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It is understandable why some people hold on to the view that we are not prepared for a world in
which computers are more intelligent than humans. However, I think it’s not worth to be worried about
this idea after knowing how A.I is actually functioning and its positive impact to us.

First of all, artificial intelligence can help the humanity skyrocketing the productivity and effortlessness
in many sectors. For instance, in economic, A.I will potentially be a useful tool for simplifying the
manufacturing process. Therefore, the world will be able to attain more products available in a shorter
amount of time than now by a lot. Furthermore, there is also a not so new invention based on A.I called
smart house. This invention has helped an enormous number of people to get a comfortable living. In
consequence, people who live in smart houses have a higher happiness rate and feel great with their
life. Interestingly, good living condition can benefit people’s life significantly. With A.I, our life will be
simpler, and by that, we will have the chance to focus on ourself and get better development without
getting interupted by daily life problems.

Secondly, A.I technologies can be used to work with a surprisingly high precision. Therefore, there will
be less risk than what human can do. With robots, A.I can replace us to do harmful work with better
accuracy and it will never get tired. We can attain more quality products manufactured by A.I robots.
Moreover, A.I can also help us predict nature disaster and caculate sophisticated problems in our world.
We can avoid all the dangerous around us with A.I prediction, and solve world’s problems in a short
amount of time.

In conclusion, I absolutely disagree with the view that we are not prepared for a world in which
computer are more intelligent than humans. On the other hand, I completely air the view stated that
developments in A.I can benefit people lives in future. A.I is indeed an insanely strong tool for humanity,
we should use it wisely in order to obtain a brighter future.

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