Ce Laws

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What is the stage where the bidder with the lowest calculated bid, in the case of goods and
infrastructure projects, or the highest rated bid, in the case of consulting services, undergoes
verification and validation whether he has passed all the requirements and conditions as specified
in the Bidding Documents? POST-QUALIFICATION
3. It must be considered in construction work because inflation affects construction costs. INFLATION
4. The concerned government office should issue the Notice to Proceed (NTP) to successful bidder
not later than calendar days from the date of approval of the contract by the authorized
government official. 15
5. It refers to all items, supplies, materials and general support services, except consulting services
and infrastructure services. GOODS
6. As the design progresses, the engineers should revise it on a regular basis.
7. Exam dates for the Civil Engineering Board Exam. MAY and NOVEMBER
8. Who designated the members of the Bidding and Awards Committee (BAC)? HEAD OF
9. It is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-
dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them. SURVEYING or LAND
10. The BAC of concerned government offices should complete the evaluation of bids not later than
calendar days from the date of the opening of the bids. 30
11. use cost estimates when deciding whether to bid on a project. CONTRACTORS
12. If the decision is to award the contract, the Notice of Award shall be issued normally within
calendar days from the date the decision to award is made. 7
13. It includes the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, demolition, repair, restoration or
maintenance of roads and bridges, railways, airports, seaports, communication facilities, civil
works components of information technology projects, irrigation, flood control and drainage,
water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid waste management systems, shore protection,
energy/power and electrification facilities, national buildings, hospital buildings and other related
construction projects of the government. INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS
14. Prior to the issuance of the Invitation to Bid, the BAC is mandated to hold on each and
15. The signatory and sealer to the plans and building permits, specifications, calculations and others
that form part of the contract documents for a project or component of a project, and who is
therefore professionally responsible and liable for the design for that project or component of that
16. The method that involves a direct Procurement of Goods from the previous winning bidder,
whenever there is a need to replenish Goods procured under a contract previously awarded
through Competitive Bidding. REPEAT ORDER
17. For the estimated project cost of 25 – 50 million pesos, when will the bidder provide the issuance
of plans, specifications, proposal book forms and draft contracts? 45 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF
18. The type of cost used to create budgets for a typical project.
19. For contracts requiring the approval by the Office of the President, the same should normally be
approved/ disapproved within calendar days from the date that request for approval of
such contracts shall have been received by the Office of the President.
20. The cost for layouts and locations, as well as an initial estimate for the probable project cost.
21. The cost of the project, which may include the cost of alternative project configurations.
22. The Government shall make an advance payment to the contractor in an amount equal to
of the total contract price.
23. This is a type of cost that covers the interest on borrowed money during the construction process.
24. When does the BAC examine the technical components of the bids first, using “pass/fail” criteria
to determine whether all required documents are present?
25. Responsible for providing estimates, such as those in the legal, land, administrative, and financial
26. The law that prescribes the policy, guidelines, rules and regulations for government infrastructure
27. It is a revised drawing created and submitted by a contractor after a construction project is
28. The proposed detailed design’s estimated total cost of construction.
29. RA 9184 is also known as .
30. For the estimated project cost of above 100 million pesos, when will the bidder provide the
issuance of plans, specifications, proposal book forms and draft contracts? 90 DAYS BEFORE THE
31. The process of acquiring the necessary documents required by the city planning division and other
concerned organizations for any development work that needs consent.
32. The contractor shall have the right to suspend work operation on any or all projects along the
critical path of activities after calendar days from date of receipt of written notice from
the contract to the district engineer/ regional director/ consultant.
33. What is meant by PICE?
34. Construction permitting is necessary to ensure and to uphold the standards in the
quality of all construction works.
35. A roster showing the names and places of business of all registered civil engineers shall by
prepared by the Commission of Civil Service periodically but at least once a year.
36. It is the process of forecasting the cost of building a physical structure.
37. A is hired to conduct research and write a planning report on the proposed project.
38. The client’s main concern through the planning, design, and construction phases of a project.
39. Who approved the RA 9184 on December 18, 2002?
41. For the estimated project cost of above 100 million pesos, when will the bidder provide the
issuance of plans, specifications, proposal book forms and draft contracts? 15 DAYS BEFORE THE
42. These building codes are created to protect individuals from dishonest contractors who use
unlicensed workers and just to earn more profit.
43. Who is responsible for preparing the GPPB’s Bidding Documents? PROCURING ENTITY

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