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Health Education Syllabus

Teacher: Coach Austin Room: Room 147

Email: Text: Essential HEALTH
Course Description:
The Health Education Couse is a nine week course designed to enhance the awareness and
knowledge of healthy lifestyle choices.
Course Outline:
The curriculum will adhere to the Alabama Course of Study: Health Education Standards as list
 Environmental Health  Personal Health and Safety

 Consumer and Community Health  Prevention and Control of Disease

 Family Health  Mental and Emotional Health

 Nutrition  Substance Use and Abuse

Health Education Goals:
 Raise awareness and inspire a lifelong commitment to all facets of one’s physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual health.
 Focus on informed decision-making based on the student’s values and continued
development of critical thinking skills, using accurate information.
 Examine and enhance student’s self-image and esteem.
 Demonstrate the connection of all components of health.
Required Materials:
 Writing utensil  3 ring binder (1”)  Notebook paper

Classroom procedures:
Students will be given the opportunity during class to participate in class discussion, writing
activities, projects, presentations and more. These activities will provide a richer learning
experience and allow the students to acquire the knowledge for use outside the classroom. On
occasion, the class will work in groups. Seating arrangements will be made. Students should take
their seat and begin working quietly upon entrance into the classroom.
Classroom Rules:
1. Be on time!
2. Be respectful and considerate of others.
3. Bring all required materials to class.
4. No cell phones/iPod/iPad (unless authorized by teacher).
5. No food or drink in the classroom.

Grading Scale:
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 -89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 59 – Below
Daily 60%; Test 40
**Grades can be checked at home on PowerSchool. You will need to have a password from the
main office to access the system.
**Please see the SHS Handbook regarding make-up work
Cheating and plagiarism are not allowed under any circumstances. Anyone caught cheating will
receive a “0”. If you are talking during a test, I will assume you are cheating and your test will be
taken up.
The following supplies are usually in great demand in the classroom:
Tissues Paper Towels Hand Sanitizer Clorox Wipes
Any assistance to obtain these supplies will be greatly appreciated.

I have read and understand the course description and expectations for Health Education.

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