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Rogelio Ladiero Elma Panuncio Sheryl Javier May Flores

Eleanor De Roja Marlon Cornico

Case Study: Sexual Harassment by a Teacher

A 15-year-old female high school student, reports to the school counselor that
her Math teacher, has been making inappropriate comments and gestures
towards her for several months. She describes how the teacher has repeatedly
complimented her physical appearance, made suggestive remarks, and even
touched her inappropriately on a few occasions. She feels uncomfortable and
unsafe around him, and her grades have been declining since he began making
these advances.

Applying Empathy in the Observe-Think-Ask Process

To effectively address this situation, it's crucial to approach it with empathy,

which involves understanding and sharing the feelings of another person. Here's
how empathy can be applied using the observe-think-ask process:


 Gather information from the student, including the specific details of the
harassment, how it has affected her, and any witnesses who might
corroborate her story.

 Observe the teacher’s behavior and interactions with other students to

identify any patterns or potential concerns.


 Consider the impact of actions on emotional well-being, academic

performance, and overall sense of safety at school.

 Analyze the power dynamics inherent in the teacher-student relationship

and how they might contribute to the abuse of power.

 Engage in open and supportive conversations with allowing her to express

her feelings and concerns without judgment.

 Question about his actions and seek clarification on any discrepancies

between his account and Consult with other school staff, such as the
principal, counselors, and other teachers, to gather additional perspectives
and determine appropriate actions.

Empathy in Action

By applying empathy throughout the observe-think-ask process, the school can

effectively address the sexual harassment case and prioritize the well-being of
the victim. Here are some specific examples of how empathy can be

 Acknowledge the student’s feelings: Validate her emotions and let her know
that her experience is valid and taken seriously.

 Assure the student of her safety: Inform her that appropriate action will be
taken to protect her from further harassment.

 Provide support to student: Offer counseling and other resources to help her
cope with the emotional trauma she has experienced.

 Investigate the teacher's behavior: Conduct a thorough investigation to

determine the extent of the harassment and take appropriate disciplinary

 Educate the school community: Implement school-wide programs and

training to prevent sexual harassment and promote a safe and respectful
learning environment.

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