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OXFORD Vocabulary and Grammar be: singular forms 1 €9 Label the pictures. 2 EHD Mark these sentences true (1) or false (F) for you. Correct the false sentences. 11m hungry. [F] I'm not hungry. I'm thinty 2 Vm hot. [_] 3 I'm tired. 4 I'm anary.[_] 5 t'msad.[_] 6 I'm scared. [_] 3a Listen to the dialogues. Match the names (a-e) to the pictures in exercise 1 (1-11). a Alfie b Leo[_] ¢ Wis[_] d Maisie[_] e Tilly b Complete the dialogues. MrRees Hi Alfie. Are you OK? Alfie” Yes,t'mfine. MrRees Are you hungry? Alfie No,/'mnot.'m MrRees Hello Leo! leo Hil MrRees Are you __ Leo Yes, |am. Very! c Listen and check. , Leo? 4 a EXE) Over to you! Write four questions to ask your partner. Then guess their answers. Are you cold? Yes, Lam. wna 4 b Ask your partner the questions and check your answers. page 11, exercise 2 istening and Grammar 5 a €29 GZ Listen to the dialogues and complete the table. 1A 6 ES) Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write the answers, Name: Maria Name: Nationality Antonio Polish Nat Age: Spanish 2 Age: uw 1 [Bwelve] [Is] [he] [7] Ishe twelve? No, he isn't. He's eleven, 2 [Antonio] [Italy] [from] Tamsin | Anna | Mike | Omar 3 [he] [Is] [tired] [?] age 1 nationality English feeling thirsty happy 4 [Poland] [Maria] [1s] [from b Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. sideline ID 1 Tamsin a She's eleven. [T] b She's English. | F | She isn’t English, she’s Welsh. ¢ She's tired. 2 Mike a He's 10, b He's Irish. c He's sad.{_ | 3 Anna a She's 11.(_] b She's English. 6 [Is] [twelve] [she] [? 7 ‘Over to you! Answer the questions for you and give some extra information. 1 Are you from Scotland? 2 Are you ten? 3 Are you happy? 4 Are you tired? 5 Is your teacher English? € She's bored. ——— en 6 Is your best friend eleven? 4 Omar sae A a He's9. 7 Is your classroom cold? b He's Welsh, 8 Is your classroom big? ¢ He's cold. [_] page 11, exercise 5 vie mer @) Lab Vocabulary 1 €9 Look at the picture and complete the crossword with the family words. 2 Write sentences about some of the people in the crossword. Use the words in the box. clever old pretty short strong tall_young a (3) This is my father. He's strong ba) <6) d© e@) f (8) 90) page 12, exercise 5 © vn tet Listening and Grammar be: plural forms 3a Listen and label the twins with the names in the box. Adamand-Anna Jo and Joe Chris and Ch Lolaand Lucy Pete and Petra. Zoe and Zak 1 Adam and Anna b ED Complete the speech bubbles (ac). Use the words in brackets. a (old/clever) We aren't old. We're clever. (tall/old) € (short/pretty) 4 EZ Fi Compare picture A in exercise 3a with picture B below. Write about /re tall e.g.: Adam and Anna aren't short, thi 5 ©) Put the words in the correct order Writing to make questions. Then answer the questions a for The Flamingos and The Eagles. 6 2 C89 GRE Cet ready to write Listen to the interview and complete the table about THE SCOTTISHTIMES Toby and Tina. THE IRISH TIMES The Flamingos from Year 5 at the Dance Club Show! Tina Toby nationality appearance | tall relationship | sister and age 1 [from] [Are] [Ireland Ate they from Ireland? ot a The Eagles: No, they aren't. They're from Scotland. | sports b The Flamingos: Yes, they are. seeing 2 [are] [in Year 5] [they] [7] b Complete the text about Toby and Tina. secre ee Use the information in the table in exercise 6a. a The Eagles: Toby and Tina are my cousins. They're "brother and sister. They're but they live in London. They are tall but they aren't twins. b The Flamingos: Toby is 10 and Tina is * They like sport. 3 [scared] [Are] [they] They can basketball and football. They § in races, too. This photo is at a The tg the end of a 5K race. They are oreo eee « and tired. 7 ‘© Join the sentences with and or but. 4 [Are] [at the Dance Club show] [they 1 He's young. He's short, He's young and he’s short. a The Eagles: _ 2 We're hot. We're tired. b The Flamingos: 3 They're nice. They're clever. page 13, exercise 8 —______ 4/I'm tall. He’s short. page 13, exercise 9 vmet ©) ui ie Trader Vocabula 3 a EZ} Look at the diagram and write ry ig! sentences using his, her or their. 1 € Complete the names of the months on the calendar. Finn @ 1 It’s his pencil case. page 15, exercise 4 & Bee Grammar Possessives a 2 € Draw the correct shape round the possessives. 3 eg eee oN S177 | you ) me, / @:, b Look at the diagram again. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. Use the possessive s. 1 She’s their aunt. [F] She's Lily and Finn’s mother. Q 2 It's her pencil case. iS => 2 Wlshis ruler [] & 4 It’s their notebook. [_] @ 5 Its her calculator. [_] his our their your my her 4 a €ED BA Listen to Polly and Samir. ‘Complete the table with ticks (7). the same | different ase v vaother's wane rite colour or rite wauwaber b Look at the table again and complete the information for Polly. 1 Our birthdays are on the same date. Itis Sth June. 2 fathers’ names are different. father’s name is Pete, _ father’s name is Mo. 3 mothers’ names are mother’s name is Becca, mother's name is Sally. 4 sg Complete the texts with the correct subject pronoun or possessive. "Ny name's Tania. * ‘mu in class 7A at Green Park High School. Our classroom is nice. S's blue and green with big windows. 4_ English teacher's name is Rose. She isn't English, "___"s Scottish, Rose's classes are Fin, but © exams are difficult! Our Favourite activity i= Hangman.” love it! Que PE teacher's name is Ivan. ® __'s from Spain and ?___ favourite qame is basketball. © Favourite game is basketball too, and 1 ike Ivan's classes. My best friends don't like basketball. "don't like PE classes. EXMEMMPLMN pave 15, exercise 6 6a Listen and mark the rhythm on the sentences with big and small circles. © © Oo ‘A What's your name? B My name's David. ‘A How old are you? B I'm twelve. ‘A What's your favourite colour? B It’s green. A Can you swim? B Yes, I can. A Are you English? B No, I'm not. I'm Welsh. b {E] Over to you! Answer the questions for you. Mark the rhythm on your answers. 1c PSEA page 15, exercise 7 vaie met @) Vocabulary 1 Write sentences about the pictures. Use I’m, He's, She's, We're, They're. iia fa 1 He's in Maths. 2 We're in German. ESERIES page 17, exercise 3 Everyday English 2 €9 Complete the crossword with the days of the week. ale Z| 1 The 3rd day of the week. 5 The 2nd day of the week. 2 The Istday of the week 6 The 4th day of the week. 3 The 7th day of the week. 7 The Sth day of the week. 4 The 6th day of the week. © wie mer 3a EET] usten to the dialogues and complete the table with the times. r - b €£) write sentences about the timetable. 1 History is at nine o'clock. A eVauaw 4 ‘F| Over to you! Answer the questions. 1 What's your favourite subject? 2 What's your favourite day at school? PEPE page 17, exercises 5-7 Reading 1 Read and follow the instructions. Can you complete the sentence at the end? 1 Answer the questions. 2 Write the letters in the answer box at the bottom of the page. 3 Read the sentence. ea Riek 7 The 3rd letter a ‘‘ z=rmD _— "What's the next sentence? ime What is the 2nd > yen | month of the year? Ry February Write its 8" letter. Y Write the letter that is in bs both words. __ ¢ fhat's it ‘? What's the opposite of hot! a See 2 It's quarter past two. ets 3 It's half past three, aks Write the 15th letter sentence 4, 2 Be % Gieeke The 5th letter ‘What's Lily and Finn's chameleon's name? & Complete this sentence. a The 6th letter My mother’s brother is my . as Write the letter that is EF in both these words. Write the 3rd letter. Write the Sth letter. orange black 9) / GE What is the ninth month? Le Write the 1st letter “he 2 Sy dh adi / Gs , / ih Complete this sentence. What's the opposite of light? My father’s sister is my ae What's the 4th letter? What's the opposite of short? \ Mite the letter that is - in both words. 2 GEER & What letter is in Saturday, but isn’t in Tuesday? ts & Unit 1-Met © Ue oye Grammar and Vocabulary 1 Write questions and answers. 1 (sad) Are you sad? No, I'm not. I'm tired. 2 Find seven words you can use to describe people. [MF [Rie ojals|F ujoic Tt \n[viiim ElQ\F Uelr sicis|¢ lplvly Ol>|n)>)eiz fale [al>[=[m|<|m[elal— ol |=|=/=/<|=[zZ[- [x z[0[N|=[4[-[alol No, “UOC U ny Seuauno® qUaLey!p Jo si] Woy a\doag ‘0uely Ul sieje5 0} pue|6ug UI Jen0q Woy sanawo})y sey @ pue se.42-ALIYp ‘uo 8131, ‘pue|6ug Woy eouery 09s ued nog, sunojoo aaitp 106 sey Bey yin 241 ed seBpug any-Aunys 108 4 zen Buo} Kien 2 $31 vopuo] ui eau ip si sewey sony ous © EEED | Write anew quiz. Write three questions with How many. Write the answers upside down. Swap quizzes with your friends. u Call ~ Vocabulary 1 a €9 Label the house. se 4 page 28, exe gaia English 3 a €9 Complete the | ook Can! borrow b €&D Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F) speech bubbles with Can | have for you. Correct the false sentences. the phrases in the box. | Can! take Yes ‘e 1 My bedroom is orange. you can you can’ 2 The bathroom is blue in our house. 3 The kitchen has got two windows. [_] 4 The living room has got some shelves 5 We haven't got a garden. [_] ¢ EEED FF] Now write two more sentences about your house. SEITE page 28, exercise 3 Grammar 2 Look at the pictures and write sentences with the words in the box and this, that, these or those. bedroom cat dad football cards friends hamsters plants Tom's bedroom 1 This is my bedroom, Dice — _ 18) Unit 2-At home b Listen and check. page 29, exercise 5 Reading 1 Look at the pictures. Which characters are in the story? 2 Read the story. Number the pictures in the correct order. 1 Cat Why are cats pets? A traditional story from Africas 2 Cat Lion Cat Lion Cat Elephant Cat Elephant Cat Elephant Cat ‘And that is the story of why cats are pets. 3 Read again, Match the sentence halves. 1 The cat is weak and 2 The cat's first friend 3 The lion is scared 4 The cat's second friend 5 The elephant is scared of 6 The cat’s third friend 7 The man’s wife is 8 The cat’s fourth friend a a strong woman. b the man and his gun. ¢ is the elephant. d of the elephant. € is the man. f isalion g:he wants a friend. h isthe woman, an elephant an iguana alion aman asnake awoman 'm small and weak. | want a friend. | want a strong friend. Lions are strong. Can | be your friend, Lion? Yes, of course. Come with me. Later Look at the elephant. She’s got big legs and a long trunk. She's very strong. My friend the lion is scared of the elephant! Goodbye! Run! Can I be your friend, Elephant? Yes, of course. Come with me. Later Who's that? That's a hunter. What has he got in his hand? It’s a gunt I'm scared of guns. Goodbye! Run! That's a surprise. That man isn’t strong. He can’t run fast. But my friend the ‘elephant is scared of the man and his gun. Hello! Can | be your friend, Man? Yes, of course. Come home with me. Hello! Hello! Wipe your feet! Give me your gun. OK. Here you are. Now go and wash your hands. That's a surprise! The woman isn’t scared of the man and she isn’t scared of the gun. Can | be your friend, Woman? Yes, of course. And here’s some food for you. 4 Now listen to the recording of the story while you read it again. 5 Over to you! Work with a partner. ‘Answer the questions. 1 Do you like the story? Why?/Why not? 2 What is a good friend? Unit 2-At home Progress check Grammar and Vocabulary 1 Put the letters in the correct order to make words. Then use the words to complete the sentences. Use a, some, and any correctly. 1 dbe dkse VT patins tospesr bed as = He's got 'a bed _ and 2 He hasn't got® He's got He hasn’t got 5 wdarrbeo _dkes _wsodniw rgsu She's got a bed and * She hasn't got a2 She's got * ___. She hasn’t got any * 2 Complete the words for pets. Tet aaah, 2_og 9m__se Sih uate 10 m_nk_y 4f_og 11 _nak_ Sig__n_ 2 Sioh aise BiG Tei os {ee 14_ui_ea p_g 3 a Look at the picture and write sentences for Noah. 1 (cats) I've got two cats. _ 2 (frogs) 3 (hamster) 4 (mice) 5 (guinea pigs) b Write questions for Noah and then write his answers, 1 (rabbits) Have you got any rabbits? Yes, | have. I've gotseven, 2 (snakes) 3 (goldfish) € Write questions about Noah. 1 How many frogs has he got? He's got seven. 2 He's got seven. 3 He's got three. d Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. 1 He's got five turtles. F He hasn't got five turtles, he's got eight turtles. 2 He hasn't got a canary. _ 3 He hasn't got any parrots. _ 4 He's got two dogs. _ 4 Complete the first sentence in each text with This, That, These or Those. Then put the letters in the correct order to make words and use the words to complete the texts. This _is my cat. She's black. She’s got small sera and along tia] ___. Her [tfee are white is my parrot. His [yodb is blue and he’s got blue and gree in his tail. are my iguanas. They've got big [seahd with small yes and a big [utmoh are my snakes. b ‘© Write eight sentences about the things you've got. Use the words from exercise Sa. Remember to use a, some, and any correctly. e.g.: I've got a fossil, | haven't got a toy dinosaur. Everyday English 6 a Put the lines in the correct order to make dialogues. 1 __ No, I'm sorry, you can't. __. Oh, he's beautiful. Can | take Hamish home? 1 Look, this is my hamster, Hamish. __ Can | borrow a magazine, please? 1 Are those your magazines? __ Yes, of course. _ Yes, they are. 3 __ OK. 1 Are those sandwiches for lunch? __ Im hungry. Can | have a sandwich now, please? __ Yes, they are. b Match the dialogues (1-3) to the pictures (a-c). They haven't got [mras] or [egls 5 a Label the pictures, Bia et -! Doctor:Z Episode 1 1 © Circle the correct word. 3 Complete the speech bubbles with the words in 1 Zelda is here for a job. the box. 2 Doctor Z is Zelda’s father / grandfather. 3 Fluffy is Doctor 2's dog / cat. 4 Fluffy can make machines / speak English. Isthis a wardrobe? 5 Doctor Z is a scientist / teacher. 6 Atuttle is in the red / blue box. 7 A goldfish / hamsters in the green box. 8 The animals are scared / angry. 2 €} Complete the crossword. Find the missing word, fo loc] = [= N 1 He is brilliant and bad. 2 She's got a long, white tail 3 He's big and strong 4 It’s got four legs. It hasn’t got a tail. 5 It can swim. It hasn't got legs 6 She's tall and she has dark hair. The missing word is in the boxes. DoctorZ Fluffy Hary Zelda big and strong. a brilliant scientist. Doctor 2's daughter. a white cat. “ 4 ‘Completé the sentences with the words —_ RUNS 5& Listen and number the pictures in the correct order. 6a Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Who is hungry? Harry 2 How does Doctor Z feel? 3 Where is Zelda? 4 What is behind the plant in the living room? 5 Where is Doctor Z in the bedroom? 7 €&D Look at the picture of Zelda’s bedroom. Correct the sentences. 1 She's got a toy deg on her bed. She's got a ti dinosaur on her bed. 2 She's got three posters on the walls. 3 She's got a TV on her desk 4 The plant is behind the wardrobe. 5 The lamp is on the shelves. 6 The magazine is under the chair. 8 Over to you! Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Zelda’s room. Has she got a TV in her room? Has she got a laptop? My)day, your day 3A Different days, different Pein ts Vocabulary 1 a €} Complete the words. b €9 Gircle)the expressions with different colours to make six groups by verb. Bg t_b 14w__m_f. 2 €¥) Over to you! Mark the sentences true (T) 5 | goshome at half past two. _ or false (F) for you. Correct the false sentences. i 1 I get up at six o’clock.[_] 6 | go to bed at ten o'clock. __ 2 Ihave breakfast at eight o'clock. |_|] tae 3 €EED FF Over to you! Write about your schedule on weekdays and on Saturdays. e.g.: get up at half past seven on weekdays. | get up at nine o'clock on Saturdays 4 Ihave a snack at eleven o'clock. |_| a" at EEMEMPL EE pave 36, exercise 3 3 Iwalk to school.[_] Grammar and Listening 4 a © Look at the table. Read the texts and answer the questions. Lexi_[ Zara | Iris you eee: 1 I get up at quarter past seven. | get dressed at half past seven and then | have breakfast. | don’t get the bus at nine o’clock. Who am I? 2 I don’t get up at quarter past seven. | get dressed and then I have breakfast at quarter past eight. I get the bus at nine o'clock. Who am I? 3 I get the bus at quarter to nine. | get up at quarter past seven, I get dressed at quarter to eight and then | have breakfast. Who am I? b EE} Write about girl 4. Include two sentences with don't. e.g.: Ldon't get up (at seven o'clock). c Over to you! Complete the table for you. Then write about yourself. Include two sentences with don't. 3A 5a FEZ] Listen to Claire. Match her routine (1-8) to the times (a-h). 1 bo Listen again and check. © EED Look at exercise Sa and answer the questions for Claire. 1 Do you walk to schoo! at nine o’clock? No, Idon't 2 Do you have lunch at quarter to one? 3 Do you go home at quarter past four? 4 Do you do homework at quarter to five? 6 EEE Over to you! Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then answer the questions for you. 1 [do] [a shower] [What time] rave] [you] What time] [you 2 [your teeth brush] [do 3 [do] [wash] [you] [your face] [When 4 [do] [homework] [When [you 5 [Rave] [What time] [a snack] [you page 37, exercise 6 3B Book Day Vocabulary 1 a €} Match the words in the box to the verbs (1-7). abike books acar in-tondon karate the library TV 1 five 2 drive 3 ride 4 do 5 read 6 watch 7 goto b ED Can you add some more phrases to each verb? 2 Write sentences about yourself or your family with the phrases in brackets. (live in London) Llive in London. / | dor 1 (lve in Budapest) London. 2 (drive a Ferrari) 3 (do karate) 4 (read comics) 5 (watch tennis) 6 (go to the library after school) 7 (ride a horse on Saturdays) 8 (ride my bike to school) page 38, exercise 3 Grammar Present simple: he/she | it 3 a €} Look at the pictures and match the names to the sentences (1-5). 1 He doesn’t do magic. Tony 2 He doesn’t ride a bike. 3 H8 lives in Oxford. 4 He reads comics. 5 He plays computer games b Write sentences about Tony. 1 (fide a bike) He rides a bike. 2 (books) 3 (play volleyball) 4 (do karate) 5 (go swimming) 4 EE} Write the questions for these answers about Frodo in The Lord of the Rings by Tolkein. Writing 6 Get ready to write Look at the notes about Lyra and complete the text. Lyra Belacqua (Northern Lights by Philip Pulmar) Age " Appearance brown ees, ong hair Lives with her uncle, in Oxford School x Interesting facts naughty good friend ells good stories. plas with her friends Lyra Belacqua is my favourite character in Northern Lights. She's got long hair and brown 1 Where does he live? 3 ‘She He lives in the Shire. with her parents, She lives with her uncle in 2 What 2 : ‘She * 40 school, He loves food and his home. 3 What language He speaks Eivish. 4 What He wants the ring. 5 Where He goes to Mordor. 6 Who 2 He meets Gollum, a bad hobbit. 5a Over to you! Work with a partner. Write five yes/no questions to find out about your partner's best friend. €.g.: Does she live in Budapest? b Ask your partner your que: about his/her best friend and answer your partner’s questions. page 39, exercise 6 but she“ with her friends in the. street. She's a naughty girl but she i6 a 2 friend, 7 Match the sentence halves then underline the opposite ideas. 1 She's doesn’t live in a house _ 2 She loves her aunt _ 3 She can't read _ 4 She hasn't got a bike _ 5 She doesn’t do karate _ a but she doesn’t like her uncle. b but she can do Maths. « but she does judo. d but she's got a horse. @ but she lives in-a-tent. page 39, exercise 7 Unit 3 “My day, your day (27) 3C A picnic for lunch Vocabulary 1 €9 Complete the crossword. 2 ‘E| Over to you! Do you like the foods in exercise 1? Answer with love, like, don't lke, hate. e.g.: Llove bananas, 3 a ED Complete the text. 1'@ love _eggs and cheese. My favourite sandwich is egg and cheese on brown bread. My second favourite sandwich is banana. Ug® bananas. 1? chicken sandwiches too, but |*@ chicken and salad sandwiches. | 5a? salad! b {E Over to you! Write about a sandwich you love and a sandwich you hate. page 41, exercise 3 Pronunciation 4a Listen to the sentences and ‘the words with the /t{/ sound. Circlé)the words with the /d3/ sound. 1 Tike cheese. 2 My birthday isin Gn) 3 I don't like tuna. 4 love chocolate. 5 We have PE on Tuesday. 6 hate oranges. 7 \love jam sandwiches. 8 My favourite month is July b Listen and check. CEMENTS page 41, exercise 4 3¢ Grammar and Listening 6 Look at the diagram. Write yes/no questions and answers about Zak and Zoe. love | like | don't like / hate 5 Look at the photos. Write the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Zak and Zoe's likes and dislikes. 1 (he/chicken) Does he like chicken 2 (they/cheese) 3 (she/salad) 4 (he/salad) 5 (he/jam) 6 (they/bread) 7 (she/eggs) 8 (they/chocolate spread) 9 (she/chicken) a [EEE] Listen and complete the dialogues. 1A What do you want in your sandwiches? 5 B \Cheese please. A Do you want ? too? B No, thank you. ‘A Do you want» 2 B No thanks. Can | have + please? A OK. 2 C Can! have a sandwich, please? D Yes, sure. Do you want a* sandwich? No thanks. 1¢ : DOK.’ sausage? C Yes, Ido. I* sausage! D Great. Do you want * or brown bread? cr , please. D Here you are. b 'E| Over to you! Write a dialogue about a sandwich for you. You can use words and phrases from exercise 7a. ¢ Act out the dialogue with a friend. EXMEMIEE page 41, exercise 5 3D A family party Vocabulary and Listening 1 2 €} Label the food. b EE) write sentences about the picture. 1 (Mum/popcorn) Mum hasn't got popcorn, she’ 2 (Dad/a hot dog) 3 (Alex/biscuits) a What can you say in these situations? 4 (Clara/ice cream) 1 You are at a party. You want some popcorn. _ ~— I'd like some popcorn, please. EXEPT page 43, exercise 3 2 You are at an Italian restaurant. You want a ‘ cheese and ham pizza. Everyday English pie 2 25 23 Re 2 [EEE] Listen to the dialogues and 3 Your friend is at your house. Ask if he/she answer the questions. nants Sone Hu 1 What would Alex like? He'd like a burger. 2 What would Mum like? 4 Your friend is at your house. Ask if he/she wants some biscuits. rots ai ces ence Coa DEES 5 Your neighbour is at your house for dinner. 3 Would Clara like a hot dog! Aske viian fie) she Wants 4 Would Dad like some ice cream? page 43, exercise 4 Unit 3-My day, your day Reading 1 Look at the pictures only. Answer the questions. 1 Has the frog got a big mouth or a small mouth? 2 What does the frog eat? This i the story of the big- mouthed tree frog. He lives in a tree in the jungle. He's got a very big mouth and he's very curious. He asks a lot of questions. 3 What animals does the frog meet? 4 Does the frog like talking? ‘On Monday he gets up. He goes to the river and he has his breakfast of worms. He meets a hippo. Hellol 'ma big-mouthed tree frog. leat worms. _? 5 ary Hello! I'm a big-mouthed tree frog. I'm hungry. | want. my breakfast. Do you have worms for breakfast? FAI <) a r; Sy < Not again! <_. | have bananas for breakfast! Me? | have big-mouthed tree frogs for breakfast! 2 a Read the story and complete the speech 3 Work with a partner. Read the story ag: bubbles (a-f) with the sentences (1-) Answer the questions. 1 What do you have for breakfast? 1 Do you like the tree frog? 2 What do you eat? 2 Does he listen to the answers to his questions? 3 beat worms. 3 Why is the snake's answer important? 4 But big-mouthed tree frogs don’t live here! 4 Do you listen to the answers to your questions? leery 9 GEM eas Goa eco again while you read it. b Listen and check. 5 Over to you! Change the animals in the story. Then tell the new story to your classmates. Unit My dy, yourdoy. Gi) Progress chec Grammar and Vocabulary 1 (7.15.a.m.) He gets up at quarter past seven. 1 Complete the tables with the words in the box. Zu sam 3 (6.45am) ‘a shower asnack breakfast dinner dressed mi nteg ets mcr es Oe een home homework lunch my face my hands my teeth the bus toschool tobed up 5 G.00p.m.) 6 (5.00p.m,) brush wash do 7 (9.30p.m) b Write about Izzy. 1 (get dressed/7.00 a.m.) have get 90 She doesn't get dressed at seven o'cloc! {up 2 (have breakfast/8.00 a.m.) i 3 (have lunch/1.15 p.m) 4 (go home/3.00 p.m.) 2 a Look at the timelines. Write about Matt, Izzy, 5 (have a snack/5.30 p.m.) or Izzy and Matt. Matt and Izzy go to different schools. They have 6 (go to bed/10.00 p.m.) different routines. ae © Compare your routine with Matt's routine. €.g.: have breakfast at eight o'clock, too oR L don't have breakfast at eight o'clock Lhave breakfast at half past seven. 3 Label the pe res 1 live in London RS 2 4 a Look at the table. Answer the questions about Special Agents 004, 005 and 006. eo 3 5 Look at the picture, Write foods beginning with these letters. 004 005 006 live in London | : Mi a x 1 b biscuits Hing a drive an Aston Martin x v v 3 ee do karate ve x x Be 4h work in MI6 x x v Si watch spy [| sanasnanbanes programmes wf x f 7p onTV Bs 9a 1 Does Special Agent 004 live in London? Yes, she does. 2 Do Special Agents 005 and 006 drive an Aston Martin? 3 Does Special Agent 005 work in MI6? 4 Do Special Agents 005 and 006 do karate? b Read the answers. Then look at the table and write questions about Special Agents 004, 005 and 006. 1 What sport does Special Agent 004 do 2 She does karate. 2 Where They live in London. 3 What car ? Special Agent 005 drives an Aston Martin. ‘4 Where ‘She works MI6. 5 What programmes They watch spy programmes. 6 | What foods do you like? Write four sentences. Use love, like, don’t like and hate. Everyday English 7 a Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. don't like ’'dlike a sandwich No, thanks salad Yes, please What Would-youtike ‘A Would you like some crisps? B No, thanks. 1? crisps. Ae would you like? 64 some popcorn, please. A I'm hungry. B Would you like * 2 AS . I'd like a tuna sandwich. B Would you like ” in your sandwich? Ae b © Write another dialogue. Use some of the language in exercise 7a. Unit 3-My day, your day (©) After school) 4A At home Vocabulary review 1 © Label the activities. TS) page 4®,exercse1 1 (wash their hands). Grammar Present continuous They aren't washing their hands, they're swimming. 2 a © Write the -ing forms of the verbs in exercise 1. 1 running 7 2 8 p, 3 9 4 10 2 (have a shower) 5 u 6 2 b €E) Put the -ing forms of the verbs into three groups by their spelling. Use the key. 3 (have a snack) 1 add -ing consonant and add -ing 3 take off the ‘e’ and add -ing. |—— | i 2 double the | | running 4 (watch TV) BEDE pave 49, exercise 3 Vocabulary and Listening 4 a ©} Look at the pictures write the activities (1-8). fi 5 (tidy up) No, they arent. 8 A 6 (work) Yes, she is be Listen and match the people in 7 (listen to music) ee the pictures (A-E) with the names in the box. No Relate Yes, he is. c Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Why can't Bella help Dad? 2 Why can’t Tom hear Dad? 3 Why can’t Mum help Dad? 4 Why can’t Fiona and Ivy help Dad? d Write questions about the people in the house. 1 (talk) Is Nick talking to his mum? _ No, he isn’t. He's talking to his dad. 2 (lly) Yes, he is, 3 (cook) No, he/she isn’t. 4 (dance) Yes, they are. © EXED Over to you! Work with a partner, Play the Memory Game. 5a Imagine these situations. What are you doing? 1 It’s twelve o'clock at night. You're in bed I'm sleeping. 2 It's Monday. It’s nine o'clock in the morning 3 It’s Wednesday. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. 4 It’s Sunday evening, 5 It’s your birthday party. b ‘| Imagine two more situations. Write about them. Use the sentences in. exercise Sa to help you. ESET page 49, exercise 4 Unit 4-Afterschoo! (5) Vocabulary 1 a €} Label the pictures with the words the box. bass guitar cello clarinet drums piano recorder saxophone trumpet vi b# ‘Over to you! What instruments. do you like? Use love, like, don’t like, hate. e.g.: like the piano. | hate the violin. Unit 4- After school 2 a EXD Write yes/no questions. eo. A 1 Is she playing the violin? Ae mo “Ae =A b XA] Listen to the sounds and answer the questions (1-5). EERIEREY page 51, exercise 3 enter 3 a [EZ] Listen and write the first letters of these words. Tey iolin 5 _ ednesday 2 _atch 6 _ideo 3 _ash 7 ey 4 _indow 8 _hat b Listen and check, then repeat. EEMMOM EEN page 51, exercise 4 Vocabulary review and Grammar Present continuous: Wh- questions 4 a ©} Complete the word spiders with the words in the box. an apple basketball a bike a book ina box acomic tothe door the drums a friend the guitar a horse music the radio a rock asandwich to school a teacher my teacher tennis atree inatree + 5a Listen to the dialogue and match the names (1-11) to the people in the picture (a-k). 1 Greg _ 5 Mo__ 9 Katie _ 2 Clara _ 6 Samir 10 Kitty __ 3 Andrea 7 Tony __ 11 Paul __ 4 Elsa 8 Poppy _ basketball play (a sport) tennis eons oe ~C See b EX} Write questions with the verbs in brackets. Then write the answers. Use What, ar Where or Who. 1 (ride) What's Greg riding? He's riding a bike. a 2 (climb) What are Clara and Andrea climbing? limb en 3 (play) F a hte 4 (runto) 5 (talk to) Sie — fide 6 (hide) apes eerie 7 (sleep) talk to ee oer g gs b Add one or two more words for each verb. 6 a €} Put the lines in the correct order to make a dialogue. __ B I'm doing my Art homework, B No, I'm not. I'm writing about Picasso. A Annal What are you doing? __ A Are you drawing a picture? b EEE Over to you! Write a similar dialogue about your homework. EXER pase 51, exercise 5 Cee Natalya Vocabulary 1 a © Label the picture with the correct activities. 7 e —e b Write sentences about the picture. 1 = SEER SEES EP He eH 3 on a snake. 4 5 ee 6 He's giving the boy a present. 7 ee 8 2 Complete the chart with three words or phrases for each verb. Give | abook a computer game _a pencil case eat sit drink feed play page 52, exercise 2 Grammar Object pronouns 3 a Match the subject pronouns (1-7) with the object pronouns (a-g). Use a different colour for each pair. V1 a him 2 you b them 3 he ¢ you 4 she d her Sit e me 6 we fit 7 they gus b Write sentences about the pictures. © =love Wy =hate © =like @ =don't like aw 1 Love you. 98 2 You 6 Aa A ate >t 41 a * SThey e v - a 6 He 4aQ Listen to the dialogues. Match the pictures (a-c) to the dialogues (1-3). be Answer the questions. Then listen again and check. 1 Is Tom talking to his mother? No, he ian talking to her, he's talking to his father. 2 Are they feeding the dog? 3 Is Tom’s sister helping Tom and his dad? 4 Is the dog sitting next to Tom's sister? © ED Over to you! Work with a partner. Play the Guess the Picture game. page 53, exercise 4 4c Writing 5 a Get ready to write Look at the picture and read the description. Underline the sentences which give extra information. 1 Anita is sitting at the table. She's eating a cheese sandwich, She loves cheese, 2 The chimps eat ten kilos of bananas every day. They're hungry now. Justin is feeding them. 3 Frank is washing the elephant. The elephant is, washing Frank. The water is cold! 4 Betty is sleeping. She's very tired. 5 Suzie is Betty's sister. She's tall and she’s got long hair. She's tidying up. b Write two more sentences which describe the picture. © EXD Write two more sentences which give extra information. You can invent the extra information. page 53, exercise 5 Unit 4-After school e leisure centre Vocabulary Everyday English 1 a © Label the sports 3 ne ee in the correct order i 1__Lexi —_Let’s go to the park! 1_ Declan Hi Lexi. 8 __ Lexi Hi Declan. I'm bored : Declan That's a great idea. « Declan Me too. $s 2-__Lorcan Hi, Poppy! Let's play volleyball. u ip Hello Lorcan. aden | e wreomimtente tated a x _ Poppy _ No, not volleyball. 'm tired, __Lorean OK. Let's listen to music. b Listen and check. 4 Complete the speech bubbles with the words in the box. don't idea Let’s do (x2) Let's play Let’splay not 2 a aes b EE} Complete the chart with the verbs. 1 2 3 badminton | judo swimming volleyball gymnastics | fencing athletics dancing 2 €EED Fi overto yout five sentences about the sports you do/don’t do. eg.: | play volleyball, | don’t go swimming. - FREESE pose 55, exercise page 55, exercise 4 (48) Unit 4-Atter schoo! ainr-3 Sila fel ‘This isa story about a farmer, his son and their donkey. They go to market with thei apples every Friday a farmer, his son - and their CFT aa It's Friday i's hot and sunny. The farmer and his son are going to market. The farmer is walking and his son is riding the donkey. ey 52s s0me men, The thing, “Hey! Look at that farmer. He's walking and his lazy son is riding the donkey.” “That's not right” © sow ne trmerissting on he donkey Hs soni ba aed “Those men are right. You're young, You can walk.” © ey ps some women. Tey ing. “Hey! Look at that poor boy. He's running and his lazy father is riding the donkey.” “W's not fair.” reaver tops the donkey. He cals issn “Those women ae fght, jmp onthe donkey voucan fae wane " “Thanks, Dad!” ey S 7, ee rey pussan ‘old man and an old woman. They're talking, F Hel eke ex porn, Hol corgi org | raat tee “That's not right!” 6 “That old man and that old woman are tight. Poor donkey! Let's cary him.” J @ Glossary Finally they arrive at the market. Everyone is looking at them. “Hey! Look at that sil farmer and his son! They're carrying their donkey!” i 3 Read the story again. Answer the questions. 1 1 Is the son lazy? Reading 2 Is the farmer lazy? 1 Look at the pictures. GraB three words 3 Can the donkey carry the farmer, the son and the apples? which are not in the story. 4 Does the man think for himself? apples bananas car dog 4 Now listen to the story while you read it again. donkey farmer market men old man old woman son women 5 Over to you! What is the moral of the story? 1 Listen to other people, but think for yourself too, 2 Read the story and number the pictures 2 Don't be lazy. in the correct order. 3 Donkeys are good animals. 4 Progress check 2. 1 What is she playing? ‘She's playing the guitar, Grammar and Vocabulary 1 Spot five differences between the pictures. Write sentences about picture B. ri a " * '. GRRE In picture B -} 1 They aren‘t playing badminton, they're doin; athletics. F f 2 Pr 3 rel PF aml i 4 c | 5 s 6 ° | 2 Write questions and answers about the people in \ Hes the picture below. Use the words in the boxes. cook drink eat kiss play sleep stand talk to the baby onabox burgers the grandfather the-guitar a milkshake a pizza_ina tree 4 Imagine it’s six o'clock on Saturday. Write yes/no questions to ask your partner. Guess their answers. IPF octet can your! come end pay MegaMonsters with ?me/ and my brother? 6 Grdsthe Correct word to complete the text. 1 Are you dancing? Yes, Lam. | No, I'm not. Sorry, | can't. *1/Me am at my new school with Mum and Dad, 2 _________ Can you chat? Are you with ‘they /them now? BU Sea. t can *7hey/ Tram ar taking to my oochor 3 ; “ Dacis with Mrs Wels. “She/Her is n fry Maths teachor. | tke she/he gui | She's with Mr Foster. *He/Him is my Art S_teacher. | don't ike *he/him. 1 you like your new school? It's OK. “We/ Us do alot of hornework.. Great! Mum ised, Bye fornow. ye! Come and play wth "them /us another day! % . What about your mum? ¥ Everyday English 5 Join the subject and object pronouns. Then colour 7 Write mini-dialogues for these situations. in between the lines. What is the picture? ‘Use Let’s in the first sentence. 1 You'te with a friend. You see some ducks on 1 they the river. You've got some duck food. he Your friend likes the idea. Let’ feed the ducks. 00d ide: & you 2 You're with a friend at home. Your favourite TV programme is starting. Your friend loves the programme, too. mh her 3 You're hungry. You see a pie shop. Ne Your friend doesn't like pies. She likes pizza. 4 You are at the Sports Centre. You think yous kim dancing is fun. You friend doesn’t like dancing. He thinks ome climbing is fun. Unit 4 aterehoot (B) Docto: of (2174 1 Put the sentences in the correct order as ? [food] [some] [] [have] they happen in the story. ___a Anapple goes into the tuba __ b Doctor Z is sleeping. __€ Fluffy asks for some food. __ d Harry carries Doctor Z's tuba at the concert. __ e Harry is sleeping __f Harry wakes up. __ g Zelda and Doctor Z put on headphones in the park, __ h Zelda and Harry look at Doctor Z's new invention. 2 © Find the words in the story. 1 A musical instrument tuba 2 Afnuit a 3 You can play and run outside here. P. 4 Clothes u 5 You use these to listen to music. h. 6 Akind of fish 7 You can put this on the grass and sit on it. b 3 ED Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and complete the speech bubbles. 1 [tuba] [loud] [This] (big) [is] i | | This big tuba is very loud. 4 Over to you! ‘Answer the questions. 1 What does Doctor Z want to get at the concert? 2 Why do Doctor Z and Zelda put on headphones? 3 Why does Fluffy throw the apple? 4 Why does Doctor Z sleep? Work with a partner. 50 Listen and number the pictures in the correct order. a 6@ Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Why is Doctor Z angry? A man is standing in the way. 2 Does Fluffy like fish? 3. What does Fluffy want from the picnic? 4 Does Fluffy like ice cream? 5 Does Zelda like the man’s “dance”? 2 7 a €} Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. don’t get go have play read work GO eee ets 7 aged 487" ‘py Doctor get _up early In the morning, 1? in my lob. On Monday afternoons, 1+___ tothe swimming pool, butl>__go swimming. ‘On Wednesday ofternoons, 11go to the library, but | don’t®*____ any books. b Answer the questions. 1 When does Doctor Z get up? 2 Who does he have breakfast with? 3 Where does he work in the mornings? 4 Where does he go on Monday afternoons? 5 When does he go to the library? 6 What musical instrument does he play? 8 Over to you! Work with a partner. ‘Ask and answer questions about Doctor Z's day. eC i) 3. a ©} Gircothe words with the /0/ sound. Underline the words with the /@/ sound. Vocabulary 1 a € Label the places. bath birthday them brother they north father south thank that three b Listen and check. page 62, exercise 3 1 shopping centre 2 i Grammar ——— ed Look at the map. Compare Chestnut © Street and Pine Road. 5 6 7 8 9 10 b €¥}D Write about your town. e.g.: We've got a shopping centre. We haven't gota museum, Pine Road 2 a E} Complete the text with the missing words. 1 What plates do both Chestnut Street and My favourite place in town is the 'swimming Pine Road have? Write @ sentences. pool Lam in the swimming team. 1 go to Theaateheol the pool on 7M. and °W. Ulike the ‘m. too. My favourite subject at school is #4, : ee 2 What places are there in Chestnut Street, but not b ‘E] Over to you! Write about you. in Pine Road? Write @ sentences. Use the text in exercise 2a to help you. There fart a libran PEMEEIELEE page 62, exercise 2 = @ ine 5:1 town 5 a €£9 Look at the maps again. Complete the dialogues with Pine Road or Chestnut Street. 1 Alls there a library in Chestnut Street 2 B Yes, there is. Listening and Writing 6aQ Listen to the dialogue and@ircle) the correct answers for David. 2 A Are there any cinemas in u i es Does he like his street? | Yes_No B No, there aren't. ; y > | Where does his mum ~~ [a schoo! 3 A Is there a hospital in work? Gireiaurart B No, there isn’t. » a library 4/A Are there any cafés in nee Oe eo lta B Yes, there are. . ‘a supermarket What isn’t there in his shops b €ED Write four different questions for these | street? a library answers. Use the words in the box. Use exercise a school 5a to help you. a library OS PO | there in is street? a hospital 1 A Isthere 2 hospital in Pine Road? a restaurant B Yes, there is. What's his favourite place | his grandmother's house an in his street? his friend's house BN "t. ox there reir b ED Get ready to write Complete the text iB for David. B No, there isn’t. 4a B Yes, there are. © Over to you! Draw a street. Write about it. Your Street page 63, exercise 7 ‘My name's David. I live in Cherry Street. It's 4 great street! There's 4 leary and there's in the street. My mum works ait the school. It isn't my school. | go to schoo! in the centre of town. | can't walk to school, | get the bus. There aren"t any * and there isn't £ » but there's & shopping centre near our street, My dad works in the + in the shopping centre. My favourite place is my friend's © He lives naxt door to us! 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. is is live tide ride walk walk work work 1 We @ live on Pear Tree Road. 2 There @ a hotel on our road. 3 Mymum@ at the hotel. 4 Mum and Dad © at the museum. 5 My school @ ‘on our road. 61 to school, | @ my bike, 7 My sister is five years old, She © a bike to school. 8 She® page 63, exercise 8 Unie ntoom @) to school with Mum, Lys V ena cle Vocabulary 2a Read the texts (1-2) then look at the pictures and answer the question. 1 a € Complete the fairground words. 1 She loves the big wheel, but she doesn't like the dodgems. She likes the ghost train but she hates the rollercoaster. Who is she? 2 She likes the rollercoaster but she hates the ghost train. She doesn’t like the big wheel, but she loves the dodgems. Who is she? b Write about the fairground a attractions. Use like, don't like, love or hate. b 5] Write about the third girl. e.g: Lhate the roller coaster. pape cs emecie 5E Grammar Prepositions of place 4 a €> GEEZ Listen to the dialogues and label 3 ©} Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). ae Places onthelmep! Correct the false sentences. Use the preposi in the box. behind between front of near next to on opposite under roller- coaster big wheel b Look at the map and complete the dialogues. between Can you hungry Isthere next to opposite there is Where 1 A Excuse me? 'Is there a candyfloss stand here? 1 Ana is behi LF ee B Yes, there is, Ana is next to Bella, ae in 2 Bella isin front of Ana and Cormac. tn B Its over there. It’s? the trampolines A Oh. | can't see the trampolines. 3 Diis opposite Eva. PP O B Look! They're the rollercoaster. 2 A Hello. § help me? 4 Flis near the vampire ee B Sure. Alim* -s there a hot dog stand here? 5 The snake is on Henry. ee manne aetna at B Yes,’ Where is it? 6 Fis under Eva. See Bits® the trampolines and the ee big wheel 7 Greg is under the spider. iiss 8 Anais behind the ghost. © ‘F| Write another dialogue. Use exercise 4b as a model. Unit 5-In town (49) 5C The chase Vocabulary z Compare pictures A and B. Write about picture B. 1 a €} Complete the crossword, In picture B 1 There 2 a bus b Read the puzzles and write the name zi ‘E] Write two puzzles. Use the of the vehicle. puzzles in exercise 1b as a model. Swap with 1 It’s got wings and wheels your friends. 2 It’s big. It's got lots of wheels. | go to schoo! EEMRENEETE page 67, exercise 3 init 3 It's got four wheels. There are lots of them on the road. It’s not too big. () us 5-In town Grammar Present simple: Wh- questions 4 a ©} Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 [she] [What] [does] [do What does she do? [Where] [does] [7] 2 [live] [She 3 [does] [she] [work with 4 [wear] [does a black cap 5 [does] [What languages 6 [she] [drive] [What] (does 5¢€ 5 Write the questions for these answers about another spy. 1 He likes horses and fast cars. He drives a red sports car. 3 He works at MI7. 4 He talks to his grandmother every day. 5 He speaks Chinese because he lives in China. ESEEIEEEETY page 67, exercise 6 Writing 6 E€) Get ready to write Complete the concept map for your ideal secret agent. Use the questions in exercise 4a to help you. why what 7 [she] [Where rave breakfast] [does at weekends] {she] [Who] [vii [wisit] [does] [them] [she b Now answer the questions in exercise 4a about Zoe X. Use the phrases in the box. a black Jaguar _a-specialagent ex-spies her long red hair her uncle and aunt ina small café in Paris ten languages with Jane P 1 She's a special agent : 2 3 pee EE ee ee 4 Because she can hide 5 including Sanskrit 9 Because they who where. 7 (=| Write about A day in the life of your secret agent. Use the story of Jane P in the Student's Book to help you. Voit 3:tntown At the chippy Vocabulary 1 a © Write the amount in numbers. & @ 0%o® saiije@ Oe a 3Ip 1 b d e b Listen and number the photos. Everyday English 2 Write the questions with how much is or how much are. Complete the answers. ee oer ea eee er areas Cre aed Chicken sticks (6) £3.65 oom Sere eet Fis big piece Chips: big bag Burger fora) at 1 How much is a small bag of chips? £2.25 2 @@ @oe f PERMA T page 69, exercise 3 4 5 3a Complete the dialogue. Use the menu in exercise 2 to complete the price. Here you are How much I'd like two sausages would you Would you like your change Assistant What 'would you like? Girl Can | have? please? Assistant > chips? Girl Yes,4 a big bag, please. Girl * is that? Assistant SE. please. Girl £. Assistant And here’s® b €EED © imagine you are at the chippy with a friend. Write a dialogue. page 69, exercise 4 Look Mum! There's @ new family in the square. What are they doing? I don't know. Mrs Brown Come inside.We don't like new people. MrCook Good evening. Can you give us some food, please? Mrs Brown — Sorry. We're haven't got any extra food. Never mind. Thank you all the same. Mr Cook There isn't any extra food in this town. Martin _ "ve got an idea. Let's make stone soup. Mrs Cook Here's our cooking pot. Help me make a fire. Bella Look! They/re cooking Mrs Brown What are they cooking? Bella I don't know. Mrs Brown Go and ask! Bella Excuse me. What are you making? Mrs Cook Hello. We're making stone soup. Bella Stone soup! How do you make stone soup? Mrs Cook Easy! Three stones and some water. You can add salt and pepper. But | haven't got any. Never mind. Bella Mum! She's making stone soup. She needs some salt and pepper. Mrs Brown Stone soup. That's interesting. I've got some salt and pepper. Here you are. MrCook Thanks. You can add carrots, But there aren’t any in my bag. Never mind. Mrs Finch I've got some carrots at home. Wait a minute, Mrs Cook Stone soup is very nice with potato and ham. But | haven't got potato or ham in my bag today. Old Mr Cole There are some potatoes in my cupboard. Young Mr Cole And I've got some ham in the kitchen. Wait a minute. Mrs Cook The soup is ready. Would you like some soup? All Yes, please. Mrs Cook Do you like it? All Its delicious. Mrs Brown _| can’t believe it! Delicious soup from three stones. 2 Read the story. What are the ingredients in Mrs Cook's soup? 1 Tick (V) the ingredients you can put 3. Read the story again. Answer the questions. in soup. 1 Does Mrs Brown know Mr and Mrs Cook? " 2 Does Mr Brown give Mr Cook some food? $s es HP 3 Who has got the ingredients? [J Jbananas [carrots chocolate 4 Why is the soup delicious? ® @ 1. ian ham joranges peppers + Now listen to the recording of the story while you at read it again. potatoes [_|salt stones Unit 5-In town (53) 5 Progress check Grammar and Vocabulary 1 Look at the picture and write the prepositions. Tin 5 2 6 3 Z 4 Look at the map. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. Add some extra information if you can. 1 There's a museum next to the school. [F] There's a library next to the school. There's a museum next to a café. 2 There are three cafés 3 There aren't any restaurants. 4 There's a supermarket between the museum and the hospital. [_] 3 Write questions and an: swers about the fairground. se | 1 (big wheel) Is there a big wheel? Yes, there is. 2 (trampolines) 3 (ghost train) 4 (candytloss stands) 5 (roller coaster) 6 (coconut shy) 7 (hot dog stands) & (dodgems) 5 There's a swimming pool behind the cinema. 6 There are two shopping centres. Everyday English 5 a Look at the table. Write the questions for the answers. Then answer the last que: The Parker family The Wilson family Sunday | Saturday | Saturday | Sunday Tina’s | Zaks | Tina's | Zaks Dobe a | Tancevrayl |e sous atokerseayal| on Shark Why Fe | -_ What Lola Lola => & Rob Rob men £30) £25 £25 | £30 A.1 When do they go out? They go out on Sunday. 2 They go to Tina's Takeaway. 3 He eats fish and chips. 4 It’s £30. 5 Which family is it? BI Because it’s Mum's birthday. 2 She eats chicken drumsticks. 3 They go out on Saturday. 4 It’s £25, 5 Which family is it? b Over to you! Work with a partner. Ask questions and guess the family. 6 Match the sentence halves of the dialogues. A1 Hello, can! a 2 Yes, please, 3 Would you like a big bag 4 Abig ‘5S Here 6 How much 7 £13.00, a help you? b bag, please. you are. d ora small bag of chips? e is that? f please. g I'd like fish and chips. B 1 Good morning, i 2 I'd like some 3 How many 4 V'm not sure, 5 6 for £3.50, 6 Nine, 7 Would you like 8 Yes, please, 9 Here you are, a 9 for £5.00. b chicken drumsticks, please. © how much are they? any chips? € please. f I'd like a small bag. g would you like? h that’s £9.00, please. i what would you like? At the weekend 6A. Going for a walk Vocabulary 1 € Complete the crossword. b a ] e 2 EFD Look at the pictures again and answer the questions. 1 It’s big and grey. What is it? 2 They're old. What are they? 3 It's grey and long. What is it? 4 It’s small. What is it? 5 They're old and black. What are they? 6 It’s white and pretty. What is it? 3 a EE Read and answer the questions. 1 You're at school. What are you wearing? e.g: I'm wearing blue trousers, a red T-shirt and black shoes. 2 It’s Sunday morning. What are you wearing? 3 You're in PE class. What are you wearing? Grammar Key 4 a © Complete the key ‘* for the weather symbols. > & o w » 4 It’s your grandfather's birthday party. What are you wearing? b E Over to you! Write three more situations. What are you wearing? EEMEMTPELE page 75, exercise 3 Unit 6-At the weekend im 1 soc 2 3 & cS} 6 4 oe a snowing b €¥) Look at the map in exercise 4a. Write the answers for 1-4. Then write the questions for 5-6. 1 What's the weather like in Oxford? cold and sunny. 2 What's the weather like in Dundee? 3 What's the weather like in Manchester? 4 What's the weather like in Cardiff? —_ It’s sunny and cloudy. 6 It’s hot and sunny. € EXD Look at Lea. Write the questions. 1 What's her hat like’ Is small and white They're big and black. Its short and grey. They're long and grey. Writing 6 a © Get ready to write Complete the beginning of the story with the words in the box. boots camels car hot see Edmund is an explorer. [D He's driving a ‘car in the desert. [_] It’s long and black and white. d €E} Look at the map in exercise 4a. Where is Lea? e | Over to you! Find a weather map for today. What's the weather like in five different towns in your country? 5 ‘© Work with a partner. Think about. the weather and the clothes you need in the places in the box. Write a short description and ask your partner where the person is. the Amazon the Antarctic the Canary Islands the Sahara Desert s hot, it isn’t raining. Jake’s wearing shorts, a T-shirt and a hat. He's got strong shoes, Where is he? EEDEENPEEE pace 75, exercise 5 He's wearing * a T-shirt and a hat. It’s* and sunny. [_] He can’t4____ because the sun is in his eyes. __] There are four § on the road in front of him, b Write D (description), A (action) or P (problem) by the sentences. ai Write two of each type of sentence about another explorer. Use the sentences in exercise 6a to help you. Description PEEVE pase 75, cxercse7 SNES Vocabulary and Listening 1 €9 Match the sentence halves. 1 A film tells 2 Aseries tells 3 Adocumentary gives you 4 People sing and play instruments 5 Cooks demonstrate recipes 6 You can see football, basketball and other sports 7 Reporters tell you the important news 8 Nature programmes are about 9 People sing, dance, do acrobatics, etc. i you watch animated pictures. 10 Games shows are ja story in about two hours 11 You don’t watch real people in cartoons, k competitions with prizes. a plants and animals b ina sports show. © apart of a story every week. d ina music show. € ina talent show. f ina cookery show. g information. h in the news. 2 Look at the pictures. Write the questions and answers. 1 (cookery show) 3 (a documentary) No, she isn’t. She's watching a game show. 2 (port programme) 4 (comedy) 332g Listen to Jack and Polly and f Lacan Al answer the questions. [ae Polly 4aQ Listen and with an /r/ sound. Underline the words with Vwhen isthe | inday 730 silent r. programme? 2 What kind of eSuTamnine bathroom burger cartoon sit? ; TR 7 cookery hungry mother sted nature (fat) red sister ‘4 What happens on the | sports where write programme? b ‘© Answer the questions above and write about your ideal TV programme. b GET usten and check. page 77, exercise 3 page 77, exercise 4 Unit 6-At the weekend 6E Grammar b €E Complete the questions and answers. Present continuous: review 5 Compare pictures A and B. Write sentences about picture B. * oe Coral | ea Ti » 1 a What are they making. # = « ‘They‘re making a documentary. , Alex ee ee en eres an elephant. © 2 Zoe and Zak _—__toan explorer. GEE aE REECE Lia and Leo eens B ' a Bear , 2a What 2 ae > spat puree te > a 7 a cyclist o to the Alps. = 16 es Listen again and choose the correct answers. 1 What is Jessie's job? a She tells the weather on TV. bb She rides a skateboard. (©)She reads the news on TV. 2 What is Billy's job? a He is a police officer. b He tells the weather on TV. ¢ He isa reporter. 3 Where is Billy standing? a on the beach b outside the library ¢ ina TVstudio 4 What does Billy ask for? a a scart bahat © acoat 5 What are the three people carrying? a money b clothes bags of shopping 6 Why can’t Billy see more? a He hasn’t got his glasses. b Snow falls on him. ¢ He is scared. ERG 7 €¥ Complete the dialogue between Jessie and Billy with the words in the box. are can cold happening hear hot V'm running There what's where Jessie What's happening now, Billy? Billy 'mwet and Im? Jessie OK, but? happening with the robbers? Billy I can see them! They're * on the river! Jessie Billy can® something, What's that sound? Billy ¢ are police cars, Lots of police officers © —__— jumping out of them, Jessie And® are the robbers now? Billy They're in the water ita? and sunny day again! Jessie Billy,” you go and speak to one of the police officers? Billy No.” going home! 8 €£ED || Over to you! Work with a partner. Think about all the episodes of Doctor Z. Answer the questions. 1 Who is your favourite character in the story? Why? 2 What do you like about the story? What's your favourite part? Why? 3 What don’t you like about the story? Why? DrZ-Episode 3 (7) introduction) be: it is | they are We use it is or they are to say what an item is or what items are. Su a calculator. Theyre pencils. Prien a calculator. They aren't pencils. @ is ita snake? ves, itis. 3 No, it isn’t. @ Are they crayons? @ Yes, they are. 9 No, they aren't. can | can’t We use can + infinitive to talk about things we know - how to do. 8; walk ] You play the guitar. He / She / It bed drive. We / You / They dance. We use can’t + infinitive to talk about things we don’t know how to do. Fi walk, You play the guitar. ‘t He / She /It oy drive, We / You / They dance. can you play basketball? ves, can. No, I can't Can't is the short form of cannot. We usually use the short form, but we sometimes use the full form in formal writing. roduction - Grammar summary Unit 7 be: singular forms Be is an irregular verb. Be is the infinitive. The singular forms of the verb be are the following: am, are, is. I'm tired. Are you scared? She's not thirsty. 9 am (‘m) excited. You are (‘re) sad. He/She /tt_| is () beautiful 9 am (‘m) not excited, You are not (aren't) _| sad He/She /tt_| isnot (isn’t) beautiful @ is he angry? ves, heis. £9 No, he isn’t @ Are you hungry? @ves,\am. £9 No, I'm not, be: plural forms Be is an irregular verb. Be is the infinitive. The plural form of the verb be is are. We're old. You aren’t identical twins. Are they clever? OR students. You _| are (‘re) here to study. They | my grandparents, Owe students. You _| arenot (aren't) [here to study. They my grandparents. @ Ave you identical twins? @ ves, we are. 9 No, we aren't. @ Are they Spanish? Oves, they are. 9 No, they aren't. Possessives We use possessive ‘s to talk about things or people that belong to a person, place or thing. This is Tom's bag. She is my teacher's daughter. We use possessive adjectives with a noun to talk about possessions. His birthday is in October. This is her present. We use possessive adjectives to talk about family and friends. My family lives in Brighton Her friends are very nice. We use possessive adjectives to talk about appearance. Her eyes are blue. subject pronoun | _ possessive adjective 1 my you your he his she her it its we our you your they their Possessive adjectives have one form for singular and plural nouns. He is our friend. They are our friends. We don't use the with possessive adjectives. It’s my house. Unit 1 - Grammar summary Unie 2 have got We use have got to talk about possession. Use have got with |, you, we and they. have got/has got We use have got/ has got to talk about possession. Use hhas got with he, she, and it % brown hair. Sie nese) rabbit. You blue eyes. She as (5) [a dog. Q jot We hnavel (ve) got a big house. it , wings. They a dog. © Fre a rabbit. 1 brown hair. She hasn't got | a dog. You blue eyes. It wings. haven't got We: 2 a big house. @ Has he got a cat? They a dog. @ Yes, he has. @ Have you got a car? £9 No, he hasn't. @ Yes, | have. 9 No, |haven't. @ Have they got a Tv? @ Yes, they have. 9 No, they haven't. alan, some, any We use a/an with singular countable nouns. Sine got ‘an apple _| in my bag. [We've got [atv in our living room. Pinavert got | anapple _[inmy bag. We haven't got | a TV in our living room. @ Have you got a desk in your room? ves, thave. 9 No, |haven’t. We use some with plural countable nouns in positive sentences. © You've got some plants in your house. We use any with plural countable nouns in negative sentences and questions. © You haven't got any plants in your house. @ Have you got any plants in your house? ves, have. 9 No, | haven't ® Unit 2 - Grammar summary Question words We use different question words to ask about different type of information. We use What to ask about things. What have you got in your bag? We use How many to ask about numbers of things. How many books have you got on your shelf? How many legs has a spider got? this, that, these, those We use this and these to talk about people or things that are near us. This is my house. These are my children. We use that and those to talk about people or things that aren't near us. That is her new bike. Those are our books.

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