Usabilty Test - Final

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com Test

Caroline E. Stanford


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Kleenex is a brand name owned by Kimberly-Clark, most commonly
associated with facial tissues. They were the first to market disposable paper-
based facial tissues in the Western world, back in 1924. The Kleenex brand
also offers a range of other tissue and towel products. This includes hand
towels, napkins, wet wipes, and cotton pads. Kleenex's website aims to
inform consumers about their products, build brand loyalty, and facilitate
sales while providing customer support.

Caroline Stanford, a student at The University of North Georgia conducted the

usability test of the Kleenex website using her laptop. The session will be
used to record and analyze’s usability, customer satisfaction,
and customer feedback. The test administrator Caroline was present during
the session to observe firsthand the results.

Executive Summary
The usability test took place at a home in Athens, Georgia using a laptop on
February 15th, 2024. The purpose of the test is to determine the extent an
interface facilitates a user’s ability to complete routine tasks. Typically, eight
to 10 participants are involved in a usability test to ensure stable results.
However, I have decided to use two participants for this study. Each session
lasted approximately 15 minutes. Participant 1 is a 31-year-old male teacher
specializing in 5th-grade math. Participant 1 spends around 3-5 hours online
daily. While online he prefers to watch podcasts, participate in social media
interaction, and read content such as articles. He has not visited the website
before this session. Participant 1’s favorite websites are LinkedIn, Facebook,
and “X” formally known as Twitter. Participant 2 is a 26-year-old stay-at-
home mom. Participant 2 spends about 7 hours online daily. While online she
prefers to watch podcasts, listen to music, and make online purchases. She
has not visited the website before this session. Participant 2’s favorite
websites are YouTube, Instagram, and Amazon.

In general, all participants found the Kleenex website to be clear,

straightforward, and easy to use. One of two

The test identified only a few minor problems including:

 Lack of color on the website
 The color of products is unfavorable.
 Frequently asked questions are not answered clearly.
 Excess of categories although there are not many options to
choose from.
 Lack of info regarding the prevention of sickness.

This document contains the participant feedback, satisfaction ratings, task

completion rates, ease or difficulty of completion ratings, time on task, errors,
and recommendations for improvements. A copy of the scenarios and
questionnaires is included in the attachments section.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
The test administrator Caroline contacted and recruited participants via her
personal life. Participant 1 is Caroline’s significant other, while Participant 2 is
Caroline’s friend. Caroline sent a text to attendees informing them of the test
logistics and requesting their availability and participation. Participants
responded with a date and time that worked for them. Each session lasted
approximately 30 minutes. During the session, the test administrator
explained the test session and asked the participant to fill out a brief
background questionnaire (see executive summary). Participants read the
task scenarios and tried to find the information on the website.

After each task, the administrator asked the participant to rate the interface
on a 5-point Likert Scale with measures ranging from Strongly Disagree to
Strongly Agree. Post-task scenario subjective measures included:
 How easy it was to find the information from the home page.
 Ability to keep track of their location on the website.
 Accurateness of predicting which section of the website contained the

After the last task was completed, the test administrator asked the participant
to rate the website overall by using a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree
to Strongly Agree) for eight subjective measures including:
 Ease of use
 Frequency of use
 Difficulty keeping track of location on the website.
 Learn ability - how easy it would be for most users to learn to use
the website
 Information facilitation – how quickly participants can find
 Look & feel appeal – The homepage’s content makes me want to
explore the site further.
 Site content – The site’s content would keep me coming back.
 Site organization

In addition, the test administrator asked the participants the following overall
website questions:
 What the participant liked most.
 What the participant liked least.
 Recommendations for improvement.

I chose two participants. Participant 1 Thierry is a 31-year-old male teacher
specializing in 5th-grade math. Participant 1 spends around 3-5 hours online
daily. While online he prefers to watch podcasts, participate in social media
interaction, and read content such as articles. He has not visited the website
before this session. Participant 1’s favorite websites are LinkedIn, Facebook,
and “X” formally known as Twitter. Participant 2 Alexis is a 26-year-old stay-
at-home mom and entrepreneur. Participant 2 spends about 7 hours online
daily. While online she prefers to watch podcasts, listen to music, and make
online purchases. She has not visited the website before this session.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Participant 2’s favorite websites are YouTube, Instagram, and Amazon., dates
and the number of participants on each testing day. All participants are
associates of the test administrator. Two participants completed the test on
February 15th, 2024. One participant is a female while the second participant
is a male.

General occupation
Participants selected their occupation from a general list. Roles included
Educator, stay-at-home parents, unemployed, entrepreneurs, retired, and
other occupations.
Stay-at-home * Other
Educator Unemployed Entrepreneur Retired
parent occupation

1 1 - - - -

Evaluation Tasks/Scenarios
Caroline the Test administrators provided the task to complete. (see
Attachment D for complete test scenarios/tasks and each participant
completed a self-directed task (i.e., a task of their choice) :
 Task 1: You are environmentally friendly and would like to find out how
Kleenex is going to reduce its carbon footprint. Find information on that advises how their carbon footprint is reduced.
 Task 2: You are a volunteer at a children's camp where the flu is
prevalent. Find Kleenex tissue that helps to fight the cold and flu.

Task Completion Success Rate
Caroline The test administrator recorded the participant's task without
prompting. Both participants completed Task 1 (Find information on that advises how their carbon footprint is reduced) successfully.
100% of participants completed Task 2 (Find Kleenex tissue that helps to
fight the cold and flu) successfully.
Task Completion Rates

Participant Task 1 Task 2

1 √ √

2 √ √

Success 2 2

100% 100%

Task Ratings
After the completion of each task, participants rated the ease or difficulty of
completing the task for three factors:
 It was easy to find my way to this information from the homepage.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
 As I was searching for this information, I was able to keep track of
where I was in the website.
 I was able to accurately predict which section of the website
contained this information.

The 5-point rating scale ranged from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly

agree). Agree ratings are the agree and strongly agree ratings combined with
a mean agreement rating of > 4.0 considered as the user agrees that the
information was easy to find, that they could keep track of their location and
predict the section to find the information.

Ease in Finding Information

All the participants were able to complete the task without prompting. Task 1
took the participants the longest to complete (mean = 555 seconds). Task 2
was completed in a more timely manner (mean = 300)

Keeping Track of Location on Site

All the participants found it easy to keep track of their location in the site
while finding cold and flu (mean agreement rating = 5.0). 100% of the
participants found it somewhat easy to keep track of their location on the site
while finding the impact on Kleenex's carbon footprint (mean agreement
rating= 4.0).

Predicting Information Section

All the participants agreed it was easy to predict where to find cold and flu
tissue (mean agreement rating = 5.0). 100% of the participants found it
somewhat easy to predict which section of the site will provide info on the
impact on Kleenex's carbon footprint (mean agreement rating= 4.3).
Test 1 – Mean Task Ratings & Percent Agree
Ease – Location in Predict
Task Overall
Finding Info Site Section
1 – Find cold and flu
5.0 (100%) 5.0 (100%) 5.0 (100%) 5.0
2 – Find info on carbon
4.3 (95%) 4.0 (100%) 4.3 (100%) 4.2
*Percent Agree (%) = Agree & Strongly Agree Responses combined

Time on Task
The testing software recorded the time on task for each participant. Some
tasks were slightly more difficult to complete than others, which is reflected
by the average time on task.
Task 1 required participants to find information on that advises
how their carbon footprint is reduced. This task took the participants the
longest to complete (mean = 555 seconds). Task 2 required participants to
find Kleenex tissue that helps to fight the cold and flu. Task two was
completed in a more timely manner (mean= 300). However, completion
times ranged from 240 seconds (approximately 4 minutes) to 630 seconds
(more than 10 minutes).

Time on Task

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
P1 P2 Avg. TOT*
Task 1 630 480 555

Task 2 240 360 300

Overall Metrics
Overall Ratings
After task session completion, participants rated the site for eight overall
measures. These measures include:
 Ease of use
 Frequency of use
 Difficulty of keeping track of where they were in the site
 How quickly most people would learn to use the site
 Getting information quickly
 Homepage’s content facilities exploration
 Relevancy of site content
 Site organization

Most of the participants (100%) agreed that the website is well organized and
thought most people would learn about the website fast. Most participants
(85%) agreed they would use the site frequently, thought the website was
easy to use and could get information quickly. 20% of participants agreed
that the homepage’s content would make them want to explore the site and
come back. None of the participants (0%) found it difficult to keep track of
where they were on the website.

See table below.

Post-Task Overall Questionnaire

Strongly Strongly Mean Percent

Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree Rating Agree

Thought Website
1 1 3.9 85%
was easy to use
Would use website
1 1 3.9 85%
Found it difficult to
keep track of
1 1 2.1 0%
where they were in
Thought most
people would learn
1 1 4.8 100%
to use website
Can get
1 1 3.9 85%
information quickly
content makes me
1 1 2.0 20%
want to explore
Site’s content
would keep me 1 1 2.0 20%
coming back
Website is well 1 1 3.9 85%

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Strongly Strongly Mean Percent
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree Rating Agree
*Percent Agree (%) = Agree & Strongly Agree Responses combined

4.6.2 Likes, Dislikes, Participant Recommendations

Upon completion of the tasks, participants provided feedback for what they
liked most and least about the website and recommendations for improving
the website.

Liked Most
The following comments capture what the participants liked most:
Participant 1 liked being able to compare prices from different retailers on the
website with ease as it pops up during checkout.
Participant 2 liked being able to find the product needed with ease.

Liked Least
The following comments capture what the participants liked the least:
Participant 1 disliked the lack of detail in answers for FAQ most contained a
link taking them to another website.
Participant 2 disliked the lack of color and attention-grabbing content on the
website. The participant stated it looked old and cheap.

Recommendations for Improvement

Answer the FAQ in more detail and without having to go to a separate
Include more attention-grabbing content and colors.

The recommendations section provides recommended changes and
justifications driven by the participant's success rate, behaviors, and
comments. Each recommendation includes a severity rating. The following
recommendations will improve the overall ease of use and address the areas
where participants experienced problems or found the interface/information
architecture unclear.

Find Organizational or Individual Funding Information (Task 2)

Task 2 required participants to find information on carbon footprint (Test 1) or find tissue for
cold& flu. (Test 2).

Change Justification Severity

 Answer the FAQ in more Participants across both tests rated the ease of Medium
detail and without having to finding carbon footprint information quickly with
go to a separate website. 3.9 (out of 5) and only 85% agreed that the
website was well organized.
 Include more attention-
grabbing content and colors. Participant comments also included that due to a
lack of excitement and products on the
website(20%), they didn’t feel inclined to revisit High
the website anytime soon(20%)

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Most of the participants found to be well-organized, clean,
uncluttered, and somewhat easy to use. Having information that is easy to
find and gives detailed information is key to all of the participants.
Implementing the recommendations and reading the reviews from customers
will help to better the website and sales.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201

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