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The Reimagining of Auggie Vaul

Monster Hour - Arc 8


The seal is broken. Magic is back. Vaul’s ascension has begun. The hunters only shot at saving the world as they know
it is to reforge the seal before the Reimagining is complete. It will take every measure of strength, every ounce of
cunning, and every ally they can muster.


It’s the end of the world - what more of a hook could you need?


The Seal is broken and magic is released once more into the world. The Paracosm is formed around
CNL and begins expanding outward. The Reimagining begins.

Vaul’s Believers - those couple hundred caught with headsets on during the Unveiling - begin to range
out from the Paracosm into Firmament, spreading the gospel of his better world.

Vaul broadcasts his message and proof of his power to the world, converting millions to his cause.
DUSK Around the world, secondary paracosms sprout from the remaining twelve seals as Vaul exerts his
control over Magic.

Otherwhere, the Plane of Memory, and the Hereafter begin to crumble as Vaul drains their power. The
paracosms expand across the globe. The City of Firmament falls to the Believers.

The three other planes are destroyed as the paracosms encompass the globe.

The Reimagining is complete. The world is remade in Vaul’s image.

Notes, Custom Moves, Etc.

Big Magic: The Sealing Ritual

The biggest of big magics, designed to cage Magic in its own demiplane where its influence cannot reach the rest of
reality. The requirements are myriad:
● You need rare and weird ingredients: The five points of the seal / paragons of magic
○ Strength of the Beast (Alvin, Sarah)
○ Guile of the Trickster (The Shard, Leon)
○ Eternity of the Spirit - (Brandusa)
○ Pact of the Wishbringer - (Dorian, Morgana, Blue)
○ Will of a Human - (JR, Constance)
● You need rare and weird ingredients: A physical vessel to replace the seal
○ Importance of physical objects to arcane geometry
● The spell needs to be cast at a specific place
○ Inside the Paracosm at CNL - like capping a geyser, it can’t be done from far away
● The spell will take a long time to cast
○ Up to one hour
● You need a lot of people to help you
○ 12 humans, one for each of the remaining seals
■ The Daylight Society (8) - Pax, Cecilia, Jasper, Stan, Galvan, Kristin, Jenny, Bri
■ Paracosm Resistance (4) - Leon, Eve, Georgiana, Sarah
■ The Extras (2) - Ethel, Victor
■ The Redeemers (2) - Magdalena, Stoney
● You will need to Use Magic as part of the ritual
○ The specific effect will depend on how close the hunters hew to the original ritual versus changing it to
achieve a different effect.
● You need to experiment with the spell – there will be lots of failures before you get it right.
○ You must get a 12+ on your Use Magic roll; you may attempt as many times as necessary but glitches
and failures will be amplified
● Specific side effects and dangers
○ If the entities forming the five points are not powerful enough, the ritual will consume the entirety of
their being, destroying them utterly. Weak points in the seal also increase the risk that the ritual will
fail entirely.
○ Auggie Vaul and his forces will try to stop you.

Custom Move: The Physical Vessel

When you create a physical vessel to contain the sealing ritual, roll +the stat that best captures your approach to
creating art:
● On a 10+, choose 3 tags that describe the artistic style of your work. When the ritual is underway, any hunter
may expend this art tag just like a luck point, provided that the action they’re taking is in alignment with the
tag being activated.
● On a 7-9, choose 2 art tags. Any hunter may activate them.
● On a miss, choose 1 art tag. Only the hunter that created the vessel may activate it.

Once a tag has been used, cross it out - it cannot be activated again.

Threats: Phenomena

NAME The Reimagining

TYPE Phenomenon Corruption

MOTIVATION To change the laws of the universe

POWERS Surreality - The Reimagining is the animating force behind the paracosm surrounding CNL. It is the
metaphysical manifestation of Vaul’s growing power - literally spreading outward across the globe. It’s
effects are wild and unpredictable during the expansion as Vaul lacks full control. The result is a surreal
dreamscape as the laws of nature and physics unravel.

Winds of Magic - When the winds of pure, uncontrolled Magic wash over you, roll +the stat that best
epitomizes the essence of your character:
● On a 10+, magic provides what you need most at that moment.
● On a 7-9, Magic provides what you want - not what you need.
● On a miss, Magic misinterprets your thoughts, bringing your worst fears to life.

WEAKNESSES The Reimagining is a creation of Auggie Vaul; it can only be stopped by stopping him.

NOTES/LORE Obstacles
● The Elkhorn River Bridge - Overrun by the Paracosm, the bridge has been transformed into an
animate, semi-sentient being that is slowly coming to life as the hunters attempt to cross.
● The Winds of Magic - An uncontrolled surge of pure magical power that may grant the hunters
greatest wish or manifest their worst nightmare.
● The Surreal Cathedral - The epicenter of Reimagining and the seat of Vaul’s power, guarded by all
his minions.
Threats: Monsters & Minions

NAME Auggie Vaul

TYPE Monster Sorcerer

MOTIVATION To usurp unnatural power

POWERS Imagination - Vaul’s headset allows him to perfectly communicate his wills and wants to Magic,
allowing him to reshape the world to his will. He can conjure elements, reshape the environment, alter
the laws of physics - the only limit is his imagination.

I, Immortal - Vaul cannot be killed so long as he has access to magic. He is immune to non-magical
harm. Magical harm can hurt him and slow him down, but it cannot destroy him.

Call of the Void - Vaul can summon the Void Colossus into mundane earth.

WEAKNESSES Vaul is powerless if cut off from magic

ATTACKS Unmaking (5-harm close magic ignore-armor); Void Tendrils (4-harm far area)


HARM CAP. Immortal and unkillable as long he has access to magic

NOTES/LORE Imagination attacks

● Earthquake - Vaul tries to bury the ritual before it gets off the ground by tearing the earth apart.
● Catatumbo Lightning - A blunt assault of lightning bolts to kill everyone involved.
● Reverse Gravity - Sowing chaos and disorder in order to divide and conquer.
● The Void Colossus - The return of Vaul’s pet cosmic horror, capable of engaging at every point
on the battlefield with its incalculable mass of tendrils.

NAME Vaul’s Believers NAME The Cabal

TYPE Minion Plague TYPE Minion Guardian

MOTIVATION To swarm and destroy MOTIVATION To bar a way or protect something

POWERS Forced Pacifism - Any non-magical weapon POWERS Forced Pacifism - Any non-magical weapon used
used against a Believer is instantly against a member of the Cabal is instantly
destroyed. destroyed.

Shield of Faith - So long as they are under Shield of Faith - So long as they are under Vaul’s
Vaul’s protection, any injuries a Believer protection, any injuries the Cabal suffers are
suffers are healed after just a few moments. healed after just a few moments. Because they are
not wearing headsets, this effect cannot be
Evangelism - When you are confronted with disrupted by destroying the devices.
Vaul’s corruptive vision for the world, roll
+the stat that best epitomizes the essence of Conduit - Vaul’s Reimagining is being channeled
your character: through the Cabal. This provides them a greater
● On a 10+, you catch fleeting glimpses degree of protection - but it also makes them key
of what your heart most desires, but to Vaul’s plan.
you are able to shake it off.
● On a 7-9, you feel the temptation of
the limitless power of imagination.
The visions persist after the source
fases, and you take -1 ongoing when
you roll this move in the future. This
effect stacks.
● On a miss, you surrender to Vaul’s

WEAKNESSES Vaul’s power and influence is disrupted if WEAKNESSES The members of the Cabal are untouchable as
the headset is extricated/destroyed long as they remain united in channeling Vaul’s
spell. They are only vulnerable if one of them is
convinced to turn on the rest.


ARMOUR 1-armor magic ARMOUR 3-armor magic

HARM CAP. ☐☐☐☐ HARM CAP. ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

Threats: Locations

NAME The Studio Wreckage NAME The Paracosm

TYPE Location Crossroads TYPE Location Lab

MOTIVATION To bring people, and things, together MOTIVATION To create weirdness

NOTES The remnants of the Studio after the battle NOTES The space inside Vaul’s bubble, warped beyond
with the Kindred. It won’t hold up to a recognition by the Reimagining. Filled with
sustained assault from Auggie’s forces, but it’s incomprehensible strangeness, surreal hazards,
enough for the hunters to get their bearings and alien entities.
and plan their last

NAME The Surreal Cathedral NAME The Hereafter

TYPE Location Maze TYPE Location Wilds

MOTIVATION To confuse and separate MOTIVATION To contain hidden things

NOTES The twisted remains of the Colorado National NOTES The plane of spirits, withering away as its
Laboratory, equal parts cathedral and power is siphoned away by Vaul’s Reimagining.
graveyard. The main ‘entrance’ is heavily Brandusa remains outside the silver gates.
guarded, but the walls themselves warp as the
Believers move through it, setting up a
potential secondary means of ingress. The
interior is an Escher-esque maze patrol by
Believers where the lost members of the
Daylight Society are holding out.

NAME The Inner Cloister NAME

TYPE Location Hellgate TYPE


NOTES The epicenter of the Reimaging inside the NOTES

Surreal Cathedral. Location of the Cabal and
Auggie Vaul, as well as the requisite location
for the Sealing ritual.

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