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Chapter 2:
Motion in One Dimension

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 10e

Raymond A. Serway
John W. Jewett, Jr.
position x: location of
particle with respect to
chosen reference point
Alternative Representations
• Pictorial representation
• Tabular representation
• Graphical representation

Displacement Dx of particle:
change in position in a given
time interval

Dx º x f - xi
Distance and Displacement

Vector quantity requires specification of both direction and magnitude

Scalar quantity has numerical value and no direction
Position, Velocity, and Speed
of a Particle
Position, Velocity, and Speed
of a Particle

vx ,avg º
Average Velocity

52 m - 30 m
Example: = 2.2 m/s
10 s - 0
Average Speed
Average speed of particle (scalar quantity): total distance d
traveled divided by elapsed time Dt

vavg º

75 m
vavg = = +1.36 m/s
55.0 s

125 m
average speed = = 2.27 m/s
55.0 s
Quick Quiz 2.2
Under which of the following conditions is the magnitude
of the average velocity of a particle moving in one
dimension smaller than the average speed over the time
(a) A particle moves in the +x direction without
(b) A particle moves in the -x direction without
(c) A particle moves in the +x direction and then
reverses the direction of its motion.
(d) There are no conditions for which this is true.
Quick Quiz 2.2
Under which of the following conditions is the magnitude
of the average velocity of a particle moving in one
dimension smaller than the average speed over the time
(a) A particle moves in the +x direction without
(b) A particle moves in the -x direction without
(c) A particle moves in the +x direction and then
reverses the direction of its motion.
(d) There are no conditions for which this is true.
Example 2.1: Calculating the Average
Velocity and Speed

Find the displacement, average

velocity, and average speed of
the car in the figure between
positions A and F.

Dx = xF - xA
= -53 m - 30 m
= -83 m
Example 2.1: Calculating the Average
Velocity and Speed
Average velocity:

xF - xA
vx ,avg =
tF - tA
-53 m - 30 m
50 s - 0 s
-83 m
= = -1.7 m/s
50 s
Example 2.1: Calculating the Average
Velocity and Speed
Average speed:

127 m
vavg = = 2.54 m/s
50.0 s
Instantaneous Velocity and Speed

Dx dx
vx º lim =
Dt ® 0 Dt dt
Conceptual Example 2.2:
The Velocity of Different Objects
Consider the one-dimensional motion of a ball thrown
directly upward, which rises to a highest point and falls
back into the thrower’s hand. Are there any points in the
motion of this object at which the instantaneous velocity
has the same value as the average velocity over the
entire motion? If so, identify the point(s).

One point at top of motion

Conceptual Example 2.2:
The Velocity of Different Objects
Consider the one-dimensional motion of a spacecraft
that drifts through space at constant velocity. Are there
any points in the motion of this object at which the
instantaneous velocity has the same value as the average
velocity over the entire motion? If so, identify the

for ALL positions of the spacecraft

Example 2.3:
Average and Instantaneous Velocity
A particle moves along the x axis. Its position varies with
time according to the expression x = -4t + 2t2, where x is in
meters and t is in seconds. The position–time graph for this
motion is shown in the figure.
Because the position of the particle
is given by a mathematical
function, the motion of the particle
is known at all times. Notice that
the particle moves in the negative x
direction for the first second of
motion, is momentarily at rest at the
moment t = 1 s, and moves in the
positive x direction at times t > 1 s.
Example 2.3:
Average and Instantaneous Velocity
(A) Determine the displacement of the particle in the
time intervals t = 0 to t = 1 s and t = 1 s to t = 3 s.

DxA ® B = x f - xi = xB - xA
= -4 (1) + 2 (1) - -4 ( 0 ) + 2 ( 0 ) ù
é ù é
2 2
ë û ë û
= -2 m

DxB® D = x f - xi = xD - xB
= é -4 ( 3) + 2 ( 3) ù - é -4 (1) + 2 (1) ù
2 2
ë û ë û
= +8 m
Example 2.3:
Average and Instantaneous Velocity
(B) Calculate the average velocity during these two time
DxA ® B -2 m
vx ,avg ( A ® B) = = = -2 m/s
Dt 1s
DxB® D 8 m
vx ,avg ( B® D ) = = = +4 m/s
Dt 2s
Example 2.3:
Average and Instantaneous Velocity
(C) Find the instantaneous velocity of the particle at
t = 2.5 s.

10 m - ( -4 m )
vx = = +6 m/s
3.8 s - 1.5 s
Analysis Model: Particle Under
Constant Velocity
Analysis model: represents common situation when
solving physics problems
Analysis Model: Particle Under
Constant Velocity
Dx Dx
vx ,avg º ® vx =
Dt Dt
x f - xi
Dx = x f - xi ® vx =
x f = xi + vx Dt

x f = xi + vx t ( for constant vx )
Example 2.4:
Modeling a Runner as a Particle
A kinesiologist is studying the biomechanics of the
human body. (Kinesiology is the study of the movement
of the human body. Notice the connection to the word
kinematics.) She determines the velocity of an
experimental subject while he runs along a straight line
at a constant rate. The kinesiologist starts the stopwatch
at the moment the runner passes a given point and stops
it after the runner has passed another point 20 m away.
The time interval indicated on the stopwatch is 4.0 s.
Example 2.4:
Modeling a Runner as a Particle
(A) What is the runner’s velocity?

Dx x f - xi 20 m - 0
vx = = = = 5.0 m/s
Dt Dt 4.0 s
Example 2.4:
Modeling a Runner as a Particle
(B) If the runner continues his motion after the
stopwatch is stopped, what is his position after 10 s
have passed?

x f = xi + vx t = 0 = 0 + ( 5.0 m/s )(10 s ) = 50 m/s

Average Acceleration

Dvx vxf - vxi

ax ,avg º =
Dt t f - ti
Instantaneous Acceleration

Dvx dvx
ax º lim =
Dt ® 0 Dt dt
Force and Acceleration
The force on an object is proportional to the
acceleration of the object.

Fx µ ax

dvx d æ dx ö d 2 x
ax = = ç ÷= 2
dt dt è dt ø dt
Example 2.6:
Average and Instantaneous Acceleration
The velocity of a particle moving
along the x axis varies according
to the expression vx = 40 - 5t2,
where vx is in meters per second
and t is in seconds.
Example 2.6:
Average and Instantaneous Acceleration
(A) Find the average acceleration in
the time interval t = 0 to t = 2.0 s.

vxA = 40 - 5tA 2 = 40 - 5 ( 0 ) = +40 m/s


vxB = 40 - 5tB 2 = 40 - 5 ( 2.0 ) = +20 m/s


vxf - vxi vxB - vxA 20 m/s - 40 m/s

ax ,avg = = =
t f - ti tB - t A 2.0 s - 0 s
= -10 m/s 2
Example 2.6:
Average and Instantaneous Acceleration
(B) Determine the acceleration
at t = 2.0 s.

vxf = 40 - 5 ( t + Dt ) = 40 - 5t - 10t Dt - 5 ( Dt )
2 2 2

Dvx = vxf - vxi = -10t Dt - 5 ( Dt )


ax = lim = lim ( -10t - 5Dt ) = -10t
Dt ® 0 Dt Dt ® 0

ax = ( -10 )( 2.0 ) m/s 2 = -20 m/s 2

Analysis Model: Particle
Under Constant Acceleration
vxf - vxi
ax =
t -0

vxf = vxi + ax t ( for constant ax )

vxi + vxf
vx ,avg = ( for constant ax )
Analysis Model: Particle
Under Constant Acceleration
Dx vxi + vxf
vx ,avg = , vx ,avg =
Dt 2

Dx = x f - xi , Dt = t f - ti = t - 0 = t

x f - xi = vx , avg t = ( vxi + vxf ) t
x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) t ( for constant ax )
Analysis Model: Particle
Under Constant Acceleration
vxf = vxi + ax t substitute into x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) t
x f = xi + éëvxi + ( vxi + ax t ) ùû t

1 2
x f = xi + vxi t + ax t
( for constant ax )
Analysis Model: Particle
Under Constant Acceleration
vxf - vxi
vxf = vxi + ax t ® t =
substitute into x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) t

1 æ vxf - vxi ö vxf2 - vxi2

x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) ç ÷ = xi +
2 è ax ø 2ax

vxf2 = vxi2 +2ax ( x f - xi ) ( for constant ax )

Analysis Model: Particle
Under Constant Acceleration
1 2
vxf = vxi + ax t x f = xi + vx t + ax t
vxf = vxi = vx üï
ý when ax = 0
x f = xi + vx t ïþ
Kinematic Equations

vxf = vxi + ax t ( 2.13)

vxi + vxf
vx ,avg = ( 2.14 )
x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) t ( 2.16 )
1 2
x f = xi + vxi t + ax t ( 2.15)
vxf 2 = vxi 2 + 2ax ( x f - xi ) ( 2.17 )

Constant acceleration only!

Analysis Model:
Particle Under Constant Acceleration
vxf = vxi + ax t
vxi + vxf
vx ,avg =
x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) t
1 2
x f = xi + vxi t + ax t
vxf 2 = vxi 2 + 2ax ( x f - xi )
Example 2.7:
Carrier Landing
A jet lands on an aircraft carrier at a speed of 140 mi/h
( » 63 m/s).

(A) What is its acceleration (assumed constant) if it

stops in 2.0 s due to an arresting cable that snags the jet
and brings it to a stop?

vxf = vxi 0 - 63 m/s

ax = » = -32 m/s 2

t 2.0 s
Example 2.7:
Carrier Landing
(B) If the jet touches down at position xi = 0, what is
its final position?

x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) t
= 0 + ( 63 m/s + 0 )( 2.0 s ) = 63 m
Example 2.7:
Carrier Landing
Suppose the jet lands on the deck of the aircraft carrier
with a speed faster than 63 m/s but has the same
acceleration due to the cable as that calculated in part
(A). How will that change the answer to part (B)?

The position coordinate xf will be larger.

x f = xi + ( vxi + vxf ) t
Example 2.8:
Watch Out for the Speed Limit!
You are driving at a constant speed of 45.0 m/s when
you pass a trooper on a motorcycle hidden behind a
billboard. One second after your car passes the
billboard, the trooper sets out from the billboard to
catch you,
accelerating at a
constant rate of
3.00 m/s2. How
long does it take
the trooper to
overtake your
Example 2.8:
Watch Out for the Speed Limit!
xcar = xB + vx car t

1 2
x f = xi + vxi t + ax t
1 2 1 2
xtrooper = 0 + ( 0 ) t + ax t = ax t
2 2

xtrooper = xcar
1 2
ax t = xB + vx car t
Example 2.8:
Watch Out for the Speed Limit!
1 2
ax t - vx car t - xB = 0

vx car ± vx2 car + 2ax xB vx car v 2

2 xB
t= = ± x car
ax ax a x ax

( 45.0 m/s ) 2 ( 45.0 m )

45.0 m/s
t= + + = 31.0 s
( 3.00 m/s )
2 2 2 2
3.00 m/s 3.00 m/s
Example 2.8:
Watch Out for the Speed Limit!
What if the trooper had a more powerful motorcycle
with a larger acceleration? How would that change
the time at which the trooper catches your car?

t < 31 s

vx car v 2 xB
t= + x car
ax a x ax
Freely Falling Objects

Galileo Galilei Leaning Tower of Pisa

Quick Quiz 2.8 Part I
What happens to the acceleration of a ball after it is
thrown upward into the air? (Neglect air resistance.)
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) increases and then decreases
(d) decreases and then increases
(e) remains the same
Quick Quiz 2.8 Part I
What happens to the acceleration of a ball after it is
thrown upward into the air? (Neglect air resistance.)
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) increases and then decreases
(d) decreases and then increases
(e) remains the same
Quick Quiz 2.8 Part II
What happens to the speed of a ball after it is thrown
upward into the air? (Neglect air resistance.)
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) increases and then decreases
(d) decreases and then increases
(e) remains the same
Quick Quiz 2.8 Part II
What happens to the speed of a ball after it is thrown
upward into the air? (Neglect air resistance.)
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) increases and then decreases
(d) decreases and then increases
(e) remains the same
Example 2.10:
Not a Bad Throw for a Rookie!
A stone thrown from the top of
a building is given an initial
velocity of 20.0 m/s straight
upward. The stone is launched
50.0 m above the ground, and
the stone just misses the edge
of the roof on its way down as
shown in the figure.
Example 2.10:
Not a Bad Throw for a Rookie!
(A) Using tA = 0 as the time the stone leaves the
thrower’s hand at position A, determine the time at
which the stone reaches its maximum height.

v yf - v yi v yB - v yA
v yf = v yi + a y t Þ t = =
ay -g

0 - 20.0 m/s
t = tB = = 2.04 s
-9.80 m/s 2
Example 2.10:
Not a Bad Throw for a Rookie!
(B) Find the maximum height of the stone (above its
initial position).
1 2
ymax = yB = y A + vxAt + a y t

yB = 0 + ( 20.0 m/s )( 2.04 s )

+ ( -9.8 m/s ) ( 2.04 s ) = 20.4 m
2 2

Example 2.10:
Not a Bad Throw for a Rookie!
(C) Determine the velocity of the stone when it returns
to the height from which it was thrown.

v yC 2 = v yA 2 + 2a y ( yC - yA )
v yC = ( 20.0 m/s ) + 2 ( -9.80 m/s 2 ) ( 0 - 0 )
2 2

= 400 m /s
2 2

v yC = -20.0 m/s
Example 2.10:
Not a Bad Throw for a Rookie!
(D) Find the velocity and position of the stone at
t = 5.00 s.
v yD = v yA + a y t
= 20.0 m/s + ( -9.80 m/s 2 ) ( 5.00 s ) = -29.0 m/s
1 2
yD = yA + v yA t + a y t
= 0 + ( 20.0 m/s )( 5.00 s ) + ( -9.80 m/s ) ( 5.00 s )
2 2

= -22.5 m
Example 2.10:
Not a Bad Throw for a Rookie!
What if the throw were from 30.0 m above the ground
instead of 50.0 m? Which answers in parts (A) to (D)
would change?

None of the answers would change.

Kinematic Equations
Derived from Calculus
ax = Þ dvx = ax dt
vxf - vxi = ò ax dt

vxf - vxi = ax ò dt = ax ( t - 0 ) = ax t
Kinematic Equations
Derived from Calculus
dx t
vx = Þ dx = vx dt x f - xi = ò vx dt
dt 0

vx = vxf = vxi + ax t
x f - xi = ò ( vxi + ax t ) dt
t t æ t2 ö
= ò vxi dt + ax ò t dt = vxi ( t - 0 ) + ax ç - 0 ÷
0 0
è2 ø
1 2
x f - xi = vxi t + ax t

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