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Rizal St. Brgy. Dolores Mabalacat City Pampanga

Institute of Teacher Education

Detailed Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners shall be able to:
1. Understand the rules of capitalization;
2. Identify when to use capital letters in different contexts; and
3. Apply proper capitalization in writing.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: English Capitalization Rules
References: Learning Module
Material: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop/Computer
III. Procedure


“Good morning, everyone” “Good morning.”

“Let us pray first. Can anyone please lead the (One student will lead the prayer.)

(President will check if there are any absences.”
“Ms. President. Are there any absences for today?”

The students will have their ice breaker by looking
for the error in a sentence The students will answer.


“Let’s me begin the lesson by asking you what is (Students will give their answer)

“You are all correct. Capitalization means using

capital or uppercase letters. And when do you think (Student will give their answers)
we use it?”

“Very good, so now let’s dive into the lesson which

is English Capitalization rules.”

Three main reasons to Capitalize

1. Pronoun “I”
2. Proper nouns (Student will give their answers)
3. Beginning of the sentence

“The golden rule of the first one is the pronoun I is

always capitalized. Why do you think we need to
capitalized the pronoun I?”

“The lowercase i is difficult to read, by capitalizing

I, it makes it clearer that the letter is intended to
stand alone. Here are some examples”

“As you can see, even if the pronoun I is in the

middle or last part of the sentence it is still



“Generally speaking, Capitalization is one of the

basic that you need to learn. Its importance is to
emphasize the specific words and to indicate change
in meanings. Capitalization is easy to learn but then
there are people who didn’t use Capitalization. This
will help you to improve your writing.”

IV. Evaluation
Make a narrative essay about the most unforgettable moments you have experienced in your life.
Make sure to apply rules on capitalization and underline. Minimum of 5 sentences and maximum
of 10. (20 points)

V. Assignment
For each question, choose the correct sentence. (5 points each)
1. A) Don’t you love looking at the sky when Venus appears next to the Moon?
B) Don’t you love looking at the sky when venus appears next to the Moon?
C) Don’t you love looking at the sky when Venus appears next to the moon?
D) Don’t you love looking at the sky when venus appears next to the moon?
2. A) Leslie said that a highlight of her trip to the Nation’s Capital was touring the white house.
B) Leslie said that a highlight of her trip to the nation’s capital was touring the White House.
C) Leslie said that a highlight of her trip to the nation’s Capital was touring the White House.
D) Leslie said that a highlight of her trip to the Nation’s Capital was touring the Whitehouse.
3. A) My Grandmother lives on Fillmore Street.
B) My Grandmother lives on Fillmore street.
C) My grandmother lives on Fillmore street.
D) My grandmother lives on Fillmore Street.
4. A) I will be excited to listen to our Chief Executive Officer, Nancy Williamson, speak today in
the auditorium.
B) I will be excited to listen to our chief Executive Officer, Nancy Williamson, speak today in
the auditorium.
C) I will be excited to listen to our Chief executive officer, Nancy Williamson, speak today in
the auditorium.
D) I will be excited to listen to our chief executive officer, Nancy Williamson, speak today in
the auditorium.
5. A) The new immigration bill has the support of most of our state’s congressional delegation,
including Senator Mayhew.
B) The new immigration bill has the support of most of our state’s Congressional delegation,
including Senator Mayhew.
C) The new immigration bill has the support of most of our State’s congressional delegation,
including Senator Mayhew.
D) The new immigration bill has the support of most of our State’s Congressional delegation,
including senator Mayhew.

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