COMP2310-Lab 1 PDF

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Camp 2310- Lab 1 (unmarked

1- Draw truth tables for the following expressions and identify if each one is

tautology, satisfiable, or contradiction.

(ii) pv(g *r)

2 -
Use broth table to prove if -
(18th) => g) is equivalentto
g =

3 -

Prove, by logical equivalences and inference roles that

(pN9)*(*p) *Ing* rp) is

logically equivalent to p.

<-prove the following statement(distribution of implication over conjunction).

10 => 19(r)) (1p g)*(p =>0))

<> =

3-prove that if p=> 1gr) then war) => up.

o -

prove by contradiction that if 1P =>9) (r=> 5),

19 xt)

(S =>U), (au), and p =x0 then up.

7. Three students X, Y, and I are accused of cheating in an assignment.
During the interrogation they made the following claims:
X says:
I cheated and I did not cheat.
↑ says:If I cheated then cheated too.
&says:I did not cheat. One or maybe both of the others cheated.
(a) Represent above statements into propositional logic.
(b) Are the three statements
contradicting each other or
they are satisfiable?
Assuming thatnobody lied, who is innocentand who cheated?
8 -

During a murder investigation, we

gathered the following clues:
(1) If the knife is in the storeroom, then it when
we saw we cleared the storeroom.

12) the murder was commited at the basement or inside the appartment.

13) if the murder was commited in the basement then the knife is in the
yellow dustbin.

(4) we did not see the knife when we cleared the stone room.

(5) if commited outside the

the murder was
building, then we are unable

to find the knife

15) if the murder was commited inside the appartment, the the knife is

in the stove room

Use propositional logic to determine where the Knife is.

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