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A Research presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of

Senior High School Program

Presented by:

Mondejar, Ryle Reed M.

APRIL 2024

The Problem and the Setting


A single parent is someone who takes responsibility for taking care of the child

without having a partner. There are the kind of parents that are unmarried, an individual,

or a person that gives support to a baby or youngsters. The reasons for becoming a

single parent include decease, divorce, break-up, abandonment, becoming widowed,

domestic violence, rape, childbirth by a single person or single-person adoption. A Solo

parent refers to a parent who 'is left alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to

death, detention, mental incapacity or legal separation with the spouse. Single-parent

families come in various forms, including divorced parents, widowed parents, non-

married parents who split up, and parents who are single by choice.

Life in a single parent household though common can be quite stressful for the

adults and the children. The lone parent might experience immense pressure balancing

child care, employment, and household duties, often facing financial strain after the

dissolution of the parents' relationship (Bailey, 2021).Single parenthood often leads to

financial difficulties and occasional challenges in securing childcare. Juggling

responsibilities such as childcare, household management, work, and/or education can

make life hectic for single parents, necessitating a careful balancing act to navigate

through these various aspects of life.Similarly, in rural and economically disadvantaged

areas, single parenting is also linked with financial challenges. Many parents find
themselves raising children alone due to abandonment by their partners, often involving

third-party issues. Currently, teenage motherhood is prevalent, contributing to social and

health issues that are receiving global attention. Single mother households outnumber

single father households (Villa, 2016).

My own reason for conducting this study is that I believe that this research will

help many single parents to have a financial support and emotional support not only by

the goverment but also some of the organization that are willing to help. Not all the

single parents are being acknowledged and it's hard for them to gain support since they

are the only one that helps their family and it's also hard for them to stabilize both

financial and emotional support to their children.

Statement of the problem

The primary objective of this research is to identify the difficulties experienced by single

parents of Grade 11 STEM B students at Poblacion Polomolok National High School

during the school year 2023-2024

In particular, this study aimed to address the following inquiries:

1.What challenges do single parents of Poblacion Polomolok National High School

students in Grade 11 STEM B face?

2. What coping mechanisms do single parents of STEM B students in grade 11 use to

juggle the pressures of parenting, job, and housework.

3. In what ways do financial limitations affect the capacity of single parents whose

children attend Poblacion Polomolok National High School in Grade 11 STEM B to

provide for their children's educational needs?

3.1 Provision in school related materials

3.2 Provision on necessities

3.3 Work time hinders quality time

Conceptual Framework:

•formulate Challenges
research d by the
Parent question
•Interview Solo
Parents of
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Students in
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B of
data Poblacion

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on the challenges encountered by the single parents of the Students in

Grade 11 STEM B of Poblacion Polomolok National High School. The participants were

limited to ten (10) Grade 11 Stem B students with a single parent.

Additionally, the study will take place between March and the second or third week of May

2024. This timeframe is constrained by the Department of Education's schedule. Given the
focus on single-parent challenges, participants must be individuals raised by a single parent,

whether it be a mother, father, or guardian.

Terms and Definitions

Single parent- someone who is unmarried, widowed, or divorced and not remarried. The

single-parent household can be headed by a mother, a father, a grandparent, an uncle, or


widowed parent- used to describe a person whose husband or wife has died.

Stem- A strand in Senior High School that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and


Significance of the study

This study seeks to explore the significance of understanding these challenges, aiming to

inform the development of targeted interventions to support single-parent households


Students: This research will benefit the students by helping them understand and appreciate

their parents more, as they will learn about the challenges their parents face while taking

care of them.

Single Parents: Single parents often go unnoticed and lack acknowledgment, but through

this research, they can receive the recognition they deserve and access financial support by

the government.
Teachers: This research can also assist teachers in understanding the challenges students

with single parents face in paying school fees and in deciphering the underlying reasons for

certain behavioral patterns exhibited by students with single parents.

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