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Global English Stage 2 - Unit 1 - Internal assessment

Name: Class: Date:

Listening section: Audio Track 11

1. Match the day with the activity: [5pts]

On Monday, * * we learn new songs.

On Tuesday, * * we draw pictures.

On Wednesday, * * we write in our notebooks.

On Thursday, * * we read books.

On Friday, * * we have PE and play games.

Reading section:
2. Read and circle the correct answers: [5pts]

My name is Bob. I am from England.

I go to school from Monday to Friday. I don’t go to school on Saturday or Sunday.

My backpack is blue. I have my book, pencil and crayons in my backpack.

I like to study art because I love to draw pictures. I like PE but I can’t run very fast.

At break time I eat an apple for my snack, and I play with my friends.

I love going to school.

What is his name? Mark Bob Jim

Does he go to school on Tuesday? yes no

What does he have in his backpack? ruler scissors pencil

Can he run fast? yes no

When does he eat an apple? lunch time break time breakfast

Global English Stage 2 - Unit 1 - Internal assessment

Vocabulary and Grammar section:

3. Match the picture with the word: [5pts]

* * * * *

* * * * *

clock book calendar tablet map

4. Draw the missing clock hand: [2pts]

2:00 7:00

5. Match the from the picture to the words: [2pts]

* * Author

* * Title
Global English Stage 2 - Unit 1 - Internal assessment

6. Circle the correct answer: [4pts]

It’s mine. It’s yours. It’s mine. It’s yours. It’s hers. It’s his. It’s hers. It’s his.

7. Circle the letters that are vowels: [2pts - 1 for upper and one for lower case]

H j L A B e N O u K a I V C c

8. Write the missing vowel: [5pts]

b ____ g p ____ n l ____ g p ____ t m ____ n

9. Circle the correct answer: [3pts]

ch th sh ch th sh ch th sh

10. Circle the correct answer: [2pts]

It’s a / an octopus. It’s a / an tiger.

Remember to check your answers!!

Score: Teacher comment:


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