Report Template 2B

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(BEED ‒ 2B)
Reporter: Judyl A. Camo Topic: _Authentic assessment development process _
Scoring Rubrics:
___________ Delivery/Presentation of the Report (15 pts)
___________ Report Materials (5 pts)
___________ Personality (5 pts)
___________ Handout (5 pts)
___________ Total (30 pts)

Title: Authentic Assessment Development Process

Authentic assessment is an approach that aims to evaluate students' knowledge and skills in real-life
contexts, fostering meaningful learning experiences. This report discusses the development process of
authentic assessment, highlighting its objectives and the steps involved.Introduction:

I. Importance of Authentic Assessment:

Authentic assessment goes beyond traditional methods by providing students with opportunities to apply
their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts. It encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and the
development of transferable skills. By assessing students' abilities to transfer knowledge to authentic
situations, it enhances their engagement and motivation, preparing them for future challenges.

II. Objectives of the Authentic Assessment Development Process:

a. Promoting Authenticity: The primary objective of the development process is to create assessments
that mirror real-life scenarios, ensuring relevance and authenticity.

b. Measuring Learning Outcomes: Authentic assessments aim to measure students' understanding, skills,
and abilities related to specific learning goals and objectives.

c. Enhancing Higher-Order Thinking: The development process focuses on designing tasks that require
critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

d. Encouraging Application of Knowledge: Authentic assessments provide opportunities for students to

apply their knowledge in meaningful ways, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

e. Providing Constructive Feedback: The development process emphasizes the provision of feedback that
guides students' learning and helps them improve their performance.
(BEED ‒ 2B)

III. Steps in Developing Authentic Assessments:

1. Identify Learning Goals and Objectives: Clearly define the learning goals and objectives that the
assessment will measure, ensuring alignment with the curriculum.

2. Determine Authentic Contexts: Select contexts or scenarios that reflect real-life applications of
knowledge and skills, making the assessment relevant and meaningful.

3. Define Performance Criteria: Establish clear criteria that outline the behaviors, skills, or knowledge
students need to demonstrate.

4. Design Assessment Tasks: Develop tasks that require students to apply their knowledge and skills in
authentic ways, ensuring they are challenging yet achievable.

5. Develop Scoring Rubrics: Create rubrics that provide clear guidelines for assessing student
performance based on the established criteria.

6. Pilot Test and Refine: Pilot test the assessment with a small group of students, gathering feedback and
making necessary revisions to improve the assessment's effectiveness.

7. Implement and Evaluate: Administer the authentic assessment to all students, closely observing and
evaluating their performance based on the established criteria and rubrics.

8. Provide Feedback and Support: Offer constructive feedback to students, highlighting their strengths
and areas for improvement, and provide support for further growth.

9. Reflect and Revise: Reflect on the effectiveness of the assessment process and outcomes, considering
student performance and feedback. Revise the assessment as needed to enhance future iterations.

IV. Benefits of Authentic Assessment:

a. Meaningful Learning: Authentic assessments promote deep understanding and application of

knowledge, fostering meaningful learning experiences.

b. Transferable Skills: They help develop skills that can be applied in real-life situations, enhancing
students' ability to adapt and succeed beyond the classroom.

c. Engagement and Motivation: Authentic assessments increase student engagement and motivation by
providing relevance and a sense of purpose.

d. Formative Assessment: They offer opportunities for ongoing feedback and support, allowing students
to monitor their progress and make improvements.

e. Teacher Professional Development: The development and implementation of authentic assessments

encourage educators to reflect on their teaching practices and refine their instructional strategies.
(BEED ‒ 2B)

The development process for authentic assessments typically involves the following steps:

1. Identify learning outcomes: Begin by identifying the specific skills and knowledge that you want
students to demonstrate through the assessment. These should align with the learning objectives of the
course or unit.

2. Design the task: Create a task that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world
context. This could involve solving a problem, completing a project, or performing a task that mirrors what
they would encounter in a professional setting.

3. Provide clear instructions: Make sure that students understand what is expected of them in the
assessment. Provide clear instructions, guidelines, and criteria for success so that students know how
they will be evaluated.

4. Develop assessment criteria: Define the criteria for evaluating students' performance on the task. This
could include specific skills, knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, and communication abilities.

5. Create a rubric: Develop a rubric that outlines the different levels of performance and criteria for each
level. This will help students understand how their work will be assessed and allow for more objective

6. Pilot the assessment: Before using the assessment with students, pilot it with a small group to ensure
that it is effective in measuring the intended learning outcomes and that the instructions are clear.


The development process of authentic assessment plays a crucial role in promoting meaningful learning
experiences. By aligning with learning goals, providing authentic contexts, and incorporating performance
criteria, authentic assessments enhance students' engagement, critical thinking, and application of
knowledge. Educators can leverage the benefits of authentic assessment to foster a student-centered
approach and support students' holistic development.

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