlife
habitats, and saleable goods(see market gardening). In
addition, gardening may be practiced for its therapeutic,
health, educational, cultural, philosophical, environmental,
and religious benefits.. Outdoor gardening has many health
benefits such as increasing you Vitamin D intake with
strengthens your bones, lowers the risk of getting diseases
such as cancer,multiple sclerosis, non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma,psoriasis flares, metabolic syndrome, type 2
diabetes and dementia., not only that but it is also a
physical activity that helps increase muscle mass, prevent
weight gain , increase stamina and relieve stress by
reducing cortisol while reducing the need to buy new
vegetables and fruits helping you save money.
Rock Climbing
Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up,
across, or down natural rock formations or indoor climbing
walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the
endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Rock
climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one
that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and
balance along with mental control. Knowledge of proper
climbing techniques and the use of specialized climbing
equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes. Rock
climbing is important as it helps people exercise their
muscles in the legs, arms, and core while helping them
develop grip strength and agility and because of this it
increases immune functions, body endurance, stamina, and
mental alertness which helps you focus better.
Swimming is the self-propulsion of a person through water, or other
liquid, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion
is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs and the
body to achieve hydrodynamic thrust that results in directional
motion. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake
rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as a
survival response.

Swimming is a popular recreational activity and competitive sport

that involves moving through water using various techniques. It
offers numerous health benefits and is suitable for people of all ages
and fitness levels.

Swimming is important as it helps people exercise their

muscles in the legs, arms, and body and also expands the
lungs helping it take in and distribute oxygen into the body
increasing heart rate , immune functions, and decreases
cortisol and increases serotonin.
Cycling,also known as bicycling or biking, is the activity of
riding a bicycle or other type of cycle. It encompasses the
use of human-powered vehicles such as balance bikes,
unicycles, tricycles, and quadricycles. Cycling is practised
around the world for purposes including transport,
recreation, exercise, and competitive sport.Cycling is
important as it helps people go from place to place at a
much faster pace, while minimizing pollution due to the
absence of greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxide and it is also
important as it helps improve weight management,
stamina strengthens the legs and core expands your lungs,
increase immune function and oxygen in the brain and body
helping humans have mental alertness while driving on the
road or other pathways, also boosts your mental health by
decreasing cortisol and increasing serotonin.
Archery is the sport, practice, or skill of
using a bow to shoot arrows. The word
comes from the Latin arcus, meaning
bow.Historically, archery has been used for
hunting and combat. In modern times, it is
mainly a competitive sport and
recreational activity. The benefits of
archery include hand and eye coordination,
manual dexterity, arm and shoulder
strength , and increased focus and
concentration and better eye sight.

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Squash (sport) - Wikipedia
Cycling - Wikipedia
Swimming - Wikipedia
Gardening - Wikipedia
Mahjong - Wikipedia
10 Benefits of Gardening, Plus Helpful Tips & Recommendations (

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