A Mother's Dua Book - 230418 - 032021 PDF

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For My Children
Ya Allah, I feel so scared about the fitnah that is
out there, the trials that social media presents to
our children: distracting, tempting and wrongly
influencing them; wasting their time and taking
them away from the true purpose of our existence.
Ya Allah, please protect our children from the
toxic influences of social media and guide them to
instead be lured into the world of the positively
influencing content from good Islamic sources
that will melt their heart and guide them to love
and practise Islam.

Ya Allah, when my children were little, I felt safe

for their future but now that that time is here, I
feel so worried and fearful for them. Please please
help me – for it is ONLY You, oh Most Merciful,
Most Gracious that can help me. Please bring my
children back to your beautiful deen! Ya Allah,
Most Gracious Most Forgiving, please forgive my
children for any sins they have committed or any
sins that they are continuing to commit and Ya
Allah, please please guide them to love Islam, to
love the Quran, and to live and die believing in
For My Children
Ya Allah, Ya Al Mu'Min, Ya Al Muhaymin, Ya
Al Wahhaab, I beg of you to bless our daughters
with beautiful islamic character, modesty and love
for hijaab. Please guide them to want to adorn the
hijaab through love for it and because they love
their Creator, the Most High. Help them not to be
influenced by peer pressure to dress
inappropriately, against the rules of modesty in
Islam. Make our sons grow up to be upright,
believing, intelligent young men who lower their
gaze and are respectful towards women, who do
not give in to the temptations of the duniya, nor
peer pressure pulling them away from practising
true Islam.

Ya Allah, Ya Al Lateef, Ya Al Qawiyy, our

children are weak in today's society and are fast
losing their way. Please strengthen them in the
deen and protect them from the whisperings of
shaitaan by guiding them to love to pray and
observe their 5 daily prayers which will act as a
shield against everything that is haraam.
For My Children
Ya Allah, Ya Allah I beg of you with a softened,
humble and weeping heart, as Your believing and
worshipping servant, acknowledging that You
Allah, only You, the most Mighty, the Most
Powerful are the One that can help me. PLEASE
join all my children’s heart with good, pious
muslims as partners for marriage, whether these
be born into Islam or reverts. Please let their
partners be true believers, believing in the truth
of Islam and it’s tenets and wanting to practise
Islam in every way.

Ya Allah, Ya Allah, I am struggling to raise my

children to be good, true, believing muslims.
Please help me! Help me to be patient, kind and
merciful with them and a solid example in how
to be kind, considerate, gentle and well-
mannered. And help my children to be obedient
and respectful to myself and their father,
listening to us, understanding why we say what
we say, why we discipline them in the way that
we do, why we strive in the way we are striving.
Ya Allah, bless my children with hearts that are
humble and loving towards us and towards their
For My Children
Ya Allah, please protect our children when they
are away from us at school or university, when
our eyes are not upon them all the time. Please
Ya Allah protect them from making friends and
acquaintances that are bad for their duniya and
their arkhirah. From friends that will lead them
astray, away from Islam. Please please please Ya
Allah, I beg You to bless all my children with
good friends and acquaintances that help them
to become upright members of society and
ambassadors for the religion of Islam.

Ya Allah please protect my children from liking

or loving ANYTHING that You have disliked or
made Haraam for us, instead help them to LOVE
what You O Allah, Most Perfect, Most High, The
All Knowing, The Utterly Just, have made halaal
for us. Protect our children from all the filth that
is embedded into the fabric of society now so
that they always know clearly the difference
between right and wrong, between good and evil,
between halaal and haram.
For My Children
Ya Allah, Ya Allah, please bless my children
with good health and the desire and the ability to
look after their health and well-being by making
healthy choices. Help them to stay away from
smoking cigarettes or consuming drugs or
alcohol. Please help them Ya Allah to be
successful in their studies and guide them to
make choices that are only halaal and bless them
with happiness in the duniya and the Arkhirah.

Ya Allah please guide my children to want to

study Islam so that they can teach it to others
and their own children and bless them with the
ability to recite Quran beautifully and with
correct recitation and the desire to recite it daily.
Please let the Quran be a light in their lives,
guiding and protecting them always.

Most Forbearing, Most Magnificent, The

Supreme please bless my children with moral
conduct, beautiful manners and a heart that will
love You and Your deen and practise it until the
day that they die, so that they can be successful
in the Arkhirah and sadaqah -tul- jaariya for
their parents.

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