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Following the GDPR, CONSENT was obtained from the patient before the start of the

treatment that they are assisted by a Student Dental Nurse and gave permission to be used in
this PERS.

The patient was treated with respect and dignity during the NON-AGP procedure

2. PROCEDURE TO BE CARRIED OUT: Try-in stage - Upper Acrylic Full Denture


Novel coronavirus (Covid-19) national dental guidelines for safe management as a primary
care is currently implemented at this time.

HTM 01-05 and HTM 07-01 is followed throughout the procedure in association with local
rules of the practice


1. 80 years old, Male

2. The patient has diabetes, Gout hands and feet, Left eye blind, Dexamosine, Muscle
wastage disease
3. The patient takes Metformin and Insulin
4. The patient does not have any allergy
5. The patient does not have allergy to latex
6. The patient smokes 3/day
7. The patient does not drink any alcohol
8. The patient’s last dental visit was a week ago
9. The patient’s last dental treatment was Denture stage 2 (bite stage)

5. I have set out the following INSTRUMENTS in ORDER OF USE for the procedure Try-In

Basic examination instruments

1. Mouth mirror
2. Right angle probe
3. College tweezer
1. 3-in-1 air & water tip

6. I have set out the following MATERIALS for the Try-in procedure:

Basic dental sundries

1. Disposable high volume suction tip

2. Disposable saliva ejector tip
3. Disposable plastic cup with mouth wash tablet
4. Tray liners
5. Face tissue and mirror

Specific material for the Try-in stage procedure

1. Bunsen burner
2. Lighter
3. Shade guide
4. Pink sheet wax
5. Wax try-in denture
6. Lab docket
7. Sealed air-tight plastic bag
8. In my surgery we have labelled dirty zone and clean zone with clear posters.

9. FIRST THING IN THE MORNING, I have switched on the following equipment in

the CLINICAL AREA and ensured all equipment is in good working order.
1. Switch on the lights in reception, waiting room, x-ray, hallway and in the
2. Log in to computer
3. Turn on Dental chair- pressed button to bring the chair to rest position
4. Switch on the button that turns on Ultrasonic scaler unit, Amalgamator and it
is working
5. X-ray machine tested
6. Windows opened

First thing in the morning, I have switched on the following equipment in the
DECONTAMINATION ROOM and ensured all equipment is in the good working order:

1. Switch on the lights

2. Turn on the main compressors
3. Switch on autoclave, fill up with distilled water and tested with helix test
4. Switched on DAC machine
5. Turn on Magnifier glass and working
6. I have disposed the used gloves in clinical bin and washed my hands following the
steps as shown on the HTM 01-05 using water and antibacterial handwash.
7. I have provided the dentist with the following PPE NON-AGP

a. Disposable examination gloves (non-latex)

b. Disposable face masks

c. Protective Face shield

d. Plastic gown

1. I have provided the patient with the following PPE

2. Disposable bibs
3. Protective Goggles
4. I have worn the following PPE
a. Clinical Uniform and clogs

b. Disposable examination gloves (non-latex)

c. Disposable face masks

d. Protective Face shield

e. Plastic gown

1. I have disinfected the following work surfaces:

2. The light
3. Tray area
4. Dental chair (light, head rest, arm rest, control panel, spittoon)
5. Slow and fast handpiece handle and wire line
6. Computer (mouse, keyboard, screen)
7. 3-in-1 syringe handle
8. Suction unit area
9. Drawer handles

I have used disinfectant alcohol-free wipes to disinfect these work surfaces

1. I have flushed the dental unit waterlines at the start and end of the day for 2 minutes
using a 3 in 1 syringe and the handpiece and flushed it as well for 20-30 seconds in
between patients.

15. I have covered the following areas with plastic protective barrier because it will prevent
cross infection:

a. Dental chair head rest

16. I have set out and double checked the following patient records and ready to procced the
procedure. I have put it up in the computer so the dentist can easily access if they need to:
Dental Records

1. Basic Periodontal Records

2. Signed Treatment Plan Form
3. Signed Consent Form
4. Medical History has been updated
5. Previous Radiograph

17. The procedure did not require any dental radiographs to be taken.


I have retracted the soft tissues as needed by using a mouth mirror

I have performed aspiration as needed by using the disposable high-volume suction
and disposable saliva suction tip

I have passed the instruments and material in the procedure as needed by the clinician

I have assisted the clinician in dental charting using UK notation and made sure the patient’s
dental record are up-to-date and signed


I have collected the correct lab work and sprayed the wax try-in denture with printosept spray
to disinfect Then I rinsed it off to wash off any chemicals. Then I have rinsed off the wax-in
denture under the tap with cold water to get ride any chemicals

After the wax try-in denture is disinfected I have placed it on the tray for dentist.

I have passed the vita shade guide to the dentist and helped the patient to hold the mirror.

I have completed the laboratory prescription and filled the laboratory prescription with the
following information:

1. dentist's name, DR. SZ

2. patient's details (and/or initials) and age, Mr. JT 80 years old
3. the tooth involved upper arch
4. the tooth shade, and material A2, acrylic
5. the laboratory work required, upper acrylic full denture
6. the date the lab work was sent 7.11.2023
7. the date the lab work has to be returned 20.11.2023

After patient agreed with the dentist, I have disinfected the wax try in denture again. I rinsed
it under the cold tap water to get rid of chemicals.

I have wrapped the wax try-in denture with bubble wrap and put it in the laboratory box.

Lastly, I have passed mirror to the patient and wet tissue to remove any dirt off their face
before they leave the surgery.

The dentist has booked an appointment for the patient in 2 weeks for try-in stage.

Arrange collection or dispatch of the packaged rims to the dental laboratory.


I greeted the patient in the waiting area and assisted them to the surgery.

I provided the patient with a protective goggle, a disposable bib, a mouthwash cup and tissues
because it will protect patient from splashes and help them clean up before leaving the

I reassured and monitored the patient during the treatment by actively watching them for
signs of distress.

I ensure the patient was clean and tidy after the treatment

An appointment is arranged by the dentist for the further treatment

THE AIM OF THE Try-in STAGE PROCEDURE IS to let dentist and the patient make any
last-minute changes. This stage gives another chance to check bites and gives patient a
chance to see how the finished denture would look like.


To allow the patient to approve the appearance of the finished denture

To allow the dentist to make any last minute adjustments

Following the GDPR, CONSENT was obtained from the patient before the start of the
treatment that they are assisted by a Student Dental Nurse and gave permission to be used in
this PERS.

1. I am reflecting on: Try in stage-upper acrylic Full denture

2. My strength: I am good at assisting the dentist throughout the procedure. I passed on
instruments and material whenever dentist asked for.
3. My weakness:
4. I will address my weakness
5. I have learnt from try-in stage that the patient can have a clear view on how the final
denture is going to look. They can check the shades of the teeth before the original or
any other changes that needs to be made.

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