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Living in an IT Era: Group Activity

Collaboration: Technology in Healthcare

Submitted by:
MARIGSA, Sharly R.
PARAS, Mark Heinrich B.
Your primary care physician is moving from a shared office so that he can open his own practice.
He mentioned that he would like to use technology in his office that not only will improve the
patient experience, but also make his job easier. Form a team of three people to determine the
types of technology your physician can use in his new office.

One team member should research ways that technology can help improve patient check-
in and billing.

Nowadays, technology plays an essential role in the daily lives of several people
worldwide. Various fields such as agriculture, engineering, and information systems especially
the field of healthcare have improved because of technology in which patient health maintenance,
management, and a high level of wellness become the healthcare setting’s top priority. In terms
of how technology can help improve patient check-in and billing, the following steps or ways are
presented below:

Patient Hospital Billing

1. Provides transparent and timely billing information. It enhances the patient’s
experience in which each admitted patient can see the bill that has been charged after the
physician’s discharge order. For example: Patient X is now ready to go home as the
physician had ordered. For Patient X to go out of the hospital, he/she can look for the bill
he/she has to pay without any procedures to do before the bill will be able to access.
2. Improved efficiency and reduced errors and duplication of data. Technology provides
ease to several people, especially in the hospital. This helps the physician to have limited
errors when it comes to billing. For example, the physician can search the patient’s
information on the technology he is using to determine and check if the bill charged to the
patient is correct and if when the bill was charged reducing the duplication of the data.
3. Enhance speed and streamline operations through Automated Billing processes.
Each necessity used by the patient is documented by the nurse/ physician in the personal
digital assistants. For example, the medicine that Patient X needs was added to his bill
while he was in the hospital. The patient can no longer wait for a day to process the bill.
With the technology use, the time of the billing process is reduced from 24 hours to 2-3
hours only but in some healthcare settings, it takes up to thirty minutes only.
4. Improves communication and collaboration among hospital staff. In the past, manual
billing was practiced because of the limited source of technology. It created
miscommunications and unwillingness to collaborate with the patient among the hospital
staff because of the inaccurate billing process. With the technology today, the patient can
talk to the physician/ healthcare provider about how the bill was charged high. For
example, the physician provided the lists present on the bill of Patient X which gives an
understanding and collaboration to Patient X.
5. Quickly verifies insurance eligibility and status of patients, which can prevent claim
denials and delays. This relates to number two. The physician/ healthcare worker can
check on the microcomputers to whom the patient will be discharged preventing them from
sneaking away from the hospital. Moreover, this helps the patient tell whether the
insurance is eligible for it. For example, Patient X is ready for discharge but sadly he/she
does not have money to pay for her/him to be able to go out. As well, this prevents denial
on patient X that he/she has a bill of charge of Php 2*****.00.
6. Reduces the administrative and patient burden. Going to the past, the admins and
patients were stressed because of the manual computing of the bills of the patients, and
the patients did not have money to pay. The technology paves the way for it. For example,
administrators; can use a computer to easily compile the bill of the patient, in patient; it
reduces their burdens because in technology several people can borrow online with
various applications that allow loans for them to have money for payments and other
7. Provides a platform for recording and storing patient medical history, diagnosis,
and treatment. Nowadays, the technology has been used for storage, recording, and
treatments. The patient bills after discharge are kept in the computer or stored in the flash
drives for future purposes. This tracks if the patient has paid the past bills he/she has in
the hospital. For example, Doctor Y forgot if Patient X had paid the bill, in checking the
patient’s information on the computer he verified that Patient X paid the bills.
8. Automates coding and billing, saving time and resources. This relates to number
three where manual billing was practiced in the hospital in the past. Physicians/ healthcare
providers can just click on the computer the bills of the patient which will automatically
sum up and save time and resources. Because of this, healthcare providers can maximize
their skills on the patient to achieve a high level of wellness. For example, the physician
finished the bill of the patient in 30 minutes. The Physician can handle another patient to
heal or manage her/his health.
Patient Check-in
1. Provides Online Pre-registration. Technology advancement creates a world of
technology where people work online without even going out to their respective homes.
This made an accessible impact to several people because it saves time, money, and
effort to go to the hospital just to make contact with healthcare providers for them to be
admitted. Moreover, most hospitals use technology for online pre-registration for their
physical seminars and formal announcements. As well, technology made life easier
because it provides access to promoting inclusivity worldwide. For example: Patient X is
having severe diarrhea and vomiting leading to severe dehydration and needs to be
admitted for health treatment. For Patient X to be admitted, Patient X’s aunt uses
technology to have online pre-registration for the reason that it's Patient X's first time to
be admitted in the hospital whereas other information will be asked when they get there.
2. Provides Self-Service/Healthcare-Service Kiosks. Various countries have self-service
kiosks including the nation except in some parts of the Philippines. Kiosks are one of the
technologies that organize each patient that will enter the hospital. For example, BGHMC
has kiosks at the OPD entrance where patients should go and have it to be entertained in
a different department they are into. As well, it tracks the number of registered patients in
the hospital where the records and information are kept confidential.
3. Provides Online Appointment. Advanced hospitals such as BGHMC have an online
appointment that promotes ease and saves money for the patient. With the use of the
technology, the patient can contact the physician or the website of the hospital for an
online appointment and attend when it is their schedule. Also, this gives the elderly the
comfortability and promotes health for the reason that they do not need to go to the
hospital to have appointments for check-ups and health assessments. For example,
Patient X is 74 years old who experienced vomiting lately, he/she used a smartphone to
make an online appointment or schedule a check-up. Additionally, this helps several
people worldwide such as politicians, businessmen, and even vendors.
4. Provides EHR/ EMR integration. Electronic Health Record or Electronic Medical Record
is the information of the patient within the hospital which includes the physician’s order,
nurse’s notes, vital signs, IV fluids, and even the patient’s basic information. This made it
easy for every hospital because it is easy and effective to use. Though not all hospitals
have EHR/EMR integration, they still manage to keep the information confidential but there
is still disorganization and confusion on the patient’s documents which sometimes
healthcare providers to lose some of the documents. Additionally, technology has a great
impact on the patient’s data privacy creating the EHR/EMR. For example, Patient X has a
severe disease that is communicable and needs to be kept confidential. Patient X is the
only patient who can access his/her information as well as the healthcare provider. This
means that the patient itself has the only right to control his records electronically.
5. Provides Automated Appointment Reminders. This relates to number three. After the
online appointment, further announcements are made such as automated appointment
reminders. This can be done by the patient or the physician/ healthcare provider because
the reason that patient can set it on his phone for her/ his appointment as well and the
healthcare provider wherein can send a reminder to the patient through email or SMS
about the appointment or schedule. In contrast, if the appointment is unattended,
rescheduling will be done. For example, Physician Y sent a message reminder on the
schedule of Patient X for surgery, unfortunately, Patient X forgot about it. Thus, Physician
Y reminded that Patient X was rescheduled for surgery.
6. Provides Secure patient portals. This relates to number four wherein safety and security
have been implemented in patient portals to create trust and friendship in the hospital.
Without the technologies securing the patients’ information there will be no improvement
in its advancement. Technology has various functions in the healthcare setting for the
benefit of the patient and the healthcare providers. Thus, it must be used with

Another team member should research the types of technology your physician can use
while he is working with patients.
1. Electronic Health Records (EHR): EHRs store the patient's health history, and these
electronic records enable physicians to access patient information conveniently and securely. It
also provides patients with improved continuity of care and better outcomes by allowing
physicians to diagnose and treat patients based on a comprehensive assessment of their past
and current health.

2. Telemedicine: It deals with virtual communication between patients and physicians.

Telemedicine enables physicians to diagnose and provide care to patients through video
conferencing, and remote monitoring devices, and also offer follow-up care, minimizing the need
for patients to go to a physician's office or clinic.

3. Medical Imaging Devices: These are devices – including X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, and
MRI – that provide data related to human bodily features, functions, and activities in the form of
images. The visual information is then sent to a computer system for analysis by healthcare
professionals. This helps them make informed decisions about medical diagnoses and make
personalized treatment plans based on the visual information provided.

4. Wearable Health Devices: Wearable devices—such as smartwatches, and fitness trackers—

can notify wearers and their physicians about the sudden occurrence of medical issues. These
gather real-time data—such as patients' vital signs, activity levels, and other health parameters—
for the physicians to monitor and receive information about their patients' health conditions. This
enables physicians to be proactive and reach out to patients who may need immediate medical
attention, even if they are unaware that they need it.

5. Point of Care Technology/Testing Devices: This refers to medical testing devices such as
CBG, RT PCR COVID-19 tests, and pregnancy tests, which are used to reduce the time and
resources needed to efficiently help patients, providing detailed and more accurate results, as
well as more accessible and cost-effective diagnostic support allowing them to receive
appropriate treatment immediately. This also allows the patient to receive test results in minutes
instead of days, leading to a more specific diagnosis and a sooner initiation of treatment.
Furthermore, Point-of-Care (POC) technology allows patients to reduce their stay in medical
clinics and hospitals, which benefits those who have limited access to these facilities.

6. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS): These computerized systems provide

physicians with evidence-based guidelines, alerts for potentially dangerous situations and drug
interactions, recommendations, patient-specific information, preventive care reminders,
diagnostic support, and databases containing relevant information on particular patients. These
resources help physicians in making informed decisions throughout the process of patient care.

7. Health Information Exchange (HIE) Platforms: This allows health care providers and patients
to appropriately and efficiently access and securely share a patient’s vital medical information
electronically—improving the speed, quality, safety and cost of patient care. Furthermore, enable
healthcare providers to prevent patient readmissions, medication errors, improve diagnoses, and
reduce redundant tests or procedures.
8. Electronic Prescribing (e-prescribing): This technology enables physicians to electronically
deliver prescriptions directly to pharmacies since the prescriptions are more accurate, clearly
written, and digitally signed by the physician, ensuring that they are valid. This saves time,
resources and improves workflow, minimizing the need to manually enter data or call to clarify
orders; reduces the likelihood of errors, promotes medication and patient safety, and enhances
patient medication adherence.

9. Patient Portals: Web-based portals enable patients to conveniently access and go over their
medical records and test results, schedule appointments, request prescription refills, and in some
circumstances, communicate with their physician or medical staff to address concerns or obtain
information. Moreover, these portals improve patient engagement and empowerment by enabling
patients to actively participate in their own care management. This is because patients having
access to their medical records helps in reducing errors as they are more likely to identify and
report any errors that they observe in their records. Physicians also benefit from patient portals
as they can effectively handle chronic illnesses through online monitoring and communication.
They have the ability to engage in collaboration with other healthcare professionals or facilitate
patient referrals, resulting in enhanced patient satisfaction through a more holistic approach to
healthcare management.

The third team member should research any additional technology that can be used in the office
to improve the patient experience.

1. Kiosks: These kiosks enable patients to independently register for appointments, update
their personal details, and electronically fill out required forms, thus reducing waiting
periods and optimizing the check-in process.

2. Patient Education Software: Patients can be educated about their diseases, options for
treatment, and preventive actions using computer programs or multimedia tools, which
enables them to make well-informed decisions regarding their health.

3. Virtual Waiting Rooms:

This allows people to wait for their appointments in their cars or at home, or anywhere
else they choose. So, they don't have to wait in line at busy waiting rooms. They will just
be notified when it's their turn to come in.

4. SMS and Email Appointment Reminders: Automated appointment reminder systems

utilize text messages or emails to notify patients in advance of their scheduled visits,
thereby decreasing the occurrence of missed appointments and enhancing appointment

5. Online Appointment Scheduling: Patients now have more accessibility and

convenience because of online booking platforms. They have the option to book
appointments online whenever it is most convenient for them, rather than having to call
the office during business hours, especially when the office isn’t always accessible.

6. Patient engagement Portals: Advanced patient portals may include features such as
secure messaging with healthcare providers, such as the ability to request referrals and
prescription refills, view test results, make payments, and read educational materials,
fostering better communication and engagement between patients and their healthcare

7. Comfort Amenities: Technologies like pleasant lighting, calming music, cozy seats, and
multimedia entertainment options in waiting rooms can make patients feel more at ease
and enhance their overall experience while waiting for their turn.

8. Language Translation Services: Adding translation tools or services to electronic health

record systems can help with real-time language translation during interactions between
patients and healthcare providers, making it easier to talk to patients who speak different
languages, and it will be clearer to both sides what kind of care will work best for them.

9. Feedback and Survey Tools: Digital feedback and survey tools let patients give real-
time feedback on their experience throughout their consultation, which helps healthcare
providers find places to improve and make the changes that are needed to make patients
satisfied for them to come back when they need to.


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Retrieved February 2, 2024, from

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