GROUP ACTIVITY 5 - Motivational - Activity

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Group Members:
Sharly Mae Marigsa
Mark Heinrich B. Paras
Ma. Christina Angelica Magbanua
Joanna Claire Villanueva
Omaweng, Shaira
Padalla, Mariel
Patague, Irah

Motivational Activity
Question 5: What actions could the victim take to cope with the situation, and what support
systems might be available to them?

Narrative Summary

Christina, a high school student, is facing harassment from a group of friends who
created a fake social media account to shame her. They are posting embarrassing photos,
spreading rumors, and making hurtful comments that are likely to deeply affect her emotionally.
Despite her efforts to block the account and stay positive, the harassment continues on different
platforms. Christina is feeling overwhelmed by the hurtful comments targeting her appearance,
intelligence, and personal life, and is concerned about the impact on her reputation and
relationships with her peers. Given this scenario, Christina may experience a range of negative
emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, and low self-esteem. She may struggle in expressing
herself and communicating with her peers and classmates for fear that she is being judged due
to the circulating rumors about her. She may feel anxious and isolate herself due to continued
social harassment. Her studies will also be greatly affected. Her grades will decline because she
may skip classes or be absent. She may also consider transferring to other schools. Her
physical health may also be affected. Due to the emotional distress that she may experience,
she may have headaches, sleep disturbances, digestive issues, and others. In the long term,
Christina may still have the psychological effects of the situation she had gone through. This
includes anxiety, depression, PTSD, phobia, and others.

Christina has been experiencing one of the dark side of the internet called cyberbullying.
It is an act of threatening, intimidating, or bullying people online through various social media.
Moreover, there are several actions that Christina could have taken to cope with the situation
such as; avoid responding, if Christina reacted impulsively, this will only worsen the situation,
ignoring the cyberbullies may stop them from harrassing her; keeping records or taking
screenshots of the post, which can provide her evidence that has a higher chance of winning
the case relating to the court situation; blocking and reporting the fraud accounts
immediately, in this way, Christina’s feelings would have lessened because she would not have
seen the things that the bullies had been doing online about her; limit the use of the social
media, Christina will be able to take a deep breathe for awhile and enjoy the moments without
any interactions about what is happening online, this will give her positive impact not only in the
physical aspect but as well in the mental aspect too; practicing self-care, engaging in such
activities like physical exercises, hobbies, relaxation activities or anything that will make
Christina relieve from stress of cyberbullying; talk to a friend and make sure you know well
who your friends are, she will be able to express her feelings and emotions about the situation
which can lessen and give her the sense of love, care, and support; seek counseling or
therapy to address the emotional impact of the cyberbullying on Christina; Raising awareness,
mindfulness in actions, and educating oneself, learning and understanding cyberbullying
can empower Christina to take appropriate preventative and coping measures, and rights
related to cyberbullying, ensuring she is protected by these; before posting on social media,
Christina should be mindful of the potential consequences of it; sharing experiences and raising
awareness, she can contribute to fostering a safer online environment.

When Christina faces tough times due to cyberbullying, she reaches out to those she
trusts for support. She will talk to her family, finding comfort and strength in their words of
consolation, while the school counselor will become a guiding light, helping her make sense of
her feelings and guide her through tough times. Her teachers and school staff will lend a
listening ear, ensuring her safety and providing a sense of security. Seeking further help,
Christina will reach out to online communities where she connects with others who
understand her struggles and find strength in their shared experiences and advice. As she
realizes the gravity of her situation, Christina will decide to get support from a psychologist or
therapist who will gently guide her through the process of healing and rebuilding her
confidence. Additionally, Christina will join peer support groups at school or in her
community, where she will bond with others who have walked similar paths. Taking a stand
against cyberbullying, Christina will report the abusive behavior to the platform authorities,
leading to the removal of harmful content and reinforcing measures against online harassment,
which will help enforce measures against cyberbullying. With the unwavering support of her
loved ones, Christina will begin to regain her sense of self and feel empowered to overcome her
struggles. Though the pain of her experience may linger, she will emerge from it stronger and
more determined than ever to share compassion and support online. Now she will seek to
spread kindness and support in the online community, turning her hardships into a source of
inspiration for others.

In the current and future digital age, cyberbullying is still a major serious problem.
Christina's experience will vividly demonstrate just how much mental and emotional harm
cyberbullying may do to a person. Therefore, in combating this crisis, we must work as one and
continue to raise awareness. It will be crucial to establish guidelines and resources that
encourage compassion and empathy online or offline, which will foster us to support one
another. Eliminating cyberbullying will require a combined effort and will not be eradicated in a
matter of hours. However, through cooperation and manpower, we will ensure that everyone
feels respected and protected online as we build a community where harmony and unity take
place and positivity and support are spread to one another.

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