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1. Calculate the work done when a force of 10N displaces an object through 5 meters (a) 50
joules (b) 2 joules (c) 15 joules
2. The formula for work done is (a) W = F X S (b) W = F/S (c) W = M X S
3. Work done against gravity is given as (a) W = mgh (b) W = mg/h (c) W = F X S
4. The time rate of doing work is ____ (a) energy (b) power (c) work
5. All except one are forms of energy (a) mechanical energy (b) light energy (c) dynamic energy
6. A loaded sack of total mass 100kg falls down to the floor along 2.0m height. Calculate the
work done against gravity on the load (a) 200J (b) 2000J (c) 50J
7. The classes of energy are all except (a) renewable energy (b) water energy (c) non renewable
8. Heat cause the following except (a) change in temperature of a body (b) change of state of
the body
9. The increase in length per unit length per degree rise in temperature is called (a) linear
expansivity (b) cubic expansivity (c)area expansivity
10. Three modes of heat transfer are all except (a) conduction (b) convection (c) Evaporation
11. The process through heat is transferred from hotter to cooler place without heating of the
intervening medium is called (a)convection (b)conduction (c)radiation
12. The two main types of charges are (a)Negative charge and positive charge (b)Positive charge
and neutral charge (c) Neutral charge and negative charge
13. All are methods of producing charge except (a) contract method (b) induction method
(c) neutral method
14. The process by which liquid turns into vapour below its boiling point is ______ (a) Vapour
(b) Evaporation (c) Melting
15. The melting of solid to liquid when heat is applied is called (a) fusion (b) icing
(c) vapourization
16. A man standing 2m from a charcoal fire is warmed mainly (a)convection (b)radiation (c)
conduction (d) reflection
17. A man of mass 50kg ascends a flight of steps 5m high in 5seconds. If the acceleration due to
gravity is 10m/s2 calculate the power used by the man (a)100w (b)200w (c) 250w ( d) 500w
18. A metal ball suspended in the air as it cools it loses heat by (a) conduction only (b) convection
only (c) radiation only (d) convection and radiation
19. Which of the following has no effect on radiation (a) nature of surface (b) density (c) surface
area (d) temperature.
20. A device that converts sound energy to electrical energy (a) radio (b) microphone (c) pressing
iron (d) an A.C generator
Section B: Answer three questions only
1. A copper rod whose length at 30 0c is 10.0m is heated to 50 0. Find its new length , take ∝ of
copper as 0.000017 k -1

2. List and explain the three methods of heat transfer

3. A boy of mass 10kg climbs up 10 steps each of length 0.2m in a seconds. Calculate the power
of the boy.

4a. List and explain the two class of energy 4b. What is thermionic emission?

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