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Name: (Optional) ______________________________

Gender: _____

Age: _____

Highest educational attainment:______

Length of administrative experience: _______

Length of teaching experience:________


Direction: The table below outlines the instructional leadership skills of school

administrators in four different areas such as resource provider, instructional resource,

communicator, and visible leaders. Place a check ( ⁄ ) mark to the necessary information

you would like to rate yourself. After which, kindly answer the questions that follow


5 - Highly Manifested HM

4 - Significantly Manifested SM

3 - Moderately Manifested MoM

2 - Slightly Manifested SLM

1 - Not Manifested NM

Indicator 5 4 3 2 1

Educational Leadership

The administrators actively involve teachers in decision-

making processes related to curriculum and instruction.

Administrators provide clear direction and a shared vision

with the teachers for the school's educational goals.

Administrators promote a culture of continuous professional

development among teachers.

Administrators show support for innovative teaching

methods and practices.

Teachers actively comply with the directives of the


Planning and Accountability

Administrators collaborate with teachers to set clear and

achievable goals for student learning.

Teachers are involved in the planning and implementation

of school-wide assessments and evaluations.

Administrators provide timely feedback on teachers'

instructional plans and classroom performance.

Teachers are held accountable for meeting their goals, and

support is provided to help them achieve those goals.

Administrators and teachers focus on achieving and

managing existing activities successfully together.

Interpersonal Relations

Administrators actively listen to teachers' concerns and


Open communication channels exist for teachers to share

their ideas and suggestions.

Administrators recognize and appreciate teachers'

contributions to the school community.

Trust and mutual respect are evident in interactions

between administrators and teachers.

Administrators and teachers respect privacy of both parties.

Cultural and Ethical Leadership:

Administrators foster a positive school culture that values

diversity and inclusivity.

Ethical standards and values are clearly communicated and

upheld by administrators and teachers.

Administrators model behaviors are aligned with the

school's cultural and ethical values.

Teachers feel that their cultural and ethical perspectives are

acknowledged and respected.

Administrators develop ethical sensitivities and

perspectives and develop an ethical consciousness and

share it to the teachers.

Political Leadership

Administrators effectively advocate for the needs of

teachers and students at higher levels.

Decisions made by administrators consider the broader

political and societal context of education and are

acknowledge by the teachers.

Administrators navigate the complexities of educational

policies and regulations, benefiting teachers.

Teachers feel that administrators represent their interests

within the school's political landscape.

Administrators require the cooperation of teachers to

secure the effective management of the school.

Personal effectiveness

Administrators provide opportunities for teachers'

professional growth and skill development.

Teachers receive constructive feedback from administrators

on their performance that helps them improve.

Administrators recognize and address the individual

strengths and needs of teachers.

Teachers feel empowered and motivated to excel in their

roles due to the support of administrators.

Administrators and teachers are being evaluated aligned

with both of their performances.

Part 2
Social Exchange Theory focuses on the idea that relationships are based on

exchanges of resources, and people engage in relationships that provide rewards and

minimize costs.

Instructions: Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement using the

scale provided:

5 - Highly Aware HA
4 - Significantly Aware SA
3 - Moderately Aware MoA
2 - Slightly Aware SlA
1 - Not Aware NoA

Indicator 5 4 3 2 1

Superior-Subordinate Relationship

Both parties are approachable and open for discussions.

Administrators and teachers feel comfortable expressing

my opinions and concerns to my superior

Administrators listen to the teachers’ concerns and takes

suggestions from them.

Administrators provide opportunities for growth and

development to teachers.

Superior-Subordinate Communication:

There is clear communication on expectations and goals.

Regular feedback and constructive criticisms are given.

Administrators listen actively to the teachers’ ideas and


Communication is two-way and encourages open dialogue.

Group Commitment

Administrators and Teachers feel a sense of belonging and

loyalty to my team or department.

Administrators and Teachers are willing to put in extra effort

to achieve group goals.

Administrators and Teachers are committed to working

collaboratively with my colleagues to achieve shared


Administrators and Teachers believe in the collective

success of the group and its impact on overall

organizational success.

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