Edematous Syndrome

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Edematous syndrome

Edema - excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial

Edema is visible if the volume of interstitial fluid
increases by more than 15%.

Causes Diseases and conditions

Increasing hydrostatic acute nephritic syndrome,

pressure acute tubular necrosis,
heart failure

Decreased plasma oncotic Hypoproteinemic conditions:

pressure 1.nephrotic syndrome,
chronic hepatic failure,
exudative enteropathy
2.LCI(lack of calorie intake
- kwashiorkor)
Increased capillary
permeability Insect bites, allergies, sepsis,

Lymph outflow disorders lymphatic obstruction (swelling),

congenital lymphedema
Violation of venous outflow Obstruction of the hepatic
venous outflow, blockage of
the superior / inferior vena

The mechanism of edema formation

Nephritic edema Nephrotic edema

Decreased GFR Proteinuria

Kidney retention of water Hypoproteinemia

and salt

Increased intravascular Decrease in oncotic pressure


Increase in capillary The appearance of edema

hydrostatic pressure
The appearance of edema Reduction of the
intravascular bed
Kidney retention of water
and salt
Intravascular fluid overload:
orthopnea, cardiomegaly, increased pressure in the jugular
vein, pulmonary congestion, hepatomegaly

Types of edema

Types of edema

Localized edema injury, insect bite, infection,

peripheral lymphedema of newborns,
obstruction of the superior vena cava
(edema of the face, neck)

Life-threatening local edema Allergic reaction with airway edema

Snake bite
Generalized edema Kidney disease (AGN -
oliguria, microhematuria,
arterial hypertension,
cardiomegaly, pulmonary
Life-threatening generalized Congestive heart failure
edema Nephrotic syndrome -
Liver failure

Semiotics of edema
acute post-streptococcal Edema in the first phase of
glomerulonephritis the disease, almost always
periorbital. Less commonly
on the legs and trunk. Edema
is dense, cavity edema is
Nephrotic syndrome Edema is generalized,
massive. Cavitary edema
hydropericardium, ascites)
Peripheral soft, mobile.

Pyelonephritis Slight swelling of the


Liver disease signs of chronic liver

disease - jaundice, itchy
rash, palmar palms,
portal vein thrombosis -
hepatosplenomegaly without
jaundice, with severe
Biliary atresia

Allergic reaction Combination with rash,

urticaria. itching,
recurrent edema with
hereditary angioteca
Heart failure HF congestion with
congenital heart disease,
DCM, myocarditis (decreased
exercise tolerance,
orthopnea, paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea.
Cardiomegaly, gallop rhythm,
pulmonary crepitus,

Exudative enteropathy chronic diarrhea,

steatorrhea, and recurrent
abdominal pain, possibly
intolerance to gluten, a
protein in cow's milk.
Concomitant conditions -
anemia. PEM,
hypovitaminosis, macro-
microelement deficiency
The use of drugs Estrogens.
Oral contraceptives,
Rapid parenteral
administration of saline
sodium chloride solution

Other reasons Pregnancy gestosis

chronic malnutrition
swelling of newborns

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