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Time and Date Quarter FOURTH

A. CONTENT STANDARD Demonstrate understanding of conversion
of time, linear, mass, and capacity
measures and area of square and
B. PERFORMANCE Able to apply knowledge of conversion of
STANDARD time, linear, mass, and capacity measures
and area of rectangle and square in
mathematical problems and real life
C. LEARNING :Visualizes and represents, and converts
COMPETENCIES time measure from seconds to minutes,
minutes to hours, hours to day and vice
versa M3ME-Iva-8

(cognitive domain) : Able to convert and interpret one unit

from another

(Affective domain) :Realize the importance of time measure

in the real world

(Psychomotor domain) :Illustrate and represents time measure

from seconds to minutes, minutes to
hours, and hours to day
Subject matter Converting time measure using hours,
minutes, and seconds
VALUES INTEGRATION Accuracy, productivity, and cooperation
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p. 90 of 257
2. Learner’s Material Pages None
3. Textbook Pages Teaching Math in the Primary Grade p. 84-
4. Additional Materials from Learning None
Resources (LR) Portal
B.OTHER LEARNING RESOURCES Pentel pen, coupon, T. V, manila paper
and PowerPoint
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activity/
Daily Routine
Before we start our lesson everybody
stand and let us pray.

You may now take your seat.

Good morning children!
Good morning teacher
How are you today my dear children?
We’re fine. Thank you
That’s Good
Yes teacher
Let me check your attendance first.
Once I call your name you will say
present and raise your hand. Alright
Araojo, John Lawrence
Bodota, Jethro
Monilla, Christian
B. Review previous lesson
presenting the new
Now that I finish checking your Yes teacher
attendance let us have a short recall Our lesson last meeting is all about
about our lesson yesterday. Who can multiplication and division
remember our lesson last meeting. Who
wants to volunteer?

Very Good Jethro keep it up!

Alright let’s have an oral recitation in

multiplication. Raise your hand who
wants to answer

2×2= 4
5×5= 25
50×5= 250
Very Good children!

How about Division?

6÷2= 3
10÷2= 5
15÷3= 5
I love your energy children! Keep it up
because we are going to proceed to our
next lesson.
C. Establishing a purpose
of the lesson
Our lesson for today is time
measurement. Yes teacher
Who wants to read what is time?

In math, time can be defined as an

ongoing and continuous sequence of
events that occur in succession, from
past to the present, and to the future.

Time is used to quantify, measure, or

compare the duration of events or the
intervals between them and even
sequence of events

D. Presenting
In did you know children?, the words
seconds, minutes, hours and day are all
measures of time. Listen carefully
1 min (minute) = 60 s (seconds)

1 h (hour) = 60 min
1 day = 24 h (hour)

Based on the table 60 seconds is equal

to one minute, 60 minutes is equal to 1
hour and 24 hour is equal to 1 day and
vice versa.
Don’t forget children in converting one
unit from another, the rule is;

From bigger unit to smaller unit we –

From smaller unit to bigger unit we -

Example 1: how many seconds are in 3


Solution: since 1 min = 60 s, then

multiply 60 × 3 = 180, so 3 min is equal
to 180 s.

Example 2: how many minutes are in 2


Solution: since 1 h = 60 min, then

multiply 60 × 2 = 120, so 1 h is equal to
120 min. Yes teacher

Alright do you follow children?

E. Discussion of new
concepts and practicing
new skills #1
Now let’s have a group activity. I will
group you into four. I will give each team
with coupon and you will write your
answer on it. You will give the missing
numbers in seconds to minutes and vice
versa. The group who will have the most
correct answer is the winner.
For example I will write on the board 1
minute is equal to __ seconds : then
answer is 60 seconds  1 minute
1. 60 seconds = ____ minutes  120 seconds
2. 2 minutes = ____ seconds  3 minutes
3. 180 seconds = ____ minutes  240 seconds
4. 4 minutes = ____ seconds  180 minutes
5. 3 hours = ____ minutes  300 minutes
6. 5 hours = ____ minutes

Well done! children you truly understand

our lesson.

F. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
Now that you have learn to convert Give us examples teacher
seconds to minutes and vice versa. This
time I will teach you to convert days to
hour and vice versa. Alright I will give
you more examples.

Example 3: How many hours are there in

2 days?

Solution: since 24 h = 1 day, then

multiply 24 × 2 = 48, so 2 day is equal to
48 h

Example 4: How many days are there in

72 hours?

Solution: from smaller unit to bigger unit

we – divide, then 72 ÷ 24 = 3, so 72 h is
equal to 3 days

Alright do you understand children? Yes teacher

G. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
Direction: Complete the table. Who Yes teacher
to answer in front?
1. 5 min = 300 s
1. 5 min = ____ s
2. 48 h= 2 days
2. ____ h= 2 days
Very 3. 6 days = ____ h
3. 6 days = 144 h
4. ____ h = 300 min
5. 7 hour = ____Days 4. 5 h = 300 min
6.____h 5 days 5. 7 hour = 168 Days
Good! children 6 120 h = 5 days
H. Finding practical
application of concepts and
Times of the day Yes teacher
Now children time is very important for
us to learn because we are using almost
the whole day everyday to show
sequence of events and measure
seconds, minutes, hours and days

In the image above Hasan’s daily routine

have been put in a sequence according
to the time at which they are done.
 300 minutes
For example: How many minutes are
there in 5 hours if Hasan went to school
at 8:00 o’clock and ate lunch at 1: 00
 4 hours
How many hours are there in 240
minutes if Hasan went playing at 6:00
o’clock and went sleeping at 10:00
o’clock in the evening.

Very good my dear children!

I. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
So class, how do we convert the
following unit of time
1. From Seconds to minutes? 1. By dividing 60 seconds
2. From Minutes to seconds? 2. By multiplying 60 seconds
3. From Minutes to hours? 3. By dividing 60 minutes
4. From Hours to minute? 4. By multiplying 60 minutes
5. From Day to hours? 5. By dividing 24 hours
6. From Hours to day? 6. By multiplying 24 hours

 What is the important rule to  We multiply teacher

convert bigger unit from smaller
 What is the important rule to  We divide teacher
convert smaller unit to bigger

Very Good! Children

J. Evaluating learning
Direction: Convert the following unit and
write it on your paper.
1. How many minutes are 1.120 min
there in 2 hours? 2.240 s
2. How many seconds are 3. 72 hours
there in 4 minutes? 4. 300 minutes
3. How many hours are there 5. 1, 440 minutes
in 3 days?
4. How many minutes are
there in 5 hours?
5. How many minutes makes
1 day ?

K. Additional activities
Answer the following question by pair as
creatively as possible and discuss your Yes teacher
answer in the next meeting.
1.What if there is no concept of time?
2.What if time was not categorized into
hours and minutes and seconds

That’s it for today children, I hope you

learn something new today. Thank you teacher
Goodbye children! Goodbye teacher

A. No. of the learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
D. No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which any
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
used /discover which I wish
to share with other

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