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MILA: Hello, what is your name

LAURA: Hi, my name is laura, and yours?

MILA: My name is Maria, Pleased to meet you

LAURA: Me too

MILA: And tell me what you like to do?

LAURA: I really like to play

LAURA: And you?

MILA: I like sleeping

LAURA: Is Cool

MILA: would you like to be my friend?

LAURA: Yes of course

MILA: great thanks

MILA: you want to eat something?

LAURA: Ok, let's go

MILA: what do you want to eat?

LAURA: hot dog and you?

MILA: me too.

MILA: tell me about you

LAURA: what do you want to know?

MILA: where were you born?

LAURA: in Aguachica-cesar, and you?

MILA: I was born in Bucaramanga


MILA: who are your parents

LAURA: My mother is Sandra and my father is Jorge

MILA: Good.

MILA: what are your goals?

LAURA: I want to be a successful person with money

MILA: Is Cool

LAURA: Tell me more about you

MILA: what would you like to know?

LAURA: what sport do you like to do?

MILA: I like to skate


LAURA: What is your favorite city?

MILA: my favorite city is italy

LAURA: oh, my God! mine too

LAURA: the food was Delicious

MILA: I really like talking to you

LAURA: thanks for inviting me

LAURA: I have to god

MILA: Okay, se you tomorrow

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