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Candidate Name: Jenice Todd

Candidate Number:
Theme: Child Abuse
Topic: What are the causes of child abuse
Centre Name: Cedric Titus High School
Centre Number: 100017
Teacher: Ms. Avril Gordon
Territory: Jamaica
Examination Period: 2023-2024


Plan of Investigation 1

Participation Measure 2

Reflections 3

⮚ Reflection #1 4

⮚ Reflection #2 5

⮚ Reflection #3 6

Written Report 7-8

Oral Presentation Plan 9

Oral Presentation 10 - 11

Appendix 12 - 13

Bibliography 14

Under the general heading of "Child Abuse," the researcher chose the subtopic "The Cause and

Prevention of Child Abuse". The desire to learn more about the problem of child abuse led to the

selection of this topic. The researcher, an English student, will benefit from this study by

improving her writing skills and increasing her vocabulary and linguistic proficiency, which will

allow her to construct coherent sentences. The effectiveness of the project and the accuracy of

the data collected are the reasons why the researcher wishes to put these skills to use.

Lastly, the researcher plans to use a song, a YouTube video, and an article from a newspaper to

collect relevant data.


Final Rating
Rating Student’s Record of
1 – Agree
Rating Criteria 1 – Agree Teacher’s
0 – Uncertain
0 – Uncertain Comments/Suggestions
-1 – Disagree
-1 – Disagree
I know what I am expected
to do to work well in a

It is easy to focus on what

is taking place in my group.

In the group, I feel self-

confidence, self-esteem,
and self-efficacy.

I know how to manage how

I behave in the group.

I always manage my tasks

on time and thoroughly

Total: /5 Total: /5
The first artefact was a song that captures the issue of child abuse and its catastrophic

ramifications being portrayed in a striking way.

The second artefact was an article which raises awareness and understanding by shedding light

on the pervasiveness of abuse and its harmful impacts on victims

The third artefact was a image portraying a wounded child's face with a looming hand,

serving as a sharp reminder of the urgent need for intervention and prevention.

Finally, These artefacts collectively highlighted the importance of raising awareness,

providing support services, and implementing preventive measures to safeguard children and

prevent future instances of abuse.


In the first artefact Romaine Virgo's song uses colloquial language to convey the gravity of the

issue, and its effective usage of patois draws in all Jamaican listeners.Teenagers are urged and

educated in the lyrics to be wise and avoid falling prey to abusers.

The second artefact in the article, Line "Gordon Harrison noted that sexual abuse against

children are not limited to men alone." demonstrates the article's use of formal language while

keeping a somber tone. The material is conveyed with greater trust thanks to this choice of

wording. The formal language is reflective of an academic discussion, which aids in a thorough

comprehension of the subject.

The picture, which shows a mistreated youngster, supports the story. There appears to be a

casual, personal fight between the abuser and the victim in this scene.
My understanding of child abuse has greatly improved as a result of this SBA. Together, the

artifacts produced a sophisticated understanding of the experiences of abused victims and the

causes of child abuse.

My attitude has been influenced by this SBA since it presents the experience of victims of

child abuse. It has increased my understanding of child abuse as a whole, which is primarily

initiated by parents or other family members within the home.

It has aided in improving my handwriting by teaching me proper sentence structure, English

vocabulary, and punctuation usage. On the flip side, working in a group forced me to learn how

to be more outgoing, forceful, and confident when I speak in front of an audience.

Our teacher started off this SBA by going over the specifics of the English assignment

and what is expected of it. After splitting us up into groups, she gave us free reign to choose any

theme we wanted. Our teacher oversaw this process and made sure we had a theme and topic that

could be researched. We tried to select the artifact we believed would be ideal for our report

during our Google Meet meeting, but we had internet connectivity issues, making it difficult for

some group members to hear what was going on. We subsequently decided to get together over

lunch to talk about the SBA in order to address these difficulties. Everybody had a separate topic,

even though we all had the same theme.

We were able to obtain the knowledge we required to do this exam with the help of the internet.

We experienced really positive results from this procedure, including improvements in our

writing, reading, understanding, and grammar. We succeeded in achieving the set goals and

finishing the SBA inside the allotted time frame. Working as a group was difficult, but in order

to finish our evaluation, we had to overcome these difficulties until we were happy with the
results. In summary, by the time the research was over, everyone had become more proficient in

English and had learned how to work with others to accomplish a shared objective.


Theme: Abuse

Topic: Cause of Child Abuse

Language Used: Standard English

Main Idea: To bring across the background of child abuse

A child so small
so vulnerable and weak
helpless, powerless
not allowed to speak.
Lying awake in bed
knowing he'll soon appear
Frightened and trapped
living a torturous nightmare.
Body is shaking
trembling within
preparing for
the terrible acts of sin.
Left all alone
with no one in sight
The abused child cries silently
all through the night.

How does one heal

from such a horrible crime?
The scars, the damage
lasts a lifetime.
Emotionally I struggle
to make it through
Not knowing why
I feel and act the way I do.
The tragedy is over
but the turmoil is still there
I wonder, if my outbursts
is a way to see if anyone cares.
Please! God help me
I cry out
with so much anguish
fear and doubt.

Barbara Green. "A Cry For Help."

Copy of Photo used in this portfolio


Romaine Virgo. (2019, August 31). Dutty Man.

Jamaica Gleaner (2022, Jan 4)

Children being abused in their own homes | News | Jamaica Gleaner (

A cry for help (2013, August 9.)

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