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Topic 1

Tris(dad): What should we do for fun this weekend?

Thaor (mom) Where should we go?

Dad: There are many options!

Mom: climbing is good for our health,

Dad: but our youngest child is still small, and climbing can be dangerous.

Mom:You're right. What about going boating? We can all go for a walk on the river and
enjoy the scenery.
Dad: Boating is also fun, but our daughter prefers to go to the aquarium. She loves
seeing fish

mom: Nahhh, it can be crowded on weekends. What about going to a football game this
weekend? Our son loves football.

Dad: Going to a football game is also fun, but there are no good games this weekend.

Mom: Then what about going to the cinema this weekend? There's a new animated
movie coming out, and our daughter loves it.

Dad: Great idea! Or we could be even more adventurous and go on a helicopter ride!
We could see the city from a whole new perspective.

Mom: omd, it’s so expensive,but it’s something we’d never forget. We could save up for
it if everyone wanted to go.

Dad: ok, let’s do that.

Topic 2
Girl (Thảo): So What do you think would be the best thing to take on a long jouney?
Boy (Trí): I think the board game would probaly be best. A game like chess takes a long
time to play, so you could stay busy for ages.
Girl: I don’t know about that. I think if she’s playing with her younger brother, the
games would’n take very long and he would get bored of it quite quikly. What about the
homework? It might be good to do that to use time well.
Boy: I think it would be very hard to do it while you 're travelling on a bus.
Girl: You're right, which would also mean that art and drawing aren 't a good idea. but I'd
get bored quite quickly, I think.
Boy: Me, too. I could listen to music for hours, though, so why not take some music to
Girl: What about her little brother, though? He couldn't listen at the same time, and if he
could, they probably don't like the same kind of music. They could both watch films on
the laptop, though, and take it in turns to choose what they want to watch.
Boy: That's a good idea! And on some buses you can charge your laptop.
Girl: And I guess she could do some of her homework or they could play games on it,
too, if they got tired of watching films.
Boy: I agree. So that would definitely be the best thing to take.

1a, 2c, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6a

Accom Officer: Hello, can I help you?
Marcel: Yes, my friends told me they already have accommodation for next year.
They said I need to sort out my accommodation too.
Accom Officer: Yes, you do. In fact, you’ve left it a bit late. We tell students to
arrange accommodation in January.
Marcel: Really? That’s very early.
Accom Officer: Well, by March, there’s usually nothing left. So, it wasn’t a good idea
to leave it until the end of May. Well, let’s have a look. I can probably find something
for you. What sort of accommodation are you looking for?
Marcel: Well, I’d like to stay in the university halls again.
Accom Officer: What year are you in?
Marcel: What year am I in? Oh, I see, I’m a first year student.
Accom Officer: So in September you’ll be in your second year. I’m afraid we don’t
reserve halls accommodation for second year students. Rooms in halls go to first
year students, and we give any remaining places to final year students.
Marcel: Oh. So what can I do?
Accom Officer: Well, most students rent a room in a house. It’s often cheaper than
halls anyway.
Marcel: Okay…
Accom Officer: Do you have any friends you’d like to share a house with?
Marcel: I don’t know… not really. I think they already have plans.
Accom Officer: Well, I’ll look on the computer system. There may be free rooms in
some houses. I’ll print a list for you. .. (sound of computer keys)… hmm, there’s not
very much left.
Marcel: What is there?
Accom Officer: There’s a room in a house on Old Road. It’s with 5 other students, two
bathrooms, one kitchen, living room. £85 a week.
Marcel: Old Road? Where’s that?
Accom Officer: It’s about 5 miles from the campus.
Marcel: Five miles? That’s quite far.
Accom Officer: You can take the bus.
Marcel: Isn’t there something closer?
Accom Officer: Er… let me see - there’s one on Edward Street: small room, with 6
other students, one bathroom, kitchen diner - it doesn’t have a living room. This
bedroom’s very small - only 2 metres by 3. It’s cheap though - £65 a week, bills
Marcel: It doesn’t sound so good…
Accom Officer: There’s nothing else close to campus. You could look for a private
Marcel: How do I do that?
Accom Officer: Check the local papers, look online - The Newcastle Forum website
often has accommodation in it. Someone might want a lodger, or have a room to
Marcel: Okay, I’ll try the forum. Thanks for your help.

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