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Year 11 Religious Studies Learning

 This information and learning will help prepare you for your
internal and Year 12 next year.
 Remember I am here to support your learning as best I can just ask.
 I pray the Holy Spirit guides you to do your personal best.
 Happy learning and I look forward to reading your work.

Part 7: Some Important Themes in the Gospel According to Luke (I)

Student Instructions: Copy and paste the tasks to make your own word document. Please hand in by the
due date and upload through Assignments.
Biblical Studies 1 Student Textbook link:
Focus: Read the focus to understand what you are learning about.
Part 7: Some Important Themes in the Gospel According to Luke pages 19- 20. Then complete as many
questions as you can under each sub-heading paragraph.
Focus: Read the focus to understand what you are learning about.
Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem
1. What is the main them to Luke’s Gospel?
2. What was Jesus trying to teach the people in Jerusalem?
3. What did Jesus at the end of this journey?
Being a Disciple
1. What does ‘walking in his footsteps’ mean?
2. What does Te Rangatiratanga mean?
Jesus’ Death in Jerusalem
1. How does Luke portray Jesus in this part of Luke’s Gospel?
2. What are some other names that Luke uses to describe Jesus?
The Emmaus Journey
1. What happens in Emmaus? Jesus appears to the two disciples.
2. At first, they do not believe it is Jesus, how did they know it was him?

The Journey of Church

1. What message does he give to all the disciples?
2. What does Jesus promise to send the disciples?
3. How does Jesus own journey end?
4. When will the birth of the church happen?
Reading the Gospel According to Luke
Using the Breakthrough Bible skim read Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Gospel According to Luke.
What do you notice?

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