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National Training Programmes Division

Customer Service Representative
(Administrative Assistant- JO2BSB10118) – Job Certification
Unit Titles & Codes:
BSBWOR0022A: Manage personal stress in the workplace.
Trainer: Nyoka Sewell Powell

Instructions to candidates: Work collaboratively to complete the following

questions, then the Group Leader should send in one worksheet from group.

Group Number: __________

Names of Trainees: __Yasheka Watson____________________________

1)What are three of the signs of stress that you see at work?
- Increased irritability or mood swings
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- Physical symptoms like headaches or muscle tension

2) What are three of the sources of your stress at work?

-Children not listening
-High Workload
-Unclear expectations or job roles
3) Outline four (4) stress management techniques you may employ to reduce
-Practice mindfulness or meditation
- Take regular breaks and engage in physical activity
- Prioritize tasks and delegate when possible
- Seek social support from colleagues or friends

4) Suggest three (3) time management tools your co-worker could use to reduce
stress at work.
Your time is your most precious resource. Learning to say no is a challenging
skill to develop, as we always strive to maintain positive relationships with
colleagues. Saying no is a critical time-management skill aimed at protecting
your time. You will become more comfortable saying no if you practise it first.
It is best to start declining small requests to build your confidence before you
decline involvement with larger work requests that would impose significantly
on your time.
Good organisational skills support good planning. Organisational skills include
scheduling appointments, updating your calendar frequently, filing documents
effectively and taking detailed notes during meetings. Being well-organised
makes it easier to find documentation when you need it.
Planning is a fundamental component of time-management since it helps you
identify and plan your daily tasks, prepare for meetings and keep to your
schedule. Planning also includes creating work plans to meet deadlines. For
example, if you have to draft a research paper, you need to plan the distinct
steps you need to complete the paper.

5) List three (3) sources of fatigue in your work environment.

Uncomfortable workstations
- Long hours or irregular shifts
- High levels of noise or distractions

6) Suggest two (2) stamina management strategies.

Two stamina management strategies:
- Maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated throughout the day
- Incorporate regular exercise into your routine to improve overall fitness and

7) Did this course/program (Customer Service Representative – Admin

Assistant) bring stress to you? How did you manage or cope with this stress?
Yes, this program brought stress to me because I was placed in a basic school
with 2 to 4 year olds that are hard to control. I learnt to cope by developing
methods to keep the children focused and methods to come my self down when
the work gets overwhelming like taking deep breaths or taking a deep breath.

Feedback to Trainees:
Trainees Signatures: Instructor Signature:
Date: January 31, 2024 Date: January 31, 2024

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