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Received: 12 July 2023

| Revised: 27 November 2023

| Accepted: 28 November 2023

DOI: 10.1111/epi.17842


Female sex steroids and epilepsy: Part 1. A review of

reciprocal changes in reproductive systems, cycles, and

Malak Alshakhouri1 | Cynthia Sharpe2 | Peter Bergin3 | Rachael L. Sumner1

School of Pharmacy, University of
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Abstract
Department of Paediatric Neurology, Seizures, antiseizure medications, and the reproductive systems are reciprocally
Starship Children's Health, Auckland, entwined. In Section 2 of this review, we outline how seizures may affect the
New Zealand
hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, thereby altering sex steroids, and changes
Neurology Auckland Hospital, Te
Whatu Ora, Auckland, New Zealand in sex steroids across the menstrual cycle and changes in pharmacokinetics dur-
ing pregnancy may alter seizure susceptibility. The literature indicates that fe-
males with epilepsy experience increased rates of menstrual disturbances and
Rachael L. Sumner, School of
Pharmacy, University of Auckland, reproductive endocrine disorders. The latter include polycystic ovary syndrome,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New especially for females on valproate. Studies of fertility have yielded mixed results.
We aim to summarize and attempt to detangle the existing knowledge on these
reciprocal interactions. The menstrual cycle causes changes in seizure intensity
Funding information and frequency for many females. When this occurs perimenstrually, during ovu-
Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust;
Neurological Foundation of New
lation, or in association with an inadequate luteal phase, it is termed catamenial
Zealand epilepsy. There is a clear biophysiological rationale for how the key female repro-
ductive neurosteroids interact with the brain to alter the seizure threshold, and
Section 3 outlines this important relationship. Critically, what remains unknown
is the specific pathophysiology of catamenial epilepsy that describes why not all
females are affected. There is a need for mechanism-­focused investigations in
humans to uncover the complexity of the relationship between reproductive hor-
mones, menstrual cycles, and the brain.

catamenial epilepsy, endocrine health, fertility, menstrual cycle, pregnancy

1 | I N T RO DU CT ION transmission, and receptor plasticity.1,2 Although they

are mainly produced peripherally by the ovaries,3 they
Female sex steroids, progesterone and estradiol, have are both highly lipophilic, which means they can eas-
neuroactive properties and are involved in modulat- ily cross the blood–brain barrier and rapidly diffuse
ing numerous brain processes, such as neuronal excita- throughout the brain.4 They are also synthesized de novo
tion and inhibition balance, neuroprotection, synaptic within the brain.5 Therefore, the cyclic fluctuations of

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. Epilepsia published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International League Against Epilepsy.

556 |
 Epilepsia. 2024;65:556–568.

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ALSHAKHOURI et al.    557

the neuroactive sex steroids across the healthy menstrual

cycle, or changes over pregnancy, have an impact on the Key points
female brain, with multiple cognitive and emotional rami-
fications.6 A growing body of research demonstrates cyclic • The reciprocal interactions between epilepsy
exacerbation of psychiatric and neurological symptoms in and the reproductive systems put women
disorders such as, but not limited to, depression, migraine, with epilepsy at heightened risk of endocrine
and epilepsy.7–10 disturbances
The aim of this review is to provide an up-­to-­date ac- • Seizure activity and antiseizure medications
count of the reciprocal relationship between epilepsy and can disturb the function of the hypothalamic–
sex steroid-­based endocrinological disorders in females. pituitary–gonadal axis
Section 2 describes the gonadal manifestations of disor- • This is experienced as increased menstrual
ders, including menstrual disturbance, polycystic ovarian cycle irregularities and anovulatory cycles
syndrome, fertility, and pregnancy. Sections 3 and 4 focus • The interaction of epilepsy and/or antiseizure
on the brain-­based manifestations, primarily via seizure medicines with the reproductive systems also
severity and frequency changes. Specifically, Section 3 alters seizure severity and frequency
briefly outlines seizure changes in pregnancy and catame- • The complexity of these relationships and a
nial epilepsy (i.e., menstrual cycle-­linked seizure exacer- lack of objective biomarkers hinders progress
bation), and Section 4 describes the current understanding in treating issues that arise such as catamenial
of the pathophysiology and the potential molecular mech- epilepsy
anism underlying catamenial epilepsy.

in women with epilepsy is multifactorial, wherein epi-

2 | F E M A L E SE X ST E ROIDS, leptiform discharges could cause neuroendocrine alter-
E P I L E P S Y, AN D R E PRODU CT IV E ations,17 and ASMs could lead to metabolic alterations in
S YST E M S hormones.

2.1 | Epilepsy interactions with

reproductive endocrine system 2.2 | Impact of epilepsy on female
reproductive endocrine health
Epilepsy, antiseizure medications (ASMs), and the endo-
crine system have complex interactions. Epileptic activity 2.2.1 | Hormone regulation
has been associated with functional changes in the hy-
pothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis, which regu- Both generalized and focal epileptic seizures alter the
lates sex steroid production and secretion, presumably input to the HPG axis from the cortex, the amygdala,
through the limbic system.11 These complex interactions and the hippocampus.17 As described above, in females,
put women with epilepsy at increased risk of various chal- the HPG axis is primarily responsible for regulating the
lenges, including sexual, reproductive, and endocrine menstrual and ovarian cycles.8 Thus, any alteration to this
health disturbances.12 These disturbances include men- cascade of endocrine events will result in menstrual and
strual cycle abnormalities, anovulatory cycles, polycystic ovarian disturbances.
ovary syndrome, and reduced fertility.13 Animal studies have shown that the laterality of the
Initially, reproductive health disturbances among epileptiform discharge within the limbic system differ-
women with epilepsy were thought to be only associ- entially alters the hypothalamic release of gonadotropin-­
ated with epilepsy per se rather than the use of ASMs.14 releasing hormone (GnRH).18 Herzog et al.11 presented a
However, this view had changed since the late 1970s and comprehensive, controlled clinical study of women with
early 1980s, when serum levels of sex hormone-­binding epilepsy versus healthy controls, showing that luteinizing
globulin (SHBG) were found to be elevated in women with hormone (LH) and follicle-­stimulating hormone (FSH)
epilepsy treated with enzyme-­inducing ASMs but not in levels are more variable among women with temporal lobe
untreated women.15 Prolonged elevated serum SHBG lev- epilepsy compared to healthy controls, and estradiol levels
els led to a decreased bioactivity of testosterone and es- are significantly greater in healthy controls when tested
tradiol, which in turn led to menstrual disturbances that during the early to mid-­follicular phase (days 3–7). They
contributed to a higher risk of infertility among women also found lateralized asymmetries between unilateral left
with epilepsy.16 Together, these findings indicate that the and right temporolimbic epilepsy in the pulsatile secre-
cause of reproductive and endocrine health disturbances tion of LH, prolactin, and gonadal steroids.11 In addition,

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558    ALSHAKHOURI et al.

women with a variety of epilepsies not treated with ASMs Anovulatory cycles are prevalent in women with epi-
were found to have increased LH pulsatility, causing estra- lepsy, with more than one-­third of cycles in women with
diol level dysregulation.19 focal epilepsy being anovulatory, compared to approxi-
Overall, animal and clinical studies evaluating the ef- mately 8%–10% in women without epilepsy.27 Women with
fects of seizure laterality and focality on HPG regulation primary generalized epilepsy are at greater risk of having
and hormone levels in women with epilepsy have been anovulatory cycles than women with focal epilepsy.12
scarce. However, it could be inferred from the above ob-
servations that the nature of the hormone dysregulation
may depend on the focality and laterality of the epileptic 2.2.3 | Polycystic ovary syndrome
activity, as well as the frequency of seizure occurrence.12
An example is amygdala involvement in temporal lobe ep- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by
ilepsy. The corticomedial nuclear group of the amygdala heterogeneous clinical symptoms of hyperandrogen-
stimulates the release of GnRH, whereas the basolateral ism and ovarian dysfunction, provided that other endo-
nuclear group inhibits the release of GnRH.20 Depending crinopathies have been excluded.28,29 These symptoms
on the affected nuclear group, excitation of the amygdala include cycle irregularities, hirsutism, infertility, and the
will either stimulate or inhibit the hypothalamic release of presence of polycystic ovarian morphology.30 Women
GnRH and the release of pituitary gonadotropins.12 This with epilepsy are said to be at an increased risk of develop-
orchestrated impact of the epileptic activity will eventu- ing PCOS, especially when their seizures start at an early
ally disrupt the release of the corresponding sex steroids, age.31 However, the reported prevalence of PCOS varies
contributing to the greater rate of menstrual disturbances according to the diagnostic criteria implemented and the
among women with epilepsy compared to the general epilepsy type. PCOS prevalence in the general population
population. is estimated to be approximately 15% according to the UK
and European criteria, compared to 5%–10% using the
more stringent US criteria32 and 5.5%–6.1% using the strict
2.2.2 | Menstrual disturbances National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria.33 In compari-
son, PCOS prevalence among females with epilepsy was
Almost one-­ third of women with epilepsy experience reported to be anywhere between 11% and 26%.34–38
menstrual disturbances, compared to 12%–14% of women This wide range of PCOS prevalence among women
without epilepsy.21 These disturbances include hypotha- with epilepsy is derived from a total of five clinical case
lamic amenorrhea (no menses for 6 months associated studies.34–38 Four studies found no significant difference
with low gonadotropin and estradiol levels and dimin- in the prevalence of PCOS between women on ASMs and
ished LH response to GnRH), oligomenorrhea (cycle women who are not,34–37 three of which controlled for
interval > 32 days), polymenorrhagia (cycle interval the use of valproate, carbamazepine, or a combination of
< 26 days), abnormal variation in cycle interval (>4 days), both, or the use of other medications and reported no sig-
and menometrorrhagia (heavy menses and bleeding be- nificant differences.34–36 The one study that found an asso-
tween menses).21 Herzog et al.22 reported amenorrhea in ciation between PCOS and the use of ASMs reported that
12%–20% of women with epilepsy, compared to 1.5% of valproate in particular was associated with an increased
healthy controls. Hamed et al.23 reported a greater risk of risk of PCOS.38
menstrual irregularities in 71.6% of women with epilepsy It is possible that women with focal epilepsy are specif-
compared to 21.7% of healthy controls, with oligomenor- ically at an increased risk of developing PCOS compared
rhea being the most common among women with epilepsy to those with generalized epilepsy. Yet, the studies that
(90.4%), followed by amenorrhea (19.2%) and menorrha- evaluated the association between PCOS and epilepsy type
gia (11.5%). found conflicting results. Bauer et al.36 found no differ-
Elevated prolactin levels without identifiable pituitary ence in the incidence of PCOS between women with focal
lesions and premature menopause are also more com- epilepsy and women without epilepsy, whereas Herzog
mon among women with epilepsy than the general pop- et al.22 found that PCOS was significantly more preva-
ulation.24,25 Klein et al.26 reported that the prevalence of lent in women with temporal lobe epilepsy compared to
premature menopause in women with epilepsy is 14%, women without epilepsy. Interestingly, Herzog et al.11
compared to 4% in the general population. Catamenial reported that PCOS was particularly associated with left-­
seizure exacerbation was significantly associated with sided temporal lobe epilepsy compared to right-­sided tem-
premature menopause, which the authors attributed to a poral lobe epilepsy. This could be related to the asymmetry
potentially increased sensitivity of temporolimbic epilep- in the limbic and other brain structures involved in regu-
tiform tissue to gonadal hormonal effects. lating ovarian function.39 In particular, the seminal study

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ALSHAKHOURI et al.    559

by Herzog et al.11 found that women with unilateral left the number or proportion excluded from each group,
temporal lobe epilepsy have higher LH pulse frequency, which would have been insightful.
higher LH:FSH ratio, and higher testosterone levels, all of The proportion of women with epilepsy who achieved
which are characteristic of PCOS and are compatible with pregnancy was 60.7% of 89 compared to 60.2% of 108 con-
the finding that they have a higher occurrence of PCOS. trols, which, although similar, makes the pregnancy rate
On the other hand, Betts et al.40 and Zhou et al.31 reported in this study lower than expected, at least for the control
no association between PCOS and epilepsy type, seizure group; the expected pregnancy rate over 12 months is ap-
frequency, or epilepsy duration. proximately 82%.42 The authors attributed this to enrolling
It has been questioned whether the difference in PCOS women up to 6 months after birth control cessation (tracking
incidence between women with focal epilepsy and the them for up to 12 months thereafter). The probability of con-
general population is associated with the use of ASMs, in ception has been found to drop with each menstrual cycle
particular valproate, or with epilepsy itself.30,41 The rela- after cessation.49 Although this may explain the reduced rate
tionship between PCOS and the use of ASMs will be dis- of pregnancy for controls, it may or may not generalize to
cussed in more detail in Section 2.3. Future studies would women with epilepsy. To control for this, the authors would
benefit from unifying the diagnostic criteria of PCOS. They have had to have enrolled participants prior to discontinua-
should ideally be prospective to allow menstrual patterns tion of contraception, which may not have been possible. In
to be studied in women with epilepsy before and after the summary, further research to fully resolve the relationship
inception of epilepsy treatment. Although this might be between epilepsy and fertility is still needed.
challenging, as newly diagnosed women may warrant im- The Epilepsy Birth Control Registry found that in a sur-
mediate epilepsy treatment, cycle tracking apps are now vey of 1000 women with epilepsy, there was a 9.2% infertil-
widely used, and so pre-­existing records of menstrual ity risk and 20.7% impaired fecundity risk among women
cycle patterns could be utilized to overcome this challenge with epilepsy in the United States compared to 6.4% and
without delaying epilepsy treatment. 12.7%, respectively, in the general population.46 The au-
thors of the study noted that both values are higher among
women with epilepsy but that differences in the ascertain-
2.2.4 | Fertility and pregnancy outcomes ment and definition of infertility might complicate a direct
comparison.46 They also found that impaired fecundity
Epidemiologic studies have found that both women and rate trended higher on ASM polytherapy than on no ASM
men with epilepsy are less likely to have children, which (24.8% vs. 13.9%), and live birth to pregnancy ratio was sig-
may indicate a higher rate of infertility but may also en- nificantly higher with the use of lamotrigine than valproate
compass social contributing factors, such as lower rates of (89.1% vs. 63.3%).46 Yet, they compellingly argue that the
being in a relationship, financial security, or lower rates identification of ASM use or polytherapy as a risk factor
of seeking pregnancy due to epilepsy-­related risks and does not imply a direct causal role because ASM polyther-
doubts.42,43 According to a survey-­based study by Crawford apy may reflect less well-­controlled seizures, which could
and Hudson,44 approximately one-­third of women with also contribute to the higher rates of infertility or adverse
epilepsy of childbearing age were not considering having pregnancy outcomes among women with epilepsy. The im-
children because of their epilepsy. Additionally, survey-­ pact of ASMs on females' reproductive health will be dis-
based studies suggest that decisions to avoid pregnancy cussed in more details in the following section.
mostly stem from a lack of certainty about pregnancy
trajectories and fetal risks, and in some cases, from false
information suggesting that women with epilepsy are not 2.3 | Impact of ASMs on female
fit parents and that the risk of passing on epilepsy or of reproductive health
congenital disabilities is higher than it actually is.12
Studies assessing fertility in women with epilepsy ASMs can be divided broadly into enzyme-­inducing and
have reported conflicted findings. Some studies reported non-­enzyme-­inducing.50 Phenytoin, carbamazepine, ox-
reduced fertility,45–47 whereas others reported no differ- carbazepine, topiramate, and phenobarbital are potent in-
ence.48 The only prospective study, to our knowledge, ducers of liver cytochrome P450 isoforms.50 Hepatic P450
comparing females with epilepsy to controls attempting to isoforms are involved in metabolizing a variety of drugs
conceive without prior known infertility or related disor- to a more water-­soluble form, making them more readily
ders found no significant differences in the rate of preg- excreted.51 The induction of hepatic P450 by phenytoin,
nancy, time to pregnancy, or live birth rates.42 However, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital has been reported to
the study excluded women who had an established diag- be implicated in catalyzing the metabolism of endogenous
nosis of infertility or related disorders but did not report progesterone and its neuroactive derivatives,52,53 as well

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560    ALSHAKHOURI et al.

as synthetic progestogen and estrogen components of oral of pregnant women with epilepsy.60 Women with partial
contraceptives.51,54 The former may contribute to loss seizures, on ASM polytherapy or who had at least one sei-
of seizure control, thereby increasing the risk of break- zure during the prepregnancy month, had higher risk of
through seizures in women with epilepsy treated with seizures during pregnancy.60,61 Pennell et al.62 recently
enzyme-­inducing ASMs.50 The latter could reduce the ef- reported that when an equivalent nonpregnant compara-
ficacy of oral contraceptives in preventing pregnancy.51 tor group is used, there is no significant change in seizure
Moreover, hepatic enzyme-­inducing ASMs have been frequency during pregnancy or the peripartum period that
found to increase serum SHBG concentrations in women can be attributed to pregnancy itself.
with epilepsy, which over time lead to diminished concen- Women with catamenial epilepsy, however, might have
trations of the free, circulating, biologically active forms of different pregnancy trajectories because they show sex
endogenous sex steroids.12 Morrell et al.55 found that women steroid-­dependent changes in seizure occurrence. A study
receiving hepatic enzyme-­inducing ASMs have significantly comparing pregnancy-­related hormone changes and sei-
reduced serum concentrations of estrone, testosterone, and zure course between women with catamenial epilepsy and
dehydroepiandrostenedione compared to healthy controls. non-­catamenial epilepsy found that women with catame-
On the other hand, women with epilepsy treated with non-­ nial epilepsy tend to have better seizure control.63 Women
enzyme-­inducing ASMs, such as gabapentin or lamotrig- with perimenstrual catamenial epilepsy in particular were
ine, had sex steroid hormone levels that did not differ from more than twice as likely to remain seizure-­free or to have
healthy controls.55 The exact clinical implications of these a notable decrease (≥50%) in seizure frequency through-
hormone changes are yet to be elucidated. out the pregnancy.63
Valproate, one of the most used ASMs, is a liver enzyme There is a significant difference in the rates of medication
inhibitor rather than an inducer. It inhibits liver CYP19, change. Understandably, pregnant women with epilepsy are
causing inhibition of the aromatase complex that converts more likely to change medications over the same time pe-
androgens to estrogens, leading to hyperandrogenemia and riod. Although one reason for change may be the teratogenic
hyperinsulinemia hormone imbalance.56 Women receiving effects of some medications relative to others, more often a
valproate have significantly elevated adrenal and gonadal change in medications to less teratogenic options is com-
androgens.16 These valproate-­induced hormone shifts may pleted at the time of conception planning or when a female
cause infertility directly or indirectly through weight gain.56 becomes of child-­bearing potential.64 Changes to medica-
Valproate, but not carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, tion dose occur due to pregnancy-­induced pharmacokinetic
phenobarbital, or phenytoin, was significantly associated change (including decreased protein binding, altered he-
with anovulatory cycles.12 Among women with general- patic metabolism, and increased kidney blood flow).65 To
ized genetic epilepsy who are on valproate, 55% of cycles maintain the same therapeutic blood concentration of an
were anovulatory.57 Furthermore, women currently or re- ASM, doses often need to be increased.66
cently receiving valproate were more likely to have PCOS, A large prospective study of approximately 3800 preg-
and women starting valproate monotherapy or adjunctive nancies of women with epilepsy on valproate, carbamaz-
therapy can develop PCOS features within several months epine, phenobarbital, or lamotrigine monotherapy found
of treatment initiation.58 Valproate-­associated hyperandro- that 66% of women with epilepsy remained seizure-­free
genism and insulin resistance are reversible when valproate during the entire pregnancy.67 Of note, they found that
is substituted with lamotrigine.59 It is still unknown whether drug dose was increased or a second drug was added in
valproate is directly associated with increased PCOS rate, or almost one-­third of the pregnancies. Although most of
if it is the induced hormone shifts, the weight gain, or a com- these changes occurred after a seizure and may have been
bination of these factors.56 prompted by poor seizure control, drug doses were also in-
creased in approximately 19% of the pregnancies that re-
mained seizure-­free.67 This suggests that, in some cases,
3 | F E M A L E SE X ST E ROIDS A ND physicians are adjusting ASM doses as a preventative mea-
S E I Z U RE S sure to account for the pregnancy-­induced pharmacoki-
netic changes and reduce the risk of breakthrough seizures.
3.1 | Epilepsy interactions with
3.2 | Epilepsy interactions with
Wide variations in seizure frequency changes during menstrual cycle
pregnancy have been reported in the literature, with
seizure exacerbations occurring in 15%–32%, improve- The exacerbation of seizure frequency or intensity at spe-
ments in 3%–25%, and no significant change in 50%–83% cific phases of the menstrual cycle is termed catamenial

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ALSHAKHOURI et al.    561

epilepsy.68 Generally, catamenial diagnosis is given if sei- (2) estriol, dominant in pregnant women; and (3) es-
zure frequency increases by at least twofold during a cer- trone, which becomes the major form after menopause.50
tain phase of the cycle in two of three cycles.69 Catamenial Estradiol has been extensively investigated in epilepsy
exacerbation appears to occur with all seizure types and models, as it acts on neurons within the limbic system,
epilepsy syndromes, including idiopathic, structural/meta- cerebral cortex, and other regions important for seizure
bolic, and unknown etiologies.13 The literature suggests that susceptibility.73 Estradiol appears to have primarily pro-
catamenial seizure exacerbations may be more resistant to convulsant effects and thus may contribute to the worsen-
treatment with the standard ASMs.25 Catamenial epilepsy ing of seizures in catamenial epilepsy.74
can therefore be a cause of drug-­resistant epilepsy.70 Current The excitatory effects of estradiol are mediated by
potential treatment options include the use of hormonal augmenting N-­methyl-­D -­aspartate-­mediated glutamate
(progesterone), nonhormonal (e.g., clobazam) medications, receptor activity and regulating neural plasticity.25 Most
or a complete cessation of menstruation using synthetic of the data suggest that estradiol enhances neuronal ex-
hormones (e.g., medroxyprogesterone acetate).71 However, citability by enhancing glutamatergic transmission and
although these treatment options hold some merit, accord- depressing γ-­aminobutyric acid (GABA) inhibition.75–77 It
ing to the Maguire and Nevitt71 Cochrane review, there is does so by increasing the number of spine synapses and
currently no class I evidence of an effective treatment for spine density, and altering the spine shape on the apical
catamenial seizures. This indicates that a massive gap ex- hippocampal dendrites in CA1 pyramidal neurons.78 A
ists in our understanding of what changes occur in the brain positive correlation was observed between the dendritic
in relation to hormonal fluctuations and how these changes spine density and levels of circulating estradiol in rodent
alter seizure susceptibility and drug sensitivity. models.78 On the other hand, estradiol reduces GABA
synthesis in the corticomedial amygdala by attenuating
glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity, which is the
4 | PAT H O PH Y SIOLOGY OF main enzyme involved in the synthesis of GABA. Reduced
C ATA M E NI AL E PILE PSY GABA synthesis and GABAergic inhibition result in en-
hanced neuronal excitability.25
Catamenial epilepsy is a multifaceted neuroendocrine dis- Accordingly, seizure exacerbation during the preovula-
order, the exact cause of which remains unclear.72 This tory phase might be underpinned by the midcycle surge of
is a major barrier to developing objective biomarkers of estradiol, which is not counterbalanced by progesterone
catamenial epilepsy. The neuroendocrine properties of until the early luteal phase.13,25,73 Likewise, the increase in
steroid hormones and the cyclic variations in their serum the estradiol:progesterone ratio during the perimenstrual
levels are now widely accepted to play a significant role phase might contribute to the pathophysiology of the C1
in catamenial seizure exacerbation.25 Progesterone and pattern.25 In a clinical study of women with epilepsy, sei-
estradiol can easily cross the blood–brain barrier and rap- zure susceptibility was correlated positively with the estra-
idly diffuse throughout the brain.4 The peripheral levels of diol:progesterone ratio, which peaks in the perimenstrual
these hormones were found to be highly correlated with and preovulatory phases and declines in the mid-­luteal
their levels within the brain.4 Progesterone and estradiol phase.79
are also synthesized within the brain and are involved in However, the effects of estradiol are not linear.
modulating numerous brain processes, such as neuronal Some studies suggest that estradiol may have inhibi-
excitability, neuroprotection, synaptic transmission, and tory effects on cortical excitability and thus have neu-
receptor plasticity.1,2 Progesterone has been shown to roprotective properties.80,81 For example, GAD mRNA
have anticonvulsant effects, whereas estradiol has pro- expression in the cortex and striatum did not appear
convulsant effects.72 However, there are some excep- to be estradiol-­ dependent in ovariectomized rats.82
tions to this common conception. Furthermore, it is most Also, no changes were observed in GAD expression in
often allopregnanolone (ALLO), the major metabolite of the cingulate cortex between proestrus or metestrus
progesterone, that lies at the center of discussion on the rats (equivalent to the preovulatory and premenstrual
pathophysiology of catamenial epilepsy. phases in humans, respectively).83 The apparent incon-
sistency between these findings and the finding that es-
tradiol suppresses GAD expression in the corticomedial
4.1 | Estrogen influence on neuronal structures may indicate that estradiol effects on GAD
excitability expression are brain region-­specific. The exact relation-
ship between plasma estradiol levels, GAD expression,
There are three biologically active forms of estrogens: and the frequency of catamenial epilepsy, therefore, is
(1) 17b-­
estradiol, prevalent in premenopausal women; yet to be elucidated.50

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562    ALSHAKHOURI et al.

4.2 | Progesterone influence on neuronal peripherally, and because ALLO is highly lipophilic, it can
excitability rapidly cross the blood–brain barrier and modify neuronal
excitability.87 According to Agís-­Balboa et al.,96 recent evi-
The expression of progesterone receptors (PRs) is stimu- dence suggests that neurosteroids are present mainly in
lated by estradiol.72 Thus, the regulation of progesterone what they termed principal output neurons (referring to
sensitivity is determined by prior estradiol exposure. Given glutamatergic pyramidal, GABAergic reticulothalamic,
the complex pharmacology of progesterone and its rela- striatal, and Purkinje neurons). In contrast, neurosteroids
tionship with estradiol, it is unlikely that it will exert linear are absent in GABAergic interneurons in many brain re-
uniform effects.84 In addition to its actions as a PR agonist, gions relevant to focal epilepsies, including the hippocam-
its metabolite ALLO acts as a potent positive modulator of pus and neocortex. The highly restricted distribution of
GABAA.85 Progesterone is most often noted to have anti- neurosteroids to the excitatory principal neurons suggests
convulsant effects via ALLO-­mediated GABAergic inhibi- that they are mainly derived from local synthesis.74 This is
tion.85–87 However, there is also evidence that progesterone further supported by the ability of the brain to produce neu-
can exert proconvulsant effects through the classic PRs.88,89 rosteroids after gonadectomy and adrenalectomy,5 and the
In preclinical studies, progesterone administration presence of the required enzymes for neurosteroid synthe-
was found to have antiseizure effects in different animal sis in the principal neurons of the amygdala,97 hippocam-
seizure models, including the pentylenetetrazol model72 pus, and other brain regions.98–100 The factors that regulate
and the hippocampal kindling model.90 In both studies, their local synthesis are still unclear.74
animals were pretreated with finasteride to prevent the ALLO is a powerful anticonvulsant and potent positive
conversion of progesterone to ALLO. In females with par- modulator of GABAA receptors.95 It can rapidly modulate
tial epilepsy, progesterone infusion during the first week neuronal excitability through reversible interactions with
of the menstrual cycle that reached the plasma concen- synaptic and extra-­ synaptic GABAA receptors.74 ALLO
tration of the luteal phase resulted in a significant de- binds to the neurosteroid site on GABAA receptor, which
crease in spike frequency during the infusion period.91 is a different site from that of benzodiazepines. The bind-
The effects of progesterone in this clinical study cannot ing of ALLO to GABAA receptor causes a massive influx
be separated from those of ALLO, unless a control group of chloride ions into the cell, leading to hyperpolarization
of women on progesterone and a 5-­α reductase inhibitor and a consequent potentiation of inhibitory neurotrans-
were used. Hormonal medications, including progestin-­ mission.74 ALLO's mechanism of action is concentration-­
only, appear to increase seizures92; speculatively, modula- dependent.73 At low concentrations, it potentiates the
tion of PRs may be a mechanism. Taken together, these current of GABAA receptor, whereas at higher concen-
findings warrant further research to detangle the effects of trations, it directly activates the receptor.74 Activation of
progesterone from the effects of ALLO. GABAA receptors mediates two types of GABAergic inhi-
In terms of catamenial epilepsy, seizure probability bition, synaptic and extra-­synaptic inhibition.95
was found to be the highest on day 1 following the abrupt Synaptic GABAA receptors mediate transient (pha-
withdrawal of progesterone, and the lowest during the mid-­ sic) inhibitory postsynaptic current.101 They contain the
luteal phase (day −8) when serum progesterone is the high- γ subunit, have reduced GABA sensitivity, and are likely
est.93 The clustering of seizures around the start of menses insensitive to the low ambient concentration of GABA
correlates with a significant drop in progesterone and an throughout the extracellular space.101 Extra-­synaptic
increase in the estradiol to progesterone ratio.50 Hence, GABAA receptors contain the δ subunit and have high
progesterone, and thereby ALLO, withdrawal is believed to GABA sensitivity coupled with a low level of desensiti-
have a key role in the pathophysiology of the C1 pattern. zation in the constant presence of ambient GABA con-
Although the effects of progesterone and ALLO remain to centrations, which makes them ideal for providing tonic
be elucidated, there is strong evidence that the antiseizure inhibition.101 Tonic current is not time-­locked to presyn-
effect of progesterone is mediated by ALLO instead of the aptic action potentials, leading to steady neuronal inhibi-
classical PRs, because progesterone's effect on seizure ac- tion and attenuated excitability.101
tivity is unchanged in PR-­knockout mice,73 nor is it blocked
following progesterone antagonist administration.94
4.4 | Potential mechanisms of
catamenial epilepsy
4.3 | Progesterone-­derived neurosteroids
4.4.1 | ALLO-­linked molecular changes
Progesterone is a main intermediate precursor for the syn-
thesis of several neurosteroids in the brain.95 The conver- There is emerging evidence that fluctuations in endoge-
sion of progesterone into ALLO occurs both centrally and nous neurosteroids with anticonvulsant or proconvulsant

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ALSHAKHOURI et al.    563

effects could lead to a loss of seizure control and con- exposure to ALLO is associated with an altered benzodi-
tribute to the pathophysiology of catamenial epilepsy.74 azepine sensitivity.104
As progesterone fluctuates across the menstrual cycle,
so does the progesterone-­derived neurosteroid ALLO.50
ALLO is normally present in the intracellular space at 4.4.2 | Preclinical evidence for molecular
the nanomolar concentration range, which is enough changes across the estrous cycle
to directly activate extra-­synaptic δ-­containing GABAA
receptors, but not synaptic γ-­containing receptors.101 Preclinical studies suggest that the structure of the extra-­
Therefore, ALLO could play a role in seizure control synaptic GABAA receptors undergoes drastic alterations
through the potentiation of tonic inhibition.43 This sug- according to the cyclic changes in progesterone levels
gests that the abrupt withdrawal of ALLO at the onset across the estrous cycle.95 Maguire et al.107 found that el-
of menstruation could decrease the inhibitory effects of evated progesterone levels during the late diestrous phase
δ-­containing GABAA receptors and possibly exacerbate in mice, comparable to the mid-­luteal phase in humans,
seizures.50 correlated with enhanced expression of neurosteroid-­
Animal studies found that ALLO withdrawal was asso- sensitive δ-­containing GABAA receptors and reduced
ciated with upregulation of α4 subunit in the hippocam- expression of benzodiazepine-­ sensitive γ2-­containing
pus, marked decrease in GABA synaptic current, increased GABAA receptors. These dynamic changes in GABAA
neuronal excitability, and increase in seizure activity.102 receptor subunit composition were not accompanied by
Interestingly, it was also found that ALLO withdrawal is any changes in α4 subunit density. Maguire et al.107 high-
followed by a rapid upregulation of δ-­containing GABAA lighted that this aligns with the suggested rules of GABAA
receptors and enhanced ALLO sensitivity in the dentate partnership wherein δ and γ subunits are complementa-
gyrus granule cells but not in CA1 or CA3 pyramidal cells rily regulated and that the loss of one γ subunit would re-
in a mouse model of premenstrual like conditions.103 These sult in α4 coassembling with δ subunit, and vice versa.108
changes may confer a neuronal homeostatic response to Because these changes occurred during the late di-
the transient reduction in ALLO-­mediated tonic inhibition. estrous phase, which is marked by increased progesterone
However, the upregulation of δ-­containing GABAA recep- levels, it seems unlikely that progesterone withdrawal is
tors was found to be insufficient to counterbalance the responsible for these changes. Instead, the prolonged
heightened seizure susceptibility state of the brain triggered exposure to progesterone or ALLO might be responsi-
by neurosteroid withdrawal in the absence of ALLO.103 ble.107 In mice, these structural changes correlated with
Additionally, animal studies have shown that continu- enhanced tonic inhibition in hippocampal neurons and
ous 2–3-­day exposure to ALLO causes an upregulation of reduced seizure susceptibility.107 Therefore, the selective
the normally underexpressed α4 subunit in the hippocam- upregulation of δ subunits might represent the molecular
pus, an effect that reached significant levels after 48–72 h.104 mechanism underlying the observed reduction in seizure
This increase in α4 mRNA and protein was found to be a frequency during the mid-­luteal phase in women with
temporary response, as extended exposure to ALLO that catamenial epilepsy reported by Herzog.7 This is further
exceeded 72 h resulted in a decrease in α4 expression, supported by the finding that the prevention of the up-
which reached baseline levels after 5–6-­day exposure and regulation of δ-­containing GABAA receptors during the
remained at baseline even after 3-­week exposure.104 The late diestrous phase in mice prevented the enhancement
increase in α4 subunit was well correlated with decreased of tonic GABAergic inhibition.107
sensitivity to the benzodiazepine lorazepam, as measured
by a reduction in the anxiolytic effects of lorazepam and its
ability to potentiate GABA-­gated current.104 4.4.3 | Preclinical evidence for molecular
The α4 subunit is known to preferentially coassemble changes during pregnancy
with δ, rather than γ2, to form extra-­synaptic GABAA
receptors.95 The δ-­containing GABAA receptors are Pregnancy represents a critical period of chronic exposure
highly sensitive to GABA and neurosteroids but not to ALLO, followed by a rapid decline back to baseline im-
benzodiazepines.105 These features were used to verify mediately before delivery.109 A review on the plasticity
the functional expression of δ-­containing GABAA recep- of GABAA receptors during pregnancy and postpartum
tors in isolated CA1 hippocampal cells, which showed period in rodents reported that the marked increase in
increased responsiveness to the GABA agonist gaboxa- ALLO during late pregnancy was associated with down-
dol,106 but were unresponsive to the benzodiazepine regulation of γ2 subunit expression in the cerebral cortex
lorazepam.104 Taken together, these findings suggest that and hippocampus,110 and upregulation of δ subunit ex-
the upregulation of α4 subunit induced by short-­term pression.111 The decrease in γ2 subunit was not associated

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564    ALSHAKHOURI et al.

with changes in phasic synaptic currents. The increase in The exact relationship between the plasticity of GABA
the δ subunit, however, was accompanied by an increase receptors and neuronal excitability in humans remains to
in tonic extra-­synaptic currents in granule cells of the be elucidated. Nevertheless, findings from the preclinical
dentate gyrus evaluated by whole-­cell patch-­clamp re- studies above provide a potential mechanism for perimen-
cordings.111 These findings suggest that plasma changes strual seizure exacerbation and a rationale for treatment
in progesterone and ALLO levels during late pregnancy in trials with cyclic progesterone supplements that lead to
rodents are associated with changes in GABAA receptors. gradual, rather than abrupt, neurosteroid withdrawal
The seminal NIH progesterone phase III randomized
4.4.4 | Clinical evidence controlled trial found that cyclic progesterone treatment
was not effective in treating women with intractable sei-
Consistent with preclinical evidence, Voinescu et al.112 zures that did not show catamenial exacerbation nor
found that pregnant women with epilepsy who experi- women who showed C2 or C3 catamenial patterns.113
enced increased seizure frequency during the third tri- The prespecified post hoc analysis, however, identified
mester had significantly lower serum ALLO levels. They C1 catamenial level (i.e., level of perimenstrual seizure
also found a similar, but not significant, association be- exacerbation) as a statistically significant and clinically
tween ALLO serum levels and seizure frequency during meaningful predictor of responder rates. As C1 level in-
the first trimester.112 This study provides evidence (albeit creased from 1 to 10, the responder rates to cyclic proges-
in a small study) that fluctuations in ALLO serum levels terone treatment increased from 21.3% to 57.1%.113 These
during critical periods such as pregnancy, and potentially findings suggest that cyclic progesterone treatment end-
the menstrual cycle, are implicated in functional changes ing in gradual rather than abrupt ALLO withdrawal could
in neuronal excitability threshold. be effective in treating women who show prominent C1

F I G U R E 1 Schematic summary of this review. This figure demonstrates the direction of influence of major features of epilepsy and
reproductive health that are frequently reciprocal and overlapping and may be experienced as both reproductive system disorders and
exacerbation of epilepsy itself. Catamenial epilepsy exemplifies this relationship, where complex receptor, hormone, and hypothalamic–
pituitary–gonadal axis interactions lead to seizure exacerbations in many females with epilepsy. PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome.

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ALSHAKHOURI et al.    565

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clic progesterone treatment could benefit from specifically Rachael L. Sumner https://orcid.
targeting women with a C1 pattern. org/0000-0002-2652-4617

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