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Môn: Tiếng Anh 2.

1 Họ và tên: Lê Tuấn Anh

Lớp: ENT2127.39 Mã SV: PH31190

Điểm Nhận xét của giáo viên

Topic 2: Your shopping habbit

Hi, my name is Tuan Anh, I’m a student of graphic design at FPT Polytechnic.
Today i will talk about my shopping habits. I always shop online, since shopee,
lazada, tiki opened I don't seem to shop directly at the store anymore. Why do I
like online shopping? Because I can buy anything without leaving the house. I can
buy food, I can buy clothes, I can buy milk tea, everything in my house. My
favorite shopping app is shopee, the slogan "Gi cung co mua het o shopee" is also
to say that on shopee I can buy anything I need. It's sad because I was once
scammed when shopping online. But I will still continue to shop online because of
its convenience and will be more careful not to be scammed.

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