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I. MATCHING TYPE: Identify which
I. MATCHING TYPE: Identify which among the choices is most related to the
among the choices is most related to the given words/phrases. Write the letter of
given words/phrases. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided before
your answer in the space provided before each number.
each number. A. Primary emotions
A. Primary emotions B. Secondary emotions
B. Secondary emotions
_________1. Distress
_________1. Distress _________2. Joy
_________2. Joy _________3. Disgust
_________3. Disgust _________4. Love
_________4. Love _________5. Embarrassment
_________5. Embarrassment
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write letter T if the
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write letter T if the statement is true, and letter F if the
statement is true, and letter F if the statement is not true.
statement is not true.
_________6. Commitment means choosing
_________6. Commitment means choosing to be with a loved one and remaining
to be with a loved one and remaining faithful to him/her.
faithful to him/her. _________7. The relationships of
_________7. The relationships of adolescents are influenced by the need to
adolescents are influenced by the need to be liked by others and the need to affiliate
be liked by others and the need to affiliate with a group, thus they are more likely to
with a group, thus they are more likely to be influenced by peers.
be influenced by peers. _________8. Healthy relationships are
_________8. Healthy relationships are characterized by control, hostility,
characterized by control, hostility, dishonesty and disrespect.
dishonesty and disrespect. _________9. Abusive relationships are
_________9. Abusive relationships are characterized by an imbalance of power
characterized by an imbalance of power and control.
and control. _________10. Unhealthy relationships are
_________10. Unhealthy relationships are characterized by mutual respect, trust,
characterized by mutual respect, trust, honesty and understanding.
honesty and understanding.
III. ESSAY: Explain your answer to the
III. ESSAY: Explain your answer to the given question below. (10 points)
given question below. (10 points)
What are the essential qualities of a
What are the essential qualities of a healthy relationship and who decides what
healthy relationship and who decides what is healthy or not?
is healthy or not?


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