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Apache Hadoop is an open-source distributed computing framework designed to handle large

volumes of data across clusters of commodity hardware. It is part of the Apache Software
Foundation and is widely used for storing, processing, and analyzing big data.

Here are some key components and reasons why Hadoop is used:

Distributed Storage: Hadoop provides a distributed file system called Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS), which stores large datasets across multiple nodes in a Hadoop cluster. HDFS
is fault-tolerant and designed to handle hardware failures gracefully.

Distributed Processing: Hadoop enables distributed processing of large datasets using a

programming model called MapReduce. MapReduce divides the processing tasks into smaller
sub-tasks and distributes them across the cluster nodes, allowing parallel execution and efficient
utilization of cluster resources.

Scalability: Hadoop is highly scalable and can scale from a single server to thousands of nodes,
making it suitable for handling ever-growing volumes of data.

Cost-Effectiveness: Hadoop is designed to run on commodity hardware, which is typically less

expensive compared to specialized hardware. This makes it cost-effective for organizations to
build and maintain large-scale data processing infrastructure.

Flexibility: Hadoop is a flexible framework that supports various data types, including structured,
semi-structured, and unstructured data. It can handle a wide range of data sources, including
text files, log files, sensor data, images, and videos.

Parallel Processing: Hadoop leverages parallel processing to speed up data processing tasks. It
divides the data into smaller chunks and processes them in parallel across multiple nodes in the
cluster, resulting in faster data processing and analysis.

Data Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: Hadoop provides built-in mechanisms for data
redundancy and fault tolerance. It replicates data across multiple nodes in the cluster to ensure
data availability in case of node failures.

Rich Ecosystem: Hadoop has a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries for various data processing
tasks, including data ingestion, storage, processing, querying, and visualization. Popular tools in
the Hadoop ecosystem include Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Apache Spark, Apache HBase,
Apache Kafka, and more.

Overall, Hadoop is used for its distributed storage and processing capabilities, scalability,
cost-effectiveness, flexibility, parallel processing, fault tolerance, and rich ecosystem of tools
and libraries, making it a powerful framework for big data analytics and processing.
Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system that provides an interface for
programming entire clusters with implicit data parallelism and fault tolerance. It was initially
developed at the University of California, Berkeley's AMPLab, and later became an Apache

Here are some key features and reasons why Spark is widely used:

Speed: Spark is known for its high speed due to its in-memory data processing capabilities. It
can perform batch processing, stream processing, interactive queries, and iterative algorithms
much faster than traditional disk-based processing systems like Hadoop MapReduce.
Ease of Use: Spark provides easy-to-use APIs in multiple programming languages including
Scala, Java, Python, and R. This makes it accessible to a wide range of developers with varying
skill levels.

Unified Computing Engine: Spark provides a unified computing engine for batch processing,
real-time stream processing, machine learning, and interactive SQL queries. This eliminates the
need to use separate systems for different tasks.

Fault Tolerance: Spark provides fault tolerance through RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets).
RDDs automatically recover from failures, making Spark reliable for long-running applications.

Rich Set of Libraries: Spark comes with built-in libraries for various tasks such as SQL and
structured data processing (Spark SQL), machine learning (MLlib), graph processing (GraphX),
and streaming analytics (Spark Streaming).

Scalability: Spark is highly scalable and can efficiently scale from a single machine to thousands
of nodes. It also integrates well with other distributed storage systems like Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS), Amazon S3, and more.

Community and Ecosystem: Spark has a large and active community, which means there's
extensive documentation, tutorials, and community support available. It also has a rich
ecosystem of third-party tools and integrations.

Overall, Spark is popular for its speed, ease of use, unified computing engine, fault tolerance,
scalability, and rich set of libraries, making it a powerful choice for processing large-scale data
and building various types of data-driven applications.

Sure, here are the steps to read a file, perform an RDD transformation using map, and then
group the data by a certain key in PySpark:

Initialize Spark Session: First, you need to initialize a SparkSession, which is the entry point to
programming Spark with the Dataset and DataFrame API.
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from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("FileReadAndGroupByExample") \
Read File into RDD: Use textFile() method to read the text file into an RDD.
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rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile("path_to_your_file")
Map Transformation: Perform a transformation using map() to process each line in the RDD.
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mapped_rdd = line: (line.split(",")[0], line.split(",")[1]))
Group By Key: Use groupByKey() method to group the data by a certain key.
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grouped_rdd = mapped_rdd.groupByKey()
Collect and Print Results (Optional): If you want to collect the results and print them, you can
use collect().
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result = grouped_rdd.collect()
for key, values in result:
print("Key:", key)
for value in values:
print("Value:", value)
Stop Spark Session: Finally, stop the SparkSession.
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Putting it all together:

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from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("FileReadAndGroupByExample") \

rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile("path_to_your_file")
mapped_rdd = line: (line.split(",")[0], line.split(",")[1]))
grouped_rdd = mapped_rdd.groupByKey()

result = grouped_rdd.collect()
for key, values in result:
print("Key:", key)
for value in values:
print("Value:", value)

Replace "path_to_your_file" with the actual path to your file. This code reads a text file, splits
each line by comma (,), creates key-value pairs based on the split values, groups the data by
the key, and then prints the grouped data.

Let's break down each step and then focus on the reduceByKey() transformation:

rdd = sc.textFile("file:///home/ubuntu/subject.txt"): This line reads the contents of a text file

named "subject.txt" located at "/home/ubuntu/" directory into an RDD (Resilient Distributed
Dataset). Each line in the file becomes an element in the RDD.

pair1RDD = x:(x.split(",")[0],x.split(",")[1])): This line uses the map()

transformation to transform each element of the RDD rdd. It splits each line by comma (,), takes
the first element (x.split(",")[0]) as the key, and the second element (x.split(",")[1]) as the value.
The resulting RDD pair1RDD contains key-value pairs.

pair1RDD = x:(x.split(",")[0],int(x.split(",")[1]))): This line is similar to the

previous one but with a slight modification. It converts the second element (value) extracted
from each line into an integer using int(). This is necessary if you want to perform numerical
operations on the values later.

resultRDD = pair1RDD.reduceByKey(lambda x,y:x+y).collect(): This line applies the

reduceByKey() transformation to pair1RDD. This transformation is used for aggregating values
of the same key. It groups the values for each key and then applies the provided function
(lambda x, y: x + y) to reduce the values into a single value. In this case, it performs a
summation of values for each key. Finally, collect() action is used to collect the results from all
partitions of the RDD into a single list, which is stored in the resultRDD variable.

print(resultRDD): This line prints the contents of resultRDD.

Now, let's focus on the reduceByKey() transformation:

reduceByKey(): This transformation is specific to Pair RDDs (RDDs containing key-value pairs).
It combines values for each key using an associative and commutative function. It groups
together pairs that have the same key and applies the provided function to their values. In this
example, the provided function is lambda x, y: x + y, which performs a summation of values for
each key. The result is a new RDD where each key is associated with a single value, which is
the result of applying the function to the values associated with that key.
>>> rdd = sc.textFile("file:///home/ubuntu/employee.txt")

>>> map_rdd = x: x.split(","))

>>> print(map_rdd.collect())

[['ramesh', '24', '10000'], ['rajesh', '25', '12000'], ['ravi', '26', '13000'], ['']]

>>> map_rdd = x: x.split(",")[0])

>>> map

<class 'map'>

>>> map_rdd.collect

<bound method RDD.collect of PythonRDD[3] at RDD at PythonRDD.scala:53>

>>> map_rdd.collect()

['ramesh', 'rajesh', 'ravi', '']

>>> map_rdd = x: x.split(","))

>>> map_rdd.collect()}

File "<stdin>", line 1


SyntaxError: unmatched '}'

>>> map_rdd.collect()\

... exit

File "<stdin>", line 2



SyntaxError: invalid syntax

>>> map_rdd.collect()

[['ramesh', '24', '10000'], ['rajesh', '25', '12000'], ['ravi', '26', '13000'], ['']]

The error you're encountering indicates that the filter transformation is causing an
IndexError because it's trying to access an index that is out of range in one of the
elements of your RDD. This error occurs when the lambda function passed to filter
attempts to access x[1], implying that the split result x does not have a second

To troubleshoot this issue, you can modify your code to handle cases where the split
result does not have a second element. Here's an updated version of your code with
error handling:


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map_rdd = x: x.split(",")).filter(lambda x: len(x) >= 2 and x[1] ==


In this updated code:

● len(x) >= 2 ensures that x has at least two elements before trying to access
● and x[1] == '24' checks if the second element of x is equal to '24'.

By adding this error handling, you can avoid the IndexError and filter out elements where
the split result does not have a second element or where the second element is not
equal to '24'.

After making this modification, you can run map_rdd.collect() again to see the filtered
my_rdd = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
print( x: x+ 10).collect())
Your code creates an RDD containing the integers [1, 2, 3, 4], applies a transformation using

map() to add 10 to each element, and then collects the results.

Here's a breakdown of your code:

​ my_rdd = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4]): This line creates an RDD named my_rdd by

parallelizing a Python list containing the integers [1, 2, 3, 4]. Parallelizing a collection
distributes the data across the available nodes in the Spark cluster, making it suitable for
processing in parallel.
​ x: x+10): This line applies the map() transformation to my_rdd. The
map() transformation takes a function (in this case, a lambda function) and applies it to each
element of the RDD. The lambda function lambda x: x+10 adds 10 to each element of the
​ .collect(): This line triggers the execution of the transformations defined on my_rdd and
collects the results from all the nodes in the cluster back to the driver node (where the code
is running). It returns the transformed data as a list.
​ print(): This line prints the collected results, which will be [11, 12, 13, 14], because each
element in the original RDD has had 10 added to it.


union_inp = sc.parallelize([2,4,5,6,7,8,9])
union_rdd_1 = union_inp.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
union_rdd_2 = union_inp.filter(lambda x: x % 3 == 0)
Your code creates two RDDs, union_rdd_1 and union_rdd_2, by applying filter() transformations

on the union_inp RDD. Then, it performs a union operation between union_rdd_1 and union_rdd_2

and collects the results.

Here's a breakdown of your code:

​ union_inp = sc.parallelize([2,4,5,6,7,8,9]): This line creates an RDD named
union_inp by parallelizing a Python list containing the integers [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
​ union_rdd_1 = union_inp.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0): This line applies the filter()
transformation to union_inp, creating an RDD named union_rdd_1 containing only the
elements that are divisible by 2.
​ union_rdd_2 = union_inp.filter(lambda x: x % 3 == 0): This line applies the filter()
transformation to union_inp, creating an RDD named union_rdd_2 containing only the
elements that are divisible by 3.
​ union_rdd_1.union(union_rdd_2): This line performs a union operation between
union_rdd_1 and union_rdd_2. The union() transformation concatenates the elements of
two RDDs without removing duplicates.
​ .collect(): This line triggers the execution of the transformations defined on the union of
union_rdd_1 and union_rdd_2 and collects the results from all the nodes in the cluster back
to the driver node (where the code is running). It returns the combined data as a list.
​ print(): This line prints the collected results, which will be [2, 4, 6, 6, 9], because the
union operation preserves duplicates and concatenates the elements from both RDDs.


Using intersection () transformation, we can get only common elements
between RDD
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List(1,2,3,4,5))
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(List(1,2,3,6,7))
val resultRDD = rdd1.intersection (rdd2)
In Apache Spark, the intersection() transformation is used to obtain the common elements

between two RDDs. It creates a new RDD containing only the elements that are present in both

input RDDs. Here's how you can use the intersection() transformation in Scala:


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val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(List(1, 2, 3, 6, 7))
val resultRDD = rdd1.intersection(rdd2)
val result = resultRDD.collect()

println(result.mkString(", "))

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1, 2, 3

Explanation of the code:

● val rdd1 and val rdd2 create two RDDs with the given lists of integers.
● val resultRDD = rdd1.intersection(rdd2) applies the intersection()
transformation to rdd1 and rdd2, resulting in an RDD containing only the common
elements between them.
● val result = resultRDD.collect() collects the elements from the resulting RDD into
an array.
● println(result.mkString(", ")) prints the elements of the array separated by

In this example, the common elements between rdd1 and rdd2 are 1, 2, and 3, so the output of

resultRDD.collect() is [1, 2, 3].


In Apache Spark, the distinct() transformation is used to obtain the distinct elements
in an RDD. It creates a new RDD containing only the unique elements from the input
RDD. Here's how you can use the distinct() transformation in Scala:


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val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5))

val resultRDD = rdd1.distinct()
val result = resultRDD.collect()

println(result.mkString(", "))

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Explanation of the code:

● val rdd1 creates an RDD with the given list of integers.

● val resultRDD = rdd1.distinct() applies the distinct() transformation to
rdd1, resulting in an RDD containing only the unique elements.
● val result = resultRDD.collect() collects the elements from the resulting
RDD into an array.
● println(result.mkString(", ")) prints the elements of the array separated by

In this example, the distinct elements in rdd1 are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, so the output of
resultRDD.collect() is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].


marks_rdd = sc.parallelize([('Rahul', 25), ('Swati', 26), ('Shreya', 22), ('Abhay', 29),

('Rohan', 22), ('Rahul', 23), ('Swati', 19), ('Shreya', 28), ('Abhay', 26), ('Rohan', 22)])
dict_rdd = marks_rdd.groupByKey().collect()
for key, value in dict_rdd:
print(key, list(value))
Your code snippet demonstrates how to use the groupByKey() transformation in PySpark to
group values by keys and then collect the results. Here's a breakdown of the code:

marks_rdd = sc.parallelize([('Rahul', 25), ('Swati', 26), ('Shreya', 22), ('Abhay', 29), ('Rohan', 22),
('Rahul', 23), ('Swati', 19), ('Shreya', 28), ('Abhay', 26), ('Rohan', 22)]): This line creates an RDD
named marks_rdd by parallelizing a list of tuples. Each tuple contains a name (key) and a
corresponding mark (value).

dict_rdd = marks_rdd.groupByKey().collect(): This line applies the groupByKey() transformation

to marks_rdd, which groups the values for each key. Then, the collect() action collects the
results into a list on the driver node. Each element in the list is a tuple containing a key and an
iterable of values associated with that key.

for key, value in dict_rdd:: This line iterates over each tuple in dict_rdd.
print(key, list(value)): This line prints each key-value pair, where the key is the name and the
value is a list of marks associated with that name.

However, there is a small indentation issue in the provided code. The print statement should be
indented to be inside the for loop. Here's the corrected code:

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marks_rdd = sc.parallelize([('Rahul', 25), ('Swati', 26), ('Shreya', 22), ('Abhay', 29), ('Rohan', 22),
('Rahul', 23), ('Swati', 19), ('Shreya', 28), ('Abhay', 26), ('Rohan', 22)])
dict_rdd = marks_rdd.groupByKey().collect()
for key, value in dict_rdd:
print(key, list(value))

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Rahul [25, 23]
Swati [26, 19]
Shreya [22, 28]
Abhay [29, 26]
Rohan [22, 22]
This code will print each name followed by a list of marks associated with that name.

6. reduceByKey

The provided PySpark example demonstrates the usage of reduceByKey() to compute

the sum of values based on the key in an RDD containing student names and their
marks in different subjects.

Here's a breakdown of the provided example:

​ marks_rdd = sc.parallelize([('Rahul', 25), ('Swati', 26), ('Shreya',

22), ('Abhay', 29), ('Rohan', 22), ('Rahul', 23), ('Swati', 19),
('Shreya', 28), ('Abhay', 26), ('Rohan', 22)]): This line creates an RDD
named marks_rdd by parallelizing a list of tuples. Each tuple contains a student
name (key) and their corresponding marks in a subject (value).
​ marks_rdd.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y): This line applies the
reduceByKey() transformation to marks_rdd. The lambda function lambda x,
y: x + y is used to compute the sum of marks for each student. The
reduceByKey() transformation combines the values (marks) for each key
(student name) using the provided function.
​ .collect(): This line triggers the execution of the transformations defined on
marks_rdd and collects the results from all the nodes in the cluster back to the
driver node (where the code is running). It returns the combined data as a list.
​ print(): This line prints the collected results.

The output of the example will be a list containing tuples where each tuple represents a
student name and the total marks obtained by that student across all subjects.

Here's the output based on the provided data:


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[('Rahul', 48), ('Swati', 45), ('Shreya', 50), ('Abhay', 55), ('Rohan', 44)]

This output indicates the total marks obtained by each student.

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