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Date: November. 27 & 28, 2023 Learner’s Name: Suedi Hussein

Learner’s ID#: N01476809 Field Advisor’s Name: Ana Gomez
Mentoring Educator’s Name: Ralph Avail
Placement Site Name: Downsview ChildCare Centre

(What did you see? What did you hear?)
Address: WHO? WHEN? WHERE? WHAT? Ensure your observation: Is objective (measurable facts only); written in
the past tense; is written in third person; uses gender-neutral pronouns (e.g., they/them); ensures the anonymity of the
people observed (e.g., Child A/Educator A).

o Age(s) of child/children: _______________

o What type of setting are you in? _____________________

Complete this section (must be written in full sentences):

Consider the following:
o What do you see or notice about opportunities for family involvement or collaboration in your field setting?

I noticed that they have them pictures on the cupboards and walls inside the room with child A and Child B. I noticed
that Educator A involves them in Child A’s development skills and daily routines. I have noticed that the families are also
concerned about the crying at home as well as Educator A is also wondering the same thing.

o What interactions have you observed directly and/or indirectly between the Mentoring Educator and family
members? Consider relationship building strategies such as, but not limited to:
- involvement
- collaboration,
 styles and methods of communication:
- active listening
- conflict resolution
- empathic responding

Family members are included in the interactions by being allowed to enter the room to bring in Child A and by being
included in holiday celebrations. Using a chart of each child's daily schedule, they exchange information between Child
A and Child B's communication methods. Educator A and the parent have also engaged in active listening, and they have
resolved conflicts concerning Child A's daily schedule at home and the childcare.

o What evidence have you observed to demonstrate the program is working to create a sense of belonging
between home and the care setting? e.g., routines, traditions, values, spirituality, books, customs, music and
language, etc.

From what I've seen, the care environment fosters a sense of community. To give them a sense of community, they seem
to play a variety of musical genres from all languages and cultures. Every custom and value is also respected by them.
To give the parents the impression that they feel included in the care and other things, I also noticed that they adhere to
their daily schedule.
(What do you think it means?)
Address: Why? Your interpretation is subjective and is based on your observation. You need to start your sentences with
“It appears...”, “it seems...”, “According to my observation...), etc.

Complete the following section (point form is acceptable):

o What are the Family’s/caregiver’s interest(s), questions, curiosities? How do you know?

It seems that family questions is that they are every concerned about Child A and Child B’s development skills regarding
their daily routine. For example: Morning snack, lunch time, afternoon snack, sleeping time, diaper time, feeding milk
time , etc.

o How is your interpretation informed by curriculum/professional documents? Choose ones that are applicable to
your interpretation and explain your choices in detail (e.g., HDLH [OMEd, 2014a]; Excerpts from E.L.E.C.T
[2014b]; Think, Feel, Act [2014c]; Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice [CECE, 20`7]; etc.).

My interpretation is informed by curriculum/professional documents by “Relationships matter for families too. Families
develop trust, confidence, and a sense of belonging in programs that value the centrality of the family to the health and
well-being of children”. (p.g. 25, Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years).

Consider families/caregivers as partners to “strengthen the quality of early years programs by ensuring these programs are
centred on the child and family” HDLH (OMEd, 2014b, p.3).

o How does the program demonstrate family-centred practice? e.g., centres collaborate with families on the
following: (refer to ECE 233). You may want to ask your Mentoring Educator to help you with these questions.
Answer each below:

- Decision making: (Is it a collaboration between centre and families? If yes, describe the process. Or is it based
on solely what the centre feels is right for the child/ren? Describe the reasoning behind this).
- Planning: (What plans are in place that demonstrate family centred practice)?
- Assessment: (parent’s feedback, children’s needs met, is the educator effective in their tasks.
- Service Delivery: (how is it carried out/implemented)?
o Identifies appropriate strengths and opportunities for growth to create a sense of belonging for family's reference

The appropriate strengths and opportunities for growth to create a sense of belonging for family’s is “Families should feel that they
belong, are valuable contributors to their children’s learning, and deserve to be engaged in a meaningful way.” (OMEd, 2014b, pg.

(What will you do?)
Collaborate with your Mentoring Educator about your plan. Get their feedback and approval. Communicate and share your
final plan with your Mentoring Educator and have them sign this section before implementing the planned experience the
following week.
A grade of 0 will be given in the Planned Response, if the Mentoring Educator does not sign this section.
Complete the following section (point form is acceptable):
Reflect and describe the following:
o What will you do? Be specific!
o When will you do it? Why?
o Where will you do it? Why
- I will do a family tee and print out around 5 papers and add extra
- I will put it in the chart and let them take it home and put pictures of their family
- Inside the childcare in the infant room because that’s where they will drop off the children in the morning
- I will do it on Monday because it’s a better date for me to give them
o List new materials/resources and environmental elements you will bring in/add to set up provocations.
o List existing materials/environmental elements already in the room.

- I will bring in the printed the family tree and give them to the families to take it home and place it where ever
they want
- I will add a fun activity that they can do it with their kids at home

o Include a photo of the set up and materials/environmental elements before the children engage in the experience
(if permission is granted by the centre) OR take a photo of the set up at home.

Reflect on the following:

o How does your planned response connect to your observation and interpretation? Refer to the interests(s),
strength and opportunity for growth you identified in your interpretation.

My planned response is connected with my observation and interpretation because the families want to find ways to
stop their children crying, “families are also concerned about the crying at home as well as Educator A is also wondering
the same thing”. This will help them with a opportunity for growth.

- What role will you, as a co-learner, have in your planned response? Identify one (1) teaching strategy you will
use and describe how and why you will use it.

The role that I will have as a so-learner is supporting them with the issue that Child A and B’s has for their crying. I
will use this to find a way to stop them crying less. I will use this because I have seen that Child A and B were crying
a lot so this will be more useful for families.

- How is your plan responsive inclusive? Discuss one (1) of the following Foundations for Learning from How
Does Learning Happen? HDLH? (OMEd, 2014a):
- Belonging,
- Wellbeing,
- Expression or
- Engagement

My plan responsive is inclusive because am helping families with Child A and B’s well being for them to stop the crying.
To find a solution for them to cry less. “Every child is developing a sense of self, health, and well-being”. (OMEd,
2014b, p.23).
Mentoring Educator’s Signature: _________________________________________
A grade of 0 will be given in the Planned Response, if the Mentoring Educator does not sign this section.


A grade of 0 will be given if the initial experience and extension is not implemented to the children in the
Mentor’s Feedback on Initial implementation of the Responsive Inclusive Experience:

 Yes, learner implemented the initial Experience.

 No, learner DID NOT implement the initial Experience.

Mentoring Educator’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Mentor’s Feedback on Extension:

 Yes, learner implemented the Extension.
 No, learner DID NOT implement the Extension.

Mentoring Educator’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________


Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014a). How does learning happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years: A resource
about learning through relationships for those who work with young children and their families. Toronto: Author.

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014b). Excerpts from “ELECT”: Foundational knowledge from the 2007 publication of
Early Learning for Every Child Today: A framework for Ontario’s Early Childhood Settings. Government of
Ontario. Retrieved from Archived

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2016). The Kindergarten Program – Interim Release. Retrieved from

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework:


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