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"Greetings to all,
1. It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today,
representing a religion that has taught the world the values of
tolerance and acceptance. As a Hindu monk, I am proud to
belong to a tradition that has embraced people of different
faiths and provided them with refuge in times of need.
2. Our religion is based on the belief that there are multiple paths
to the divine, and we respect and honour them all. We believe
that every individual is on a unique spiritual journey, and it is
our duty to support and learn from one another.
3. However, the world has Been plagued by the evils of religious
intolerance, bigotry, and fanaticism, which have led to great
suffering any conflict. These negative forces have hindered the
progress of humanity and caused untold damage to societies
and cultures.
4. But today, I stand before you with a message of hope. I believe
that this convention marks a turning point in history, where we
can come together to reject these harmful behaviours and
embrace a new era of understanding and co-operation
among different faiths.
5. Let us work hand in hand to build a world where people of all
religions can live in harmony, respecting and celebrating the
diversity our beliefs. Let us strive for a future where love,
compassion, and unity prevail over hatred and division of our
6. By engaging in open dialogue and fostering mutual respect, we
can bridge the gaps that divide us.
7. In addition, let us remember that the youth hold the key to our
future. By instilling in them the values of tolerance, acceptance,
and empathy, we can ensure that they carry forward this legacy
of unity and understanding.
8. This understanding enables us to broaden our prospects and
cultivate empathy for others' beliefs.
9. We must recognize that the true essence of religion lies in
promoting love, compassion, and unity.
10. Thank you for your commitment to building a more
inclusive and accepting society.
11. Together, we can make this vision a reality and brighter,
more peaceful world for generations to come.



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