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1) “The allele frequencies in a population are stable and are constant from generation to
generation. The sum total of all the allelic frequencies is 1.”
a) Name this principle?
b) List any three factors that affect this principle?
2) Given below are the different “periods” in the Geological Time Scale. Arrange them in the
correct ascending order.
(Carboniferous, Triassic, Cretaceous, Permian,
Jurassic, Silurian, Quarternary, Tertiary, Devonian)
3) The given diagram indicates a type of evolution.
a) Name the type of evolution?
b) Comment on the evolution of these organs?
4) Evolution is the stochastic process based on chance
events in nature & chance mutation in the organism.
Explain it with the help of a suitable example?

5) Charles Darwin during a Sea voyage round the world in a sail ship (H.M.S Beagle), concluded
that there has been gradual evolution of life forms .What is his theory practically known as?
Write the main points of his theory .Name a scientist who arrived to similar conclusion like
that of Charles Darwin?
6) Depending upon the trait favoured natural selection can bring about three different effects.
Depict the effects with the help of diagram?
7) The population of white coloured moth were almost replaced by the dark (melanised)
Variety during industrial revolution in England.Explain the mechanism involved
and comment on it?
8) According to Hardy-Weinberg Principle the frequency of alleles in a population remains the
same, generation after generation, in standard conditions. Give the binomial derivation for
this principle. List any four factors that can upset this equilibrium?
9) Classify the following in to homologous and analogous organs
a) Wings of insects and wings of birds
b) Flipper of penguin and flipper of Dolphin .
c) Fore limb of human and forelimb of cheetah.
d) Sweet potato and potato
e) The eye of the octopus and of mammals
f) The thorn and tendrils of Bougainvillea and Cucurbita
g) The heart of different vertebrates


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10) ‘Homology is based on divergent evolution whereas analogy refers to convergent evolution’

a) Justify the statement with examples?

b) Write any two examples for evolution
by anthropogenic action?

11) The given diagram represents the

process of evolution.

a)Which type of evolution is depicted in

the diagram?
b)Give another example of the same process?
12) “When more than one adaptive radiation appeared to have occurred in an isolated
geographical area (representing different habitats), one can call this convergent evolution”.
Justify the statement with an example?
13) The given diagram shows an evolutionary process. Comment on it?

14) P2 + 2Pq + q2= 1

a. The above equation is the mathematical expression of a law in evolution?. Name the law?
b) What does the law says about evolution?
c) What would happen if this principle is disturbed?
d) What do you meant by ounder effect?
15) Evolution is a shift from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Do you agree with the statement?
16) Draw a flow chart showing the summary of human evolution using the hints given in the
(Homo habilis , Ramapithecus, Homo erectus, Dryopithecus, Neanderthal man,Homo
sapiens, Australopithecines )
17) Observe the relationship between the first two words and fill in the blanks.
a) Forelimb of mammals: Homologous organ: Wings of birds and insects : ……………………
b) Darwin: Galapagos islands: Alfred Russel Wallace : …………………………..
c) Life come from outerspace :Panspermia : life came out of decaying and rotting matter like
straw and mud :……………………………….
d) Hunted with stone weapons and ate fruit: Australopithecines : used hides to protect their
body and buried their dead : …………………………………


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18) In England before industrialization there were more white winged moths on trees than dark
winged moths in 1850.But in 1920 , there were more dark winged moths in the same area
ie the proportion was reversed .Clear this example based on Darwin’s view on
19) Descriptions of human ancestors are given .Identify each group?
a) Hunted with stone weapons but essentially ate fruit.
b) The brain capacities were between 650-800cc and did not eat meat.
c) The brain capacity was around 900cc and probably ate meat.
d) The brain size was 1400cc, used hides to protect their body and buried their dead.
20) Fill the columns A and B using the items given below:

Column A Column B
Development of pesticide resistant pests ………………… ?
……………… ? …………………………. Adaptive radiation
use and disuse of organs. ……………… ?
……………… ? ……………………….. Genetic drift
Natural selection theory ……………… ?
……………… ? ……………………….. Evening primerose
([Lamarckism, Evolution by anthropogenic action, Gene flow by chance, Varieties of marsupi
als in Australia, Hugo de Vries, Darwin]
21) Observe the given diagram.
a) Identify the experiment?
b) What was the purpose of the experiment?
c) Name the gases present in the gas chamber?
d) Who proposed chemical evolution theory?

22) Darwin Finches represent a best example for an

evolutionary phenomenon.
a. Name the phenomenon?
b. Give an explanation for this phenomenon?
c. Write the two key concepts in Darwinian Theory of Evolution?


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23) Observe the graph
a) Identify the type of natural selection in a, b and c?
b) Name one example that you have studied to
explain the type of natural selection in “b”?

24) Observe the given graph

and answer the following questions.

a) Under the influence of which type of Natural Selection would graph (A) become like
graph (B)?
b) Who suggested Natural Selection as a mechanism of evolution?
25) P2 + 2Pq + q2= 1 , This equation is the mathematical expression of Hardy-Weinberg
a) What does P and q represent in this equation?
b) In a population if the frequency of dominant allele is 0.6 and the frequency of the
recessive allele is 0.4. Find out the frequency of heterozygous individuals?
26) “Fossils are remained of hard parts of life-forms found in rocks”. How does the study of
fossils strengthen the theory of evolution?
27) Match the column A with B
Column A Column B
Fish with stout and strong fins called lobefins Plants
The first organisms that invaded on land Genetic drift
The land reptiles went back into water to evolve
Tyrannosaurus rex
into fish like reptiles
Dinosaur about 20 feet in height
and had huge fearsome dagger like teeth
The first mammals Ichthyosaurs
Changes in gene frequency by chance Coelacanth

28) In a Hardy-Weinberg population with two alleles, A and a, that are in equilibrium, the
frequency of the allele a is 0.3. What is the percentage of the population that is homozygous
for this allele?
A) 0.09 B) 0.49 C) 0.9 D) 9.0 E) 49.0


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29) You sample a population of butterflies and find that 56% are heterozygous at a particular
locus. What should be the frequency of the recessive allele in this population?
a) 0.44 b) 0.08 c) 0.09 d) 0.70
e) Allele frequency cannot be determined from this information.
30) During a study session about evolution, one of your fellow student’s remarks, "The giraffe
stretched its neck while reaching for higher leaves; its offspring inherited longer necks as a
result." Which statement is most likely to be helpful in correcting this student's
a) Characteristics acquired during an organism's life are generally not passed on through
genes. b) Spontaneous mutations can result in the appearance of new traits.
c) Only favorable adaptations have survival value. d) Disuse of an organ may lead to its
eventual disappearance. e) If the giraffes did not have to compete with each other, longer
necks would not have been passed on to the next generation
31) Rearrange the following statements to explain the formation of atmosphere on earth
i) The lighter hydrogen gas escaped from the surface while oxygen combined with methane,
ammonia etc to form water and carbondioxide etc. ii) Earth cooled and water vapour fell as
rain iii) Water vapour, methane, ammonia and carbondioxide were released from molten
mass. iv) UV rays from the sun broke up water into hydrogen and oxygen.
32) Name the theory of origin based on the following statement;
i. The supernatural being created the earth, light, plants, animals.
ii. Unit of life called spores transferred to different planets including earth.
iii. Life arose from decaying matter like straw.
iv. First form of life could have come from pre-existing non-living organic molecules.
v. The first form of life arose slowly from non-living molecules involving evolutionary forces.
33) Why small black birds later called Darwin Finches found in Galapagos Islands amazed
Darwin. Which evolutionary phenomenon is represented by Darwin finches.
Give any other example of this phenomenon. When is this phenomenon indicative
ofconvergent evolution?
34) Is evolution a process or the result of a process? Name the two key concepts of Darwinian
Theory of evolution.
35) Complete the paragraph from the terms given in bracket (Jawless fish, Coelacanth, plants,
2000, 350)
The first cellular forms of life appeared on earth about … A …….. million years ago. Slowly
single-celled organisms became multi-cellular life forms. By the time of 500 mya,
invertebrates were formed and active. …… B ………probably evolved around 350 mya. We
are told that the first organisms that invaded land were…… C ………... Fish with stout and
strong fins could move on land and go back to water about …… D ……mya. In 1938, a fish
caught in South Africa happened to be a …… E……
which was thought to be extinct.


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