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CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in reflection Reflects individually Maintains ongoing
reflect on teaching reflection on teaching individually and with and with colleagues reflective practice and
practice to support practice individually colleagues on the on refinements in action research in
student learning. and with colleagues relationship between teaching practice and supporting student
Reflects individually that is focused on making adjustments in connections among learning and raising
or with colleagues on methods to support teaching practice and the elements of the the level of academic
immediate student the full range of impact on the full CSTP to positively achievement.
learning needs. learners. 04/01/24 range of learners. impact the full range
09/16/23 of learners. Engages in and fosters
reflection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on
student learning.
I reflect on my I reflect about my
teaching after every teaching everyday on
6.1 Reflecting on
class to see what I can my one but I also
teaching practice in
do better or in what reflect on my teaching
support of student
other way I should with my mentor
cover the content. At teacher which is also
the end of the school the chair department.
day, I reflect on my We meet every week
teaching again to see to talk about how I am
what I can do better doing and to talk
for the next day. I about ways that I can
prepare myself every get better at planning
day for the following and classroom
day because I want my management. We
students to pay talked about the
attention and learn the different needs of the
most of every lesson. students and how I
Sometimes, I can work closely with
discourse my those that are
reflection with my struggling in class and
getting low grades. I
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
mentor teacher to see had also met with the
ways of improvement. principal and we had
09/16/23 talked about
encouraging students
to speak more in the
target language. After
school everyday I
reflect about things
that I can do better
and sometimes I
reflect after each class
so the next class I can
do better at teaching a
concept or explaining
an activity. 04/01/24

Develops goals Sets goals connected Sets goals connected Sets and modifies Sets and modifies a
connected to the to the CSTP that take to the CSTP that are authentic goals broad range of
CSTP through into account authentic, connected to the professional goals
required processes and self-assessment of challenging, and CSTP that are connected to the
local teaching practice. based on self- intellectually CSTP to improve
protocols.09/16/23 assessment. challenging and based instructional practice
6.2 Establishing
Expands knowledge on self-assessment and impact student
professional goals
Attends required and skills individually Aligns personal goals and feedback from a learning within and
and engaging in
professional and with colleagues with school and variety of sources. beyond the classroom.
continuous and
development.09/16/23 through available district goals, and
professional focuses on improving Engages in and Engages in ongoing
professional growth
development. student learning. contributes to inquiry into teacher
and development
04/01/24 professional practice for
Selects and engages in development targeted professional
professional on student development.
development based on achievement. Pursues
needs identified in a variety of additional Contributes to
professional goals. opportunities to learn professional
professionally. organizations, and
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
opportunities to
extend their own
teaching practice.
I developed my I develop my learning
learning goals goals connected to the
connected to the CSTP’s because I
CSTP. I always check know that this is what
on them before I plan would help my
and write my lessons students to
as well as my accomplish my goals
objectives. I even and to succeed in the
check on another unit or topic I am
teacher to see if I am teaching. I also plan
writing them correctly. my lessons thinking
I always attend about them because I
professional know students will be
development meetings able to achieve the
where I learn and goals and would be
discuss with another more engaged if I
teacher about the include elements from
assignments that we the CSTP’s. I am
should include in the looking for new
class. 09/16/23 applications that can
help my students to
understand and be
more able to speak in
the target language. I
am always trying new
things with them such
as using apps to
record themselves
reading activities and
I am always talking
with my Chair
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
departments about
new application that
we can use with the
students to start
preparing them to the
highest levels and that
gives the students
more opportunities to
learn the context and
help them get more
comfortable to speak
in the target language.

Attends staff, grade Consults with Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates
level, department, and colleagues to consider colleagues to improve colleagues to expand collaboration with
other required how best to support student learning and impact on teacher and colleagues.
meetings and teacher and student reflect on teaching student learning
collaborations. learning. practice at the within grade or Works to ensure the
09/16/23 classroom level. department and school broadest positive
Begins to identify and district levels. impact possible on
Identifies student and how to access student Interacts with instructional practice
teacher resources at and teacher resources members of the Engages with and student
the school and district in the broader broader professional members of the achievement at school
level. 09/16/23 professional community to access broader professional and district levels and
community. 04/01/24 resources that support community to access for the profession.
teacher effectiveness resources and a wide
and student learning range of support for Initiates and develops
teaching the full range professional learning
6.3 Collaborating
of learners. opportunities with the
with colleagues and
broader professional
the broader
community focused
on student
community to
support teacher and
student learning
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I attend all the I work with other
meetings required by colleagues that teach
my school. I listen to the same classes to
all the advice and see how we can
improvements that we support the students to
need to make in our succeed in class and
classrooms. I have what aspect of our
identified and used curriculum we should
some of the school adapt or change to
resources for teachers make it easier for our
and students, but I feel students to understand
that I need to learn the context. We also
more and find more share ideas about
resources for them and things that we might
me. 09/16/23 like to implement or
try in our classrooms
that can be very
engaging to the
students and that can
make their learning
more easy. I am
getting more familiar
with the surroundings
of the school and
resources that students
can access other than
the school resources.
As a department, we
took one day of our
PLC to talk about how
we can access
students' information
through Aeries and
how we can look at
more details that we
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
need to know about
the students since the
beginning of the
school year at some
point of the school
year. 04/01/24

Is aware of the role of Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide
the family in student importance of the contribute to the and support for range of opportunities
learning and the need family’s role in classroom and school. families to actively for families to
for interactions with student learning. Adjusts participate in the contribute to the
families. Seeks information communication to classroom and school. classroom and school
about cultural norms families based on community. Supports
of families awareness of cultural Communicates to a school/district
represented in the norms and a wide families in ways environment in which
school. Welcomes range of experiences which show families take
family involvement at with schools. understanding of and leadership to improve
classroom/ school 04/01/24 respect for cultural student learning.
events. 09/16/23 norms.

6.4 Working with

families to support
student learning
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am aware of the In our school site, we
importance of family work collaboratively
tradition, culture, and with our Family
language to the Community Leasol to
students and that’s help students that are
one of the reasons not English speakers,
why I always ask that are passing
them or share things through a hard
related to my family moment in their life or
to make the students that struggles in
share about them and different ways in our
know more about it to classroom. She helps
include those things communicate with the
inside my lesson pan family and we get into
and more than a meeting with other
anything to teachers, the student
understand their and parents to talk
behavior in class. about students'
09/16/23 learning, grades,
weaknesses, strengths
and other observations
that we do in the
classroom. We talked
about it and we shared
experiences and we
found a solution to get
to an agreement about
things that we as
teachers can start
doing in the
classroom and things
that parents can start
doing at home to help
the student. 04/01/24
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources community resources to increase
communities to support the to support the instructional and
surrounding the Includes references or curriculum. instructional program, learning opportunities
school. connections to students, and families. for students.
09/16/23 communities in single Includes knowledge
lessons or sequence of of communities when Draws from Engages students in
Uses available lessons. 04/01/24 designing and understanding of leadership and service
neighborhood and implementing community to in the community.
community resources instruction improve and enrich Incorporates
in single lessons. the instructional community members
09/16/23 program. into the school
learning community.

6.5 Engaging local

communities in
support of the
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am getting familiar I am more familiar
with the surroundings with the surroundings
around the school to of the school and with
see where the students what they offer to the
may live and the school as well as the
shopping centers they resources that we
use or restaurants. I (teachers) provide to
want to know more support our
about the community instructional program.
to understand the There are different
students better and to schools that offer
bring some of that workshops to support
aspect to the class so other teachers in the
they can feel more integration of material
familiar with the in their classroom and
lessons. I haven’t how to keep the
used neighborhood students engaged. I
resources in my found that there are
lesson, but I want to some schools around
do it for the students. the area that offer
09/16/23 support to World
Language teachers
and model lessons in
another target
language to help the
teachers understand
the importance of
speaking in the target
language to their
students. Also, they
help to understand
what comprehension
input is and how we
can use it in our
classrooms with our
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
students. My school
site pays for these
workshops and offers
it to all the teachers to
support them and their
instructions. 04/01/24

Develops an Maintains Anticipates Integrates the full Models

understanding of professional professional range of professional professionalism and
professional responsibilities in responsibilities and responsibilities into supports colleagues in
responsibilities. timely ways and seeks manages time and advanced planning meeting and
support as needed. effort required to meet and prepares for exceeding
Seeks to meet required 09/16/23 expectations. situations that may be professional
commitments to 04/01/24 challenging. Responsibilities
students. Demonstrates effectively.
commitment by Pursues ways to Maintains continual
exploring ways to support students’ effort to seek, Supports colleagues to
address individual diverse learning needs develop, and refine maintain the
student needs. and maintains belief new and creative motivation, resiliency,
09/16/23 in students’ capacity methods to ensure and energy to ensure
for achievement. individual student that all students
6.6 Managing 04/01/24 learning. achieve.
responsibilities to
maintain motivation
and commitment to
all students
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I always maintain I am planning my
professional lessons with a week or
responsibilities such two of anticipation
as walking all the time which means that I
around the classroom know with
answering their anticipation what
questions or helping things I am
them in anything they responsible for in the
need to complete the classroom and with
activities. I always try my students. I also
to address individual write all the events
student's needs by and meetings I have in
going and sitting next my agenda so I know
to them when they with anticipation how
raise their hand for to prepare for those
help or when I see and what I will be
that they haven’t teaching or how I
started completing want things to work.
their activities to ask Also, it means that I
them if they know have time to practice
what they have to do if I am using a new
or if they need help to app or I am
complete the implementing a new
assignment. I want assessment. I like to
them to know that I know things in
am there to help them advance so I can
at any moment. prepare myself and
09/16/23 my students to meet
the expectations or
even exceed the
expectations. I am
always walking
around the classroom
checking on my
students to see if they
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
understand the
assignment and if they
need help. I also do
quick checks all the
time to make sure my
students understand
the instructions so
they know what to do
in class and with the
assignment. I also.
called on different
students to repeat the
instructions so if
anyone misses
something, they can
hear it multiple times
until they know what
to do and instructions
are clear. Also, I am
always cheering for
my students so they
know that they can do
it and that I am with
them supporting them
at any moment and
guiding them through
their learning process.
I also demonstrate
responsibility to
participate in school
activities such as
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site Maintains a high standard of personal integrity
policies, contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* and commitment to student learning and the
profession in all circumstances. 04/01/24
* As follows:
● Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building a professional
● Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in community and holding peers accountable to
which these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of norms of respectful treatment and
students. communication.
● Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of
learners, including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a
● Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in high degree of resilience, professional integrity,
the California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. and ethical conduct.
● Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws
and district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
● Understands and implements school and district policies and state
and federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student
6.7 Demonstrating behavior.
professional ● Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the
responsibility, privacy, health, and safety of students, families, and other school
integrity, and ethical professionals.
conduct ● Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the
● Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
● Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and
school community. 09/16/23
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am aware that I am responsible for students' academic learning I am maintaining high standards and
outcomes because if all of them do bad it is not because of them, it’s commitment to student learning and the
because of my teaching techniques. I am also aware that everything that profession in all circumstances because even if
I do can affect or benefit the students, so I need to be very careful about the concept is hard, I need find the way to
what I say and in the way that I do it. I tried all the students in the same make sure my students achieved those high
way because for me all of them are equal and I provide equal standards and be capable of understand the
opportunities for them inside the classroom. I always model appropriate concept even if they need to practice more time
behavior and dress code as well as maintain professional conduct and and find different types of assignments to make
integrity with my students, colleagues, and school community by being sure they meet the standards. I am committed
respectful to anyone. 09/16/23 to my students learning no matter the
circumstances and how hard the time is. I like
to always provide a smile to my students and
tell them that they are capable of doing the
work. I am aware that sometimes the
environment in the class or students behavior is
not always good but even with that, I am
always positive and talk to them with respect
and professional and if I need to talk to one
specific student, I do it outside the classroom
and I exp[lained to them the classroom rules
and I let them explained to me why they were
behaving in certain way and we talked again
before we go back to the class. I am
professional with colleagues and administration
and I talked to them with respect as well and I
also reviewed with them the expectations and
standards of the class. I also demonstrate
professional responsibility to participate in
school activities such as learning walks.

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