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Forms of Expressions / Genres of Art

Visual Art
❑ Appeals to sense of sight
❑ The kind of art form that the population is most likely
more exposed to. (ex, painting, sculpture and drawing)


❑ Refers to the art of putting together succession of still

images in order to create an illusion of movement.
Performance Art

❑ A form of live art and the artist’s medium is mainly the

human body. It usually consists of 4 important elements:

• Time (When?)
• Place (Where?)
• The performer’s body
• The relationship between the audience and the
Ex. Circus and performance of magic and illusion
Poetry Performance

❑ An art form where the artist expresses his emotions through



❑ The making of beautiful buildings. It should embody 3

important elements:
• Plan
• Construction
• Design

❑ A series of movements that follows the rhythm of the

music accompaniment.

Literary Art

❑ Focuses on writing using a unique style, not following

a specific format or norm.

❑ Uses live performers to present accounts or imaginary

events before a live audience.


❑ The art of sound expressed through a song, through

the use of instruments or a combination of both.
Applied Arts

❑ Incorporating elements of style and design to everyday items

with the aim of increasing their aesthetic value (Ex. Jewelry
making, fashion design, pottery making)
Points of Comparison
Film vs Theater

The making of a film and theater is so complex that in itself
involves different forms of art like scriptwriting, musical score,
directing, lightning and sounds etc.

Film is recorded while theater is performed live
Points of Comparison
Literary Art vs Poetry Performance

Both literary art and poetry performance use words.

Literary art is written while poetry performance is oral

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