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Low-cost Air Quality Sensors: From Nuts & Bolts to Real

World Applications


Sakshi Jain

B. Tech., Center of Environmental Planning and Technology, 2016

M. Sc., Carnegie Mellon University, 2017



Doctor of Philosophy



(Mechanical Engineering)

The University of British Columbia


August 2023

© Sakshi Jain, 2023

The following individuals certify that they have read, and recommend to the Fac-
ulty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for acceptance, the thesis entitled:

Low-cost Air Quality Sensors: From Nuts & Bolts to Real World Ap-

submitted by Sakshi Jain in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering.

Examining Committee:
Naomi Zimmerman, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UBC
Milind Kandlikar, Professor, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainabil-
ity, UBC
University Examiner
Patrick Kirchen, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UBC
University Examiner
Amanda Giang, Assistant Professor, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sus-
tainability, UBC
Supervisory Committee Member
Steven Rogak, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UBC
Supervisory Committee Member

Additional Supervisory Committee Members:

Adam Rysanek, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Landscape Archi-
tecture, UBC
Supervisory Committee Member


Recent advancements in low-cost sensor (LCS) technology have presented a new

and affordable opportunity to understand and subsequently improve air quality.

This thesis assessed the different stages of adoption and application of LCS tech-

nology, including calibrating the sensors, using sensors to build spatiotemporal

pollutant maps, and using these maps to identify inequities in air pollution expo-


In Chapter 3, a general calibration method for commercially available low-

cost PM2.5 sensors (PurpleAir/Plantower) was explored, such that the calibration

models can be transferable to large geographical areas, especially in areas with

limited monitoring. Inter-city models (e.g., trained in California and tested in In-

dia) built for regional concentrations were found to be effective in reducing errors

by 30% in measurements. Chapter 4 used data from a network of 50 LCS de-

ployed in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) to build daily average land-use regres-

sion (LUR) and random-forests (LURF) spatiotemporal models for PM2.5 , NO2 ,

and CO. The LURF models outperformed traditional regression techniques, with

an increase in average externally cross-validated R2 of 0.10-0.19. Models built

after separating local contributions from the regional signal improved the R2 by

0.14. In Chapter 5, the LURF models for PM2.5 were then used to build static

(population spends 24 hours/day in a fixed residential area) and dynamic models

(population moves between residential and commercial areas) and used to esti-

mate variations in residents’ exposures to PM2.5 due to movement. The exposure

estimates were consistently about 10% higher when the population spends more

time in commercially-dense locations (dynamic model) vs residentially-dense lo-

cations (static model). Weekend concentrations were also 10% higher than week-

day concentrations. Chapter 6 describes the deployment and analysis of data from

a network of 11 LCS deployed in an environmental injustice neighborhood in Van-

couver (British Columbia, Canada). PM2.5 , NO2 , and O3 concentrations were used

to calculate cumulative hazard indices (CHIs) to identify hotspots within the neigh-

borhood and to address the inequities in air pollution when compared to the Greater

Vancouver region. Lastly, Chapter 7 summarizes the lessons learned from this the-

sis and provides insight into key design deployment considerations.

Lay Summary

The air quality and pollutant concentrations can vary over short distances. How-

ever, these effects are poorly characterized since the high cost of traditional air

quality monitoring instruments has limited their widespread deployment, resulting

in a limited number of monitoring stations in most cities and a lack of coverage in

rural areas. Consequently, a significant portion of the global population is not ade-

quately represented in the available air quality data. To address this issue, low-cost

air quality sensors offer a promising solution. These sensors are characterized by

their affordability, low power requirements, and compact size, making them suit-

able, once already calibrated, for wider deployment to fill in the gaps in traditional

monitoring networks. This thesis explores the calibration and subsequent applica-

tion of low-cost sensors to improve our understanding of how air pollution varies in

space and time, and some example assessments of how these variations can impact

exposure estimates.


This dissertation is the original intellectual property of the author, Sakshi Jain.

Various results from Chapters 3-6 of this dissertation have been presented as

published manuscripts in scholarly journals and conference proceedings.

A version of Chapter 3 is in preparation for submission. The results of this

chapter have been presented as a poster at the 2022 Air Sensor International Con-

ference, Pasadena, California. I conceptualized the study, conducted the literature

review and analysis for this work, developed the figures and wrote the manuscript.

NZ provided critical feedback and editing during all stages of the project and the


Chapter 4 contains a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Environment

Science & Technology. “S. Jain, A. Presto, and N. Zimmerman (2021). Spatial

Modeling of Daily PM2.5 , NO2 , and CO Concentrations Measured by a Low-Cost

Sensor Network: Comparison of Linear, Machine Learning, and Hybrid Land Use

Models. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021 55 (13), 8631-8641.” The

works of this chapter have also been presented as an oral presentation the 37th

American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Port-

land, Oregon, and as a poster at the 2019 Machine Learning in Science and Engi-

neering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. I conducted the literature review and anal-

ysis for this work, developed the figures and wrote the manuscript. NZ acquired

the funding for this project, and provided critical feedback during all stages of the

project and the manuscript. AP provided the original low-cost sensor data used in

this work and provided critical feedback for the manuscript.

A version of Chapter 5 is in preparation for submission. The results of this

chapter have been presented as posters at the 2020 AGU Fall Meeting and the 33rd

Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology,

New York City, New York. I conducted the literature review and analysis for this

work, developed the figures and wrote the manuscript. NZ acquired the funding

for this project, and provided critical feedback during all stages of the project and

the manuscript. AP provided the original low-cost sensor data used in this work

and provided critical feedback for the manuscript.

A version of Chapter 6 is in preparation for submission. The field work de-

scribed in the chapter was covered by UBC Ethics Certificate number H21-02425.

This work was proposed by RGF and me, and we also independently secured fund-

ing via the Public Scholars Initiative. Ethics approval was obtained by RGF and

me, with support from NZ and AG. The field work was designed by everyone and

executed by RGF, NM, and me. DJ provided community support, his insights on

the neighbourhood during a walking tour, and helped with recruitment of hosts. I

conducted the literature review and analysis for this chapter, developed the figures

and wrote the manuscript. AG and NZ provided critical feedback during all stages

of this project. AG provided insights on the methodology and NZ provided critical

feedback on the manuscript.

Table of Contents

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Lay Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi

List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx

List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxx

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxii

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiv

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Background and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Research Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Thesis Structure and Ordering of Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Sources of Ambient Air Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 Air Quality Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2.1 Air Pollution Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2.2 Existing Infrastructure and its Limitations . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.3 Overview: Low-Cost Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2.4 Operating Principles of Low-Cost Sensors . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2.5 Challenges with Low-cost Sensors and Calibration Tech-

niques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 Extending Sensor Data: Spatiotemporal Models . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.4 Extending Spatiotemporal Models: Exposure Assessments . . . . 25

2.5 Extending Spatiotemporal Models: Hotspot Identification . . . . . 27

2.6 Environmental Justice and Air Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3 Exploration of intra-city and inter-city PM2.5 regional calibration

models to improve low-cost sensor performance . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.1 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2 Author Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.5 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.5.1 Low-cost Sensor: PurpleAir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.5.2 Data Collection and Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.5.3 Baseline Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.5.4 Model Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3.5.5 Intra-city Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.5.6 Inter-city Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.5.7 Validation Testing of the Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.5.8 Performance Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.6 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.6.1 Regression Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.6.2 Performance Evaluation of Intra-city Regional Concentra-

tion Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3.6.3 Performance Evaluation of Inter-city Regional Concentra-

tion Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3.6.4 Validation Testing of the Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4 Spatial modelling of daily PM2.5 , NO2 and CO concentrations mea-

sured by a low-cost sensor network: Comparison of linear, machine

learning, and hybrid land use models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.1 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.2 Author Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.5 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.5.1 Measurement Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.5.2 Standard and Decomposed Concentration Data Processing 73

4.5.3 Predictor Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.5.4 Land Use Regression (LUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

4.5.5 Land Use Random Forest and Hybrid Models . . . . . . . 78

4.6 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.6.1 PM2.5 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.6.2 NO2 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

4.6.3 CO Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

4.6.4 Mapping the models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5 Using Spatiotemporal Prediction Models to Quantify PM2.5 Expo-

sure due to Daily Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

5.1 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

5.2 Author Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.5 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

5.5.1 PM2.5 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

5.5.2 Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.5.3 Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

5.5.4 Land Use: Residential and Commercial Areas . . . . . . 99

5.5.5 Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

5.5.6 Static and Dynamic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

5.6 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5.6.1 Temporal Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5.6.2 Spatial Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

5.6.3 Static and Dynamic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

5.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

6 Identification of Neighbourhood Hotspots via the Cumulative Haz-

ard Index: Results from a Community-Partnered Low-cost Sensor

Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6.1 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6.2 Author Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

6.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

6.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

6.5 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.5.1 Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.5.2 Community Partner: Strathcona Residents Association . . 120

6.5.3 Low-cost Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

6.5.4 Site Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

6.5.5 Data Collection and Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

6.5.6 Spatial Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

6.5.7 Estimating Cumulative Air Pollution Impacts . . . . . . . 128

6.6 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

6.6.1 Data Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

6.6.2 Inter-neighbourhood Variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

6.6.3 Intra-neighbourhood Variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

6.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

7 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

7.1 Main Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

7.2 Revisiting Original Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

7.2.1 Objective 1: Explore and develop a geographically-transferable

calibration method to improve sensor performance over

broad concentration ranges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

7.2.2 Objective 2: Develop and compare different spatiotempo-

ral pollution models using data collected via LCS networks. 144

7.2.3 Objective 3: Compare residents’ exposure due to mobil-

ity using spatiotemporal pollution models built from LCS

network data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

7.2.4 Objective 4: Assess intra- and inter-neighbourhood vari-

abilities in a community using data collected via LCS to

identify hotspots and recognize environmental injustice con-

cerns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

7.3 Key Design Considerations for Deployment - Lessons from this

Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

7.3.1 Purpose: Why are you deploying the sensor? . . . . . . . 147

7.3.2 Pre-deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

7.3.3 During Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

7.3.4 Post-deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

7.4 Future Research Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

A Supplementary Information: Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

A.1 Calculating ALT Concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

A.2 RollingBall Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

A.3 Rolling Ball Model Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

A.4 Regression Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

A.5 Intra-city Model Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

A.6 Inter-City Model Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

A.7 Comparison with Other Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

B Supplementary Information: Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

B.1 QA/QC for the monitoring data (Zimmerman et al., 2020 and Ma-

lings et al., 2019, 2020) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

B.1.1 Gas Sensor Calibrations – paraphrased from Malings et al.

(2019) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

B.1.2 Correction of PM2.5 Data – paraphrased from Malings et

al. (2020) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

B.1.3 Emperical Correction Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

B.2 Distribution of daily pollutant concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . 215

B.3 Limit of Detection values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

B.4 Description of wavelet decomposition approach (Zimmerman et

al., 2020) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

B.5 Description of model covariates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

B.6 Model covariates of sites and LUR variable coefficients . . . . . . 221

B.7 Description of random forest models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

B.8 Observed vs Predicted concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

B.9 LUR Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

B.10 Average performance metrics of the pollutants across all models . 229

B.11 Comparison to other published studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

B.12 Spatial Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

B.13 Comparison of model performance with EPA monitoring stations . 235

C Supplementary Information: Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

C.1 Limit of Detection (LOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

C.2 Selection of prediction models and variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

C.3 Land Use Types by Allegheny County GIS Group . . . . . . . . . 238

C.4 Spatial distribution at 100m buffers for residential and commercial

areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

C.5 Average day-wise concentrations in 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

C.6 Uncertainties in measurement and models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

C.7 Static and Dynamic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

D Supplementary Information: Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

D.1 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

D.2 % Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

D.3 Typical Diurnal Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

D.4 RAMPs vs MV comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

D.5 Descriptive Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

D.6 Aggregate Multiplicative and Additive CHI . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

D.7 Wind Speed and Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Air quality objectives from the CAAQS (Canada; for 2020 and

2025) MV (Metro Vancouver), US EPA (USA) and recommended

WHO (global) levels for the criteria pollutants. . . . . . . . . . 11

Table 2.2 RAMP monitor Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Table 3.1 Information on PurpleAir data and regulatory bodies used to

create intra-city and inter-city calibration models. Wildfire con-

centrations were used for modeling in Chico, to represent high

levels of air pollution in South Asia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Table 3.2 Means and medians for the ratio of estimated regional to total

concentrations for window widths 4-9 hours for Chico. The

target average SOA/TOA ratio was 0.65. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Table 3.3 Average PM2.5 model RMSE from the inter-city models. . . . . 53

Table 3.4 Regression Model Coefficients for different Cities. . . . . . . . 54

Table 3.5 Mean R2 , RMSE (µg m−3 ) and nRMSE values of the testing

dataset for the intra-city models, built for estimated regional

ATM concentrations. ‘n’ is the number of test models (months;

maximum = 12). One model was created for each city and

tested for each individual LCS in the city and each month us-

ing LOMO cross validation method. Chico models were trained

using either 2020 or 2021 wildfire data and tested on the other. 56

Table 3.6 Mean (standard deviation) of R2 , RMSE (µg m−3 ) and nRMSE

of inter-city calibration models for sensor observed and cali-

brated ATM and ALT concentrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Table 3.7 Performance comparison of observed ATM and ALT concentra-

tion, with traditional MLR and separate regional and local MLR

models, when tested in Vancouver (VPA1) and Yreka (CPA5). . 65

Table 4.1 Changes to averages of R2 and CvMAE by using ‘standard’ and

‘decomposed’ signal LURF and Hybrid models compared to the

base case (LUR built with the standard signal). More details on

average performance of models are provided in Appendix B.10. 82

Table 6.1 Mean and standard deviations (S.D.) for the performances of

calibration models on withheld data from collocation period. . 123

Table 6.2 PM2.5 (daily average), NO2 (daily 1-hour maximum) and O3

(daily 8-hour maximum) MV air quality objectives and reported

concentrations across four MV stations. The values reported

are average during the deployment period, and the numbers in

brackets are 10th and 90th percentile concentrations. . . . . . . 132

Table 7.1 Suggested Performance Goals for LCS by the US EPA [251]. . 157

Table A.1 Average values for the ratio of estimated baselines to total con-

centrations for all cities. The selected model input (wm) is in

bold font. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Table A.2 Average model RMSE (µg m−3 ) across all testing PAs. Text in

bold is the lowest RMSE model for the city. . . . . . . . . . . 201

Table A.3 Model Performances for Chico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Table A.4 Model Performances for Kathmandu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Table A.5 Model Performances for Bengaluru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Table A.6 Model Performances for Delhi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

Table A.7 Model Performances for Lahore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

Table A.8 Model Performances for Lahore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

Table A.9 Performances of Inter-city Models. RMSE values are in µg m−3

and nRMSE values are in %. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Table A.10 Comparison with other studies. MAE and RMSE values are in

µg m−3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Table B.1 Calibrated coefficients (θ0 and θ1 ) calculated using typical lin-

ear regression techniques for Met-One NPM and PurpleAir PPA

over 3 different periods – summer, winter and other. S.D. de-

notes the standard deviation. (Table taken from Malings. et al.

2020 [142]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

Table B.2 Land use covariates used in LUR and LURF models . . . . . . 220

Table B.3 Predictor values used in model building . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Table B.3 Predictor values used in model building . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Table B.3 Predictor values used in model building . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Table B.4 LUR Coefficients for PM2.5 . U and S represent coefficients of

Unstandardized and Standardized data, respectively. . . . . . . 226

Table B.5 LUR Coefficients for NO2 . U and S represent coefficients of

Unstandardized and Standardized data, respectively. . . . . . . 227

Table B.6 LUR Coefficients for CO. U and S represent coefficients of Un-

standardized and Standardized data, respectively. . . . . . . . . 228

Table B.7 Average performance metrics of the pollutants across all models

for 20 iterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Table B.8 Comparison with other published studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

Table B.8 Comparison with other published studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

Table B.8 Comparison with other published studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

Table B.8 Comparison with other published studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Table B.9 MAE calculations for data predicted at EPA monitoring stations 235

Table C.1 Top 5 most important variables for modeling of random forest

decomposed signal. Value in the brackets signify buffer distance. 238

Table D.1 Individual RAMPs with corresponding number of days days

when the error-informed dataset exceeded average regional MV

concentrations. Total number of days when the data was as-

sessed is listed in the last column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Table D.2 Descriptive Statistics for each pollutant (across all RAMPs) and

calculated CHI (across all DBs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Guiding Research Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Figure 2.1 Schematic diagram of the main chemical reactions involved in

NOx cycle, including the coupling chemistry with peroxy rad-

icals (RO2 and HO2 ), reproduced from Pan and Faloona [177],

licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna-

tional License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Figure 2.2 Working principle of the low cost PM2.5 sensor, reproduced

from Nguyen et al. [169], licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution 4.0 International License. The air enters through

the inlet, and the particles in the air scatter the laser beam’s

light. The scattered light is then captured and transformed into

a digital signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Figure 2.3 Schematic diagram of an electrochemical sensor, reproduced

from Dräger [68]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Figure 3.1 Locations of PurpleAirs (green star) and selected regulatory

stations (pink stars) in the selected 5 locations. The scale of

the map is different for each city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Figure 3.2 Flowchart for validation, intra-city and inter-city models built

for this work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Figure 3.3 Line and scatter plots for variations in estimated regional con-

centrations (black line) for raw ATM concentration and cali-

brated ATM concentration of BPA1 and BPA2 for intra-city

model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Figure 3.4 Performance of our intra-city (square markers) and inter-city

(circle markers; outline is the training and fill is the testing

city) models with reference to the US EPA guidelines (R2 >

0.7 and nRMSE < 30%). Cities are denoted by different col-

ors. Models in the top-right quadrant represent the models that

met the US EPA guidelines, whereas models in the bottom-left

quadrant didn’t meet either criteria by the US EPA. The model

trained in Kathmandu and tested in Bengaluru (orange circle

with green outline) didn’t meet the nRMSE criteria by the US

EPA, however it met the RMSE criteria (< 7 µg m−3 ). Trian-

gle markers are the average performance of models reported

by other studies. Solid gray and hollow gray markers are the

average performance across all intra-city and inter-city models

for Campmier et al. [42], respectively. The yellow marker with

gray outline is approximately placed to represent the average

performance across all inter-city models by Zusman et al. [273] 58

Figure 3.5 Line and scatter plots for variations in estimated regional con-

centrations (black line) for raw ATM concentration and cali-

brated ATM concentration of CPA1, CPA2 and CPA3 sensors

when trained in Bengaluru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Figure 4.1 The location of sampling sites and regulatory monitor sites.

Orange markers show the 50 locations. The purple markers

show the locations of EPA regulatory grade monitors for PM2.5

and CO. The map is divided into municipalities and map shad-

ing becomes darker with increasing population density. . . . . 74

Figure 4.2 Flowchart on model building. The models were created using

LOLOCV method, to generate unique LUR, LURF and Hybrid

externally-validated models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Figure 4.3 Relative VIF for LUR and LURF models for standard and de-

composed signals (short-lived events, long-lived events, per-

sistent enhancements) of PM2.5 . The black dashed lines divide

the figure into spatial (cooler colors) and temporal (warmer

colors) variables. The model selected for the VIF analysis

was the best performing model for the standard signal and kept

same for the time-decomposed models for consistency. . . . . 81

Figure 4.4 Model performance evaluation of standard and decomposed

signals for CO, NO2 and PM2.5 . Model is evaluated using 3

metrics: (1) external cross-validated R2 (higher is better; max-

imum value 1), (2) MAE (mean absolute error; lower is better)

and (3) CvMAE (Coefficient of variation of MAE; lower is

better). All data above are on testing data (i.e., sites not en-

countered during model building). A time-series and scatter

plot for measurements and predictions at Allegheny County

Health Department (ACHD) can be found in Appendix B.8 as

an example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Figure 4.5 Relative VIF for LUR and LURF models for standard and de-

composed signals (short-lived events, long-lived events, per-

sistent enhancements) of NO2 . The black dashed lines divide

the figure into spatial (cooler colors) and temporal (warmer

colors) variables. The model selected for the VIF analysis

was the best performing model for the standard signal and kept

same for the time-decomposed models for consistency. . . . . 85

Figure 4.6 VIF for performing models for LUR and LURF for standard

and decomposed signals (short-lived events, long-lived events,

persistent enhancements) of CO. Black dashed line divides the

figure into spatial (cooler colors) and temporal (warmer colors)

variables. Models selected for the VIF analysis were the best

performing model for standard signal and kept same for other

signals for consistency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Figure 4.7 Mean annual (figure A) and seasonal (figure B) maps for daily

predicted PM2.5 at every 50x50m grid in Allegheny County,

plotted using decomposed LURF model. Pittsburgh and Al-

legheny County boundaries are marked by blue and black lines

respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Figure 5.1 Flowchart of steps involved in this work. The blue box at the

top represents the results from Jain et al. (2021) used for this

work. The grey boxes are the outcomes. EPA CO and EPA PM

in the blue box refer to daily measurements of CO and PM2.5

by the US EPA’s Lawrenceville site in the City of Pittsburgh. . 98

Figure 5.2 Flowchart for weighted stratified samples and resultant static

and dynamic models. ‘a’ and ‘b’ represent the hours spent in

the selected land-use type over weekdays or weekends. . . . . 101

Figure 5.3 Sub-daily variations at low-cost sensor sites in the City of Pitts-

burgh (25 out of 47 total sites in Allegheny County) with high

residential (PR ; blue boxes) and high commercial values (PC ;

red boxes) (top 5 sites for commercial and residential density

each). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Figure 5.4 Boxplots for annual averages of predicted PM2.5 for residential

(plots with solid colors) and commercial (plots with diagonal

lines) land-use type separately. Weekday and weekend aver-

ages are also shown separately to represent difference in con-

centration over different days of the week. Summer and winter

concentrations are also displayed separately to represent the

difference in concentration over different seasons. . . . . . . . 105

Figure 5.5 Spatial variations in annual averages of predicted PM2.5 during

weekday (Monday-Friday) and weekends (Saturday-Sunday)

and during summer (May-October) and winter (November-April)

seasons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Figure 5.6 Scalar graph of difference in exposure between static and dy-

namic models informed by amount of time spent in residential

area over weekdays and weekends separately, calculated using

Equations 5.4 and 5.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Figure 6.1 The Strathcona and Downtown Eastside neighbourhoods of

Vancouver that were studied in this work (black dashed line;

3km x 1km). Green lines are the rail lines within the study

area, and orange lines highlight the major roads (line sources

of air pollution). Red markers identify major point sources of

air pollution (port, industries). Blue star markers are the de-

ployment locations of the RAMPs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Figure 6.2 Calendar plots for the ratio of sensors exceeding average MV

regional concentrations for lower bound, calibrated LCS and

upper bound datasets for PM2.5 (plots A-C), NO2 (plots D-F)

and O3 (plots G-I). Ratio=0 (blue) indicates that none of the

sensor readings exceeded MV concentrations, whereas ratio=1

(red) indicates that all the operational sensors exceeded MV

averages. The calendar plot at the bottom for each category

(plots J-L), shows the ratio of sensors exceeding average MV

regional concentrations for the three pollutants together (addi-

tive form; combined results from the three plots above). Ra-

tio=0 (blue) indicates that no pollutant across all the sensors

exceeded MV concentrations, whereas ratio=3 (red) indicates

that all the pollutants across all the sensors exceeded MV con-

centrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Figure 6.3 Multiplicative CHI for the first week of deployment (April 27-

May 3, 2022). The arrow at the bottom of each subplot is the

prevailing wind direction for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Figure A.1 Visual representation of the rolling ball technique. . . . . . . 200

Figure B.1 (Adapted from Malings et al., 2019 [141], duplicated with per-

mission): Performance evaluation of various calibration tech-

niques for gRAMP models. Out of the 5 techniques listed, best

3 performing calibration techniques are displayed for each gas

in the figure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

Figure B.2 Distribution of daily average PM2.5 concentrations for 47 sites

(only 47 out of deployed 50 sensors collected PM2.5 data) for

the period August 2016 – December 2017. Mean values are

marked with an ‘X’ and median values are denoted with a

solid line. PM2.5 concentrations vary notably across 47 sites,

with 4 datapoints exceeding 80 µg m−3 (not shown here). Site

17 (blue plot, with high concentrations) is on a roof in down-

town Pittsburgh, 20m away from a restaurant exhaust vent. The

restaurant specialized in wood-fired pizzas, and was therefore

characterized by extremely high concentrations. . . . . . . . . 215

Figure B.3 Distribution of daily average NO2 concentrations for all sites

for the period August 2016 – December 2017. Mean values

are marked with an ‘X’ and median values are denoted with

a solid line. Site 49 (blue, second last boxplot) is near a rail-

way track, and hence is characterized with high concentrations.

NO2 concentrations vary notably across 50 sites, with 4 data-

points exceeding 35 ppb (not shown here). . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Figure B.4 Distribution of daily average CO concentrations for all sites

for the period August 2016 – December 2017. Mean values

are marked with an ‘X’ and median values are denoted with a

solid line. Site 49 (blue, second last boxplot) is near a railway

track, and hence is characterized with high concentrations. CO

concentrations vary notably across 50 sites, with 4 datapoints

exceeding 2000 ppb (not shown here). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Figure B.5 Boxplots of error fractions for PM2.5 , NO2 and CO divided

into deciles (of observed daily average concentrations) used

to determine LoD. Black solid line represents the ideal error

fraction (closer to zero is better) and was used to determine the

decile where it stabilizes. The final LoD was determined as the

lower decile of the bin where error fraction stabilizes. . . . . . 217

Figure B.6 (From Zimmerman et al., 2020, duplicated with permission):

Wavelet decomposition of measured pollutant concentration

(CO), from short-lived events to regional background signals. 219

Figure B.7 (Figures above depicts predicted LUR (orange and green) and

LURF (blue and pink) concentrations (for standard and decon-

volved signals respectively) for the duration between October

2016 and June 2017 for site at Allegheny County Health De-

partment (ACHD). Figure (b) is a scatterplot between observed

and predicted concentrations, with dotted black line represent-

ing 1:1 line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

Figure B.8 (Figures above depicts annual average PM2.5 using LURF stan-

dard and decomposed signal prediction models. Pittsburgh

city and Allegheny county boundaries are marked by blue and

black lines respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Figure C.1 Boxplot for percent of data at each site (n = 47 sites) that were

below Limit of Detection (LOD; 5 µg m−3 ) and replaced with

LOD/ 2 (=3.53 µg m−3 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

Figure C.2 Spatial distribution of (a) Residential and (b) Commercial ar-

eas at 100m buffers in Pittsburgh city, obtained via Allegheny

County GIS Group [12]. Grid cells with no value (colorless)

imply residential or commercial density is zero for that grid. . 240

Figure C.3 Boxplot for mean day-wise concentrations in 2017 for data

collected at EPA’s Lawrenceville site in Pittsburgh city. . . . . 241

Figure C.4 Boxplots for daily predicted PM2.5 for residential (plots with

solid colors) and commercial (plots with diagonal lines) land-

use type separately. Blue and orange boxplots refer to annual

average predicted PM2.5 concentrations when random forest

models noted 5th and 95th percentile concentrations, instead of

mean concentrations (pink boxplots). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

Figure C.5 Boxplots for static and dynamic models when α = 12 and β =

18 hours in Equations 4 and 5 of the main manuscript. . . . . 244

Figure D.1 Population across each Dissemination Block [214]. . . . . . . 245

Figure D.2 Boxplots for % error of each pollutant across each decile bin. . 246

Figure D.3 Diurnal pattern observed over the study period (for RAMP 1011).247

Figure D.4 Aggregated Multiplicative CHI across the study period. . . . . 249

Figure D.5 Aggregated Additive CHI across the study period. . . . . . . . 249

Figure D.6 Windrose for the direction and speed of wind during the study

period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

List of Abbreviations

ANN Artificial Neural Networks

AOD Aerosol Optical Density
API Application Programming Interface
AQHI Air Quality Health Index
AQI Air Quality Index
AQ-SPEC Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center
BC British Columbia
CA Census Agglomerations
CAAQS Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards
CACES Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions
CHI Cumulative Hazard Index
CMA Census Metropolitan Areas
CPCB Center Pollution Control Board
CV Cross Validation
CvMAE Coefficient of Variation of Mean Absolute Error
DP Dew Point
DPCC Delhi Pollution Control Committee
DQO Data Quality Objectives
DTES Downtown Eastside
ERC Estimated Regional Concentration
GVRD Greater Vancouver Regional District
HEI Health Effects Institute
IDW Inverse Distance Weighting
IMD India Meterology Department
KSPCB Karnataka State Pollution Control Board
LCS Low-Cost Sensors
LMIC Low Middle Income Countries

LOD Limit of Detection
LOLO Leave One Location Out
LOMO Leave One Month Out
LU Land Use
LUR Land Use Regression
LURF Land Use Random Forests
MAE Mean Absolute Error
MBE Mean Bias Error
ML Machine Learning
MLR Multiple Linear Regression
MV MetroVancouver
N2 Nitrogen
NAPS National Air Pollution Surveillance Program
NCR National Capital Region
NDIR Non-dispersive InfraRed
NN Neural Networks
NO Nitrogen monoxide
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
NOx Nitrogen oxides, including NO2 and NO
nRMSE Normalized Root Mean Square Error
NYCCAS New York City Community Air Survey
O2 Oxygen
O3 Ozone
OPC Optical Particle Counter
PA PurpleAir
PM Particulate matter
PM2.5 Particulate matter equal to or less than 2.5 um in aerodynamic diameter
RAMP Remote Air Quality Monitoring Platform
RF Random Forests
RH Relative Humidity
RMSE Root Mean Square Error
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
SOA Secondary Organic Aerosol
SRA Strathcona Residents Association
TOA Total Organic Aerosol
TRAP Traffic Related Air Pollutants
US United States
US EPA United Stated Environmental Protection Agency
VIF Variable Importance Factor
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
WHO World Health Organization

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Naomi for her unwavering belief

in me and her continuous support throughout this incredible journey. I am grateful

that you took a chance on me and provided me with a life-changing opportunity.

Your understanding, empathy, and relatability as a supervisor made this daunting

and often lonely journey more bearable. Thank you for being an incredible guiding


I would also like to thank my committee members, Amanda, Steve, and Adam.

Thank you for being so supportive of my journey, always pushing me to be better

and asking insightful questions. Thank you all for believing in me.

I am deeply grateful to Dan Jackson for his immense support with the com-

munity project, as well as to the residents of Strathcona for their unwavering en-

couragement. I am also indebted to Emily Pearson and Johnny Le for generously

offering their assistance with the projects.

My gratitude extends to every member of iREACH I had the pleasure of col-

laborating and brainstorming with. Special thanks to Rivkah, my friend and work

partner in the department, who made this Ph.D. journey easier and more fun.

I cannot overstate my immense gratitude to Shalini, for always believing in me

and being my biggest cheerleader. Your continuous support and reminders that I

am capable have been invaluable. I would like to thank Ankur, Charu, Garima, and

Khayal for providing much-needed breaks throughout this journey. To Shivam,

thank you for patiently listening to my rants and the food deliveries. I am forever

grateful to you. To my family, who never pressed me for updates and provided

much-needed relief from the school. Thank you all for your unwavering support

and incredible companionship.

My deepest gratitude to my wonderful Ph.D. companion, Maira. Our walks

together have been the highlight of my time at UBC, and I would have been lost

without your unwavering support. Thank you for always making time to listen to

my personal and professional experiences, and for being my biggest cheerleader.

And Mary, thank you for always finding time to watch movies or play board games

with me, for patiently listening to my school, family, and life-related rants, and

for being my partner during the pandemic. The two of you have been the most

wonderful outcome of my Ph.D. journey, and I would not have made it through

without your constant support and love.

Lastly, I want to give a resounding shout-out to my wonderful partner Erick,

who has supported me unconditionally throughout my thesis writing journey. You

have listened to my struggles, fed me every day so I could find moments of relax-

ation, and made this entire experience more manageable. I am forever grateful for

your unwavering love and support. Thank you.


To Misha, my niece, whose future inspires me to work harder in my efforts to create

a better world.

To Maira and Mary, my unwavering constants and forever cheerleaders, who

inspire me to be a better person.

To Erick, my partner, who inspires me to be better.

Chapter 1


1.1 Background and Motivation

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued more stringent guide-

lines for air pollutant concentrations, including reducing the PM2.5 (particulate

matter mass concentrations for particles with diameter <2.5 µm) by 50%, high-

lighting the adverse health effects even at low levels of air pollution [254]. How-

ever, despite air pollution being a leading cause of premature mortality globally, the

reporting of air pollution often relies on a limited number of monitoring stations

that are sparsely distributed. This presents a significant challenge because air pol-

lutants exhibit small-scale spatial and temporal variations [71, 244], consequently

monitoring stations generally represent only a limited portion of the population

[149]. The sparse distribution of regulatory stations is primarily due to the sig-

nificant operating and capital cost involved in establishing and maintaining these

stations [45, 140], which poses a challenge to achieving widespread monitoring

efforts. The emergence of low-cost air quality sensor (LCS) technology presents

an opportunity to supplement the existing monitoring data by enabling broader de-

ployment and data collection.

This thesis aims to investigate the potential of LCS through various different

stages. One of the significant challenges in adopting LCS technology on a larger

scale is its inherent lower accuracy and precision compared to regulatory stations,

due to its sensitivities to meteorological factors and other pollutants [58, 145, 187].

As such, robust and transferable calibration models are necessary to use LCS as

a reliable supplementary source of information [21, 141, 150]. However, despite

these limitations, calibrated LCS networks have potential for enhancing our un-

derstanding of air pollution. By filling the spatial gaps in air monitoring, LCS

technology can provide valuable insights into air quality patterns in time and space

[102, 166]. Additionally, when combined with different statistical and predictive

methods, they can contribute towards a better understanding of the impacts of air

pollution. This contribution encompasses various aspects, such as improved ex-

posure estimates and identification of pollution hotspots, among others. As such,

given the rapid growth in LCS technology, a meaningful adoption has the poten-

tial to greatly amplify its impact. In this thesis, the capabilities and limitations of

LCS technology are explored and examined, with the aim of contributing to the

advancement of LCS and air pollution research, and its applications in improving

air quality management by governments, academics and communities.

1.2 Research Objectives

The overall objective of this thesis is to leverage LCS for improved understanding

of air pollution and its impacts. This work is built on the central hypothesis that

existing air pollution management protocols often fail to capture the small-scale

variations in pollutant concentrations that the public is exposed to, and that the

adoption of LCS technology can help bridge this gap. By developing spatially-

transferable calibration models, LCS can be deployed in areas lacking in monitor-

ing infrastructure. LCS network data can be valuable for generating maps of pollu-

tion concentrations at high temporal resolution (e.g., sub-annual), which can pro-

vide insights into human exposure patterns resulting from movement. Moreover,

data from LCS networks can assist in identifying intra- and inter-neighbourhood

pollutant variabilities, facilitating the identification of pollution hotspots which

may be used to address environmental injustice concerns. Keeping these objec-

tives in mind, the following overarching research objectives have been identified

and listed below:

1. Explore and develop a geographically-transferable calibration method to im-

prove sensor performance over broad concentration ranges.

2. Develop and compare different spatiotemporal pollution models using data

collected from LCS networks.

3. Compare residents’ exposure due to mobility using spatiotemporal pollution

models built from LCS network data.

4. Assess intra- and inter-neighbourhood variabilities in a community using

data collected via LCS to identify hotspots and recognize environmental in-

justice concerns.

1.3 Thesis Structure and Ordering of Chapters
Although each chapter is based on LCS data collected during different campaigns,

the thesis is designed to have a coherent thematic flow, and the guiding research

questions are summarized in Figure 1.1. Chapter 2 is a review of published litera-

ture on air pollution, working principles of LCS, and opportunities and challenges

associated with the adoption of the technology, which motivates the real-world

studies in Chapters 3-6.


How can we improve sensor performance
over broad geographic ranges? (Chapter 3)

Can we use LCS data, in combination with

2. SPATIOTEMPORAL machine learning, to improve the modelling
MODELS of spatiotemporal variations in pollutant
concentrations? (Chapter 4)

Can we leverage LCS data to improve

exposure estimates? (Chapter 5)
3. EXPOSURE MODELS Can we use LCS to identify hotspots within a
neighbourhood and acknowledge inequity
concerns? (Chapter 6)

Figure 1.1: Guiding Research Questions.

Due to environmental and pollutant cross-sensitivities, LCSs need to be cal-

ibrated across a broad range of meteorological conditions and pollutant concen-

trations. Chapter 3 focuses on calibration methods for LCS to enable application

in a broader geographical range. Using calibrated data from an LCS network, a

spatiotemporal model using land use predictor variables was built via simple mul-

tiple linear regression and tested against a more complex machine learning random

forest regression model in Chapter 4. The best performing model from Chapter 4

was used to create a movement-based dynamic exposure estimate in Chapter 5 and

assess whether ignoring mobility in exposure analysis results in systematic under-

estimations in exposure. In Chapter 6, a reduced complexity spatial interpolation

map was built to identify hotspots within a neighbourhood of concern for envi-

ronmental injustice. Chapter 7 summarizes the main contributions of this work,

revisits the research objectives, provides key design considerations for future de-

ployments and suggests future work.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

As part of this literature review, sources of air pollution and air pollution regu-

lations are explored. Furthermore, the limitations of the existing air pollution

monitoring infrastructure, along with opportunities and challenges arising from

the adoption of LCS-based monitoring is discussed. The application of LCS to

build air pollutant maps, and their use to assist in assessing exposure and identi-

fying hotspots is explored. Finally, the existing inequities in risks of air pollution

exposure are discussed.

2.1 Sources of Ambient Air Pollution

Air pollutants are classified into two types: (1) primary pollutants which are emit-

ted directly into the atmosphere and that can either be anthropogenic (human-

derived; e.g., traffic, power plants) or biogenic (e.g., sea spray, wildfires) [254]

and (2) secondary pollutants, which are formed due to atmospheric reactions (e.g.,

ozone) [123]. Sources of primary pollutants can be further divided into station-

ary (e.g., industrial facility) or mobile (e.g., traffic) sources. Major air pollutants

include oxides of nitrogen (NOx ), PM2.5 , volatile organic compounds (VOCs), car-

bon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3 ). While other air pollutants exists, most regu-

lations are focused on these pollutants.

Oxides of nitrogen (NOx , including NO and NO2 ), are emitted mostly from

the incomplete combustion of fossil fuel (anthropogenic sources). NOx is typi-

cally formed by reactions between O2 and N2 at the high temperatures that occur

during combustion [5]. In ambient conditions, NO2 is formed by rapid oxidiza-

tion of NO in the air by available oxidants (oxygen, O2 ; ozone, O3 ; volatile or-

ganic compounds, VOCs [5]; Equation 2.1). This photolysis reaction generates an

excited oxygen atom, that combines with an O2 molecule to form O3 (Equation

2.2). O3 then reacts with NO to convert to NO2 and O2 (Equation 2.3). Under

high O3 conditions, O3 can also react with NO2 to form NO3 and O2 (Equation

2.4), which photodissociates into NO or NO2 and re-feeds the cycle [73]. Oxygen

atoms, formed due to the dissociation of NO2 , also reacts with water vapor in the

air to form hydroxyl (OH), which further feeds the NOx cycle (Figure 2.1) [73].

NO2 + hν → NO + O (λ < 424nm) (2.1)

O + O2 + M → O3 + M (M = N2 , O2 ) (2.2)

O3 + NO → NO2 + O2 ( f ast) (2.3)

NO2 + O3 → NO3 + O2 (2.4)

NO3 + hν → NO + O2 (2.5)

2NO + O2 → 2NO2 (2.6)

NO3 + hν → NO2 + O (2.7)

Figure 2.1: Schematic diagram of the main chemical reactions involved in
NOx cycle, including the coupling chemistry with peroxy radicals (RO2
and HO2 ), reproduced from Pan and Faloona [177], licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Since the NOx cycle (Equations 2.1-2.3) is very fast (tens of seconds to a few

minutes) [124], NO2 is generally also considered as a primary pollutant [5]. Traf-

fic is the primary source of ambient NO2 globally [5], while other major sources

associated with NOx emissions include airports and power generation facilities. In

Canada, mobile emissions (primarily on-road and off-road diesel vehicles) con-

tribute to 50% of total NOx emissions; other major sources are industries (30%)

and electricity generation (12%) [92]. In the United States, traffic emissions (from

the categories highway vehicles, off-highway vehicles, and stationary fuel com-

bustion sources) are the top three sources of NOx in emission inventories [236].

Although O3 is a byproduct of combustion activities, it is typically suppressed near

fresh traffic emissions as it reacts with NO (a primary pollutant emitted during

combustion activities) to form NO2 (Equation 2.3) [97].

PM2.5 can originate from both anthropogenic and natural sources, and the con-

tribution of each can vary by location and weather conditions [176]. PM2.5 particles

resulting from anthropogenic activities are either emitted directly via incomplete

combustion (primary) or formed via transformation of gaseous emissions (sec-

ondary) [230]. As such, stationary and mobile sources emit primary PM2.5 and

precursors to secondary PM2.5 (e.g., SO2 ) directly into the ambient air [235].

Ambient CO is formed by both natural and anthropogenic processes, with the

latter contributing to over two-thirds of total CO emissions [229]. It is formed

primarily due to incomplete combustion of fuels, and therefore combustion con-

ditions, such as air-to-fuel ratio and fuel type, influence the rate of formation of

CO. Highly efficient combustion activities, such as at large power plants, typically

result in low CO. However, mobile sources have widely varying operating con-

ditions, vehicle maintenance conditions and emission control technologies, that

result in higher and more variable CO formation, and therefore are a significant

source of CO [229].

2.2 Air Quality Monitoring

2.2.1 Air Pollution Regulation

In 2019, air pollution was associated with an estimated 4.2 million premature

deaths globally [255]. Since air pollution has health consequences [30, 184, 223],

governing bodies develop and implement regulations to help reduce overall levels

of air pollution by limiting the amount of pollutants that are released into the air.

In Canada, the Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) establish

the minimum standards to which all provinces must adhere. While provinces have

the flexibility to establish their own regulatory standards, they must still, at a mini-

mum, align with the objectives in the CAAQS. Uniquely, in the province of British

Columbia, air quality management is handled by Metro Vancouver (MV), the air

monitoring agency in the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) [167], un-

der authority delegated from the Provincial government under the Environmental

Management Act. In the United States (US), the Environmental Protection Agency

(US EPA) regulates PM2.5 , NO2 , O3 and CO as criteria pollutants [230]. The

CAAQS (2020 and 2025) [83], the MV [154] and US EPA [229, 233, 236, 237]

air quality objectives and the World Health Organization (WHO) [254] guidelines

limits for these pollutants are listed in Table 2.1.

2.2.2 Existing Infrastructure and its Limitations

Compliance with air quality standards is typically assessed via regulatory moni-

toring stations that are equipped with reference grade instruments. The siting and

quality control of these stations are subject to regulations, and in Canada, guide-

lines are provided by the National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS) to

ensure the attainment of air quality objectives outlined in the CAAQS [72]. For

siting, it is required that each province or territorial air zone, as well as all cen-

sus metropolitan areas (CMA) and census agglomerations (CA) with a population

of at least 100,000, have at least one monitoring site that continuously measures

PM2.5 , NO2 , and O3 levels [72]. The quality control measures for instruments vary

Table 2.1: Air quality objectives from the CAAQS (Canada; for 2020 and
2025) MV (Metro Vancouver), US EPA (USA) and recommended WHO
(global) levels for the criteria pollutants.

Pollutant Averaging Time MV US EPA WHO
2020 2025
24-Hour 27α 27α 25γ 35 15
PM2.5 (µg m−3 ) β β δ
Annual 8.8 8.8 8 12 5
1-Hour 60ε 42ε 60ε 100 100
NO2 (ppb)
Annual 17δ 12δ 17δ 53 5
8-Hour 62 η 60 η 62η 70 100
O3 (ppb)
Peak Season* - - - - 60
1-Hour - - 13 35 30
CO (ppm)
8-Hour - - 5γ 9 9
*Average of daily maximum 8-hour mean O3 concentration in the six consec-
utive months with the highest six-month running-average O3 concentration.
α: 3-year average of annual 98th percentile of daily 24-hour average concen-
β : 3-year average of annual average of all 1-hour concentrations.
γ: Rolling average.
δ : Annual average of 1-hour concentrations, over one year.
ε: Annual 98th percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour concentration, aver-
aged over three consecutive years.
η: Annual 4th highest daily maximum 8-hour average concentration, averaged
over three consecutive years.

depending on the pollutant being monitored. Data Quality Objectives (DQO) in-

clude continuous 1-hour averaging samples for gas instruments, and continuous

or semi-continuous 24-hour averaging samples for PM instruments [72]. For both

gases and PM, 75% data completeness and accuracy within 15% is required. To

maintain the reliability, gas and PM instruments are required to undergo weekly

and quarterly quality checks respectively [72].

While they provide detailed and accurate air quality measurements, regula-

tory monitoring stations are often insufficiently distributed across a region. For

example, Allegheny County (Pennsylvania, USA; 2020 Population 1.25M [226])

has only eight regulatory monitoring stations for PM2.5 to measure concentra-

tions throughout the county, while the Metro Vancouver Regional District (British

Columbia, Canada; 2021 Population 2.8M [155]) has only 15 PM2.5 monitoring

stations. As such, the measurements reported represent concentrations for a lim-

ited area surrounding the station, or regional background concentrations [131]. The

primary reason for the lack of more spatially-resolved pollution concentration pro-

files is that although instruments used at regulatory monitoring stations have high

accuracy, they are also characterized by high capital and maintenance costs. These

instruments can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $40,000 per pollutant [45, 140, 206].

Additionally, they are bulky and require specialized personnel for routine calibra-

tion and maintenance [45, 206]. Consequently, many places have limited or no

monitoring in place [157].

2.2.3 Overview: Low-Cost Sensors

Low-cost sensing technologies have emerged as an complementary solution to reg-

ulatory stations due to advancements in sensor technologies and statistical methods

for sensor calibration (Section 2.2.5), which can overcome the shortcomings of reg-

ulatory stations [46, 58, 182, 210, 271]. Apart from being cheaper (< CAD300

for a single pollutant sensor [21]), there are several advantages of using LCS.

They can be easily deployed in areas with limited monitoring due to their small

size, and low power demand, and therefore are optimal for use in denser networks

[21, 45, 271, 273]. Additionally, they have high time resolution (hourly or better)

[18, 42, 141], which enables the quantification of both spatial and temporal varia-

tions in pollutant concentrations. Some LCS are also multi-pollutant sensors, that

can improve our understanding of the relative mix of pollutants [271]. Finally, data

collection is generally more accessible due to the ability of many LCS systems to

transfer information via cellular networks [141, 271]. As such, there are opportu-

nities with LCS to increase our understanding of air pollution. Sections 2.2.4 and

2.2.5 describe common LCS systems in more detail, including operating principles,

calibration approaches and quality assurance / quality control guidelines.

2.2.4 Operating Principles of Low-Cost Sensors

Low-cost PM2.5 sensors typically use nephelometers or optical particle counters

(OPCs) that measure concentrations by scattering light [192]. They are an indirect

measurement device for particles using laser counting to estimate particulate matter

mass concentrations in real time. Each laser counter uses a fan to draw a sample

of air past a laser beam. The beam from these lasers reflects light from any present

particles onto a detection plate, like shimmering of dust in sunlight. The reflection

is measured as a pulse by the detection plate, and the length of the pulse determines

the size of the particle, while the number of pulses determines the particle count.

Figure 2.2 illustrates the working principle of a low cost PM2.5 sensor, reproduced

from Nguyen et al. [169].

LCS for measuring NOx , O3 , and CO are typically electrochemical sensors that

operate on the principle of the reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction. Electrochem-

ical low-cost sensors consist of a working (measuring) electrode, a counter elec-

trode, and a reference electrode that are separated by a wetting filter (hydrophilic

separator, typically sulphuric acid), and are submerged in an electrolytic liquid dur-

ing sensing operations. The reference electrode is kept at a constant potential to

account for changes in temperature and relative humidity (RH), and therefore is not

Figure 2.2: Working principle of the low cost PM2.5 sensor, reproduced from
Nguyen et al. [169], licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License. The air enters through the inlet, and the particles
in the air scatter the laser beam’s light. The scattered light is then cap-
tured and transformed into a digital signal.

exposed to direct air. When the target gas reaches the working electrode, an elec-

trochemical reaction occurs, initiating the flow of electrons (or current) between

the working and counter electrodes and an electrical current proportional to the

concentration of the target gas is generated [150, 215, 271]. Figure 2.3 illustrates

the schematic diagram of an electrochemical sensor, reproduced from Dräger [68].

Figure 2.3: Schematic diagram of an electrochemical sensor, reproduced
from Dräger [68].

Commercial LCS monitors often package individual sensors in a weatherproof

box, and typically feature local data storage (via SD cards) and/or remote transmis-

sion via cellular networks, enabling data access when deployed [45, 271]. Multi-

pollutant monitors combine several types of LCS to measure multiple pollutants

(generally PM2.5 and gaseous pollutants) in real-time, providing a useful tool for

understanding the relative mix of pollutants. These sensors are often equipped

with temperature and RH sensors, and are battery-operated, solar powered, or both

[45, 141, 271]. However, the cost of these sensors can range from CAD700-

CAD14,000, which is much higher than the cost of individual pollutant sensors

(CAD25-125) [45, 58, 119, 199]. Some common examples of multi-pollutant

monitors are the AQMesh monitor (Environmental Instruments Ltd, UK) [45], the

AriSense monitor (Aerodyne Research, Inc.) [58], and the Remote Air Quality

Monitoring Platform monitor (RAMP, SENSIT Technologies) [141, 271]. RAMPs

are typically equipped with four electrochemical sensors for NO, NO2 , O3 and

CO, a commercial nephelometer to measure PM2.5 , and one NDIR CO2 sensor

[141, 271]. RAMPs also have high time resolution (15-seconds). In this thesis,

RAMP monitors were used in Chapters 4, 5 and 6, and therefore specifications for

the RAMP monitor are provided in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: RAMP monitor Specifications

Pollutant Sensor Manufacturer Detection Accuracy

NO (ppb) NO-B4 (Al- 20 ppb – 25 ±20
phasense) ppm ppb
NO2 (ppb) NO2-B43F (Al- 20 ppb – 25 ±20
phasense) ppm ppb
O3 (ppb) Ox-B431 (Al- 20 ppb – 25 ±40
phasense) ppm ppb
CO (ppb) CO-B4 (Al- 100 ppb – 25 ±100
phasense) ppm ppb
PM2.5 Nephelometer PurpleAir-II 1 - 1000 ±10
(µg m−3 ) (Plantower) µg m−3 µg m−3
CO2 (ppm) Nondispersive 100 - 2000 ±200
infrared (NDIR) ppm ppm
Temperature Bandgap SST CO2S-A (SST
(°C) Technologies)
Relative Capacitive

2.2.5 Challenges with Low-cost Sensors and Calibration Techniques

LCS are associated with several drawbacks that need to be taken into account.

Firstly, they can be sensitive to environmental conditions [10, 22, 58, 142, 146,

150, 178, 187, 250]. Masson et al. [146] found that high relative humidity (>

75%) can lead to significant errors in NO sensors, while Cross et al. [58] reported

that temperature can interfere with NO, NO2 , and O3 sensors, and mask real vari-

ations in pollutant concentrations. Similarly, deSouza et al. [64] found RH to have

an impact on PM2.5 sensor performance, and observed the highest degradation in

sensor performance took place in hot and humid environments, while Bai et al.

[18] reported larger mean normalized error in PM2.5 readings at high relative hu-

midity (> 75%). Secondly, LCS can have cross-sensitivities with other pollutants

[22, 58, 129, 146, 150, 164, 212] For instance, Mead et al. [150] reported an im-

provement in NO2 sensor performance once corrected for O3 interference, while

Zimmerman et al. [271] found that the NO2 sensor reading was the most important

variable in a calibration model of O3 , after O3 itself. This highlights the advantage

of using multi-pollutant monitors that measure many gases simultaneously, as this

may help correct for these cross-sensitivities. Finally, sensor readings can drift over

time as the sensing unit wears out [112, 142, 145, 150, 209]. According to deSouza

et al. [64], for PM2.5 sensors, the difference between corrected measurements and

the corresponding reference measurements increased after operating for 3.5 years.

Afshar-Mohajer et al. [7] reported approximately 2% drift per month for NOx and

O3 sensors and Wei et al. [247] found average drift of 2 ppb per month for NOx

and O3 and 0.02 ppm per month for CO sensors. Additionally, the electrochemical

sensor manufacturer Alphasense suggests replacing their sensors after two years of

operation, as at that point, sensors can have a 50% difference in measured readings

compared to the first day of operation [7].

To overcome the limitations of environmental artifacts and cross-sensitivity to

other pollutants associated with LCS and to improve the accuracy and precision,

sensors need to be calibrated across the full range of meteorological conditions and

pollutant concentrations that a sensor may experience during deployment [58, 146,

150, 160, 178]. Calibrating LCS monitors typically involves collocating them with

regulatory stations and using statistical calibration models [145, 150].

One simple form of calibration is multiple linear regression (MLR) models

(Equation 2.8), that describes the output (Y ) as a linear combination of input vari-

ables (X1 , X2 ...Xn ) and a constant term (β ). MLR models have been widely used

since they are easy to construct and apply and don’t require high computational

efficiency. Additionally, they have a closed form with interpretable model coeffi-

cients, which help to understand the influence of any given environmental or pollu-

tant variable. Calibration models for PM2.5 have largely been MLR models, as they

have shown to have acceptable model performances [42, 190]. For gas-phase LCS

monitors, which have more complex cross-sensitivities, machine-learning (ML)

based regression models have typically been used [141, 212]. Commonly applied

ML models are random forests (RF), that combine multiple decision trees to im-

prove predictive accuracy [33] (detailed description can be found in Section B.7 in

Appendix B), and artificial neural networks (ANNs), that leverage interconnected

layers of nodes to model complex patterns and relationships within data [76].

Y = α1 X1 + α2 X2 + ...αn Xn + β (2.8)

Different studies have used different metrics to assess the performance of cali-

bration models after applying the models on testing datasets (i.e., data that is with-

held while building the calibration models). For LCS, the US EPA suggests at least

75% data completeness and precision and bias error of at most 30% [251]. The

typical parameters used for performance analysis of calibration models are (1) the

coefficient of determination (R2 ), (2) root mean square error (RMSE), (3) mean

bias error (MBE) and (4) mean absolute error (MAE).

The coefficient of determination (R2 ) is a statistical measure of regression mod-

els that calculates the amount of variance in dependent variable that can be ex-

plained by independent variables. A higher R2 value indicates better correlation

between the calibrated and observed values, with a maximum value of 1, where

observed values refer to the reported concentrations whereas predicted values refer

to the concentrations calculated after applying calibration or spatial models.

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is defined as the standard deviation of the

prediction errors (Equation 2.9). For locations with high average concentrations,

normalized RMSE (nRMSE) (Equation 2.10) is instead used to estimate error in the

model as high concentrations may skew the RMSE [270]; nRMSE is calculatecd

by normalizing the RMSE by the average observed value. For both RMSE and

nRMSE, a lower value is better.

1 n
RMSE = ∑ (Predicted valuei − Observed valuei )2
n i=1

nRMSE = (2.10)
Average observed value

Mean Bias Error (MBE) is the mean of the difference between the predicted

values and the observed values, with lower value indicating better accuracy (Equa-

tion 2.11).

1 n
MBE = ∑ (Predicted valuei − Observed valuei )
n i=1

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is the average of the absolute value of the dif-

ference between the predicted value and the observed value (Equation 2.12). For

high average concentrations, the coefficient of variation of mean absolute error

(CvMAE) (Equation 2.13) can also be used by normalizing the MAE by the aver-

age observed concentration [141]. For both MAE and CvMAE, a lower value is


1 n
MAE = ∑ |Predicted valuei − Observed valuei |
n i=1

CvMAE = (2.13)
Average observed value

After applying either MLR or ML based regression models, PM2.5 LCS per-

formance has generally been shown to improve. For instance, Barkjohn et al. [21]

created a calibration model for data collected in the USA using MLR, with only

RH as the additive term, and reported RMSE reduction from 8 µg m−3 to 3 µg m−3 .

Similarly, Zusman et al. [273] created calibration models for multiple cities in the

USA and found MLR to perform well, with R2 between 0.74-0.95 and RMSE of

2.46 µg m−3 . Using machine learning approaches, Bai et al. [18] and Si et al. [206]

created ANN models and found ANNs to have improved performance compared to

MLR models. Bai et al. [18] reported an increase in R2 from 0.75 to 0.84, whereas

Si et al. [206] reported reduced RMSE by as much as 1 to 3.9 µg m−3 . Malyan

et al. [143] compared regression and RF models for PM2.5 and found RF to have

superior performance, with an increase in R2 from 0.49 to 0.75 and a reduction in

RMSE from 25.3 µg m−3 to 20.7 µg m−3 . However, McFarlane et al. [148] and Jha

et al. [111] created both MLR and ML models (random forests and deep neural net-

works, respectively) for PM2.5 and reported the performance of the MLR models

comparable to the machine learning models.

Linear regression models have been found to perform well for CO [141, 271].

However, these models may not work well for other gases [212, 271]. Spinelle

et al. [212] reported that MLR models for NO2 , CO, and CO2 had higher uncer-

tainties compared to ANNs. Zimmerman et al. [271] reported that random forest

(RF) models reduced relative error by between 14-29% for NO2 , O3 and CO2 when

compared to MLR models. Malings et al. [141] tested six calibration models (var-

ious linear regression and machine learning techniques) and reported that hybrid

linear regression-random forest models for NO2 and O3 gave the best and most

consistent performance.

The majority of the aforementioned studies investigating LCS have focused on

developing calibration models for individual monitors based on local collocation

with a regulatory grade monitor. Nevertheless, as the deployment of LCSs can

extend to more extensive networks (e.g., with over 100 sensor nodes), there is a

growing interest in exploring generalized calibration models. These models, offer-

ing a common calibration model for all LCSs, offer enhanced efficiency and scala-

bility in the calibration of numerous sensors across a network. Barkjohn et al. [21]

developed a generalized model for PurpleAir sensors (commercial nephelometers)

using 50 sensors in the USA. Malings et al. [141] developed a generalized calibra-

tion model for gas sensors using a network of 50 RAMPs in Pittsburgh. Malings

et al. [141] reported 15% higher CvMAE for NO2 using a generalized model, com-

pared to individual models (unique calibration model for each LCS), and suggested

that this decline in performance may be acceptable depending on the intended use

case, such as for calibrating LCS that have not been collocated before deployment.

Furthermore, Malings et al. [141] highlighted that generalized models had better

transferability to other locations, as they are less influenced by changes in ambient

conditions or the mixture of gases.

2.3 Extending Sensor Data: Spatiotemporal Models

While LCS systems can support more dense air quality monitoring networks, it is

not feasible to collect air quality data from all locations and at all times within a

given geographic area. As such, spatiotemporal models are often developed using

data from networks of spatially distributed sensors to estimate pollutant concentra-

tions in unsampled locations or times. These models can range from monitor-based

(e.g. satellite data), statistical (e.g. land use), to process-based (e.g. dispersion,

chemical transport models) [234], and the choice of model depends on factors such

as accuracy and spatiotemporal resolution [77]. This section discusses statistical

methods as they are the approaches most commonly applied to LCS data [94, 166].

The simplest form of spatial model is interpolation, which uses arithmetic pro-

cessing to estimate concentrations in nearby locations [29]. Various interpolation

techniques have been employed; common techniques include averaging of all the

sensors in a buffer [197] and inverse distance weighting (IDW: inverse distance

weighted average of all monitors within an area) [162, 198]. Kriging is a special

form of spatial interpolation that accounts for auto-correlation in the data (unlike

other forms of interpolation). Ordinary kriging (Equation 2.14) uses arithmetic

processing to estimate concentrations in unmeasured locations (zy ), by assigning

a kriging weight (λi ) to concentrations at measured locations (zi ). Kriging has

been extensively used in air quality research as it is easy to implement and doesn’t

require any additional data [40, 108, 170, 260]. However, since kriging does not in-

corporate any temporal or spatial variables that might influence the concentrations,

it is usually not as accurate as more complex methods.

zy = ∑ λi zi (2.14)

Land Use (LU) models are a data-intensive models, that use land use variables

to predict concentrations in unsampled areas, and have been extensively used in

air quality research [25, 71, 94]. The predictors for LU models can vary, but of-

ten include surrounding spatial parameters (such as traffic counts, land use) and

meteorological data (temperature, relative humidity) within certain circular buffers

[88, 130, 196, 213, 248]. One of the most common types of LU models is the land

use regression (LUR) model, which uses spatial covariates as independent predic-

tor variables in a multiple regression to predict pollutant concentrations at different

locations [14, 25, 59, 91, 94, 110, 139, 191, 195, 261]. A typical LUR model is

shown in equation 2.15, in which concentration c at location i and time j is calcu-

lated as an affine function of spatial variables (A and B), temporal variables (Y and

Z) and constant (α0 ).

ci, j = α0 + (β1 Ai + β2 Bi ) + (γ1Y j + γ2 Z j ) (2.15)

However, there are several disadvantages of LUR models. Many of the fac-

tors and processes that determine pollutant concentrations are non-linear, however

LUR generally assumes a linear correlation between pollutant concentrations and

different predictors [69, 118]. Moreover, correlations between the predictor vari-

ables can also be difficult to resolve and may lead to overfitting [71]. Another

disadvantage of LURs is their poor spatial transferability, meaning that they may

not perform well when applied to areas with different characteristics from the area

in which they were developed [181, 186].

To overcome the limitations of LURs, researchers have explored using ML

techniques as a land use model. Two of the most common ML techniques that

have been implemented in spatiotemporal predictions of air pollutants are Neural

Networks (NNs) [8, 180, 240, 268] and random forests (RFs)[34, 268]. Multiple

studies have reported improved prediction accuracy by using machine learning land

use models over LUR models [11, 63, 138, 158]. Specifically, Araki et al. [14] and

Rao et al. [191] found that using RFs improved the R2 values for NO2 predictions

by more than 0.05 compared to regression. For PM2.5 spatial models, Yao et al.

[262] observed an increase in performance from R2 of 0.34 for LUR models to

0.66 for NN models.

While ML techniques offer advantages over LURs, such as the ability to cap-

ture non-linear relationships between pollutant concentrations and predictor vari-

ables, they are not without limitations. One such limitation is that ML models may

still suffer from the issue of poor transferability [15]. They are also unable to ex-

trapolate outside the training range [95]. Furthermore, they are unable to determine

the magnitude and direction of predictor variables [34]. However, variable impor-

tance factor (VIF) can be used to identify predictive power of each variable in a

regression model. For MLR, one way to assess VIF is by comparing the absolute

value of the t-statistic for each variable, where t-statistic is calculated by divid-

ing the coefficient for the regression model (β ) by the standard error (SE) of the

coefficient estimates (Equation 2.16). For RF models, VIF can be assessed by cal-

culating the increase in mean square error (MSE) if the variable is permuted (i.e.,

the values of the selected variable are randomly shuffled, effectively eliminating

this variable from the model or breaking the relationship between this variable and

the target output; Equation 2.17).

t − statistic = (2.16)

1 N
MSE = ∑ (Observed valuei − Predicted valuei )2
N i=1

Studies have explored hybrid models to improve the predictive performance

of air pollutant models. Brokamp et al. [35] used satellite data as a predictor in

a RF model and found missingness of aerosol optical density (AOD) data was an

effective predictor of PM2.5 concentrations. Wu et al. [256] and Chen et al. [51]

showed improved performance when using hybrid kriging-LUR models, which in-

corporated kriging predictions as a variable in a stepwise LUR model. Wu et al.

[256] reported an increase in model R2 from 0.66 for the traditional LUR model

to 0.85 for the kriging-LUR model, similarly Chen et al. [51] reported increase in

model R2 from 0.75 for the traditional LUR to 0.87 for the kriging-LUR model.

2.4 Extending Spatiotemporal Models: Exposure

As introduced in Section 2.2.2, regulatory monitors represent concentrations for

a limited area surrounding the station. However, numerous studies have reported

small-scale spatial variations in pollutant concentrations [19, 71, 130, 244]. For

example, Henderson et al. [94] reported that traffic variables (e.g., automobile den-

sity, distance to highway) within a 100 m buffer to be an important predictor in an

NO spatial model. Baldwin et al. [19] reported NO2 concentrations 50 m down-

wind from the study road were double the NO2 concentrations 15-20 m upwind

from the study road. These variations can lead to differences in human exposure to

pollutants and potentially the resultant health impacts [66, 109].

Exposure studies often rely on annual average concentrations at residential

addresses, without accounting for the daily movements of individuals for work,

recreation, and other activities [66, 96]. However, people’s mobility exposes them

to varying pollution concentrations as they move through different spaces, which

may lead to different exposure profiles and potential health impacts. By focusing

on residence-only exposures and ignoring mobility or time spent in other locations,

exposure estimates may be negatively biased and may result in the underestimation

of the relative risks of a pollutant [55, 57, 263, 264].

To better understand this, personal monitors have been used to estimate an in-

dividual’s exposure to pollutants [137]. Although they are likely to be the most ac-

curate tools for assessing exposure, personal monitor studies suffer from logistical

(e.g., recruiting volunteers) and cost constraints (e.g., cost of personal monitors),

which limits the number of samples. Subsequently, due to this small sample size,

study findings may be strongly influenced by the characteristics of the participants

[16]. As an alternative, some studies have developed movement-based exposure

(dynamic) models by merging mobility of individuals and spatiotemporal models

(as discussed in Section 2.3). Nyhan et al. [171] used mobile network data to track

mobility and estimated an average increase in exposure to PM2.5 of 0.02 µg m−3

when compared to residence-only (static) models, while Lu [136] used agent-based

models and found that ignoring mobility resulted in an underestimation of exposure

by an average of 13%. Setton et al. [201] used time-activity patterns to develop a

mobility-based model and reported that ignoring daily mobility patterns resulted in

relative risks being underestimated by 16%.

2.5 Extending Spatiotemporal Models: Hotspot

Section 2.4 explores the small-scale spatial variations that exist in pollutant con-

centrations, which can result in hotspots where concentrations are higher than the

surrounding areas. Spatial models, discussed in Section 2.3, can improve the iden-

tification of these potential hotspots [204, 205]. Additionally, the accuracy or spa-

tial resolution of hotspot identification may be enhanced by incorporating LCS

data as a supplemental source of information. Huang et al. [101] created two sep-

arate machine learning models for PM2.5 , one using only US EPA data (regula-

tory) and another using New York City Community Air Survey (NYCCAS) data

(non-regulatory) from 150 locations within New York City. The study reported

that the model created using non-regulatory monitors could identify more pollu-

tion hotspots compared to the regulatory-monitoring-data-only model. However,

since different pollutants exhibit different behaviors, single pollutant hotspots may

not necessarily coincide, and different pollutants may highlight different areas of

concern [80, 217]. With this in mind, identifying hotspots for cumulative expo-

sure to multiple pollutants has also been shown to be important, because while

individual pollutants have health impacts, three pollutants at slightly elevated con-

centrations may be worse than one highly elevation pollutant. The methods used

to estimate cumulative exposure have varied, with a key consideration being the

interactions between pollutants [217]. The two most commonly used aggregat-

ing methods for estimating cumulative exposure are the additive method and the

multiplicative method. In the simple additive method, the indicators for different

pollutants are added together, assuming their independence [117, 165]. The mul-

tiplicative method assumes interactions between different indicators and involves

multiplying them together [217, 269]. Another approach, introduced by Giang and

Castellani [80], is the binary aggregation method, where pollutants are assigned a

score of either 0 or 1 based on whether they meet the air quality objectives.

2.6 Environmental Justice and Air Pollution

The US EPA defines environmental justice as “the fair treatment and meaning-

ful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income

with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmen-

tal laws, regulations and policies” [231]. The concern for environmental justice be-

gan in 1982, when civil rights activists organized to stop the state of North Carolina

from dumping contaminated soil in a county with predominantly African Ameri-

can individuals [173]. Since then, a large body of literature in the US has high-

lighted the unequal distribution of air pollution hazards within populations, with

historically or ongoing marginalized communities (including low-income, people

of color and Indigenous communities) often disproportionately experiencing many

of the health risks of exposure to ambient air pollution [20, 115, 157, 159]. For

example, a study conducted in the contiguous United States found that low-income

non-white young children and elderly individuals were disproportionately exposed

to residential outdoor NO2 [54]. In addition to environmental exposure, marginal-

ized groups often also experience social and political marginalization, which can

be due to inequitable access to healthcare and policy decisions, further increas-

ing their vulnerability to the health impacts of air pollution [175]. Furthermore,

marginalized communities are frequently underrepresented in air quality reporting;

the strategic placement of monitoring stations by the US EPA has often overlooked

hotspot areas [149].

In Canada, studies have documented and researched the uneven distributions

of environmental hazards since the 1990s. For example, a study conducted in

Canada’s three largest cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver) found that areas with

higher proportions of non-English or non-French speaking tenants and residents

were associated with greater exposure to ambient NO2 [183]. However, the num-

ber of studies have been limited, and Canada has been slow to adopt environmental

justice as a framework for environmental research [49]. Haluza-Delay et al. [90]

has also emphasized that the environmental justice research from the US may not

be directly implementable in Canada due to many reasons, including geography,

history, and demographics.

2.7 Conclusion
Recent advances in low-cost sensing technology for air pollution have provided

a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of air pollution and pollution

exposure estimates. This literature review has highlighted the potential of LCS to

address real-world questions, such as improving our understanding of the spatial

and temporal variability of a pollutant. However, it has also revealed key gaps in

current research on LCS, including lack of geographically-transferable calibration

models. The structure of the thesis is guided by these gaps, progressing from im-

proving the performance of LCS and culminating in the practical implementation

of LCS within real-world scenarios, such as generating exposure estimates.

Despite Low-Middle Income Countries (LMICs) grappling with poor air qual-

ity and a greater disease burden, the majority of monitoring stations and the widespread

deployment of large scale LCS are predominantly found in developed nations [189].

As such, LCS are not being used in areas where monitoring doesn’t currently exist.

One of the key challenges associated with the widespread deployment of LCS in

LMICs is the limited availability of monitoring stations suitable for sensor collo-

cation, or constrained access to such stations. This existing gap in calibrating LCS

for areas characterized by elevated air pollution levels served as the guiding princi-

ple behind the first objective of this work: to explore a geographically-transferable

calibration model to enable the calibration and deployment of LCS in different

locations. In Chapter 3 of this thesis, I explore a calibration method that is built

(trained) and tested in different locations on a global scale (i.e., built in one country,

tested in another).

Since there are small-scale spatial variations in pollutant concentrations and

LCS can be used to construct denser networks due to their low cost and low main-

tenance, potentially improving the ability to measure spatial gradients in air pol-

lutants. Spatial maps have traditionally been created using LUR models [25, 59,

110], although recent research has begun to explore the use of machine learning

methods for creating prediction models [11, 34, 63]. However, there is still a lack

of research on using LCS to create machine learning land use models, and these

models are often not easily transferable to other cities. This gap motivated the

second objective of this work: to develop and compare different spatiotemporal

pollution models built from LCS network data. In Chapter 4 of this thesis, I com-

pare traditional LUR and random forest models using data collected from an LCS

network and create spatiotemporal prediction models. I also investigate potential

solutions to the issue of model transferability by building models after removing

regional background signals and decomposing the remaining signal into different

time frequencies (e.g., local influence) to increase the influence of spatial predic-

tors in the models.

The central objective of achieving a more accurate spatiotemporal models stems

from the exposure implications of these variations. This inspired the extension of

spatiotemopral models built for LCS to exposure models. (1) Previous exposure

estimates for PM2.5 have relied on a limited number of centrally located moni-

tors [66]. However, people move between different areas throughout the day and

this mobility can have an impact on their overall exposures. This leaves a gap in

our understanding of exposure to PM2.5 due to the movement of people between

different areas, such as work and home. This gap motivated the third objective

of this work: to compare residents’ exposure due to mobility using spatiotempo-

ral pollution models built from LCS network data. In Chapter 5, using the spa-

tial maps created in Chapter 4 (with a grid size of 50 m), I built static models

(where the population spends 24 hours a day in a fixed residential area) and dy-

namic models (where the population moves between residential and commercial

areas) to estimate variations in residents’ exposure due to movement.(2) People

are exposed to a mixture of air pollutants, but spatiotemporal predictions within a

neighbourhood have traditionally been built for individual pollutants. Cumulative

assessments that take into account the combined exposure to multiple pollutants

may be more representative of human exposure and may potentially assist com-

munity members in making informed decisions. This leaves a gap in literature

that assesses the cumulative impacts of air pollutants using spatiotemporal mod-

els built for LCS networks. This gap motivated the last objective of this work: to

assess intra- and inter-neighbourhood variabilities in a community using data col-

lected via LCS to identify pollution hotspots and recognize environmental injustice

concerns. In Chapter 6 of this thesis, I used the method of estimating cumulative

hazard indices to identify hotspots and areas of concern within an environmental

justice community.

Chapter 3

Exploration of intra-city and

inter-city PM2.5 regional
calibration models to improve
low-cost sensor performance

3.1 Executive Summary

This chapter contains a paper prepared for submission. Supporting Information

from this paper is presented in Appendix A. This work uses data from 15 PurpleAir

sensors across globe to create geographically transferable calibration models.

S. Jain and N. Zimmerman (2023). Exploration of intra-city and inter-city

PM2.5 regional calibration models to improve low-cost sensor performance. Pre-

pared for submission.

3.2 Author Contributions
SJ conceptualized the study, conducted the literature review and analysis for this

work, developed the figures and wrote the manuscript. NZ provided critical feed-

back and editing during all stages of the project and the manuscript.

3.3 Summary
Low-cost PM2.5 sensors often suffer from environmental cross-sensitivities, requir-

ing regular calibration across a wide range of concentrations. This is typically

achieved by collocating LCS with regulatory stations and using statistical models.

However, this approach becomes challenging in regions with limited regulatory

monitoring stations or access. To address this challenge, we explored building

separate calibration models for the regional component of the total PM2.5 concen-

tration, which represents background concentration, and the local component of the

total concentration. This is based on the premise that the regional concentration is

consistent across a given region and therefore direct collocation is less necessary,

and the idea that the local concentration is not influenced by geographic properties

and therefore can be calibrated based on collocation elsewhere. In this work, we

used publicly-available PurpleAir data for 2022 from five different cities in South

Asia and North America, and built city-specific calibration models for the regional

concentrations using multiple linear regression. We tested the model performance

in the city the model was built in (intra-city models; trained and cross-validated in

the same city) and in other cities (inter-city models; trained and cross-validated in

different cities). By calibrating the regional concentration separately, we were able

to reduce the normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) of both intra-city mod-

els, from 51% to 26%, and inter-city models, from 55% to 25%. Overall, the results

of this work demonstrated the potential for improved transferability of calibration

models and provides evidence that calibration models built for regional concentra-

tion and local concentration separately may be a viable solution when deploying in

places with limited regulatory monitoring or access to monitoring stations.

3.4 Introduction
Low- and Middle Income-Countries (LMICs), which represent 82% of the total

global population, disproportionately experience the burden of air pollution risks,

with 87% of total air pollution-related deaths occurring in LMICs in 2012 [253].

Despite the higher disease burden associated with poor air quality in LMICs, most

monitoring stations are located in developed nations [253]. One possible reason for

this disparity is the lack of financial resources to establish a widespread monitoring

network, as reference-grade monitoring instruments can cost anywhere between

$5000 to $40,000 per pollutant [45, 140, 206]. Additionally, these instruments

require operational personnel for routine calibration and maintenance, further lim-

iting their accessibility in LMICs.

Recent advancements in lower-cost sensor (LCS) technologies provide an af-

fordable opportunity to fill the gaps of regulatory monitoring and improve spatial

coverage [26, 156, 182, 210, 271]. LCS sensors cost a fraction of the price of

traditional monitoring stations, typically costing < CAD300 for a single pollutant

sensor [21], allowing for a denser network of sensors to be deployed. Additionally,

their small size and low power demands can enable deployment in areas with lim-

ited monitoring. LCS also offer high time resolution (hourly or better) [18, 42, 141]

and data collection is generally more accessible due to their ability to transfer data

via cellular networks [141, 271].

LCS technology is often promoted as a means to improve air quality in areas

significantly affected by both poor air quality and limited monitoring (e.g., LMICs)

[253]. However, visual inspection of LCS deployment maps for some of the most

popular systems, such as PurpleAir, reveals that the vast majority of deployments

have been in developed nations where monitoring already exists [189]. In this

context, LCS networks are mainly used as a supplemental source of information,

rather than being deployed where monitoring does not currently exist.

A major challenge in deploying LCS in LMICs is the development of effec-

tive calibration models. Sensor readings can drift over time as the sensing unit

wears out [64, 112, 142, 224]. They are also sensitive to environmental conditions

[18, 64, 142] and can exhibit cross-sensitivities with other pollutants [58, 146, 150].

Therefore, statistical calibration models are typically required across the full range

of meteorological conditions and pollutant concentrations to achieve good perfor-

mance [106, 142, 266].

To build correction models for low-cost sensors (LCS) and assess their per-

formance, a common approach is to collocate them with a regulatory station and

account for meteorological factors that can affect sensor readings using a cali-

bration model [112, 114, 273]. Regression models with environmental variables

(such as relative humidity) as an additive term have been widely used for statistical

calibration of PM2.5 sensors [21, 42, 190], due to their ease of development and

comparable or better performance compared to more complex models [111, 148].

Multiple linear regression models have also been found to exhibit improved perfor-

mance [266] and reduce uncertainties [190] in studies conducted in LMICs, where

average PM2.5 concentrations are higher than in developed nations.

Since LCS have the potential of denser and wider networks, a single gener-

alized calibration model has previously been tested as a solution to the logistical

challenges of individually calibrating multiple sensors [21]. Some studies have

also developed and tested location-specific calibration models (trained and tested

for all LCS in a city; intra-city models), however these studies have found that

direct collocation calibration models tend to perform better [143], implying that

hyper-local meteorological and pollutant profiles can impact sensor performance.

Sensors are typically calibrated in the global north due to the ease of access

to monitoring stations for collocation. This presents a challenge when deploying

sensors to regions where limited regulatory monitoring stations exist, especially

in areas with higher pollutant concentrations outside of the concentration ranges

typically observed in the global north. Moreover, calibration models developed

in one location may not be readily transferable, as even intra-city models exhibit

reduced performance. Studies have shown that inter-city models (trained and tested

in different cities) have higher errors than direct collocation or intra-city (trained

and tested in the same city) models [42, 273].

To fill this research gap, we propose a calibration approach for low-cost PM

sensors using the popular Plantower sensor found in PurpleAir (PA) sensors. As

part of this method, the LCS PM concentration is separated into ‘estimated re-

gional’ and ‘local’ components by isolating the concentration baselines and cal-

ibrating them separately. The regional concentration represents the background

concentrations across a region, while the local concentration consists of brief spikes

in concentrations that are likely caused by local sources such as domestic fuel burn-

ing. We hypothesize that the regional concentration should be consistent across a

broader (city-wide) geographical region, reducing the need for direct collocation.

Furthermore, we hypothesize that the local concentration could be calibrated via

collocation anywhere since local spikes should be independent of regional or geo-

graphical influences. As part of this investigation, data from the PurpleAir network

in Southeast Asia (India, Nepal, and Pakistan) and wildfire concentrations in Cali-

fornia (to focus on similarly high concentrations of PM2.5 ) were used.

3.5 Methods

3.5.1 Low-cost Sensor: PurpleAir

The low-cost sensors used in this study were PurpleAir sensors, which measure am-

bient PM2.5 concentrations using the Plantower PMS5003 sensor and cost around

CAD300-400 [21, 42]. PurpleAir has two Plantower sensors, labeled as channels

A and B, and provides two-minute average data. The sensor operates by scattering

light [192] at a 90° angle using a laser with a wavelength range of 680±10 nm

[119, 199]. The number of pulses from the scattering signal is converted to PM

concentration using a proprietary algorithm developed by Plantower [199]. The

sensors are factory calibrated with ambient aerosol across several cities in China

[142] and have an effective detection range of 0-500 µg m−3 , with uncertainties of

±10 µg m−3 for concentrations between 0-100 µg m−3 and ±10% for concentra-

tions between 100-500 µg m−3 . The working temperature and relative humidity

(RH) ranges are -10 to +60°C and 0-99%, respectively, with a reported sensor life-

time of 3 years [199]. The Plantower sensors quantify the count of particles per

deciliter within six overlapping size categories (> 0.3 µm, > 0.5 µm, > 1 µm, >

2.5 µm, > 5 µm and > 10 µm) and uses a proprietary algorithm to derive esti-

mates for various PM size fractions (PM1 , PM2.5 , and PM10 ). Plantower provides

two data-series to the users: (1) CF=1 (calibration factor = 1, denoted as ‘CF1’ sig-

nal) that is based on laboratory evaluations and is recommended for indoor sensors

and (2) CF=atmosphere (atmospheric corrected data, denoted as ‘ATM’ signal) that

is based on field evaluations and is recommended for outdoor sensors.

However, since Plantower provides no information on algorithm, for a more

transparent and reproducible alternative method, Wallace et al. [242] used the num-

ber of particles per deciliter less than 2.5 µm in three different size categories

(0.3-0.5 µm, 0.5-1 µm, 1-2.5 µm) to estimate PM2.5 concentrations and arrived

at a correction factor of 3. This signal is independent of CF1 or ATM concentra-

tions, and is reported by PurpleAir as the ‘ALT’ signal. All three signals, CF1,

ATM and ALT, can be downloaded via PurpleAir API. Appendix A.1 outlines the

steps to calculate ALT concentrations. Appendix A.1 contains the steps to calcu-

late ALT concentrations. ALT concentrations have been shown to have superior

performance, with 4-6% precision, compared to 7-14% precision of CF1 concen-

trations [242]. In addition to PM2.5 measurements, PurpleAir sensors also have

temperature, relative humidity, and pressure sensors (BOSCH-BME280) and can

transmit data online [21].

PurpleAir data can be obtained through an Application Programming Interface

(API) available online using an API key [4]. Users are required to input the start

date and time, sensor ID, and the desired output data, such as ‘ATM’, ‘CF1’, or

‘ALT’ concentration. Additional parameters, such as relative humidity, temper-

ature, uptime, and firmware version, can also be selected. Users can choose to

retrieve data from separate channels or average outputs. PurpleAir reports the av-

erage of the A and B channels, however if the values observed for the two channels

drift apart, the system may downgrade one of the channels and exclude the down-

graded channel. It is important to note that access to PurpleAir data is subject to

PurpleAir fair use policies [4].

3.5.2 Data Collection and Processing

To develop the calibration method, we downloaded data from a total of 15 Pur-

pleAir sensors located in Bengaluru (India), Chico (California, USA), Delhi (In-

dia), Kathmandu (Nepal), and Lahore (Pakistan) using the PurpleAir API (Table

3.1). Locations in South Asia were selected based on availability of regulatory

data, and based on availability from at least two PA in the city for the year 2022.

During wildfires, California experiences high pollutant concentrations similar to

those observed in South Asia. Chico (Butte County) had an extended wildfire sea-

son in both 2020 and 2021, making it a relevant addition to our analysis to test

inter-city models (total 85 days of data).

We downloaded two-minute data for the ATM concentration, which we con-

sidered as the ‘raw’ data for this study, and for the ALT concentration, which is

the PA-corrected data. To calibrate the PAs, we used regulatory data from the

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) for Chico [227] and from US

embassies and consulates for Lahore and Kathmandu [9]. We used data from the

Center Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India, along with state agencies Delhi

Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) [1], Karnataka State Pollution Control Board

(KSPCB) [3], and India Meteorology Department (IMD) [2], to calibrate the PAs

in India [47]. Since the US EPA reports 1-hour data, we down-averaged the 2-

minute PA data and 15-minute CPCB data to hourly concentrations. As a valida-

tion dataset, we downloaded 2-minute data for a PA sensor in Vancouver, British

Columbia (VPA1) and in Yreka, California (CPA5), which was down-averaged

Table 3.1: Information on PurpleAir data and regulatory bodies used to create
intra-city and inter-city calibration models. Wildfire concentrations were
used for modeling in Chico, to represent high levels of air pollution in
South Asia.

Used in
Location Sensor Time Period Regulatory Body
Final Analysis
For building and testing of estimated regional calibration models
BPA1 Yes
Bengaluru Jan-Dec 2022 CPCB*
BPA2 Yes
CPA1 Yes
Aug-Oct 2020;
CPA2 Yes
Chico Aug-Sep 2021 US EPA
CPA3 Yes
DPA1 Jan-Sep 2022 Yes
Delhi DPA2 Jan-Dec 2022 CPCB* Yes
DPA3 Jan-Dec 2022 Yes
KPA1 Jan-Dec 2022 No
Kathmandu US EPA
KPA2 Jun-Dec 2022 Yes
LPA1 Jan-Dec 2022 Yes
LPA2 Jan-Oct 2022 Yes
Lahore US EPA
LPA3 Jan-Jun 2022 Yes
LPA4 Apr-Dec 2022 Yes
For conceptual testing of the model
Yreka CPA5 Sep-Dec 2021 US EPA
Vancouver VPA1 Apr-Nov 2022 MV
CPCB*: Data gathered by the central Indian agency (CPCB), state agencies
(DPCC and KSPCB) and by India Meteological Department (IMD) has been
collectively called as CPCB data.
CPA4 was excluded due to high degree of disagreement of temperature and
and RH with other PurpleAirs in Chico.
KPA1 didn’t meet the inclusion criteria.

to hourly data. The VPA1 dataset was tested against six monitoring stations of

Metro Vancouver (MV), the regulatory body responsible for air quality in Vancou-

ver [155], and CPA5 was tested against the nearest US EPA station (Table 3.1).

Both Bengaluru and Delhi have multiple monitoring stations throughout the

city. In the National Capital Region (NCR), which includes Delhi and has more

than 20 monitoring stations, we narrowed down the list to include only those within

a 10-kilometer radius of any PA sensor, resulting in a final selection of 14 stations.

For model building, two stations, one situated at the airport and another along a

national highway, were excluded to prevent their persistent sources from influenc-

ing the models. Additionally, one station was removed due to its extended period

of inoperability, leaving a total of 11 stations for building calibration models for

Delhi. Out of the 10 monitoring stations in Bengaluru, we used data from only

four stations for model development. This selection was based on several factors:

two stations had an operational uptime of only 10% throughout 2022, three sta-

tions exhibited flat-lined data (lacked diurnal patterns) rendering them unreliable,

and one station was located in close proximity to a factory, introducing potential

interference. Consequently, these stations were not included in building calibration

models for Bengaluru. The finalized map of regulatory stations and PA monitors

used in this study are shown in Figure 3.1.

The analysis excluded data points with a percent difference between the A and

B channels, calculated using Equation 3.1, exceeding one standard deviation (=

68%). However since percent difference can be skewed high at low concentrations,

differences below 5 µg m−3 were included in the analysis even if the percentage

error exceeded 68% [224]. Thus, data points were considered valid if the difference

between the two channels was either less than 5 µg m−3 or 68%.

(A − B) ∗ 2
% di f f erence = (3.1)

Sensor CPA4 was excluded from the analysis due to low agreement on temper-

Figure 3.1: Locations of PurpleAirs (green star) and selected regulatory sta-
tions (pink stars) in the selected 5 locations. The scale of the map is
different for each city.

ature and relative humidity with other PurpleAir sensors in Chico. Sensor KPA1

was also excluded because it had a high degree of disagreement between its two

channels, and it didn’t meet the inclusion criteria. In Delhi, DPA1 had high dis-

agreements between its two channels between October and December 2022, and

therefore, all the data between those periods were removed from the analysis.

3.5.3 Baseline Separation

In this work, we suggest that the total concentration for a pollutant can be divided

into two parts: the regional component and the local component, such that the total

concentration can be expressed as the sum of the regional concentration and the

local concentration. The regional concentration typically reflects regional back-

ground sources that are located farther away from receptors and produces slower-

varying (i.e. lower frequency) signals. The local concentration represents short-

term spikes in concentration, that are likely caused by local sources of pollution

such as traffic, construction, or industrial activity, and produce faster-varying (i.e.,

higher frequency) signals [221].

‘Estimated regional’ concentrations were separated from total concentrations

for both PA data and regulatory data using the rolling ball method [134]. The

method estimates baseline by dividing the dataset into multiple subsets, each with

a local window width of wm, and then smoothing the results by iterating ws times; a

detailed description of the rolling ball method and the parameters are in Appendix

A.1. The local concentrations were then calculated by subtracting the estimated

regional concentrations from the total concentration. Since the rolling ball method

requires a continuous set of data, we used the Kalman filter to impute missing

values [60]. Imputed data points were removed from the dataset after baseline

separation, but before analysis. In cases where the estimated regional concentration

exceeded the total concentration, the regional concentration was set equal to the

total concentration (i.e., local concentration forced to zero). These datapoints were

removed from datasets for modeling of local concentrations. One limitation of

this method is that to estimate the baseline at any point it requires data from both

before and after the point, since it works with rolling averages. Therefore, for

calibration of both local and regional components, datasets equal to the wm from

the beginning and end of each dataset were removed to avoid underestimation of

baseline concentrations. When the time gap between data points was longer than

the wm, the data was divided into separate sets for baseline estimation.

To tune the choice of wm for regional baseline estimation, we relied on previous

field studies of regional pollution indicators, such as the ratio of secondary organic

aerosol (SOA) to total organic aerosol (TOA). Therefore, we calculated the ratio of

estimated regional to total concentration for regulatory data for wm values ranging

from 4-13 hours and compared it to the SOA/TOA ratio, under the assumption that

SOA is more regional since it is formed due to chemical transformations in the

atmosphere [200]. ws values were set the same as wm values.

The ratio of SOA to TOA has been previously investigated in Delhi and Cali-

fornia, however, we couldn’t identify any studies estimating the SOA/TOA ratio in

Lahore, Kathmandu, or Bengaluru. According to Gani et al. [74], the SOA/TOA

ratio ranged from 0.5 to 0.7 during winter and 0.6 to 0.8 during summer in Delhi.

Jo et al. [113] reported SOA/TOA ratios varying between 0.5 and 0.73 across four

different cities in California, with an average ratio of 0.65 (median=0.68). We

used the values from Delhi, separate for summer and winter, as a proxy for Lahore.

Since cities in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (Delhi and Lahore) experience higher levels

Table 3.2: Means and medians for the ratio of estimated regional to total con-
centrations for window widths 4-9 hours for Chico. The target average
SOA/TOA ratio was 0.65.

wm (Hours) 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ratio - Average 0.69 0.67 0.65 0.64 0.62 0.6
Ratio - Median 0.73 0.7 0.68 0.67 0.65 0.63

of air pollution during the post-monsoon/winter season (Section 3.5.5) [50, 193],

summer ratios from Delhi were used a proxy for annual ratios in Bengaluru and

Kathmandu. Table 3.2 shows the corresponding ratios as a function of wm for

Chico, California, as an example. In Chico and Lahore, since there is only one

regulatory station, we used the average value across the whole period (separately

for summer and winter for Lahore) to select the wm value. In Delhi, Bengaluru and

Kathmandu, since there are multiple stations, we estimated the ratio at each station

and used the mean ratio across all the stations to select wm values (separately for

summer and winter for Delhi). The wm values varied between 6-11 hours across

different cities and periods (Appendix A.3, Table A.1).

3.5.4 Model Building

Previous studies [21, 142] have demonstrated that linear regression models for

PM2.5 calibrations have comparable or superior performance compared to other

modeling techniques, such as machine learning [111, 148]. Since linear regres-

sion models also have advantages in terms of simplicity and interpretability [270],

we only tested various linear regression models. In addition to the PurpleAir esti-

mated regional concentration (ERC), other candidate predictor variables included

temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and dew point (DP) [18, 21, 42, 142].

These predictor variables were regressed against the estimated regional PM2.5 data

from the regulatory monitoring stations.

Temperature and RH were included as candidate variables in the model be-

cause they are two factors that have been shown to influence disagreement between

reference-grade PM2.5 sensors and low-cost optical sensors [106, 107]. As RH in-

creases, particles undergo hygroscopic growth, resulting in an increase in their

light scattering coefficient [41]. Additionally, most optical low-cost PM2.5 sensors

report data at ambient conditions, while the reference-grade PM2.5 sensors have

strict requirements on temperature (20-23°C) and relative humidity (30%-40%)

[142, 232]. Dew point (DP) was also considered as a variable related to condensa-

tion that could impact the PM2.5 sensor. Dew point was calculated using one form

of the Magnus-Tetens Formula [43, 61] (Equation 3.2) due to its suitability at room

temperature conditions.

λ .(ln 100 ) + λβ+T
DP(T, RH) = .T
; where λ = 243.12C and β = 17.62 (3.2)
β − (ln( 100 ) + λβ+T )

Candidate models for the analysis included both a simple linear regression and

multiple linear regression (MLR). In the MLR models, all combinations of ERC,

T, RH and DP were exhaustively considered. (Equations 3.3-3.10). Predictor vari-

ables with p-values > 0.05 were removed.

Corrected PM2.5 = β0 + β1 ∗ ERC (3.3)

= β0 + β1 ∗ ERC + β2 ∗ T (3.4)

= β0 + β1 ∗ ERC + β3 ∗ RH (3.5)

= β0 + β1 ∗ ERC + β4 ∗ DP (3.6)

= β0 + β1 ∗ ERC + β2 ∗ T + β3 ∗ RH (3.7)

= β0 + β1 ∗ ERC + β2 ∗ T + β4 ∗ DP (3.8)

= β0 + β1 ∗ ERC + β3 ∗ RH + β4 ∗ DP (3.9)

= β0 + β1 ∗ ERC + β2 ∗ T + β3 ∗ RH + β4 ∗ DP (3.10)

The various linear regression models were created and tested in unique loca-

tions (inter-city), and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) was calculated between

the corrected PA estimated regional PM2.5 and regulatory regional PM2.5 . The

model with the lowest RMSE was selected as the final model [21].

3.5.5 Intra-city Models

A single calibration model was developed for each city for the PA’s estimated re-

gional ATM concentration. This city-specific model was built by regressing the

median regional concentration across all PA sensors against the median regional

concentration across all regulatory stations at each timestamp. The models were

tested and trained within the same city, and their performance was evaluated using

R2 , RMSE, and nRMSE metrics (Section 3.5.8).

To validate the model’s ability to predict PM2.5 concentrations in new datasets,

a leave-one-month-out (LOMO) cross-validation approach was used. This in-

volved testing the model on one month of data while training it on the rest of the

year, and repeating this process for all months. For Chico, the models were instead

trained on 2020 wildfire data and then tested on 2021 wildfire data, and vice versa,

as we only included wildfire period data from Chico in this work. This technique

was adopted to validate the model’s ability to predict PM2.5 concentrations in the

same city for a new dataset.

The Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB), which covers both Delhi and Lahore, expe-

riences higher levels of air pollution during the post-monsoon season (October-

December) [50, 193]. This is due to meteorological conditions that result in haze

and smog [86], which can alter the optical and physical properties of aerosols [62],

as well as higher-than-usual pollution emissions from crop burning and Diwali

festival-related fireworks [151, 193, 208]. A previous study conducted in Delhi

has shown that calibration models created for the monsoon season exhibited sea-

sonality and lacked transferability to other seasons [42]. Therefore, for sensors in

Delhi and Lahore, separate models were constructed for the monsoon period (July-

September) and the non-monsoon period (October-June). Intra-city models created

for this work are shown in Figure 3.2 (city-specific calibration models for locations

in pink and blue boxes).

3.5.6 Inter-city Models

In addition to testing city-specific calibration models in the same city, we also

tested city-specific calibration models for geographical transferability in other cities

(inter-city models). These models were trained in one city and then tested in a dif-

ferent city, which enabled us to perform an external validation by testing the model

Calibration Models

Total Concentration

Vancouver Yreka IGB Non-IGB

Traditional and separate (regional

Delhi Lahore Bengaluru Chico
+ local) concentration models

Intra-city and Inter-city models


Intra-city and Inter-city models

Figure 3.2: Flowchart for validation, intra-city and inter-city models built for
this work.

on different PAs and locations. For instance, the models were trained using the

three PA sensors in Chico and then tested separately on the PurpleAir sensors in

Bengaluru. Models were created for both ATM and ALT concentrations.

As previously mentioned in Section 3.5.5, post-monsoon (winter) season expe-

riences fog in IGB which can alter the optical and physical properties of aerosols

[62]. Therefore, the models in the IGB (Delhi and Lahore) were trained and tested

within the same region, stratified by monsoon and non-monsoon periods; e.g.,

models created using monsoon data in Delhi was tested against monsoon data col-

lected in Lahore. The remaining sensors (in Bengaluru, Chico and Kathmandu)

were trained and tested against each other. Inter-city models created for this work

are shown in Figure 3.2 (cities within the pink and cyan boxes were trained and

tested against each other).

3.5.7 Validation Testing of the Method

To test the concept behind our model building, we used two different PA sensors,

located in Vancouver (VPA1) and Yreka (CPA5), respectively (Figure 3.2, orange

box). VPA1 was located less than a block away (< 500 m) from a MV monitoring

station, and CPA1 was located 60 m away from the nearest US EPA monitoring sta-

tion. These locations were specifically selected because they typically have cleaner

air due to the absence of significant local or regional sources of air pollution, except

during wildfires. Therefore, for this analysis, we excluded the dataset from Van-

couver during wildfire periods (10-14 September and 14-20 October, 2022) and

used dataset from post wildfires in Yreka (after 21 September, 2022).

The model validation involved separating the total concentration into estimated

regional and local concentrations and creating separate calibration models for each

using the results of Section 3.5.4. The performance of the local+estimated re-

gional concentration was then compared with the sensor observed ATM and ALT

concentrations, and with traditional MLR performance. This was done to test the

hypothesis behind our work, which suggests that estimating regional concentration

and calibrating it separately from local concentration concentration could lead to

improved performance.

For CPA1, both the estimated regional and local concentrations (as well as the

total concentration) were tested against a single US EPA station. However, since

Metro Vancouver has multiple regulatory monitoring stations, for VPA1, the local

concentration was calibrated against the nearest Metro Vancouver station, while the

estimated regional concentration was calibrated against the median regional con-

centration, at each timestamp, across six different regulatory monitoring stations.

3.5.8 Performance Metrics

To evaluate the calibration models, three performance metrics were calculated on

the testing dataset (i.e., data that was withheld during the model-building process):

(1) the coefficient of determination (R2 ), (2) root mean square error (RMSE), and

(3) normalized RMSE (nRMSE). The coefficient of determination (R2 ) is a statis-

tical measure for regression models that determines the amount of variance in the

dependent variable that can be explained by independent variables. A higher R2

value indicates a better correlation between calibrated and expected values, with a

maximum value of 1. The US EPA recommends an R2 value between a reference

monitor and a calibrated sensor to exceed 0.70 for daily average concentrations

[70]. The root mean square error (RMSE), which is the standard deviation of pre-

diction errors, was calculated using Equation 3.11. A lower RMSE value indicates

better performance. Normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) provides the ap-

proximate mean normalized error of the model, with a lower value indicating better

performance. It was calculated using Equation 3.12. The US EPA recommends a

target RMSE between reference monitor and calibrated sensor of ≤ 7 µg m−3 or

target nRMSE of ≤ 30% for daily average concentrations [70].

∑ni=1 (Calibrated valuei − Observed valuei )2

RMSE = (3.11)

nRMSE = (3.12)
Average observed concentrations

3.6 Results and Discussion

3.6.1 Regression Model Selection

To determine the best model from the eight linear regression models tested, the

RMSE metric was used. We observed that including RH as an additive term led

to the lowest RMSE (Table 3.3), while maintaining parsimony, which is consistent

with other studies [21]. Therefore, for further examination of intra-city, inter-city

and validation test models, we used a MLR model with PA-observed concentra-

tions and RH as the predictors (Equation 3.5). Comprehensive performance evalu-

ations for each training and testing model can be found in Appendix A.4.

Table 3.3: Average PM2.5 model RMSE from the inter-city models.

Model RMSE (µg m−3 )

PM 10.70
PM+T 11.06
PM+RH 10.68
PM+DP 11.74
PM+T+RH 11.65
PM+T+DP 11.80
PM+RH+DP 11.70
PM+T+RH+DP 11.80

During our testing in Delhi and Lahore, we observed a considerable decline in

the performance of the calibration model for concentrations exceeding 100 µg m−3 .

Thus, we built a separate model for concentrations below 100 µg m−3 which demon-

strated better performance for both Delhi and Lahore. In Bengaluru and Kath-

mandu, no data exceeded 100 µg m−3 , making it a non-issue. For Chico, since less

than 2% of the data exceeded 100 µg m−3 (n=103 data-points), these points were

removed, and the models were developed for concentrations below 100 µg m−3 .

The model coefficients for the regression model for PM2.5 for different cities are

listed in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4: Regression Model Coefficients for different Cities.

City β0 β1 β3
< 100 µg m−3
Bengaluru 8.80 0.64 -0.13
Chico 2.54 0.69 -0.09
Kathmandu 8.21 0.60 -0.16
Delhi (Monsoon) 13.33 1.35 -0.22
Delhi (Non-monsoon) 36.64 1.21 -0.52
Lahore (Monsoon) 22.53 0.92 -0.27
Lahore (Non-monsoon) 56.69 0.59 -0.41
> 100 µg m−3
Delhi (Non-monsoon) 67.00 1.26 -0.58
Lahore (Non-monsoon) 81.61 0.85 -0.70

The intercept of the MLR model (β0 ) varied between models built in IGB and

non-IGB locations, and between monsoon and non-monsoon periods. Higher β0

and β1 values were observed in IGB models, compared to non-IGB models, and

during non-monsoon periods, likely due to overall higher concentrations experi-

enced in IGB during non-monsoon periods. Our model coefficients for the non-

IGB (Bengaluru, Chico, Kathmandu) regression models are similar in magnitude

and direction to a previous study conducted by the US EPA [21], however, our β1

and β3 values are up to 2x times higher (Barkjohn et al. [21]: β0 =5.75, β1 =0.524,

β3 =-0.0862). Similarly, our β1 and β3 for the IGB (Delhi, Lahore) regression mod-

els are in same direction to a study conducted in India [42] but up to 2.5x times

higher in magnitude (Campmier et al. [42]: β1 =50.6, β1 =0.546, β3 =-0.936). These

differences could be attributed to the fact that the aforementioned studies con-

structed calibration models using the total CF1 concentration, whereas our models

were constructed for estimated regional concentrations of the ATM concentration.

3.6.2 Performance Evaluation of Intra-city Regional Concentration


Intra-city models were developed to assess each model’s performance when cor-

recting concentrations in a new dataset within the same city. The performance

of the calibration models, except for the Chico models, was assessed using the

LOMO cross-validation method, where the model was tested on one month of data

and trained on the rest of the year. In Chico, models were built for wildfire data

in either 2020 or 2021 and tested on the other. The evaluation metrics, includ-

ing R2 , RMSE, and nRMSE, for each sensor are reported in Table 3.5. Detailed

performance metrics of each city and PurpleAir can be found in Appendix A.5.

Overall for models created for concentrations < 100 µg m−3 , applying the cal-

ibration model resulted in improved performance, with average improvement in

cross-validated nRMSE by 25%; albeit, R2 improvement was only 0.06. When con-

sidering individual sensor performance, the nRMSE values were generally below

the US EPA recommended 30% across all sensors. However, the cross-validated

R2 values for all city-specific models, except Chico, were lower than the US EPA

guidelines, with an average of 0.55; an example of the pre- and post-calibration

data from one of the better performing intra-city models is shown as line and scat-

ter plots in Figure 3.3. Similarly, models created for concentrations > 100 µg m−3

showed minimal improvement in R2 (0.05), but modest improvements in nRMSE

(17%). This discrepancy in R2 and nRMSE performance highlights the systematic

bias in PurpleAir data, as shown in other studies that due to hygroscopicity, Pur-

pleAirs tend to overestimate concentrations by approximately 40% [21, 199, 242].

Table 3.5: Mean R2 , RMSE (µg m−3 ) and nRMSE values of the testing
dataset for the intra-city models, built for estimated regional ATM con-
centrations. ‘n’ is the number of test models (months; maximum = 12).
One model was created for each city and tested for each individual LCS
in the city and each month using LOMO cross validation method. Chico
models were trained using either 2020 or 2021 wildfire data and tested
on the other.

Observed ATM Calibrated ATM

Sensor ID n
< 100 µg m−3
BPA1 12 0.61 14.9 0.71 0.66 5.32 0.28
BPA2 12 0.59 7.07 0.34 0.63 5.36 0.27
CPA1 2 0.95 18.04 0.61 0.97 8.62 0.29
CPA2 2 0.94 18.82 0.64 0.96 8.61 0.29
CPA3 2 0.87 19.17 0.65 0.91 8.76 0.29
DPA1 10 0.60 28.11 0.59 0.70 13.73 0.30
DPA2 11 0.56 19.04 0.35 0.64 20.04 0.40
DPA3 11 0.46 24.95 0.48 0.56 11.53 0.24
KPA1 6 0.42 13.26 0.81 0.46 4.18 0.24
LPA1 10 0.39 20.99 0.37 0.47 14.3 0.24
LPA2 10 0.44 21.94 0.34 0.53 11.68 0.19
LPA3 2 0.25 27.98 0.40 0.37 11.17 0.16
LPA4 7 0.46 19.68 0.33 0.51 11.97 0.21
Average 0.58 19.53 0.51 0.64 10.41 0.26
> 100 µg m−3
DPA2 2 0.66 73.08 0.43 0.68 34.77 0.21
DPA3 1 0.69 88.78 0.52 0.70 31.63 0.19
LPA1 8 0.34 48.46 0.30 0.43 37.31 0.22
LPA2 6 0.41 42.68 0.32 0.47 23.94 0.17
LPA3 4 0.40 38.22 0.28 0.43 24.36 0.17
LPA4 3 0.45 49.32 0.30 0.51 33.12 0.18
Average 0.49 56.76 0.36 0.54 30.86 0.19

Consistent with previous studies [42], we observed seasonality in sensor per-

formance in Delhi and Lahore. Specifically, the models built using monsoon data

yielded better results compared to non-monsoon model, with average improve-

Reference Concentrations
1:1 Line
Uncalibrated ATM Concentration
100 100

Uncalibrated concentrations (μg/m )

90 90

Baseline concentrations (μg/m )

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
2022-10-11 2022-10-21 2022-10-31 0 20 40 60 80 100
Reference concentrations (μg/m )
Calibrated ATM Concentration
100 100

90 90

Calibrated concentrations (μg/m )

Baseline concentrations (μg/m )


80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
2022-10-11 2022-10-21 2022-10-31 0 20 40 60 80 100
Reference concentrations (μg/m )

Figure 3.3: Line and scatter plots for variations in estimated regional con-
centrations (black line) for raw ATM concentration and calibrated ATM
concentration of BPA1 and BPA2 for intra-city model.

ments in R2 of 0.22 in Delhi (monsoon model R2 =0.79) and 0.16 in Lahore (mon-

soon model R2 =0.67). RMSE was also higher during non-monsoon periods, which

can be attributed to lower air pollution during the monsoon season and therefore

less influence of persistent air pollution in the area that might influence the estima-

tion of regional concentrations. Generally, models built for concentrations above

100 µg m−3 had similar performance compared to IGB models built for concen-

trations below 100 µg m−3 , and had improved performance when compared to raw

ATM concentration (R2 increased from 0.49 to 0.54 and nRMSE reduced from

36% to 19%, Table 3.5).

Chico 0.1

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0

Intra-city models
Inter-city models
Outline - Training
Fill - Testing
Other Studies

Figure 3.4: Performance of our intra-city (square markers) and inter-city (cir-
cle markers; outline is the training and fill is the testing city) models
with reference to the US EPA guidelines (R2 > 0.7 and nRMSE < 30%).
Cities are denoted by different colors. Models in the top-right quadrant
represent the models that met the US EPA guidelines, whereas models
in the bottom-left quadrant didn’t meet either criteria by the US EPA.
The model trained in Kathmandu and tested in Bengaluru (orange cir-
cle with green outline) didn’t meet the nRMSE criteria by the US EPA,
however it met the RMSE criteria (< 7 µg m−3 ). Triangle markers are
the average performance of models reported by other studies. Solid gray
and hollow gray markers are the average performance across all intra-
city and inter-city models for Campmier et al. [42], respectively. The
yellow marker with gray outline is approximately placed to represent
the average performance across all inter-city models by Zusman et al.

Previous studies have explored the performance of intra-city models. A study

conducted by Campmier et al. [42] collocated PurpleAir PMS5003 sensors at three

different locations in India (Delhi, Hamirpur, and Bengaluru) and reported higher

R2 values ranging from 0.82 to 0.95 and nRMSE values ranging from 20% to 32%.

However, their approach involved collocating sensors at specific locations within

a city and did not spread out the LCS to create a single model; as such, the model

transferability was not tested with the intra-city models. V et al. [239] created

a city-specific model using the leave-one-location-out (LOLO) cross-validation

method for the Plantower PMS7003 sensor at multiple locations within Mumbai,

India, and reported low R2 (as low as 0.02) and very high RMSE (up to 85 µg m−3 ).

Our intra-city models had better performance in comparison. Figure 3.4 maps the

performance of our intra-city models for each city (square markers) relative to

the US EPA guidelines and with Campmier et al. [42]. As such, the results of

this approach provides confidence in the potential of using a regional models for

LCS. This approach could be specifically beneficial in areas where direct access

to monitoring stations is limited, as a low-cost sensor can be deployed in different

locations within a city and calibrated for the estimated regional component of the


3.6.3 Performance Evaluation of Inter-city Regional Concentration


Inter-city models were developed to evaluate the transferability of the regional cal-

ibration model from one location to another. To test the model, we applied the

regional calibration model to PA sensors in a different country, stratified by IGB

and non-IGB locations (Figure 3.2). The evaluation metrics, including R2 , RMSE,

and nRMSE, for each sensor are reported in Table 3.6. Detailed performance met-

Table 3.6: Mean (standard deviation) of R2 , RMSE (µg m−3 ) and nRMSE of
inter-city calibration models for sensor observed and calibrated ATM and
ALT concentrations.

Observed Calibrated
Testing Training
< 100 µg m−3 ATM Concentration
Chico 0.81 11.67 0.56 0.86 6.44 0.3
Kathmandu 0.81 11.67 0.56 0.84 6.94 0.32
Bengaluru 0.92 19.19 0.62 0.93 6.86 0.22
Kathmandu 0.92 19.19 0.62 0.93 6.45 0.21
Bengaluru 0.84 16.66 0.54 0.89 5.86 0.19
Chico 0.84 16.66 0.54 0.89 4.42 0.14
Lahore Delhi 0.19 28.5 0.45 0.31 18.97 0.32
Delhi Lahore 0.55 23.28 0.48 0.62 14.84 0.32
Average 0.74 18.35 0.55 0.78 8.85 0.25
< 100 µg m ALT Concentration
Chico 0.84 7.99 0.38 0.86 5.81 0.27
Kathmandu 0.84 7.99 0.38 0.88 5.55 0.26
Bengaluru 0.9 10.79 0.35 0.93 6.86 0.22
Kathmandu 0.9 10.79 0.35 0.9 8.13 0.27
Bengaluru 0.81 6.76 0.22 0.86 5.25 0.17
Chico 0.81 6.76 0.22 0.86 5.69 0.18
Lahore Delhi 0.21 31.98 0.5 0.23 26.39 0.47
Delhi Lahore 0.56 30.12 0.63 0.58 15.23 0.33
Average 0.73 14.15 0.38 0.76 9.86 0.27
> 100 µg m ATM Concentration
Lahore Delhi 0.62 43.36 0.28 0.68 73.84 0.48
Delhi Lahore 0.50 64.66 0.43 0.37 43.54 0.29
> 100 µg m−3 ALT Concentration
Lahore Delhi 0.10 36.96 0.55 0.62 49.70 0.32
Delhi Lahore 0.51 74.92 0.49 0.48 40.85 0.27

rics of each model can be found in Appendix A.6.

When averaged across all models created for estimated regional ATM concen-

trations < 100 µg m−3 , inter-city models met the US EPA guideline for sensor

performance, with average R2 of 0.78 and nRMSE of 25% (improvement of 0.04

and 30% respectively when compared to uncalibrated ATM concentrations). Mod-

els built in non-IGB locations (Bengaluru, Chico, Kathmandu) exhibited strong

performance and all models met the US EPA guideline for sensor performance,

with an average cross-validated R2 at 0.89 and an average cross-validated nRMSE

of 23%; an example of the pre- and post-calibration data is shown in Figure 3.5.

Interestingly, applying a model from a different city did not result in worsened

performance (when compared to intra-city models). This suggests that the calibra-

tion models developed for estimated regional concentrations can be transferable to

other cities, even across continents.

In contrast, models built in the IGB region demonstrated lower R2 and higher

error (nRMSE: 32%), with the Delhi dataset performing worse (R2 = 0.31) than

the Lahore dataset (R2 = 0.62), and neither model met the US EPA criteria. As

with the intra-city models, the monsoon models resulted in higher R2 values (0.69)

compared to the non-monsoon models (0.39). However, both RMSE and nRMSE

were lower for the non-monsoon models. Applying the Lahore model to the Delhi

dataset rendered similar outcomes to the intra-city models for Delhi (R2 and nRMSE

for intra-city and inter-city models were approximately equal; Figure 3.4). How-

ever, although the performance of the Lahore dataset after applying the Delhi

model outperformed the raw ATM concentration, the performance was worse when

compared to the intra-city model for Lahore (R2 decreased by 0.16 and nRMSE in-

creased by 12%). These findings suggest that the inter-city models built in the

IGB region may have some potential for transferability, but the estimated regional

concentrations could be influenced by persistent air pollution sources specific to

the region. Furthermore, it is worth noting that this work uses existing PA net-

work data, and due to the high levels of air pollution in the IGB region, the sensors

Reference Concentrations
1:1 Line
Uncalibrated ATM Concentration
180 200

Uncalibrated concentrations (μg/m )


Baseline concentrations (μg/m )

140 160

40 40
20 20

2020-08-21 2020-08-31 2020-09-10 2020-09-20 2020-09-30 2020-10-10 0 20 40 60 80 100
Reference concentrations (μg/m )
Calibrated ATM Concentration
120 100


Calibrated concentrations (μg/m )

Baseline concentrations (μg/m )




60 50



0 0
2020-08-21 2020-08-31 2020-09-10 2020-09-20 2020-09-30 2020-10-10 0 20 40 60 80 100
Reference concentrations (μg/m )

Figure 3.5: Line and scatter plots for variations in estimated regional con-
centrations (black line) for raw ATM concentration and calibrated ATM
concentration of CPA1, CPA2 and CPA3 sensors when trained in Ben-

may have experienced enhanced degradation over time. This wear-out effect could

require calibration models specific to the individual sensors, limiting their transfer-


Upon testing the ALT concentration to further calibrate the dataset for concen-

trations < 100 µg m−3 , we observed a modest improvement in performance met-

rics. Specifically, the R2 value increased from 0.73 to 0.76, and nRMSE decreased

from 38% to 27% (Table 3.6), and further calibrating the ALT concentrations re-

sulted in average performance across all models meeting the US EPA criteria. Cali-

brated ATM concentrations had slightly better performance compared to calibrated

ALT concentrations (nRMSE improvement by 2%; Table 3.6), especially for loca-

tions outside of the IGB.

We also built the model for ALT and ATM estimated regional concentrations

exceeding 100 µg m−3 (observed during non-monsoon periods only) by training in

Delhi and testing in Lahore and vice versa. The models built for ALT concentra-

tions had improved performance (R2 improved by 0.25 and nRMSE improved by

0.22, Table 3.6), when compared to the raw ALT concentration. However, models

built for ATM concentrations resulted in mixed results and were inconsistent, and

neither the Delhi nor the Lahore dataset met the US EPA criteria for R2 and only

the model trained in Lahore met the nRMSE criteria. One factor contributing to

the varying results may be the limited instances of estimated regional concentra-

tions exceeding 100 µg m−3 in Delhi; this may have affected the performance of

the calibration model. To gain a better understanding of the behavior of regional

estimates and the transferability of the model at very high concentrations, further

data collection and analysis are necessary.

Our inter-city model tested in non-IGB locations resulted in comparable or bet-

ter performance than the inter-city models previously built by Zusman et al. [273]

for the USA (model R2 : 0.67-0.80; RMSE: 3.41 µg m−3 ). Moreover, we tested our

model across continents, reinforcing the advantages this method. Campmier et al.

[42] noted poorest performance of Delhi models when tested in another rural lo-

cation in the IGB (nRMSE = 39%), which is similar to our findings. Nonetheless,

our models built in Lahore exhibited comparable performance to Campmier et al.

[42] (lower R2 and nRMSE compared to average inter-city model performance by

the study). Figure 3.4 maps the performance of our inter-city models for each city

(circle markers) relative to the US EPA guidelines, and with Campmier et al. [42]

and Zusman et al. [273].

3.6.4 Validation Testing of the Method

We further assessed the concept behind our work by building separate calibra-

tion models for estimated regional and local concentrations for PAs in Vancouver,

Canada and Yreka, California. These models were then compared to the sensor-

observed ATM and ALT concentrations, and traditional MLR models. Overall,

separate MLR models resulted in improved performance when compared to sensor-

observed concentrations, with R2 improvement of up to 0.12 and RMSE reduction

by up to 8 µg m−3 (Table 3.7). Moreover, separate regional and local MLR models

resulted in similar (CPA5) or better (VPA1) performance of both R2 and RMSE

compared to traditional MLR. Notably, this improvement was more significant for

VPA1 where the median regional concentration was determined from six moni-

toring stations. As such, it highlights the effectiveness of our approach and sup-

ports our hypothesis that regional concentrations exhibit consistency throughout a

region, allowing for the construction of a model without the need for direct collo-

cation with regulatory stations.

The performance of low-cost PM2.5 calibration models have varied across dif-

ferent studies, in both the global north and south, and a comparitive analysis can

be found in Appendix A.7. In the global south, Bai et al. [18] calibrated hourly

data collected in Nanjing, China, using the Shinyei PPD42NS sensor and reported

a model R2 value of 0.75. Meanwhile, Malyan et al. [143] and Jha et al. [111]

Table 3.7: Performance comparison of observed ATM and ALT concentra-
tion, with traditional MLR and separate regional and local MLR models,
when tested in Vancouver (VPA1) and Yreka (CPA5).

R2 RMSE (µg m−3 ) nRMSE

Model Type
ATM concentration 0.51 0.72 7.32 11.53 1.33 1.38
ALT concentration 0.49 0.74 4.39 4.31 0.80 0.51
Traditional MLR 0.53 0.72 3.29 3.46 0.59 0.41
Separate Regional & Local MLR 0.63 0.73 2.75 3.46 0.50 0.41

calibrated hourly data collected in Mumbai, India, from the Plantower PMS5003

and PMS7003 sensors, respectively, and reported varying performance, with the

former achieving a model R2 of 0.49 and the latter reporting a model R2 of 0.75. In

the global north, Malings et al. [142] developed a calibration model for hourly data

collected in Pittsburgh, USA, from the Plantower PMS5003 sensor, and reported

an average model R2 of 0.52, while Zusman et al. [273], calibration models were

created across various cities in the USA for daily average concentrations, with re-

ported R2 values ranging from 0.74 to 0.95 and an average root mean square error

(RMSE) of 2.46 µg m−3 . Given these comparisons, the performance of our de-

composed concentration model (R2 : 0.63-0.73, RMSE: 2.75-3.46 µg m−3 ) demon-

strates comparable performance to other relevant studies in the field.

3.7 Conclusion
One of the main challenges with wide adoption of LCS is a lack of geographically

transferable models. With this work, we created intra- and inter-city calibration

models for estimated regional concentrations that relied solely on openly available

regulatory data and tested the transferability of the model in the same city and

across continents, respectively.

The findings of this study provide evidence that calibrating models built sepa-

rately for regional and local component of the total signal can lead to more transfer-

able models, while having comparable performance to models built via traditional

MLR. The comparable performance of intra-city and inter-city models, as well

as their performance compared to other studies, highlights the potential scope of

deploying sensors in areas with limited regulatory stations or restricted access to

monitoring stations.

There are several limitations to this work. Firstly, it is exploratory and uses

limited datasets from specific locations. For a general calibration model, a wider

network of data needs to be tested. Secondly, this work heavily focuses on the

estimated regional component of the total concentration. Calibration models for

the local concentration may need to be developed to account for variations in pol-

lution chemistry or other factors that may affect sensor performance [104, 179].

Thirdly, the results reported here heavily focus on estimated regional concentra-

tions below 100 µg m−3 . More analysis needs to be done to test the transferability

of estimated regional models at very high concentrations. Finally, when estimating

the proportion of regional to total concentrations, our approach assumed similarity

across regions regarding the contribution of organic and inorganic aerosols to total

concentrations. Calibration models may need to be tested for areas where this as-

sumption might not hold true, such as in regions like western China characterized

by substantial mineral or desert dust [44, 133]. Addressing this aspect stands as a

recommended area for future research.

Chapter 4

Spatial modelling of daily PM2.5,

NO2 and CO concentrations
measured by a low-cost sensor
network: Comparison of linear,
machine learning, and hybrid
land use models

4.1 Executive Summary

This chapter contains a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Environment

Science & Technology. Reprinted with permission from Environ. Sci. Technol.

2021, 55, 13, 8631–8641. Publication Date: June 16, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c02653.

Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. The Supporting Information from

this paper is presented in Appendix B. This work uses the data collected by 50

RAMPs in Allegheny County to build LUR and LURF spatiotemporal models.

S. Jain, A. Presto, and N. Zimmerman (2021). Spatial Modeling of Daily

PM2.5 , NO2 , and CO Concentrations Measured by a Low-Cost Sensor Network:

Comparison of Linear, Machine Learning, and Hybrid Land Use Models. Environ-

mental Science & Technology, 2021 55 (13), 8631-8641.

4.2 Author Contributions

SJ conducted the literature review and analysis for this work, developed the figures

and wrote the manuscript. NZ acquired the funding for this project, and provided

critical feedback during all stages of the project and the manuscript. AP provided

the original low-cost sensor data used in this work and provided critical feedback

for the manuscript.

4.3 Summary
Previous studies have characterized spatial patterns of pollution with land use re-

gression (LUR) models from distributed passive or filter samplers at low temporal

resolution. Large-scale deployment of low-cost sensors (LCS), which typically

sample in real time, may enable time-resolved or real-time modelling of con-

centration surfaces. The aim of this study was to develop spatiotemporal mod-

els of PM2.5 , NO2 and CO using an LCS network in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

We modelled daily average concentrations in August 2016–December 2017 across

50 sites. Land use variables included 13 time-independent (e.g., elevation) and

time-dependent (e.g., temperature) predictors. We examined two models: LUR

and a machine-learning-enabled land use model (land use random forest, LURF).

The LURF models outperformed LUR models, with increase in average externally

cross-validated R2 of 0.10-0.19. Using wavelet decomposition to separate short-

lived events from the regional background, we also created time-decomposed LUR

and LURF models. Compared to the standard model, this resulted in improvement

in R2 of up to 0.14. The time-decomposed models were more influenced by spa-

tial parameters. Mapping our models across Allegheny County, we observed that

time-decomposed LURF models created robust PM2.5 predictions, suggesting that

this approach may improve our ability to map air pollutants at high spatiotemporal


4.4 Introduction
Over 92% of the global population lives in areas with unhealthy air [93]. Exposure

to particulates and air pollutants are associated with several negative health out-

comes (e.g., cardiovascular disease, lower respiratory infections, etc.), resulting in

an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths globally in 2015 [253]. Therefore, fine

particulate matter (PM2.5 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO) are

all criteria air pollutants regulated by the United States Environmental Protection

(US EPA) Agency [230].

Regulatory monitoring networks, such as the US EPA Air Quality System, are

a common tool used to monitor compliance with ambient air pollution standards.

However, regulatory-grade instruments are expensive to purchase and maintain,

and stations are usually sparsely distributed. Numerous studies have shown that

pollutant concentrations have small-scale spatial variations that are not captured

by regulatory networks [71, 130, 244]. These spatial variations create variations in

human pollutant exposures and resultant health impacts [66, 109].

To capture and quantify these small-scale spatial variations in pollutant con-

centrations, interest has risen in low-cost sensor networks due to improved sensor

technologies becoming available and new methods for sensor calibration being de-

veloped [26, 156, 182, 210, 271]. A significant benefit of using low-cost sensors

is that their small size and low power demand allow them to be deployed in places

where limited monitoring currently exists. Another benefit is that low-cost sensors

typically operate at high time resolution (hourly or better), enabling the quantifica-

tion of both spatial and temporal variations in pollutant concentrations.

However, it is impossible to sample all areas at all times in a given geographic

area. Thus, spatially distributed pollutant measurements are often used to train

spatial models for predicting pollutant concentrations in unsampled locations. A

common spatial model is the land use regression (LUR) model. LURs use spatial

covariates as predictor variables in a multivariate regression to predict the concen-

tration of different air pollutants [195]. The predictors for these models include

parameters such as surrounding land use, traffic, and meteorological data within

certain circular buffers [88, 102, 248].

LUR models typically assume a linear correlation between pollutant concen-

trations and different predictors. This has several consequences, as many of the

processes that determine pollutant concentrations are non-linear [69, 118]. One

approach to account for non-linearities is to include non-linear variables, such as

inverse distances from roadways, as predictors. While this approach can reason-

ably account for spatial patterns driven by dilution away from an emission source

[219], it cannot account for the effects of one predictor variable interacting with

another. Interactions between predictors are difficult to resolve without overfit-

ting [71]. Another limitation of linear models is that they often suffer from poor

transferability; models built for a specific city, or even part of a city, are often not

transferable outside of the model training region [181, 186]. This occurs because

local models are essentially tuned to the model training domain; this tuning can be

interpreted as a type of over fitting [17]. Furthermore, pollutant concentration at

any spatial point is an aggregate of local sources and regional background concen-

trations. The latter remains relatively unchanged from one site to another in a city

and thus including regional background concentrations may dampen the relation-

ship between the site specific predictors and concentrations [272].

To combat the issues that arise when LUR is used, non-parametric techniques,

such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and random forests, have been used

to predict air pollutant spatial and temporal patterns, as they do not assume a

functional form to the relationship between pollutant data and predictor variables

[11, 63]. Land Use Random Forests (LURF), an alternative to LURs, apply the

machine learning algorithm of random forests to land use models. LURF models

have a set of training data that is fed into the system, which uses decision trees

based on land use covariates to predict the pollutant concentration.

The advantage of using LURF is that it does not assume a linear relation be-

tween inputs (land use covariates) and outputs (pollutant concentrations) and can

capture complex relationships between the predictor variables and the prediction

values. This can be achieved even for small training datasets as a consequence of

bootstrapping for processing. The disadvantages of these models are their inabil-

ity to determine the magnitude and direction of the effect of an individual variable

[34] and the model’s inability to predict concentrations outside of the concentra-

tions encountered within the training dataset [95]. Additionally, similar to LUR

models, LURF models suffer from poor model transferability.

In this work, we constructed LUR and LURF models to predict daily (24-hr)

average PM2.5 , NO2 and CO concentrations measured by a network of low-cost

sensors deployed in Pittsburgh from August 2016 – December 2017. A combined

hybrid model using LUR-LURF methodologies was also developed and tested to

circumvent the inability of random forests to extrapolate at concentrations outside

those encountered in the training data. To combat the issue of model transferability,

we also built LUR and LURF models after removing regional background, and the

remaining signal was decomposed into different frequencies: short-lived events

(events<2h), longer-lived events (2-8h), and persistent enhancements above the

regional background. A unique LUR and LURF was constructed for each of these

time frequency signals and then they were reconstructed into a single concentration


4.5 Materials and Methods

We used PM2.5 , NO2 and CO concentration data collected by a network of low-cost

sensors to build and evaluate LUR, LURF and LUR-LURF spatial models. Models

were built for daily (24 h average) concentrations for standard and time-frequency

decomposed signals (details in Section 4.5.2). The leave one location out cross-

validation (LOLOCV) method was adopted to test the models for performance

[116, 246]. In this cross-validation method, data is split into training and testing

sets based on their monitoring location. For each iteration, the model is trained

on all sites but one, and the left-out site acts as the testing data for performance

evaluation. The model is iterated as many times as there are unique locations, until

all sites have been withheld as the testing site (here, n = 50). The LOLOCV method

was adopted to externally validate the dataset at a spatially unique location.

4.5.1 Measurement Details

Figure 4.1 shows the locations of the 50 sampling sites used for model training and

testing (orange hexagons). The sites were deployed as part of the Center for Air,

Climate, and Energy Solutions (CACES) air quality monitoring network [272] and

has been described fully in a previous publication [220].

All sampling sites were equipped with a low-cost pollutant monitoring system,

the Real-Time Affordable Multi-Pollutant sensor (RAMP, SENSIT Technologies)

[271]. The RAMP uses a commercial nephelometer (either a Met-One Neighbor-

hood Monitor or a PurpleAir PA-II) to measure PM2.5 and electrochemical sensors

(Alphasense CO-B4 and Alphasense NO2-B43F) for CO and NO2 . CO and NO2

signals were converted to concentration using the calibration approaches described

by Zimmerman et al. [271] and Malings et al. [141]. PM2.5 data were corrected

(e.g., for humidity) following the approach of Malings et al. [142]. Details on

the calibrations applied to the RAMP data are extensively provided in Appendix

B.1. Data were reported at 15-minute resolution, over a period from August 2016

to December 2017, that resulting in more than 25,000 unique 24 h average data

points. The range of measured CO, NO2 and PM2.5 concentrations across all 50

sites measured during this campaign are reported in Appendix B.2.

4.5.2 Standard and Decomposed Concentration Data Processing

The 15-min data reported for each site was first down averaged to daily concentra-

tions. We then define the ‘standard’ signal as the original calibrated daily average

Figure 4.1: The location of sampling sites and regulatory monitor sites. Or-
ange markers show the 50 locations. The purple markers show the lo-
cations of EPA regulatory grade monitors for PM2.5 and CO. The map
is divided into municipalities and map shading becomes darker with in-
creasing population density.

concentration from the deployment. The lower Limit of Detection (LoD) was iden-

tified as the smallest concentration that can be reliably measured. To determine the

LoD for each pollutant, we first ran 20 unique LURF standard signal models using

5 random sites as testing data and the remaining 45 sites as training data. Using the

predicted concentrations from these model runs and their observed concentrations,

we calculated the error fraction using the following equation -

Predicted concentration − Observed concentration

Error Fraction = (4.1)
Observed concentration

The calculated error fractions were plotted against decile bins of observed concen-

trations (Figure B.5, Appendix B.3). The bin value closest to zero was selected (and

subsequently, rounded off) as the limit of detection: – 20th percentile for PM2.5 (7

µg m−3 ) and 30th percentile for NO2 and CO (6.5 ppb and 200 ppb, respectively).

For each pollutant, models were trained only with daily average concentrations

exceeding the LoD limits. We hypothesize that this would improve the model per-

formance as data deemed unreliable due to measurements are removed.

The time decomposed signals (henceforth referred to as ‘decomposed’ signals)

were determined by applying wavelet decomposition to the original 15 min concen-

trations to isolate the short-lived (<2 h), longer-lived events (2-8 h), and persistent

enhancements above regional background concentrations. Details of the wavelet

decomposition are described in Zimmerman et al. [272] and summarized in Ap-

pendix B.4. The regional background was defined dynamically as the site with the

lowest concentration after removing the short and long-lived events from the data.

The separated short-lived event, long-lived event and persistent enhancement sig-

nals were then converted to individual daily averages and modeled independently.

This process is summarized by the following steps:

1. Wavelet decomposition was performed on original, calibrated, 15-min con-

centrations. This resulted in three signal components - short-lived events,

longer-lived events and persistent enhancement. Regional background con-

centrations were calculated dynamically as the lowest persistent enhance-

ment at any given time.

2. The four components of the signal were each averaged into daily average


3. Daily average concentrations were also calculated for the ‘standard’ (non-

decomposed) total signal.

4. Separate LUR and LURF prediction models were developed for the standard,

short-lived, long-lived and persistent signals.

5. The ‘decomposed’ signal prediction was calculated as LUR(F)persistent +

LUR(F)long-lived event + LUR(F)short-lived event + regional background

6. The ‘standard’ and ’decomposed’ models were tested for performance on the

withheld sites.

4.5.3 Predictor Variables

Land-use-based models were built using a combination of static and time-varying

predictor variables. Static predictors used for model building were chosen from

a previous PM2.5 LUR built for Pittsburgh by Li et al. [130] and included land

use variables often found in LUR models, such as population, traffic and land use

covariates. Appendix B.5 defines each of the land use predictors used and the

buffer zones taken into consideration.

To build models representing daily average concentrations, we included time-

varying meteorological variables such as daily average wind speed, average tem-

perature, and total daily precipitation. The US EPA regulatory measurements of

CO and PM2.5 (Figure 1 – Purple Diamonds) were also included to account for

day-to-day variations in regional pollutant concentrations (e.g., from shifts to the

atmospheric boundary layer). These measurements may also account for day-of-

week changes in emissions (e.g., due to weekday-weekend traffic patterns). Static

predictor variables for each site were also extracted from various published datasets

and are outlined in Appendix B.6. Different buffer sizes were considered for each

of the static land use variables. Since different buffer sizes for the same variable

are correlated, only one buffer size for a given variable was permitted in the final

model. The buffer with the highest adjusted R2 was chosen.

4.5.4 Land Use Regression (LUR)

The methodology used for model building and evaluation was a supervised step-

wise regression (combination of forward and backward regression), in which ev-

ery predictor is evaluated separately and provided a direction for regression. For

instance, elevation is negatively correlated with PM2.5 concentration (higher con-

centrations in river valleys) and traffic variables are positively correlated with CO

concentration (higher concentration near busy roads). Models were selected based

on the concept of parsimony.

Four basic rules were applied to variable selection: (1) a new predictor was

added to the model only if it increased the model’s adjusted R2 value by more than

0.01 and had the correct correlation direction; (2) predictor variables with p-values

>0.1 were removed; (3) predictor variables with variance inflation factor >3 were

removed; and (4) predictors with Cook’s D value >1 were removed if large changes

in predictor’s coefficients were observed when a site was removed [34, 130].

Variables in the final model were analyzed and evaluated using the variable

importance factor (VIF). For regression, VIF represents the absolute value of the

t-statistic for each variable. The higher the VIF, the higher the contribution to the

prediction capability of the model. Relative VIF is defined as the relative impor-

tance of variable with respect to other variables (with total contribution by all the

variables equaling 100%).

To validate our models, we calculated several performance metrics after ap-

plying our models at the withheld testing sites (i.e., not used in training). The

first was the coefficient of determination (R2 ) calculated from a linear least squares

regression of predicted concentrations versus observed concentrations. We also

calculated mean absolute error (MAE), which is the absolute value of the average

difference between the model prediction and the measured concentration. The co-

efficient of variation of the MAE (CvMAE), which is MAE normalized by the aver-

age concentration, was also computed to compare differences between the models.

CvMAE can be interpreted as the relative error of the model. The reported results

in this study provide R2 , MAE and CvMAE on the hold-out (testing) site.

4.5.5 Land Use Random Forest and Hybrid Models

For LURF model building on the training dataset, we used a 10-fold cross valida-

tion and terminated at 1000 trees with minimum terminal node size of 1. More

details about random forests can be found in Appendix B.7.

For random forests, VIF explains the prediction power of each variable by

calculating the increase in model error if the variable is permuted (i.e., randomly

shuffled). The initial model was created using all the variables to get the variable

importance factor (VIF). Several models were built, each one created by removing

the least important predictor variable from the model and reporting the new R2 .

For all the iterations of LURF created by removing the least important variable,

VIF from the original model (with all variables; non-recursive) was used. This was

adopted as the recursive version was previously found to be greedier (overfit) and

have worse performance [218].

Random forest predictions are calculated by averaging training values associ-

ated with the terminal node. As such, these models are incapable of predicting

concentrations outside of the training range. To account for this, during external

validation with the testing sites, if the predicted concentration from the LURF ex-

ceeded the 90th concentration percentile of the training data concentrations, the

LURF prediction was replaced with the LUR prediction. This amalgamation of

LUR-LURF is referred to as the ‘Hybrid’ model in the manuscript (Figure 4.2).

Similar to LUR validation techniques, we calculated R2 , MAE and CvMAE

for LURF and Hybrid models using LOLOCV method.

4.6 Results and discussion

4.6.1 PM2.5 Models

Figure 4.3 shows the relative VIF from the best performing model for both standard

and decomposed signals. The daily average EPA PM2.5 concentration was an im-

portant predictor in both the LUR and LURF models of the ‘standard’ signal. The

EPA monitor is located at an urban background site, which is less influenced by

short-lived events, and thus is expected to primarily be influenced by the regional

background. Consequently, in the ‘decomposed’ LUR and LURF models, which

do not model the regional background, the importance of the EPA PM2.5 monitors

is reduced.

As the time-frequency of the model increases (i.e., going from models of per-

sistent enhancements to short-lived event frequencies), the importance of spatial

variables in LUR model increased. This follows the logic that static predictors,

such as traffic, represent a local source. In other words, temporal variables domi-

nate the regional background signal, while spatial variables are a major contributor

Daily average
n= 1 location withheld
for testing
n=50 sites

n= 49 remaining locations decomposition
for model training

LUR Does including NO
LUR and LURF variable
predictor increase
model building from
R2 by >0.01?

Final LUR and YES

LURF models

Performance LURF Prediction on
withheld sites

Hybrid model: Is
LURF prediction ≥90th
LUR Prediction YES percentile of training NO
on withheld sites predictions?

Figure 4.2: Flowchart on model building. The models were created us-
ing LOLOCV method, to generate unique LUR, LURF and Hybrid
externally-validated models.

to short-lived events. This is significant because it influences the way we think

about the construction and transferability of LUR models. Temporal variables at

a regulatory monitoring site can be used to determine the regional concentrations

of the pollutant, and LUR models of enhancements above the regional background

can be layered on top for a more accurate concentration estimate in a specific grid

cell. Furthermore, these LUR models may be more transferable to new domains,

as the influence of regional background has been removed.

Figure 4.3: Relative VIF for LUR and LURF models for standard and decom-
posed signals (short-lived events, long-lived events, persistent enhance-
ments) of PM2.5 . The black dashed lines divide the figure into spatial
(cooler colors) and temporal (warmer colors) variables. The model se-
lected for the VIF analysis was the best performing model for the stan-
dard signal and kept same for the time-decomposed models for consis-

Figure 4.4 shows that the greatest improvements in performance for PM2.5 pre-

diction modelling were achieved by switching from LUR to LURF, with an average

increase in external cross-validated R2 of 0.19 and decrease in CvMAE by 0.07

(Table 1). This is consistent with our hypothesis that LURF should outperform

the LUR in model building and suggests that LUR models failed to capture the

Table 4.1: Changes to averages of R2 and CvMAE by using ‘standard’ and
‘decomposed’ signal LURF and Hybrid models compared to the base
case (LUR built with the standard signal). More details on average per-
formance of models are provided in Appendix B.10.

Standard Signal Decomposed Signal

Pollutant Metric LURF Hybrid LUR LURF Hybrid
R2 +0.19 +0.15 +0.14 +0.17 +0.15
CvMAE -0.07 -0.06 -0.02 -0.04 -0.04
R2 +0.19 +0.17 +0.04 +0.16 +0.14
CvMAE -0.05 -0.05 -0.01 -0.05 -0.05
R2 +0.10 +0.05 +0.01 +0.11 +0.04
CvMAE -0.01 -0.04 0.00 -0.01 -0.04
Change in R2 = R2i - R2LUR ST D (higher is better)
Change in CvMAE = CvMAEi - CvMAELUR ST D (lower is better),
Where i represents the modified model and LUR ST D is the base case.

complex interactions between covariates that drives PM2.5 concentration. Hybrid

models were developed for cases where testing site concentrations exceeded the

training range, with the hypothesis that this would improve the low-performing

LURF models. These low-performing models were characterized by test sites

whose maximum daily average concentrations exceeded the maximum daily av-

erage concentrations of the training sites. However, adoption of the Hybrid model

didn’t improve the overall model performance or robustness of LURF models. This

implies that even though LURs are technically capable of extrapolation, the ex-

trapolation performance poor. A possible remedy for this would be training LURs

specifically at higher concentration ranges, which is a recommended area of future


From Table 4.1, decomposition lead to dissimilar impacts on PM2.5 model per-

formance when compared to their standard signal counterparts. Although decom-

position decreased the externally cross-validated R2 of the LURF models by 0.02,

Figure 4.4: Model performance evaluation of standard and decomposed sig-
nals for CO, NO2 and PM2.5 . Model is evaluated using 3 metrics: (1)
external cross-validated R2 (higher is better; maximum value 1), (2)
MAE (mean absolute error; lower is better) and (3) CvMAE (Coeffi-
cient of variation of MAE; lower is better). All data above are on testing
data (i.e., sites not encountered during model building). A time-series
and scatter plot for measurements and predictions at Allegheny County
Health Department (ACHD) can be found in Appendix B.8 as an exam-

it increased by 0.14 for LUR models. This implies that decomposition is a poten-

tial method to improve LUR performance. Additionally, although it didn’t improve

the overall performance, decomposition may be advantageous. This is because, as

noted above for LUR, decomposing the signal increased the relative importance of

static variables (Figure 4.3), especially when modelling short-lived events. This

implies that local spikes in PM2.5 concentration can be predicted by surrounding

land use.

It is difficult to directly compare performance of our daily average models to

previous studies, which typically model annual or seasonal averages. Performance

of our PM2.5 LUR and LURF models is comparable to other published regression

and machine-learning enabled models [35, 213, 262] for predicting daily average

concentrations (see Appendix B.11 for full analysis), suggesting that low-cost sen-

sors are an acceptable tool for LUR and LURF model building, and that the meth-

ods described here can improve daily average predictions. Comparatively, although

LURF analyzed by the CCAAPS group in Cincinnati had a high R2 of 0.88 when

sensor data was combined with satellite monitoring [35], their R2 using Harvard-

type Impactors only had average R2 of 0.51 [34].

4.6.2 NO2 Models

Traffic related variables (vehicle density, bus fuel consumption) were found in both

LUR and LURF standard models (Figure 4.5). This is consistent with previous re-

search showing that the major source of NO2 in the atmosphere is combustion

[230]. Contribution of spatial variables to different decomposed signals is fairly

consistent between different LUR models, however, varies noticeably for LURF

models, with LURF’s short-lived model primarily driven by spatial variables. Nev-

ertheless, standard and decomposed models of both LUR and LURF are heavily

driven by temporal variables. For this work, annual averages of spatial variables

were used, which doesn’t account for seasonal changes - this is instead accounted

for in temporal variables (e.g., temperature, which is a major contributor in all

models except two). This is important because of several reasons. In colder tem-

peratures, the mixing in planetary boundary layer is greatly reduced [144]. Ad-

ditionally, cold weather causes higher fuel consumption [168] and increases cold-

start emissions; emissions per car are higher in lower temperatures. Moreover,

meteorology-based models have been shown to have high correlation with NO2

[135]. Henceforth, it isn’t surprising that temporal variables had a significant in-

fluence on NO2 concentration. The importance of temporal variables hasn’t been

explored independent of seasonal variations and hence, this is an important out-

come of this study.

Figure 4.5: Relative VIF for LUR and LURF models for standard and de-
composed signals (short-lived events, long-lived events, persistent en-
hancements) of NO2 . The black dashed lines divide the figure into spa-
tial (cooler colors) and temporal (warmer colors) variables. The model
selected for the VIF analysis was the best performing model for the
standard signal and kept same for the time-decomposed models for con-

Switching from standard signal LUR to LURF increased externally cross-validated

R2 by 0.19 and decreased CvMAE by 0.05 (Table 1). This is consistent with our

hypothesis that LURF should outperform LUR and suggests that LUR failed to

capture complex interactions between variables in the model building. Similar to

PM2.5 performance, hybrid LUR-LURF models did not improve the NO2 LURF

model performance, implying that LURF outperformed LUR for all instances.

From Table 1, the decomposed signal increased the average externally cross-

validated R2 of the LUR model by 0.04 and made performance more consistent

(smaller range between 25th and 75th percentile), when compared to standard LUR

signal (Figure 4.4). NO2 is formed through secondary reactions between NO and

O3 and persists more uniformly in the atmosphere. However, NO2 can be variable,

driven by characteristics of local land use - for instance, traffic. Removing the

regional background enables a better fit as it excludes the non-spatial fraction of

the signal (regional background) and thereafter is driven by factors that influence

NO2 , such as traffic. In other words, when regional background concentrations

are excluded from the prediction modelling, the models better reflect the impact of

various combustion related variables on the concentrations leading to an improved

model performance. Although decomposition didn’t improve the average perfor-

mance of LURF or hybrid models (no changes in CvMAE), it made the models

more consistent. Additionally, LURF short-lived models were primarily driven by

static spatial predictors (Figure 4.5) and may better reflect the true relationship

between land use and air quality.

There are limited studies conducted on daily average NO2 in areas with low am-

bient concentrations. Brunelli et al. [37] modelled daily maximum concentrations,

however, it is hard to directly compare our results with the study since they used

regulatory grade monitors and modelled for daily maximum concentrations. This

is significant because low-cost sensors perform better at higher concentrations. It

was previously established in Zimmerman et al. [271] that RAMP sensor error

increases substantially with decreasing average concentration. For instance, at 8.7

ppb daily average concentration, Zimmerman et al. [271] suggest a CvMAE of up

to 120% compared to reference monitors. Thus, it is likely that the uncertainty in

the measurement masks the relationship between the measured concentrations and

the predictor variables. Studies conducted in areas with low ambient concentra-

tions using low-cost sensors [94, 110, 191] were modelled for annual averages and

therefore, aren’t directly comparable. Moving forward, we recommend adopting

LURF modelling approaches to regions with higher NO2 to better assess perfor-


4.6.3 CO Models

Traffic-related variables (vehicle density, road length, inverse distance to the road,

bus fuel consumption) were found to be covariates in all of the constructed LUR

and LURF CO models, including both standard and decomposed signal (except

long-lived models); traffic-related variables contributed between 5-100% of overall

VIF (Figure 4.6). This is consistent with our understanding that the major source of

CO in the atmosphere is traffic. Another interesting observation to note in the VIF

analysis was that the short-lived signals of CO for LUR and LURF models have

dissimilar significant predictor variables. The LURF short-lived model is highly

driven by traffic-related variables (80% contribution by traffic-related variables),

whereas, LUR model is predominantly driven by non-traffic related variables (<

20% contribution by traffic-related variables). Since traffic is one of the major

sources of short-lived CO, LURF’s ability to capture the intricate relationship be-

tween different variables may make it preferable to LUR models.

Figure 4.6: VIF for performing models for LUR and LURF for standard and
decomposed signals (short-lived events, long-lived events, persistent en-
hancements) of CO. Black dashed line divides the figure into spatial
(cooler colors) and temporal (warmer colors) variables. Models selected
for the VIF analysis were the best performing model for standard signal
and kept same for other signals for consistency.

Across all models, CO was poorly predicted compared to the other pollutants

examined here (Figure 4.4). In general, the standard signal LURF model performed

better than the LUR model, with externally cross-validated R2 average for LUR

and LURF as 0.30 and 0.40 , respectively. Introduction of hybrid models didn’t

improve the performance (R2 = 0.35), however it decreased the CvMAE by 0.02

(Table 1). Decomposing the signal didn’t improve the model performance for either

LUR, LURF or hybrid signals (CvMAEdecomposed - CvMAEstandard < 0.01; Table


One of the probable reasons for the poor performance of the CO models is that

in ambient conditions, CO signals are typically characterized by extremely short-

lived spikes when a high-emitting source is present (e.g., old, poorly tuned vehicle)

followed by long periods of very low concentrations. Given these characteristics,

calculating a daily average concentration dampens the spikes in CO concentrations,

resulting in lack of precision for model building, and hence, unfavorable prediction

models. CO sources are also inconsistent (traffic), and difficult to associate with

different land use variables – especially since annual averages of different spatial

variables (e.g., vehicle density) were considered for modelling. Going forward,

CO modelling may be improved by considering hourly models due to the transient

nature of CO signals. In general, published studies using LUR and LURF to predict

CO are lacking. Brunelli et al. [37] successfully created a LUR model for CO

(Appendix B.11). However, they used regulatory grade monitors and modelled

only daily maximum values. This is important to note because low-cost sensor

measurements at high concentrations are generally more certain. As such, it is

difficult to compare our model to other studies, and this is a recommended area of

future work.

4.6.4 Mapping the models

The final PM2.5 LURF decomposed model was applied to relevant grids in Al-

legheny county for 2017 (i.e., grids for which LURF model variables are available)

(Figure 4.7), the steps for which can be found in Appendix B.12. The range of pre-

dicted concentrations were compared against EPA’s monitored data [13] and spa-

tial distribution was visually inspected and compared with the Pittsburgh Breathe

Project [32].

Annual average concentrations at each grid varied between 10-30 µg m−3 [10-

Annual Spring Summer

PM2.5 (μg/m3)


Fall Winter

PM2.5 (μg/m3)

Pittsburgh City
0 3 6 12 18 24 Allegheny County 0 5 10 20 30 40
km km

Figure 4.7: Mean annual (figure A) and seasonal (figure B) maps for daily
predicted PM2.5 at every 50x50m grid in Allegheny County, plotted
using decomposed LURF model. Pittsburgh and Allegheny County
boundaries are marked by blue and black lines respectively.

90th percentile: 10.96-12.33]. Seasonally, summer had the highest predicted daily

PM2.5 , followed by winter, fall and spring. This pattern is consistent with PM2.5

data obtained via EPA monitors in Allegheny county for 2017, when averaged sea-

sonally. In general, the annual average concentrations (=11.67 µg m−3 ; averaged

across all grids) were slightly higher when compared to EPA’s Allegheny county

monitors (10 µg m−3 ). This is because the training dataset consisted of observa-

tions above 7 µg m−3 (LOD, Section 4.5.2) and random forests are incapable of

predicting concentrations outside training ranges. Consequentially, the results are

on the higher side. This issue, in future work, could potentially be circumvented

by replacing < LOD values with regional concentration estimates.

Spatially, our model successfully identifies hot-spots in the county (downtown,

highways, rails), (Figure 4.7) as areas with higher concentrations and is comparable

to black carbon spatial maps prepared in the Breathe Project [32]. Visual inspec-

tion of the figure 4.7 shows higher concentrations in Pittsburgh City, as is expected

due to the higher population and traffic densities. Moreover, cross-county, high-

ways and major roads have higher predictions (red lines in the map), which is also

a typical pattern that was expected. This was a unique feature of the decomposed

LURF model; the standard LURF failed to resolve roadways (see Appendix B.12).

When compared to EPA’s monitoring data, MAE across the 6 locations was found

to be 2.1 µg m−3 , which is similar to our testing limit (2.6 µg m−3 ; Figure 4.4 and

Appendix B.13), strengthening the reliability and the confidence in the model ap-

plication. As such, the ability of the prediction model to estimate expected spatial

variations is an important outcome of the study and thereafter, can be used in un-

monitored locations to estimate exposure.

Broadly speaking, this study illustrates that low-cost sensors can be useful tools

to build more accurate predictive models of air pollutant concentrations at higher

time resolution than most previously reported models, especially when combined

with more advanced data analysis techniques such as machine learning and wavelet

decomposition to resolve short-lived events from regional backgrounds. Going

forward, we recommend investigating similar analysis techniques in regions with

higher NO2 concentrations (e.g., Europe or other locations where diesel is promi-

nent), testing our models at higher time resolution (hourly) to improve modelling

of CO, and testing model the transferability of PM2.5 models in new geographic


Chapter 5

Using Spatiotemporal Prediction

Models to Quantify PM2.5
Exposure due to Daily Movement

5.1 Executive Summary

This chapter contains a paper prepared for submission. Supporting Information

from this paper is presented in Appendix C. This work uses the data from Chapter

4 builds on its results to assess the effect of mobility between different land use

types on the exposure of the residents.

S. Jain, A. Presto, and N. Zimmerman (2023). Using Spatiotemporal Predic-

tion Models to Quantify PM2.5 Exposure due to Daily Movement. Submitted.

5.2 Author Contributions
SJ conducted the literature review and analysis for this work, developed the figures

and wrote the manuscript. NZ acquired the funding for this project, and provided

critical feedback during all stages of the project and the manuscript. AP provided

the original low-cost sensor data used in this work and provided critical feedback

for the manuscript.

5.3 Summary
To date, epidemiological studies have generally not accounted for the spatiotem-

poral variations in PM2.5 concentration that populations experience. These studies

typically infer exposure using home address and annually-averaged concentrations

measured by a few centrally-located monitors. To quantify the impact of spatiotem-

poral variation on exposure estimates, this study uses land-use random forest mod-

els to estimate daily-average PM2.5 concentrations in Allegheny County, USA. The

data were collected using a network of 47 low-cost air quality sensors, and predic-

tions were made for 50x50 m grids in Pittsburgh. Residential (PR ) and commercial

(PC ) probability weighting values were assigned to each grid. The daily-average

predictions were divided into ”weekday” and ”weekend” concentrations for each

grid and averaged annually to estimate total annual exposure. Weighted stratified

sampling was conducted using PR and PC values as probabilities, and weekdays and

weekends as strata. Static models (population spends 24 hours/day in a fixed res-

idential area) and dynamic models (estimates that account for movement between

areas) were created using these samples. The daily-average predicted concentra-

tions across all grids ranged from 4-75 µg m−3 (µ=12.0 µg m−3 ). Weekend con-

centrations were 10% higher than weekday concentrations, and commercial area

concentrations were 9% higher than residential areas. These results support the

hypotheses that exposure profiles vary due to movement between different areas

and that exposure is underestimated when residents’ mobility is ignored. Further-

more, the existence of temporal variations between weekdays and weekends sug-

gests that short-term exposure can be improved through behavioral changes. As

low-cost sensor networks adoption grows, this work suggests that epidemiological

exposure models can leverage this data to further refine exposure estimates and

identify behaviors that may reduce exposure.

5.4 Introduction
Exposure to particulate matter (PM2.5 ) is associated with several health problems,

ranging from asthma to premature death [30, 185]. Short-term exposure to high

PM2.5 concentrations can trigger cardiovascular-disease-related mortality and non-

fatal events [36, 66], while long-term exposure can lead to acute and chronic ill-

nesses, including aggravated asthma, cardiovascular disease and lung cancer [185].

As a result, a reduction of annual average PM2.5 concentrations by 10 µg m−3 has

been associated with a 7.3% reduction in all-cause mortality in the US Medicare

population [66].

To mitigate the public health effects of PM2.5 , it is important to accurately

estimate the population’s exposure. However, there are challenges with properly

assessing exposure. Exposure is often inferred from PM2.5 concentrations taken via

only a few centrally-located outdoor monitors [75, 128, 265]. In contrast, previous

studies have shown that small-scale spatial variations in PM2.5 exist [71, 244]. As

such, peoples’ movement exposes them to changing pollution concentrations, re-

sulting in varying exposure profiles, which can impact a given person’s consequent

health [66, 109]. Additionally, exposure misclassification due to unaccounted hu-

man mobility can have effects on the inferences derived and consequently, on rel-

evant policies. Residence-only exposure profiles have been found to result in neg-

ative biases in the estimates [136, 171, 201, 264], in essence, the relative risk is

underestimated by ignoring mobility.

The effect of mobility on exposure levels has previously been assessed using

personal monitors and comparing personal monitoring concentrations with ambi-

ent concentrations at home residences and applying correction factors. However,

even though personal monitors are the most accurate method to estimate personal

exposure, they have both logistic and cost constraints, such as recruiting an ade-

quate number of individuals from representative populations to carry the monitors.

Furthermore, the characteristics of participants (e.g., age, gender) may affect the

accuracy of the correction factors used to infer personal exposure from ambient

PM2.5 [16]. An alternate way of addressing the impacts of mobility and the dis-

crepancy between personal exposure and at-residence concentrations is by includ-

ing the spatial variability of the pollutant [109, 125, 132, 172].

Most exposure studies are based on residential address [66]; the daily move-

ment of an individual (for work, recreation etc.) isn’t typically accounted for.

Consequentially, the impact of spatial movement in a person’s day is often not

represented in epidemiology studies. There are some studies that have estimated

movement-based exposure, using mobile phone data [65, 171, 264] activity-based

data [23], or agent-based models [136]. However, their spatial resolution is coarse,

ranging from 400 m [171] up to 3 km [23, 264].

The lack of spatial resolution via ground measurements primarily exists be-

cause dense networks of regulatory monitoring stations aren’t feasible due to their

high initial capital investment and ongoing maintenance costs (USD 10,000-100,000

per pollutant). To overcome the shortcomings associated with monitoring stations,

lower-cost sensing technologies have increasingly been used as an alternative due

to a combination of improved sensor technologies and researcher-developed meth-

ods for sensor calibration [46, 58, 182, 210, 271]. Due to the low-cost and low

power demands of low-cost sensors (LCS), they can be deployed to form a dense

network, which can assist in capturing small-scale spatial variations. As such,

there are opportunities to use LCS to increase our understanding of air pollution


For this work, we used previously published predicted concentration data at ev-

ery 50x50 m grid in the City of Pittsburgh [105] to estimate exposure of Pittsburgh

residents to PM2.5 informed by land-use type. The objective of this work is to

compare the base case used in epidemiology (PM2.5 estimated at home addresses;

static models) with an estimate where people spend time at both home and work

or commercial locations (dynamic models). In this work, we have excluded expo-

sure during commuting or transit; i.e., we are not replicating personal exposure.

Instead, the term ‘movement’ implies that people aren’t necessarily always located

in the same place and may move from one land-use type to another.

5.5 Methods

5.5.1 PM2.5 Measurements

As a part of Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions (CACES) air qual-

ity monitoring network, a network of 47 Real-time Affordable Multi-Pollutant

(RAMP) sensors (developed by SENSIT Technologies) was deployed in Allegheny

County between August 2016 and December 2017. These sensors use a commer-

cial nephelometer (either a Met-One Neighborhood Monitor or a PurpleAir PA-II)

to collect 15-minute resolution PM2.5 data. The collected data has previously been

calibrated according to Malings [142] against collocated US EPA data and down-

averaged to daily concentrations [105]. For this work, we identified 5 µg m−3 as the

smallest concentration that can be reliably measured by the sensors (limit of detec-

tion, LOD). This was approximately 9% of the total data set across 47 sites and the

15-minute data below LOD was replaced with 3.53 µg m−3 (LOD/ 2) [99, 222].

More information on LOD determination can be found in Appendix C.1.

5.5.2 Modeling

The general methodology adopted for prediction modeling of PM2.5 concentrations

has previously been described in Jain et al. [105], with one primary change - for this

work, we replaced concentrations below LOD with LOD/ 2 (in Jain et al. [105],

concentrations below LOD were removed). We opted for this change to avoid the

data set being skewed high.

Briefly, the collected RAMP data was processed using signal decomposition

(wavelet decomposition) into 4 separate signals [272]: (1) regional concentrations,

(2) persistent enhancements above regional (> 8 h) events, (3) long-lived (2-8 h)

events and (4) short-lived ( < 2h) events. The latter three signals were individually

modelled using land-use random forests (LURF) and subsequently added together

with regional concentrations and tested for validation using the leave-one location-

out cross-validation (LOLOCV) technique [116, 246]. Various spatial and tempo-

ral variables were used as predictors in the model. The variables used in the final

Temporal Variables - Temperature, Wind, Precipitation, EPA Deployed 50 low-cost sensors across

Jain et. al., 2021

PM and EPA CO Allegheny county
Input variables
Spatial Variables - Elevation, Inverse Distance to the Road,
Housing Density (100m), Population Density (100m), Vehicle Developed prediction models for daily
Density (50m; 100m), Rail Length (100m), Road Density PM2.5 using time-decomposed
(50m; 100m), Bus Fuel Consumption (50m; 100m) random forest methods

Divide the city in 50x50m grid Remove the grids with =>50% spatial
(total = 57,768 grids) variables outside of training model limits

Land use variables (housing Analyze weekly,

Select the remaining grids seasonal and
& commercial densities) at
(total = 44,595) annual variations
100m buffer (Data: Allegheny
County GIS Group)

Assign residential/commercial probabilities Predict daily PM2.5 concentrations

to each grid using 100m buffer values at every grid for 2017

Divide the predictions into 'weekday' and Combine the land use information with
'weekend' concentrations predicted concentrations

Static - the population is in

Sample the dataset using weighted residential area 24 hours/day
stratified sampling for residential & Calculate
commerical area for weekday and weekday exposure Dynamic - the population moves
concentrations between residential &
commercial areas

Figure 5.1: Flowchart of steps involved in this work. The blue box at the
top represents the results from Jain et al. (2021) used for this work. The
grey boxes are the outcomes. EPA CO and EPA PM in the blue box refer
to daily measurements of CO and PM2.5 by the US EPA’s Lawrenceville
site in the City of Pittsburgh.

models can be found in Figure 5.1 (blue box). Full details of all variables assessed

are detailed in Jain et al. [105] (See Table C.1 in Appendix C for a summary). The

value in brackets refers to the buffer sizes. Multiple buffer sizes represent different

buffers used for different signals.

5.5.3 Predictions

The City of Pittsburgh was divided into grids of 50x50 m (total grids = 57,768) to

quantify the small-scale variations in PM2.5 concentrations. We quantified PM2.5

concentrations at each grid using a spatiotemporal land-use random forest model as

it was identified to render more robust models (see Appendix C.3 for more details).

Grids with ≥ 50% of the spatial variables exceeding training model limits (both

upper and lower limits from 47 training sites) were excluded from the assessment

since random forests are incapable of extrapolation (remaining grids = 44,595, 77%


5.5.4 Land Use: Residential and Commercial Areas

Each 50x50 m grid in Pittsburgh was assigned a residential and commercial value.

This was done using a land cover area data set provided by the Allegheny County

GIS group [12], that demarcated land cover into 14 types (Appendix C.3). For as-

signing a residential density value, we calculated the total area in a 100 m buffer

with land use type demarcated as ‘Residential’ (Types 6, 7 and 8 in Appendix C.3).

The maximum residential value was calculated as 31,425 m2 (Area = πr2 ; r = 100

m), when all the locations in the buffer area were categorized as ‘Residential’; and

the minimum value was 0 m2 when none of the locations in the buffer area were

categorized as ‘Residential’ (Appendix C.4). Similarly, commercial values were

assigned using areas demarcated by the Allegheny GIS Group as ‘Commercial’

(Type 10 in Appendix C.3). The LURF model used for PM2.5 prediction deter-

mined that 100 m was the optimal buffer size for housing density, therefore, we

chose the same buffer size for the estimating residential and commercial values

(Figure 5.1). These residential and commercial values were then normalized on a

scale from 0-1 and used as probability weights, PR and PC , respectively, for sam-

pling (Section 5.5.5).

We chose to assess population exposure using this split between residential and

commercial areas to acknowledge that a population spends time in both areas al-

most every day, but the exposure profiles might be different due to various factors

(e.g., higher vehicle emissions in commercially-dense areas). The exposure esti-

mate can be further improved by tracking individual people via personal notes or

cellular network data. However due to lack of movement data, this is a recognized

limitation of this work.

5.5.5 Sampling

For this work, we defined a sample as the average concentration (for the defined

period) at a grid cell that is picked via weighted stratified sampling. To determine

the minimum number of samples required to represent the population, the formula

in Equation 5.1 was used [252]:

 z ∗ σ 2
n≥ (5.1)

In Equation 5.1, z represents the desired confidence level (z=1.96 at 95% CI)

and σ is the standard deviation (annual average at each grid cell, 1.88 µg m−3 ).

MOE, margin of error, is the acceptable tolerance level or sensitivity, set as the

least count of PM2.5 measured by the RAMPs for this work (=0.01 µg m−3 ). With

these inputs, the number of samples was determined to be approximately 140,000,

as shown in Equation 5.2.

1.96 ∗ 1.88
n≥ = 135, 778 ≈ 140, 000 total samples (5.2)

The daily predictions were then separated into ‘weekday’ and ‘weekend’ con-

centrations for each grid to acknowledge difference in human movement patterns

during different days of the week and then averaged annually to estimate total an-

nual exposure for different models (i.e., the weekend concentration of a sample is

the average concentration over all 52 Saturdays and Sundays in 2017 at the selected

grid cell. See Appendix C.5 for more details).


n = 140,000 n = 140,000

Residential; Commercial;
Probability = PR Probabilty = PC

n = 100,000 n = 40,000 n = 100,000 n = 40,000

Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend

(RD) (RE) (CD) (CE)

'a' 'b' '24-a' '24-b'



Figure 5.2: Flowchart for weighted stratified samples and resultant static and
dynamic models. ‘a’ and ‘b’ represent the hours spent in the selected
land-use type over weekdays or weekends.

Sampling was achieved using a weighted stratified sampling (with replace-

ment) method, in which the population is divided into homogeneous strata (strata

for this work: Weekdays and Weekends) and samples are selected from each stra-

tum based on the assigned probability weights (Figure 5.2). The probability weights

PR and PC were used to calculate sampling fraction, such that, grids with higher

probability weights were sampled more. For instance, between two grid cells with

PR values as 0.1 and 0.2, the latter is twice as likely to be picked as a sample.

For each of the land use types (residential and commercial), a total of 140,000

samples was taken. The total number of samples were then divided into weekday

and weekend concentrations based on population size of the strata (weekday size =

5 days, weekend size = 2 days). Therefore, 5/7*140,000 = 100,000 samples were

taken of weekday concentrations and 2/7*140,000 = 40,000 samples were taken of

weekend concentrations. The samples for residential and commercial areas were

assessed for statistically significant differences using the Welch Two Sample t-test.

The Welch Two Sample t-test was used since it doesn’t assume that the two data

sets have equal variances.

5.5.6 Static and Dynamic Models

For this work, we used the term “exposure” as a proxy for time-weighted concen-

trations, i.e., for the total concentration of PM2.5 that the population experiences in

different locations (Equation 5.3).

(Concentration × Time)Location A + (Concentration × Time)Location B

Exposure =
Total time

The ‘Static’ models assumes that residents spend 24 hours in a day in residen-

tial areas. ‘Dynamic’ models were defined as the models that account for move-

ment between commercial and residential areas. These models were created using

Equations 5.4 and 5.5 and were used to estimate difference in exposure to PM2.5

due to daily movement.

∑n=1 RD
Static model (samples) = (5.4)
∑n=1 RE

∗ RD + (24−α)
( α

∑n=1 24 24 ∗CD
Dynamic model (samples) = (5.5)
40,000 β (24−β ) 
∑n=1 24 ∗ R E + 24 ∗CE

In Equations 5.4 and 5.5, R and C refer to sample concentrations taken for

residential and commercial areas respectively. Subscripts D and E are the time

periods, used for weekdays and weekends respectively (e.g., RD is the sampled

concentration for the sample residential area over weekdays). α represents the

number of hours spent in residential areas over weekdays, whereas β represents the

number of hours spent in residential areas over weekends. As such, the individual

exposure level will vary depending on the amount of time spent in each area.

For our analysis, α and β were estimated as 12 and 18 hours respectively for

the Dynamic models, informed by data provided by US Bureau of Labor Statistics

[38], to facilitate comparison with static models. The concentrations for static

and dynamic models were assessed for statistically significant differences using

the Welch Two Sample t-test. As mentioned previously, this test was chosen as it

doesn’t assume that the populations have equal variances.

The models (Equations 5.4 and 5.5) are a fractional split and are not a true

representation of time spent in residential or commercial areas (i.e., the model

isn’t informed by sub-daily movement; PM2.5 concentrations are modelled as daily

averages). While the RAMP sensors have sub-daily measurement time resolution,

PM2.5 concentrations were modelled as daily averages due to prediction modeling

constraints (specifically a lack of sub-daily model inputs such as hourly traffic) and

this is an identified limitation of this work.

Measured PM2.5 (µg/m3)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
High Commercial Density High Residential Density

Figure 5.3: Sub-daily variations at low-cost sensor sites in the City of Pitts-
burgh (25 out of 47 total sites in Allegheny County) with high residential
(PR ; blue boxes) and high commercial values (PC ; red boxes) (top 5 sites
for commercial and residential density each).

Nonetheless, we observed sub-daily variations at the 47 sites where low-cost

sensors were deployed (Figure 5.3). Although the nighttime concentrations were

similar across the residential and commercial land use types, the sites with high

commercial density (PC ) were characterized by higher concentrations during day-

time. As such, the static and dynamic models compared in this study are likely to

have larger differences than reported here - this is because people are more likely to

be in a commercial area at 2 PM (when the concentrations are higher in commercial

Figure 5.4: Boxplots for annual averages of predicted PM2.5 for residential
(plots with solid colors) and commercial (plots with diagonal lines)
land-use type separately. Weekday and weekend averages are also
shown separately to represent difference in concentration over different
days of the week. Summer and winter concentrations are also displayed
separately to represent the difference in concentration over different sea-

areas) than 2 AM.

5.6 Results and Discussion

5.6.1 Temporal Variations

The daily average predicted concentrations across all grids ranged from 4 to 75

µg m−3 , with an average of 12.0 µg m−3 [10th -90th percentiles: 6.6-18.6 µg m−3 ].

When averaged annually, concentrations varied between 10 and 30 µg m−3 across

all grids, with an average of 12.2 µg m−3 [10th -90th percentiles: 11.1-13.8 µg m−3 ]

(Figure 5.4). These results illustrate the range of concentrations to which residents

were exposed.

The annual average concentration at the US EPA’s Lawrenceville site [13]

(AQS ID: 42-003-0008; Pittsburgh, PA) was reported to be 9.2 µg m−3 . However,

the RAMP collocated at the Lawrenceville site had an annual average measure-

ment of 11.3 µg m−3 , suggesting that RAMPs may be biased high, with an average

difference of approximately 2 µg m−3 .

On average, summer (May-October) had higher concentrations than winter

(November-April), with mean summer and winter concentrations of 13.4 and 11.0

µg m−3 , respectively. Weekend (Saturday-Sunday) concentrations were 10% higher

than weekday concentrations, with average concentrations of 11.9 and 13.1 µg m−3 ,

respectively, across all grids.

Figure 5.4 shows the spatial variations in annual averages of predicted PM2.5

during weekdays (Monday-Friday) and weekends (Saturday-Sunday) and during

summer (May-October) and winter (November-April) seasons.

Overall, our results highlight important temporal variations in concentrations.

Summer concentrations were 20% higher than winter concentrations, and week-

end concentrations were 10% higher than weekday concentrations. These pat-

terns are consistent with PM2.5 data obtained via a US EPA monitor in the City

of Pittsburgh, which showed approximately 1.1 µg m−3 higher concentrations over

weekends compared to weekdays [227]. The higher weekend concentrations are

likely due to increased traffic (especially trucks) in Allegheny county on week-

ends [39]. While previous studies have examined daily variations in concentrations

[136, 171], our findings reinforce the existence of temporal variations and suggest

the potential for improving short-term exposure through behavioral changes, such

as choosing lower traffic roads when out on weekends.

5.6.2 Spatial Variations

As introduced in Section 5.6.1, annual average concentrations across all grids var-

ied between 10-30 µg m−3 . This suggests that residents were exposed to a wide

range of concentrations, which may be underestimated by relying on a single or

limited number of stationary monitors.

Upon visual inspection, highways and major roads were found to have higher

predicted PM2.5 concentration (red lines in Figure 5.5), which is a typical pattern

that was expected [32]. The model also identified hotspots and potential areas of

concern (areas with high traffic count or high population, such as downtown, high-

ways, railways). As such, along with details about personal movement between

different areas (e.g., between different grid cells), the maps developed in Figure

5.5 can be a useful tool in estimating the exposure of an individual.

By separating grid cells labeled as residential or commercial from the weighted

stratified sampling, the commercial areas had 0.4 µg m−3 higher median values.

The mean for commercial areas was 1.1 µg m−3 higher (sample standard devia-

tions: σresidential : 0.7 µg m−3 ; σcommercial : 2.6 µg m−3 ) (Figure 5.4) and the differ-

ence between averages were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.05). Ad-

ditionally, the overall range of concentration that the modelled population was ex-

posed to in commercial areas was noticeably higher, with the difference in 90th

percentile concentrations up to 3.7 µg m−3 (30%). Although outside the scope of

this work, the analysis of spatial variability holds potential for assessing various

facets of home vs mobility exposures, such as, exposure differences in suburban

vs inner-city residents, identifying areas of recreation that may influence the total

exposure of residents, or effect of work location on daily average exposure.

Annual average concentrations



0 1 2 4 6 8

Weekly variations
Weekday Weekend

0 2 4 8 12 16

Seasonal variations
Winter Summer

0 2 4 8 12 16

Figure 5.5: Spatial variations in annual averages of predicted PM2.5 during

weekday (Monday-Friday) and weekends (Saturday-Sunday) and dur-
ing summer (May-October) and winter (November-April) seasons.

We acknowledge that both measurement and modeling uncertainty pertain to

this work and therefore we address this in Appendix C.6. Broadly speaking, al-

though absolute difference between static and dynamic models differed when un-

certainties were taken into account, we found that average concentrations at com-

mercial areas were always higher. As such, addressing the uncertainties reinforced

our results that the average PM2.5 concentration that the population was exposed to

was always higher when the population moves into commercially-dense areas vs

when the population stays in residential areas only.

5.6.3 Static and Dynamic Models

We estimated exposure when the spatial mobility was ignored (static models) and

compared it to estimated exposure when the spatial mobility was addressed (dy-

namic models). Static and dynamic models were based on time-weighted PM2.5

concentrations from different locations in the study area. Therefore, exposure es-

timates represent spatially averaged concentrations, resulting in pseudo-mobility-

based exposure.

We used the annual average of the daily predicted concentrations for assess-

ment of the static and dynamic models. The differences between the static and

dynamic models were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.05), observed for

140,000 samples. The difference in concentration between different land-use types

(residential and commercial) resulted in variations in exposure, i.e., this resulted in

higher exposure across population for dynamic models compared to static models.

In all instances, the dynamic model had higher average exposure compared to the

static model, with an average difference up to 1.1 µg m−3 , when population spends

all their time in commercial areas (Figure 5.6). To understand potential individual

mobility effects, we also report the 10th and 90th percentile of differences between

the static and dynamic models (10th percentile: 0.1; 90th percentile: 3.73 µg m−3 ),

suggesting that for an individual, pollutant exposure differences may be as high as

approximately 4 µg m−3 .

Difference in Exposure between Static and Dynamic Models

Hours spent in residential areas over weekdays, α






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Hours spent in residential areas over weekends, β PM2.5 (µg/m3)

Figure 5.6: Scalar graph of difference in exposure between static and dy-
namic models informed by amount of time spent in residential area over
weekdays and weekends separately, calculated using Equations 5.4 and

When assessed for α and β as 12 and 18 hours respectively in Equation 5.5, the

mean exposure using the dynamic model was 0.5 µg m−3 higher compared to the

static model and the difference between averages were found to be statistically sig-

nificant (p < 0.05), (x̄static = 11.8 µg m−3 , s = 1.0 µg m−3 ; x̄dynamic = 12.3 µg m−3 , s =

1.3 µg m−3 ) (see Appendix C.7). The 90th percentile concentration for the dynamic

model was 0.9 µg m−3 (7%) more than the static model. The mean difference (MD)

and mean absolute error (MAE) were 0.5 µg m−3 and 0.7 µg m−3 , respectively. The

mean difference was higher over the weekdays (0.6 µg m−3 ) compared to weekends

(0.3 µg m−3 ).

A few studies have previously calculated dynamic exposures and the impact

of movement on exposure estimates Nyhan et al. [171]. used mobile network data

for mobility and estimated a difference between static and dynamic model of 0.02

µg m−3 . Similarly, Lu [136] used agent-based models and estimated a difference

of 0.05 µg m−3 . However, the above-mentioned research lacked fine spatial reso-

lution (≤ 50 m) and is potentially one of the reasons behind smaller differences

between the static and dynamic models than what was observed here (0.5 µg m−3 ,

for the typical case we have considered). This may be due to our models captur-

ing fine spatial scale variations in PM2.5 concentration. Our work also supports

the importance of low-cost sensors to improve exposure estimates. This is in line

the findings of Lu [136]. However, our approach to is likely less intensive com-

putationally when compared to agent-based models and as a result, may be more

readily applied elsewhere. Additionally, none of the previous studies to our knowl-

edge have separately analyzed weekday and weekend concentrations, which is an

important outcome of our work and is recommended in future studies.

5.7 Conclusions
This work addresses some of the shortcomings associated with using static models

(assuming that the population spends their whole time at home) to inform exposure

for epidemiology studies. To do this, we leveraged data collected via a low-cost

sensor network in Pittsburgh to estimate exposure across the city. The results of

this work support the hypothesis that exposure estimates would be impacted by

movement of an individual between different areas due to (1) spatial variations in

PM2.5 concentrations, particularly in commercial areas, and (2) temporal variations

such a weekend vs weekday differences.

Given our findings, a centrally-located monitoring station is not recommended

for exposure assessment of the whole population as it could result in negative bi-

ases in health effect estimates, i.e., we may be underestimating exposure by using

a few centrally-located monitors and residential address. Even though absolute

PM2.5 concentration differences in this study were small, the resulting impact on

health may still be substantial. This is supported by a recent report from the Health

Effects Institute describing that even a 4.16 µg m−3 (one interquartile range in the

study population long-term concentrations) increase in average annual PM2.5 con-

centration is associated with a 1.034 hazard ratio for total nonaccidental death [95%

CI: 1.030-1.039] [31]. Furthermore, this same study concluded that there was no

PM2.5 concentration below which no health effects were observed [31]. This sug-

gests that even small-scale reductions in PM2.5 concentration are beneficial and this

warrants further research.

This study used low-cost sensor network data to create spatiotemporal pollu-

tant concentration models and investigated the model’s utility to identify hotspots

and subsequent variations in exposure based on the location and movement pat-

terns. However, this work doesn’t capture the unique movement of an individual

and is one of the identified limitations. This would require movement data via

cellular networks or personal notes, both of which were not in the scope for this

work. Additionally, daily pollutant concentrations are approximated for sub-daily

movement. This is due to a lack of time resolution in prediction model inputs,

such as hourly average traffic volume, and is another identified limitation of this

work. Going forward, if the appropriate sub-daily predictors become available,

we recommend the development of hourly pollutant land use regression models,

which could then be paired with agent-based models or with travel survey data

to simulate individual daily exposures. Low-cost sensors are also unable to de-

tect the composition, size, or elemental carbon to organic carbon ratios of PM2.5 ,

which may have associated health impacts of exposure to PM2.5 and is an identified

disadvantage of using LCS technology for exposure assessment [89]. This study,

nonetheless, provides an overarching estimate of total exposure, and highlights the

utility of LCS networks for identifying hotspots, and underestimation or overesti-

mation in reported exposures. This work also assumes that indoor concentrations

of PM2.5 are comparable to outdoor concentrations, which is typically untrue and

is another area of future study. This work provides a more granular look at spatial

variations in outdoor concentrations and provides an opportunity to improve our

overall exposure estimates if combined with indoor-outdoor ratios.

Chapter 6

Identification of Neighbourhood
Hotspots via the Cumulative
Hazard Index: Results from a
Community-Partnered Low-cost
Sensor Deployment

6.1 Executive Summary

This chapter contains a paper prepared for submission. Supporting Information

from this paper is presented in Appendix D. This work uses the data collected via

11 RAMPs deployed in the Strathcona neighbourhood to assess intra- and inter-

neighbourhood variabilities.

S. Jain, R. Gardner-Frolick, N. Martinussen, D. Jackson, A.Giang and N. Zim-

merman (2023). Identification of Neighbourhood Hotspots via the Cumulative

Hazard Index: Results from a Community-Partnered Low-cost Sensor Deploy-

ment. Prepared for submission.

6.2 Author Contributions

This work was proposed by SJ and RGF, who also independently secured funding

via the Public Scholars Initiative. Ethics approval was obtained by SJ and RGF,

with support from NZ and AG. The field work was designed by everyone and

executed by SJ, RGF and NM. DJ provided community support, his insights on

the neighbourhood during a walking tour, and helped with recruitment of hosts. I

conducted the literature review and analysis for this chapter, developed the figures

and wrote the manuscript. AG and NZ provided critical feedback during all stages

of this project. AG provided insights on the methodology and NZ provided critical

feedback on the manuscript.

6.3 Summary
The Strathcona neighbourhood in Vancouver is particularly vulnerable to environ-

mental injustice due to its close proximity to the Port of Vancouver, and a high

proportion of Indigenous and low-income households. Furthermore, local sources

of air pollutants (e.g., roadways) can contribute to small-scale variations within


The aim of this study was to assess hyperlocal air quality patterns (intra-neighbourhood

variability) and compare them to average Vancouver concentrations (inter-neighbourhood

variability) to identify possible disparities in air pollution exposure for the Strath-

cona community. Between April and August 2022, 11 low-cost sensors (LCS)

were deployed within the neighbourhood to measure PM2.5 , NO2 , and O3 concen-

trations. The collected 15-minute concentrations were down-averaged to daily con-

centrations and compared to greater Vancouver region concentrations to quantify

the exposures faced by the community relative to the rest of the region. Concentra-

tions were also predicted at every 25 m grid within the neighbourhood to quantify

the distribution of air pollution within the community. Using population informa-

tion from census data, cumulative hazard indices (CHIs) were computed for every

dissemination block.

We found that although PM2.5 concentrations in the neighbourhood were lower

than regional Vancouver averages, daily NO2 concentrations and summer O3 con-

centrations were consistently higher. Additionally, although CHIs varied daily, we

found that CHIs were consistently higher in areas with high commercial activ-

ity. As such, estimating CHI for dissemination blocks was useful in identifying

hotspots and potential areas of concern within the neighbourhood. This informa-

tion can collectively assist the community in their advocacy efforts.

6.4 Introduction
It is well established that air pollution has many associated health impacts, which

can range from asthma to premature mortality [30, 36, 66, 185]. Even low-levels

of air pollution can be detrimental to human health; according to a recent Health

Effects Institute report, there is no concentration below which the negative health

impacts of PM2.5 are not observed [31].

The cumulative effect of chronic exposure to multiple pollutants can exacer-

bate these health impacts, even at levels below national benchmarks [259]. Addi-

tionally, cumulative effects of different pollutants can highlight different areas of

concern than when assessments are conducted for individual pollutants separately

[80, 217]. Since people breathe a mixture of air pollutants, cumulative assessment

can be more representative of human exposure. In Canada, the AQHI (Air Quality

Health Index) is used for health assessment of air quality, which includes cumula-

tive effects of PM2.5 , NO2 and O3 [87].

Air pollution concentrations have small-scale variations [25, 244] and can vary

greatly in space and time [19, 71, 130, 244]. Socially or economically marginalized

communities, including low-income, people of colour and Indigenous communi-

ties, are often disproportionately exposed to air pollution [54, 161, 183, 249]. As

such, in addition to environmental exposure, marginalized groups often also experi-

ence social and political marginalization, which can be due to inequitable access to

healthcare and policy decisions, further increasing their vulnerability to the health

impacts of air pollution [175]. As such, risks arising from air pollution exposure

are not equitably distributed.

Canada, and British Columbia in particular, generally have good air qual-

ity, but there are areas that are disproportionately impacted by higher concen-

trations and that have higher populations of potentially vulnerable populations

[81, 108, 121, 183]. One such area in British Columbia is the Downtown Eastside

and Strathcona neighbourhood in Vancouver, from both a geographic and demo-

graphic perspective. Geographically, in addition to typical Vancouver sources of

air pollution like residential wood burning and construction, Strathcona and the

Downtown Eastside are located next to the Port of Vancouver. The Port of Van-

couver is the largest port in Canada and in the top five in North America by tonnes

of cargo [56], and as such has significant associated ship, truck, and rail traffic.

These port activities are associated with emissions of particulate matter (PM2.5 )

and nitrogen oxides (NOx : NO and NO2 ) [82]. The neighbourhood is also adjacent

to major roadways and Downtown Vancouver, which further exacerbates air pol-

lution via light-duty vehicle emissions of NOx . From a demographic perspective,

Strathcona and the Downtown Eastside have a high proportion of low-income, un-

housed, immigrant, and Indigenous people [52]. The diversity and potential social

vulnerability of many residents in these neighbourhoods, combined with higher

than regional air pollution resulting from various local sources, means that the

people of Strathcona and Downtown Eastside may be disproportionately exposed

to air pollution.

However, assessing the cumulative hazard of air pollution in Strathcona is not

feasible with the current regulatory monitoring network. The City of Vancouver

has only one air quality monitoring station that measures all pollutants, making

it difficult to identify areas of concern within the city or specific neighbourhoods.

The sparse distribution of regulatory monitors is typically due to the high capital

and maintenance costs involved [45, 140, 206]. One potential solution for obtain-

ing more spatially representative data is the use of low-cost air quality sensors

(LCS). LCS cost a fraction of regulatory stations [45] and can operate on battery

or solar power. This provides an opportunity for a denser sensor network, capable

of capturing small-scale variations in pollutant levels [26, 156, 182, 210].

In this study, we partnered with Strathcona Residents Association (SRA) and

deployed 11 multi-pollutant low-cost sensors in the Strathcona and Downtown

Eastside neighbourhoods in Vancouver for a duration of 6 months in 2022, with

the aim of capturing the small-scale spatial variability in pollutant concentrations.

By comparing the measured concentrations with the average concentrations in the

broader Vancouver region, we investigated the effectiveness of using LCS to iden-

tify disparities in air quality. Additionally, we calculated cumulative hazard indices

(CHIs) as a method to identify hotspots and areas of concern within the neighbour-


6.5 Methodology

6.5.1 Study Area

Strathcona is a neighbourhood located within the City of Vancouver and is clas-

sified as one of the 22 planning areas [53], with a population of approximately

12,600, as of the 2016 census [52]. The neighbourhood encompasses mixed land

use types, including residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Residential ar-

eas consist of privately owned homes, as well as collective dwellings that house

20% of the population, including senior residences and single room occupancy

(SRO) hotels [52]. Strathcona is surrounded by industrial facilities on its south and

east sides (produce terminal, recycling facility, small chemical processing plants),

and a shipping yard on its north side (Centerm and Vanterm container terminals of

Port of Vancouver) [216]. The neighbourhood’s western border adjoins Downtown

Vancouver, another planning area of the City of Vancouver. The portion of Down-

town Vancouver adjacent to Strathcona is called the Downtown Eastside (DTES),

which is home to Chinatown and Gastown, the historic center of Vancouver [53].

Figure 6.1 shows the locations of major roadways, rail lines and industrial sources

within the study area (dashed black line).

In Strathcona, approximately 10% of the residents identify as Indigenous, which

is the highest proportion compared to any other neighbourhood in Vancouver (city

Figure 6.1: The Strathcona and Downtown Eastside neighbourhoods of Van-
couver that were studied in this work (black dashed line; 3km x 1km).
Green lines are the rail lines within the study area, and orange lines
highlight the major roads (line sources of air pollution). Red markers
identify major point sources of air pollution (port, industries). Blue star
markers are the deployment locations of the RAMPs.

average = 2.4%) [52]. Moreover, 52% of the population in Strathcona has house-

hold incomes below the national poverty line, which is notably higher than the

citywide average of 20% [52]. According to a report by the City of Vancouver,

about 22% of the residents in Strathcona are unhoused or living in SROs, and are

not represented in the census demographics [52]. Strathcona and the DTES area to-

gether account for 52% of the total unhoused individuals in the City of Vancouver


6.5.2 Community Partner: Strathcona Residents Association

The Strathcona Residents Association (SRA) is a volunteer-based nonprofit orga-

nization that represents residents and workers in the Strathcona neighbourhood of

Vancouver. In 2019, the Port of Vancouver initiated construction activities to ex-

pand the Centerm and Venterm container terminals, aiming to boost their cargo

handling capacity by 50% [78]. This expansion is projected to lead to an increase

in the volume of ships, trains, and trucks passing through Strathcona. In 2021,

the SRA conducted a survey among its residents to assess their perspectives on

air quality in the neighbourhood. The survey revealed that out of 181 partici-

pants, 84% viewed the air quality as gradually declining. Furthermore, 79% of

the participants expressed being very concerned regarding exhaust emissions from

heavy-duty diesel trucks transporting shipping containers through the neighbour-

hood [216].

Recognizing these concerns, the study team at the University of British Columbia

(UBC) partnered with the SRA to assess the community’s concerns about their

air quality. We proposed a comprehensive plan to collect air quality data, sought

approval from the UBC ethics board (UBC Ethics ID: H21-02425) and secured

funding through the UBC Public Scholar Initiative. The initiative by University

of British Columbia [238] supports doctoral students whose research supports and

contributes to public good.

6.5.3 Low-cost Sensors

The low-cost pollutant monitoring system used for this work is the Remote Air

Quality Monitoring Platform (RAMP, SENSIT Technologies), that cost around

CAD 4000 (less than 5% of the cost of regulatory grade monitors). The RAMP

package combines a power supply (battery-operated, solar powered or both), a SIM

card slot for online transmission of data via cellular network, a memory card for

data storage, and gas and particle sensors in a weatherproof enclosure. The RAMP

includes a commercial nephelometer to measure PM2.5 (Plantower PMS5003), and

electrochemical sensors for NO2 and O3 (Alphasense NO2-B43F and Alphasense

Ox-B431). It also records temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH). The RAMP

records data with a 15-second sampling resolution.

Since LCS systems need routine calibration across the full range of expected

meteorological conditions and pollutant concentrations during deployment to achieve

good performance [58, 146, 150, 160, 178], we collocated the RAMP sensors at

Metro Vancovuer’s Clark Drive Near-Road regulatory monitoring station before

and after the campaign for a total of 62 days. Calibration models were built for

each RAMP using previously published calibration techniques [141, 142] (a mul-

tiple linear regression model for PM2.5 and hybrid random-forest-multiple-linear

regression model for NO2 and O3 ) after down-averaging the data to 15-minute res-

olution to reduce the effect of noise [142]. The performance of the calibration

models was assessed using two metrics: R2 (coefficient of determination, linear

least squares regression of calibrated concentrations versus observed concentra-

tions; higher is better) and MAE (mean absolute error; lower is better). We also

reported relative error in the calibration models by calculating CvMAE (coefficient

of variation of MAE; lower is better) using Equation 6.1. The calibration models

had varied performance across different pollutants, and is reported in Table 6.1.

n ∑ni=1 |Calibrated valuei − Observed valuei |
CvMAE = (6.1)
Average observed concentrations

Table 6.1: Mean and standard deviations (S.D.) for the performances of cali-
bration models on withheld data from collocation period.

Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
PM2.5 0.70 0.17 1.56 0.79 0.29 0.06
NO2 0.61 0.06 4.02 0.24 0.22 0.02
O3 0.85 0.04 2.83 0.52 0.25 0.04

6.5.4 Site Selection

The design of this study was rooted in our belief that community members are the

most knowledgeable of their spaces. As such, we conducted a walking tour of the

neighbourhood with representatives from the SRA. During this tour, we identified

potential emission sources (major roadways, rail lines, construction), and recep-

tor locations (cycling routes, parks, schools, senior housing facilities, Indigenous

daycares, and unhoused communities). Informed by the insights gained from the

walking tour, the SRA compiled a list of potential hosts for the study and contacted

them. There were two key logistical requirements for inclusion in the study, which

were communicated to the residents or business owners. Firstly, the chosen resi-

dences or businesses needed to have an outdoor area with access to a power supply

to ensure continuous operation of the RAMPs. Secondly, residents were required

to occupy their homes for at least 75% of the time, or businesses should be opera-

tional for at least 75% of working days, in order to grant us access to the RAMPs

for maintenance purposes.

11 prospective hosts with residences in the neighbourhood expressed interest in

participating. In alignment with COVID-19 protocols, we conducted virtual tours

with each host to obtain their consent and discuss the logistics associated with

deploying the RAMPs at their respective households. After careful consideration,

a total of seven hosts were selected for RAMP deployment based on their proximity

to pollution sources or their representation of vulnerable populations. The selected

deployment locations are as follows: (1) near a rail line to monitor rail emissions,

(2) on Hastings Road, a major roadway in the neighbourhood, to monitor truck

and road traffic-related pollutants, (3) across from Strathcona Park to represent

individuals engaging in outdoor physical activities, (4) Union Street, a prominent

biking route, (5) two RAMPs near an elementary school and a community center

and (6) near a cluster of low-income households. All RAMPs were deployed at

ground level.

In addition to the residential deployments, four RAMPs were deployed at busi-

nesses in the study area, to provide additional insights into the neighbourhood air

quality, particularly in areas influenced by commercial activities and community-

focused establishments. These businesses themselves did not generate pollution.

The RAMP placements at commercial businesses were as follows: (1) second floor

of a yoga studio in Chinatown, located on Main Street, which experiences high

commercial foot and vehicle traffic, (2) a community garden on Hastings Street,

(3) the rooftop located on the fourth floor of a community-center hub on Main

Street, and (4) the rooftop located on the fourth floor of a veteran’s housing soci-

ety. Ideally, it would have been preferable to deploy all of the RAMPs at ground

level. However, due to safety concerns related to theft prevention and logistics of

installing RAMPs, these organizations did not have access to suitable spots on the

ground level. As a result, two RAMPs were deployed at an elevated area, approxi-

mately 10-15 meters high. Figure 6.1 shows the approximate location of the study

RAMPs (blue stars).

6.5.5 Data Collection and Processing

RAMPs were deployed in the backyards of residents and businesses in Strathcona

and Downtown Eastside between April and November of 2022 to collect PM2.5 ,

NO2 and O3 concentrations. Regulatory data for comparison was obtained for

four Metro Vancouver neighbourhood monitoring stations in Burnaby (stations:

Burnaby South and Burnaby Kensington), North Vancouver (station: Mahon Park)

and Richmond (station: Richmond South). Population data for each dissemination

block (DBs; smallest geographic area for which population counts are disseminated

in Canada) was extracted from census data provided by the Canadian government,

and is visualized in Appendix D.1.

Metro Vancouver’s (MV) ambient air quality objective [153] for each pollutant

was used as the denominator for comparison, with PM2.5 , NO2 and O3 bench-

mark values of 25 µg m−3 , 60 ppb (daily maximum 1-hour concentration) and 62

ppb (daily maximum 8-hour concentration), respectively (Table 6.2). To facilitate

analysis, we down-averaged the calibrated data to match the time resolutions and

criteria of the benchmark concentrations. For example, 15-minute calibrated NO2

concentrations were down-averaged to 1-hour concentrations, and then the daily

maximum 1-hour concentrations were used as the predicted value for each calen-

dar day.

Since there are measurement uncertainties associated with the RAMP sensors

(Table 6.1), the comparison between the average regional MV concentrations was

conducted with a dataset that incorporated these sensor uncertainties. To accom-

plish this, we estimated residuals for each decile concentration bin and subtracted

or added them from the corresponding calibrated concentrations. This approach

was employed because the error in RAMP measurements depends on the concen-

tration, with greater uncertainties observed at lower concentrations [141, 271]. The

error-informed dataset was generated through the following steps:

1. The collocation data from the RAMPs were divided into decile bins and

residuals were calculated for each bin (Equation 6.2).

|Calibrated concentration − Re f erence concentration|

% errorbin = ∗ 100%
Re f erence concentration

2. The median % error was subtracted or added from the calibrated data for the

deployment period to generate the error-informed datasets (Equations 6.3 and 6.4).

Boxplots of the % error are shown in Appendix D.2.

Lower bound = Calibrated concentration (1 − error (%)) (6.3)

U pper bound = Calibrated concentration (1 + error (%)) (6.4)

6.5.6 Spatial Modeling

Air pollution studies have often used various interpolation techniques to estimate

concentrations in unsampled areas [84, 166]. Interpolation involves applying math-

ematical processes to the measured concentrations to estimate values across a con-

tinuous spatial field. One commonly used interpolation technique is kriging [40,

170, 260], which takes into account autocorrelation in the data, unlike other tech-

niques such as IDW (inverse distance weighting) or spline.

Kriging operates on the principle that nearby points have a higher influence an

estimate than distant points [166]. It also takes clustering into account, whereby

clusters of points are given less weight to reduce bias in predictions. The kriging

process involves two steps: (1) fitting a variogram, which is a visual representation

of the covariance between each pair of points in the sampled data, to determine

the spatial covariance; and (2) using the spatial covariance to derive weights for

interpolating values (Equation 6.5). As such, there are two principles that influ-

ence kriging weights - 1) points nearby to the location of interest are given more

weight than those further away and 2) clustered points are weighted lower (i.e.,

they contain less information than single points).

zy = ∑ λi zx (6.5)

In Equation 6.5, N is the number of measured values, zy is the predicted value z

at point y, λ is the kriging weights and zx is the observed concentration z at sampled

point x.

However, kriging suffers from assumptions of both linearity (uniformity in all

directions) and stationarity (stationary mean and variance across the study space)

[174], and is less accurate than other more complex methods that incorporate ad-

ditional data, such as land use models [6, 152]. Nevertheless, ordinary kriging

has been widely used in environmental justice research due to its ease of imple-

mentation and lack of additional data requirements [40, 77, 108, 170, 260]. For

this project, we opted for ordinary kriging as a simpler spatial method to priori-

tize solutions that communities can independently construct and that do not rely on

complex data inputs.

In this work, kriging models were applied to estimate daily concentrations first

at each 25 m grid distance and then were averaged to concentrations at each dis-

semination block.

6.5.7 Estimating Cumulative Air Pollution Impacts

Composite measures of sustainability have previously been calculated by aggre-

gating indicators [117, 165] using approaches such as multiplicative, additive, bi-

nary/threshold and mixed aggregation [80, 269]. These approaches have also been

adopted to measure the unequal distribution of environmental hazards caused by

multiple pollutants [80, 217]. For this work, we aggregated multiple air pollu-

tants to calculate a cumulative hazard index (CHI); the CHI is then used to identify

hotspots within the study area. CHI was calculated using the multiplicative and

additive methods (Equations 6.6 and 6.8).

CHIMultiplicative, j = ∏ ri,norm
j (6.6)

In equation 6.6, ri,norm

j is the normalized CHI of the pollutant i at dissemination

block j. ri,norm
j is calculated by first dividing the air pollutant concentration by the

MV air quality objective (benchmark value) to account for different measurement

units [165], and then scaling the data by the population so that all the pollutants are

on the same scale [217]. The process is shown in Equation 6.7, where ci, j is the

pollutant i concentration at the dissemination block j, si is the benchmark value

for the pollutant, p is the population of the dissemination block j and ri, j is the

normalized pollutant i concentration.

ri, j ci, j
j = where ri, j = (6.7)
∑(ri, j ∗ p j )/ ∑ p j si

The multiplicative CHI was built with the assumption that there is an inter-

action between different pollutants [241]. We also calculated the Additive CHI

(Equation 6.8), as it assumes no interaction between pollutants [205] and therefore

can also indicate areas where individual pollutants are high.

CHIAdditive, j = ∑ ri,norm
j (6.8)

norm values were scaled to have a mean of 1, therefore, the mean Mul-
The r(i, j)

tiplicative CHI is expected to be 1 (1x1x1 for the three pollutants) and the mean

Additive CHI is expected to be 3 (1+1+1 for the three pollutants). Higher Mul-

tiplicative CHI values indicate a higher cumulative impact of pollutants in a par-

ticular area, whereas higher Additive CHI values indicate areas where individual

pollutants exhibit high concentrations and contribute to a higher cumulative im-

pact. This approach allows for the assessment of hyper-local air quality patterns

(intra-neighbourhood variability) and can be used to identify hotspots.

6.6 Results and Discussion

6.6.1 Data Summary

During the campaign, six of the 11 total RAMPs experienced some degree of mal-

function, possibly due to power loss, sensor degradation, or a failure in the data

logging/transmission system. Unfortunately, we were unable to address the mal-

functioning sensors effectively, due to various reasons, including scheduling con-

flicts. Two RAMPs underwent sensor degradation and reported data with quality

issues (e.g., uncharacteristically high, zero, or no readings). Furthermore, at the

beginning of a renovation period at the community garden, the charging cable for

one of the RAMP sensors was cut. We decided against redeploying the RAMP to

avoid the influence of construction on the overall data collection. Consequently,

only 53% of the originally planned data was collected.

Since missing data wasn’t sporadic (e.g., some sensors malfunctioned and were

never fixed), we applied a criterion for data completeness for the analysis. Specifi-

cally, we considered only those days with at least eight functioning RAMP sensors,

which corresponds to a data completeness of 75% (a benchmark suggested in the

low-cost sensor guidelines provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency

(US EPA [251]). Therefore, for the analysis in this work, we used a dataset con-

sisting of 119 days of RAMP data, collected between April 27, 2022, and August

23, 2022, which met our completeness criteria.

During the period when all 11 RAMPs were operational, we conducted Monte

Carlo simulations to assess the sensitivity of the model to the presence or absence

of each sensor. We predicted daily concentrations at every grid by removing one

sensor at a time and compared these predictions to the predictions when all RAMPs

were used. We reported the p-value of the mean differences in the two datasets

(difference in predicted concentrations when test RAMP is excluded and when test

RAMP is included), and repeated the process 11 times for 11 RAMPs. Through

these simulations, we identified three RAMPs as critical, as their absence resulted

in statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the predictions. While two of the

critical sensors remained operational throughout the campaign period, one sensor

stopped working on June 10th . It is likely that having all critical sensors operational

would have led to more accurate predictions, which could potentially affect the CHI

estimates. We acknowledge this as a limitation of our work and emphasize the

importance of identifying critical sensors early on to ensure data completeness in

future studies. Furthermore, it is worth noting that two sensors were deployed at an

elevated height, which may have impacted the measured pollutant concentrations.

A study by Wu et al. [258] reported PM2.5 concentration decays of up to 73% at a

height of 19 m. As such, concentrations at the ground level are likely to be higher

than those reported at 10-15 m. The effect of height and associated micro-climate

was not considered in our analysis, and we recognize this as a limitation of our


All sensors across all days recorded data below the Metro Vancovuer Air Qual-

ity Objectives (Table 6.2). The average 24-hour PM2.5 concentration was 4.6

µg m−3 [10th -90th percentile: 2.2-6.4 µg m−3 ], with highest concentrations ob-

served on June 30th when a fire broke out in the neighbourhood [120]. The average

daily 1-hour maximum NO2 across all sensors was 21.7 ppb [10th -90th percentile:

14.9-28.7 ppb], with diurnal peaks observed around 7-8AM only on weekdays

(see Appendix D.3 for diurnal plots), suggesting contribution from morning rush

hour traffic. The average daily 8-hour maximum O3 concentration was 28.1 ppb

[10th -90th percentile: 17.4-39.2 ppb], with diurnal peaks observed in the afternoon.

This is expected, as tropospheric ozone is a secondary air pollutant that is formed

photochemically in the atmosphere from the reactions of NOx and volatile organic

compounds (VOCs) [200]. By comparison, across four neighbourhood MV regula-

tory monitoring stations in the region, average PM2.5 , NO2 and O3 concentrations

were 4.6 µg m−3 , 16.3 ppb and 27.5 ppb respectively (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2: PM2.5 (daily average), NO2 (daily 1-hour maximum) and O3 (daily
8-hour maximum) MV air quality objectives and reported concentrations
across four MV stations. The values reported are average during the de-
ployment period, and the numbers in brackets are 10th and 90th percentile

Station PM2.5 (µg m−3 ) NO2 (ppb) O3 (ppb)

Air Quality Objectives 25α 60β 62γ
Burnaby South 5.1 (2.3-8.9) 16.1 (9.7-23.2) 28.4 (20.1-37.5)
Burnaby Kensington 4.6 (1.9-7.7) 16.0 (9.2-24.8) 26.4 (18.9-34.7)
Richmond South 4.4 (1.8-7.6) 16.3 (9.2-23.7) 29.4 (21.1-39.3)
Mahon Park 4.3 (1.9-7.3) 16.7 (7.8-28.3) 25.7 (17.5-35.3)
Average (MV Stations) 4.6 (2.0-6.5) 16.3 (9.0-25.0) 27.5 (19.4-36.7)
Average (RAMPs) 4.6 (2.2-6.4) 21.7 (14.9-28.7) 28.1 (17.4-39.2)
α: Achievement based on rolling average.
β : Achievement based on annual 98th percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour
concentration, averaged over three consecutive years.
γ: Achievement based on annual 4th highest daily maximum 8-hour concentration,
averaged over three consecutive years.

6.6.2 Inter-neighbourhood Variability

We conducted a comparison between the concentrations of each pollutant across

all operational RAMPs within the neighbourhood and the average concentrations

measured at four neighbourhood regulatory monitoring stations in the MV region

(Table 6.2). The comparison was made on the same time-scale as the air quality

objectives. Specifically, we compared PM2.5 concentrations on a daily basis, NO2

concentrations on the maximum 1-hour concentration over the day, and O3 con-

centrations on the maximum 8-hour concentration over the day. To account for

the measurement uncertainties associated with the RAMP sensors, we also com-

pared the error-informed datasets (Section 6.5.5). We then calculated the number

of RAMPs (and the corresponding ratio) that exceeded the average MV regional

concentrations for each pollutant individually, as well as for all pollutants com-


Figure 6.2: Calendar plots for the ratio of sensors exceeding average MV re-
gional concentrations for lower bound, calibrated LCS and upper bound
datasets for PM2.5 (plots A-C), NO2 (plots D-F) and O3 (plots G-I). Ra-
tio=0 (blue) indicates that none of the sensor readings exceeded MV
concentrations, whereas ratio=1 (red) indicates that all the operational
sensors exceeded MV averages. The calendar plot at the bottom for each
category (plots J-L), shows the ratio of sensors exceeding average MV
regional concentrations for the three pollutants together (additive form;
combined results from the three plots above). Ratio=0 (blue) indicates
that no pollutant across all the sensors exceeded MV concentrations,
whereas ratio=3 (red) indicates that all the pollutants across all the sen-
sors exceeded MV concentrations.

Figure 6.2 panels A-I illustrate the fraction of RAMPs exceeding the average

concentrations in Vancouver for PM2.5 , NO2 , and O3 , respectively. A pollutant was

considered as ‘exceeding’ the regional average if more than 50% of the RAMPs

exceeded the average concentrations in the MV region (ratio ≥ 0.5 in panels A-I).

During the 119-day study period, the concentrations of O3 and PM2.5 in the neigh-

bourhood exceeded the average concentrations in the MV region on 58 (lower - up-

per bound: 28-92) and 62 (lower - upper bound: 36-87) days, respectively. On the

other hand, NO2 concentrations in the neighbourhood exceeded the average con-

centrations on almost every day (113 days; lower - upper bound: 105-117), with

an average conservative estimate (lower bound dataset) across all RAMPs of 19.6

ppb (13.8-25.0 ppb), 3 ppb higher than average MV concentrations (Table 6.2).

This indicates that residents in the study area experienced higher NO2 concentra-

tions compared to the regional average. For a detailed breakdown of the number of

days each RAMP exceeded the MV averages, please refer to Appendix D.4. Ad-

ditionally, at least two pollutants exceeded the average MV concentrations on 93

out of the total 119 days, reinforcing the hypothesis that neighbourhood residents

disproportionately experience higher levels of air pollution.

The persistently high levels of NO2 in the area, even after accounting for sensor

uncertainties, raise concerns about air quality. Vehicle traffic in the Lower Fraser

Valley is the primary source of NOx , contributing approximately 63% to the over-

all pollution levels [67]. Among vehicular sources, heavy-duty diesel trucks are

considered the most significant contributors to traffic-related air pollution (TRAP).

This is supported by a study conducted by Metro Vancouver at the Clark Drive

Near-Road monitoring station (approximately 3 km from the nearest deployed

RAMP, and where the RAMPs were calibrated), that found that the vehicle type,

particularly heavy-duty diesel trucks, rather than total traffic volume, was the main

contributor to the amount and type of air contaminants associated with major road-

ways in the area [67]. In 2017, at the Clark Drive station, which can be used as a

proxy for our study area, heavy-duty diesel trucks comprised 18% of the total vehi-

cle fleet, six times higher than the regional fleet percentage of 3% [67].The planned

expansions at Vanterm and Centerm, set to increase the port capacity by 50% [78],

are expected to result in a further rise in shipping-related traffic, including trucks,

within the study area. It is important to consider the potential consequences of

these increases in TRAP, as the elevated TRAP not only suggest increased NO2

levels but also have implications on elevated O3 levels, especially during the sum-

mer months (reflected in Figure 6.2(c); June-August).

The results of this analysis support the community’s concerns regarding poorer

air quality and highlight the potential of LCS monitoring as a useful tool for identi-

fying disparities in air quality. These findings can also support communities in their

advocacy efforts for improved air quality by providing quantitative evidence of

their concerns. Targeted policies aimed at reducing emissions from traffic sources,

particularly trucks, could help mitigate overall air pollution levels in the neigh-

bourhood. One specific policy approach that members of the SRA have been ad-

vocating for is the phasing out of pre-2007 trucks, as part of the Vancouver Fraser

Port Authority’s Rolling Truck Age Program. This initiative aims to address the

higher emissions from older trucks which lack current emission control technolo-

gies [122].

Previous studies have consistently shown that downtown Vancouver and sur-

rounding neighbourhoods have higher annual average NO2 concentrations com-

pared to the broader MV area [80, 183, 202]. Wang et al. [245] reported an av-

erage concentration of 10.8 ppb in 2010, estimated using land use regression for

each dissemination area, and highest concentrations in Downtown Vancouver. Gi-

ang and Castellani [80] used annual air quality datasets for 2012 and predicted

concentrations for each dissemination area in the city of Vancouver. The study

reported average concentrations in the study area for NO2 and O3 to be approxi-

mately 27 ppb and 30 ppb (40%; city average=21.4 ppb), higher than city averages

by 70% and 40% respectively. A study conducted by MV for 2017 reported ap-

proximately 9 ppb and 6 ppb higher concentrations of NO2 at the Clark Drive and

Downtown monitoring stations respectively, when compared to compared to five

other neighbourhood MV stations (average=13 ppb) [67]. Our study, conducted

in 2022, shows a reduction in average NO2 and O3 concentrations in the MV

region compared to Wang et al. [245], Giang and Castellani [80] and Doerksen

et al. [67] (average NO2 =9.2 ppb and O3 =18.8 ppb), however, the Strathcona and

DTES areas still experience higher NO2 concentrations (average=14.2 ppb across

11 RAMPs). Additionally, the reported averages of our work are for summer only.

Since NO2 concentrations are typically higher in winter due to lower atmospheric

mixing height and increased heating [67, 194], the average annual concentrations

are likely to be higher. Furthermore, Doerksen et al. [67] reported an increase in

annual NO2 concentrations from 2015 to 2017 across 7 out of 8 monitoring station

in the region [67].

6.6.3 Intra-neighbourhood Variability

We calculated Multiplicative and Additive CHIs for each dissemination block and

each day of the study period to assess the intra-neighbourhood variability. Spa-

tial maps generated using both additive and multiplicative CHIs exhibited similar

patterns, although the additive CHIs showed generally less spatial variation (coef-

ficient of variations: Additive CHI = 0.05; Multiplicative CHI = 0.16; more de-

scriptive statistics can be found in Appendix D.5), which aligns with the findings

from previous studies [80, 205, 217]. The higher degree of variation observed in

the multiplicative CHIs suggests a relatively non-homogeneous distribution of CHI

values across the neighbourhood.

Based on the CHI analysis, two areas were consistently identified as hotspots

during the study period: the western and eastern periphery of the study area. The

western periphery of the study region includes Main Street and Chinatown, has a

high residential (population distribution in each DB is shown in Appendix D.1) and

commercial density, and has a large population of unhoused individuals [147]. The

eastern periphery of the study area includes Commercial Drive, which has high

foot traffic and road traffic due to high commercial density. The prevailing wind

in the region blows from the east (land breeze), followed by winds from the west

(sea breeze; see Figure D.6). This influence of wind is highlighted in Figure 6.3,

which illustrates the Multiplicative CHI over a one-week period. Depending on the

day and time of day, different parts of the neighbourhoods, specifically the eastern

and western peripheries, are located in the downwind direction and experienced

elevated CHI values. Aggregated CHIs over the whole deployment period for both

Multiplicative and Additive CHIs are shown in Appendix D.6.

The results of this analysis provide valuable insights into the occurrence of air

pollution hotspots within the neighborhood. Residents can use these findings to

make informed decisions and minimize their exposure to pollutants. For instance,

they can choose to exercise in parks located in less polluted areas in the middle

of the neighborhood rather than those at the periphery, or choose bike routes that

avoid elevated pollution areas within the neighbourhood. Building on this work,

one potential application is the development of a community dashboard, that in-

corporates simple geospatial models like kriging, for communities that deploy a

network of sensors. This dashboard would allow residents to input their own pol-

lution and location data and visualize the hotspots in their specific areas. Such a

tool would empower individuals to take proactive measures to protect their health

Port Metro
27/04 Vancouver-Centerm Port Metro
Port Metro
Portside Park C en
Alex ander St
n ia l Stew art S t
W Rd
Pe Powell St Powell St

er E Cordova St


Jackson Ave
St Franklin St

Abb o t
E Pender St Strathcona Grandview-Woodlands
Keefer St

V i c tor i a Dr
Ge o rgi a Viad Union St Adanac St
Pr i o r St Venables St
BC Place

C l ark Dr
Strathcona Park
Na tio na

C omm e r c i a l D r
ebe c S t
l Av e

Ve rnon Dr
Port Metro

Vancouver-Centerm Port Metro Port Metro
Vancouver-Vanterm Vancouver-Pacific
Portside Park C en
Alex ander St
n ia l Stew art S t
W Rd
Pe Powell St Powell St
er E Cordova St

Jackson Ave
St Franklin St
Abb o t

E Pender St Strathcona Grandview-Woodlands

Keefer St

V i c tor i a Dr
Ge o rgi a Viad Union St Adanac St
Pr i o r St Venables St
BC Place

C l ark Dr
Strathcona Park
Na tio na

C omm e r c i a l D r
ebe c S t

l Av e

Ve rnon Dr
Port Metro

Vancouver-Centerm Port Metro Port Metro

Vancouver-Vanterm Vancouver-Pacific
Portside Park C en
Alex ander St
n ia l Stew art S t
W Rd
Pe Powell St Powell St

er E Cordova St

Jackson Ave

St Franklin St
Abb o t

E Pender St Strathcona Grandview-Woodlands

Keefer St

V i c tor i a Dr
Ge o rgi a Viad Union St Adanac St
Pr i o r St Venables St
BC Place

C l ark Dr
Strathcona Park
Na tio na

C omm e r c i a l D r
ebe c S t

l Av e

Ve rnon Dr
Port Metro

Vancouver-Centerm Port Metro Port Metro

Vancouver-Vanterm Vancouver-Pacific
Portside Park C en
Alex ander St
n ia l Stew art S t
W Rd
Pe Powell St Powell St

er E Cordova St

Jackson Ave

St Franklin St
Abb o t

E Pender St Strathcona Grandview-Woodlands

Keefer St

V i c tor i a Dr
Ge o rgi a Viad Union St Adanac St
Pr i o r St Venables St
BC Place
C l ark Dr

Strathcona Park
Na tio na
C omm e r c i a l D r
ebe c S t

l Av e
Ve rnon Dr

Port Metro

Vancouver-Centerm Port Metro Port Metro

Vancouver-Vanterm Vancouver-Pacific
Portside Park C en
Alex ander St
n ia l Stew art S t
W Rd
Pe Powell St Powell St

er E Cordova St

Jackson Ave

St Franklin St
Abb o t

E Pender St Strathcona Grandview-Woodlands

Keefer St
V i c tor i a Dr

Ge o rgi a Viad Union St Adanac St

Pr i o r St Venables St
BC Place
C l ark Dr

Strathcona Park
Na tio na
C omm e r c i a l D r
ebe c S t

l Av e
Ve rnon Dr

02/05 1.6

Port Metro
Vancouver-Centerm Port Metro Port Metro
Vancouver-Vanterm Vancouver-Pacific
Portside Park C en
Alex ander St
t en
n ia l Stew art S t
W Rd
Pe Powell St Powell St

er E Cordova St

Jackson Ave

St Franklin St
Abb o t

E Pender St Strathcona Grandview-Woodlands

Keefer St
V i c tor i a Dr

Ge o rgi a Viad Union St Adanac St

Pr i o r St Venables St
BC Place
Cl ark D r

Strathcona Park
Na tio na
C omm e r c i a l D r
e be c S t

l Av e
Ve rnon Dr

Port Metro
03/05 Vancouver-Centerm Port Metro Port Metro

Vancouver-Vanterm Vancouver-Pacific
Portside Park C en
Alex ander St
n ia l Stew art S t
W Rd
Pe Powell St Powell St

er E Cordova St

Jackson Ave

St Franklin St
Abb o t

E Pender St Strathcona Grandview-Woodlands

Keefer St
V i c tor i a Dr

Ge o rgi a Viad Union St Adanac St

Pr i o r St Venables St
BC Place
Stadium 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
C l ark Dr

Strathcona Park
Na tio na km 0.5
C omm e r c i a l D r
ebe c S t

l Av e
Ve rnon Dr

Figure 6.3: Multiplicative CHI for the first week of deployment (April 27-
May 3, 2022). The arrow at the bottom of each subplot is the prevailing
wind direction for the day.

and make informed choices regarding their daily activities.

A few studies have investigated the intra-neighbourhood variability of indi-

vidual pollutants. Shakya et al. [203] assessed five separate neighbourhoods in

Philadelphia (USA) for PM2.5 and using mobile sampling conducted for 2-4 hours

each day. In a day, the study found variability within a neighbourhood to be as

high as 17 µg m−3 . Tunno et al. [225] assessed intra-neighbourhood PM2.5 vari-

ability in Braddock (Pittsburgh, USA) using mobile monitoring and found that

average measured concentrations varied between 42-55 µg m−3 within the neigh-

bourhood. In line with these findings, our study collected data from 11 different

locations within the neighbourhood and found daily average PM2.5 concentrations

to vary by as much as 7 µg m−3 . Li et al. [131] conducted mobile sampling in

Pittsburgh (USA) and reported that NO2 exhibited within-neighbourhood spatial

variation, with hotspots elevated by up to 20 ppb above the regional background

concentrations (7 ppb). This supports the findings of our study; we observed intra-

neighbourhood variability as high as 36 ppb in daily maximum 1-hour NO2 con-

centration over the deployment period. However, although intra-neighbourhood

variability has previously been studied for individual pollutants, we could not iden-

tify any studies that addressed hotspots for cumulative effects of different pollu-

tants. Furthermore, previous studies have often relied on mobile monitoring to

assess intra-neighbourhood variability, which may not be easily adopted by com-

munities due to the associated costs and technical expertise required to establish

and maintain such mobile monitors.

6.7 Conclusion
This work reported the intra- and inter-neighbourhood variabilities in air pollution

within the Strathcona and DTES neighbourhoods in Vancouver. To achieve this,

we deployed and collected pollution data using 11 LCS placed within the neighbor-

hoods to capture various sources and receptors. The findings of this study support

the hypothesis that LCS can serve as valuable tools for air pollution monitoring

and neighborhood-level assessments for communities, and highlighted that neigh-

borhoods in a city may experience higher pollutant concentrations.

The findings of this study provide evidence supporting the use of LCS by com-

munities to gain a better understanding of their local air quality. We conducted

a comparison of pollutant concentrations within the neighborhood with the av-

erage regional levels, which provided valuable insights into the extent to which

the neighbourhood concentrations deviated. Moreover, these findings support the

community’s concerns regarding air quality and can potentially serve as a basis

for advocating for improved traffic-related policies. The study also highlights the

significance of LCS as a valuable tool that communities can use to identify ar-

eas of concern within their neighbourhoods and make informed decisions towards

improving their overall exposure to pollutants.

There are several limitations to this work. Firstly, as previously mentioned, two

sensors were deployed at an elevated height. As such, the study did not consider the

impact of height and micro-climate in identifying hotspots. This study focuses on

investigating intra-neighbourhood variability by using daily values, aligning with

the time-resolution of the air quality objectives set by MV. However, exploring sub-

daily concentrations could provide insights into different areas of concern. Lastly,

we used kriging to create spatial models and identify hotspots, as a solution that

is adoptable by communities. While kriging is a useful tool for estimating con-

centrations in unsampled areas, it is inherently less accurate than more complex

models. As such, for future work where accuracy is important, employing more

sophisticated models, such as land use models, may be preferable.

Chapter 7

Concluding Remarks

This chapter summarizes the key findings of this research by discussing the main

contributions of this thesis, revisits the objectives introduced in Chapter 1, dis-

cusses the key design considerations for deployment of LCS, and provides future

research directions.

7.1 Main Contributions

The most significant and actionable contributions identified in this thesis are cen-

tered around the application and interpretation of data collected through LCS, pri-

marily due to its potential impact. These are:

1. Results from Chapters 3 and 4 highlight that leveraging high time resolution

data from LCS, to enable the processing of local vs regional models, can

facilitate transferable calibration and spatial models.

2. A limited number of studies have investigated the use of LCS to enhance

exposure estimates [28, 136], but prior studies have lacked fine spatial res-

olution. However, since pollutant concentrations have small scale spatial

variations, using a higher resolution air pollutant surface model, as shown in

Chapter 5, can have a significant impact on the exposure estimates.

3. Intra-neighbourhood variability in air pollution has traditionally been as-

sessed using mobile monitoring techniques [131, 203, 225]. However, the

adoption of mobile monitoring by community members is unlikely due to the

associated costs and technical challenges. In Chapter 6, LCS was explored

as a more accessible option for communities, that can be used to make in-

formed decisions and take appropriate actions to mitigate potential exposure


4. Results from Chapter 6 also highlight LCS as a more affordable solution to

identifying disparities in air pollution, without employing complex spatial

models. As such, deploying a network of sensors in various parts of the

city and comparing the collected data can be a powerful approach towards

addressing environmental injustices.

7.2 Revisiting Original Objectives

7.2.1 Objective 1: Explore and develop a geographically-transferable

calibration method to improve sensor performance over broad
concentration ranges.

In Chapter 3, a geographically-transferable calibration method was explored for the

estimated regional component of the total PM2.5 concentration. The study involved

PurpleAir LCS located in five different cities across four countries, and used mul-

tiple linear regression for calibration. Intra-city models, which were trained and

cross-validated within the same city, as well as inter-city models, trained and cross-

validated across different cities, were developed and evaluated to assess model per-

formance. The main outcomes pertaining to this objective are:

• Decomposing the concentration into estimated regional and local concentra-

tions and calibrating them separately resulted in better performance when

compared to models built without decomposing the concentration (tradi-

tional MLR approach).

• Intra-city and inter-city models reduced the nRMSE by 25% and 30% re-

spectively when compared to sensor reported concentration.

The results of inter-city models suggest the potential in building transferable

models by separately calibrating the estimated regional and local components of

PM2.5 concentration.

7.2.2 Objective 2: Develop and compare different spatiotemporal

pollution models using data collected via LCS networks.

In Chapter 4, land use regression and land use random forest models were explored

as a spatiotemporal pollution model for data collected via LCS for PM2.5 , NO2

and CO. The total concentrations was also decomposed by separating short-lived

events from regional concentrations to combat the issue of model transferability.

The main outcomes pertaining to this objective are:

• For all three pollutants, land use random forests models outperformed tradi-

tional regression models, with increase in cross-validated R2 between 0.10-

0.19 for the three pollutants.

• Decomposing the signal reduced the influence of temporal predictors, and

increased the emphasis on spatial predictors. As such, decomposed models

may be better at reflecting the relationship between land use and pollutant


• Spatial maps built using decomposed LURF models successfully identified

hotspots in the county.

These results suggests that LCS, in combination with advanced data analytic

techniques, can be a useful tool in building more accurate and transferable spa-

tiotemporal pollution models.

7.2.3 Objective 3: Compare residents’ exposure due to mobility using

spatiotemporal pollution models built from LCS network data.

In Chapter 5, the results of Chapter 4 were used to predict daily concentrations at

every 50 m grid in the city of Pittsburgh and subsequently to create static (residents

spend 24 hours a day in residential areas) and dynamic (accounts for movement

between commercial and residential area) models. The main outcomes pertaining

to this objective are:

• Weekend concentrations were 10% higher than weekday concentrations, sug-

gesting that short-term exposure can be improved through behavioural changes

by shifting optional activities to weekdays.

• Exposure estimates on average were about 10% higher when the popula-

tion spends more time in commercially dense locations (dynamic models) vs

residentially-dense locations (static models).

• The differences between static and dynamic models are likely to be under-

estimated, as residents are more likely to be in commercial areas during the

daytime, when the difference in pollutant concentrations between residential

and commercial areas is higher, compared to nighttime.

These results suggests that LCS data can be leveraged to refine exposure es-

timates and identify behaviours that may reduce exposure. As such, spatial maps

built using LCS data, along with personal movement details, can be a useful tool

in estimating the exposure of an individual.

7.2.4 Objective 4: Assess intra- and inter-neighbourhood

variabilities in a community using data collected via LCS to
identify hotspots and recognize environmental injustice

In Chapter 6, LCS data was collected from 11 different locations within a neigh-

bourhood in Vancouver. The variations within the neighbourhood was assessed

and compared to average regional Metro Vancouver (MV) concentrations. The

main outcomes pertaining to this objective are:

• Across all days and all pollutants, the concentrations measured were lower

than the air quality objectives set by MV.

• NO2 concentrations in the study area were consistently higher than other MV

neighbourhoods, suggesting a persistent traffic related air pollution influence

in the community.

• The cumulative impact of the three pollutants highlighted the western and

eastern periphery, areas with higher commercial density within the neigh-

bourhood, as hotspots, compared to other parts of the study area. Hotspots

were also influenced by prevailing wind direction.

These results provides evidence that the adoption of LCS by communities can

be useful in improving their understanding of how air pollution varies within their

neighbourhood, and how they can be used to address disparities in air pollution.

7.3 Key Design Considerations for Deployment - Lessons

from this Thesis
This section contributes to the field of low-cost air pollution sensing by providing

insights on the measurement and assessment of ambient air quality gained through

the lessons learned in this thesis. While this section focuses on ambient monitoring

of pollution, it is important to note that LCS can also be used to monitor indoor

concentrations or non-stationary (mobile) exposures. Insights are structured as

questions that a potential LCS user should consider before embarking on an LCS


7.3.1 Purpose: Why are you deploying the sensor?

While seemingly an obvious question, identifying the purpose of deploying LCS

is a crucial step in making informed decisions about its implementation. In this

thesis, various applications of LCS were explored from Chapter 4 to Chapter 6,

which also corresponds to the applications identified by the US EPA.

The primary motivation for deploying sensors has generally been to enhance air

quality monitoring and gain a better understanding of overall air quality. However,

due to measurement uncertainties in LCS, it may not accurately reflect whether

air quality meets the required objectives, and therefore, it is typically not suitable

for regulatory monitoring purposes. Nevertheless, LCS can still serve as a valuable

tool for identifying sources of air pollution, or for assessment of spatial or temporal

variation in pollutant concentrations, which can be useful as a reference in directing

policies [207].

Another application of LCS networks is of hotspot identification. In Chapters

4 and 6, LCS data was combined with spatial models to identify areas of concern,

and assess variabilities between and within neighborhoods. This opens up oppor-

tunities for communities to use LCS in supporting their advocacy efforts or for

government entities to assess disparities in air quality and address environmental

justice concerns [126].

Finally, wearable sensors have previously been deployed to estimate personal

exposures via mobile monitoring [79, 163, 257]. Although exposure assessments

with stationary LCS have been limited, Chapter 5 discusses the opportunity with

LCS networks in improving exposure estimates.

7.3.2 Pre-deployment

Pollutants: What are you measuring?

The measurement of specific pollutants should be based on the desired outcome.

PM2.5 is a commonly measured pollutant, and has extensive LCS networks in

many global north locations, due to its health impacts at every concentration level

[30, 184]. Whereas, NO2 may be a better indicator of traffic-related air pollutants,

as vehicular traffic is the primary source of NO2 in most places [5]. O3 , a sec-

ondary pollutant, should be considered in areas with persistent NO2 problems. For

instance, in Chapter 6, we found that the study neighborhood experienced higher

air pollution from traffic-related sources. Therefore, in such a case, monitoring

NO2 and O3 can provide more insight on the neighbourhood air quality than PM2.5

alone. Since chronic exposure to these three pollutants have demonstrated health

consequences, there are benefits in monitoring all of them.

However, it is important to note that different pollutants and different sensors

have varying levels of precision and accuracy. Low-cost gas sensors, such as NO2

and O3 sensors, often suffer from cross-sensitivities with other gases [150], result-

ing in poorer accuracy compared to LCS for PM2.5 or CO [271]. The measurement

accuracy of a sensor can also vary depending on its specific characteristics. For

example, the measurement accuracy of an electrochemical sensor may depend on

the type of electrolyte or electrode used [212]. Additionally, for the same type of

sensor, some sensors are more developed and have more accurate readings. For in-

stance, in Chapter 3, I discussed that PurpleAir, a vendor of PM2.5 LCS, uses Plan-

tower sensors to measure the pollutant. While Plantower provides proprietary cal-

ibrated concentrations as PM2.5 measurements, it has been shown that PurpleAir’s

independent corrections have better performance [242].

Commercial sensors: Which LCS to buy?

When selecting a low-cost sensor (LCS), considerations such as budgetary con-

straints and logistical limitations of deployment should guide the decision-making

process. For instance, in areas with limited access to power supply such as rural

India, LCS with solar panels could be a suitable choice. Since there is a grow-

ing number of commercial LCS vendors with varying accuracy and precision, the

selection process can also be simplified by using the performance evaluations of-

fered by the AQ-SPEC (Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center) pro-

gram [211]. Other considerations may include: (1) Sensors that are part of existing

networks, that allows leveraging online data for calibrations, as demonstrated in

Chapter 3, or for access to resources, expertise, and community support. (2) Sen-

sors with an existing online visual dashboard can enhance the understanding and

visualization of collected data, making it easier for stakeholders to interpret the

information. (3) Multi-pollutant sensors to monitor multiple pollutants simultane-

ously and gain insights into their relative mix, or, as demonstrated in Chapter 6,

have the ability to identify air pollution hotspots.

Location: Where to deploy the sensor?

Siting decisions can often be dictated by logistics, such as, access to power supply

(for sensors with charging cables), adequate sun exposure (for outdoor sensors with

solar panels), and mounting requirements. However, the primary consideration

for choosing a location should be based on the intended purpose of the sensor

deployment. Careful consideration of deployment locations can greatly enhance

the effectiveness of air pollution monitoring efforts. Below are common reasons for

air quality monitoring initiatives, and their recommended strategies for identifying

optimal sensor deployment locations.

For area monitoring: As discussed in Chapter 4, pollutants have correlations

with geography (e.g., the pollutant concentrations are typically lower at higher

elevations [100]), spatial patterns (e.g., areas with high commercial density expe-

riencing elevated concentrations compared to areas with high residential density is

reported in Chapter 5) and meteorology (e.g., the influence of prevailing wind on

hotspots within a neighbourhood is reported in Chapter 6). Therefore, locations for

sensor deployment should be carefully selected to cover varying geography, spa-

tial patterns and meteorological influences. Including a ‘control’ sensor in an area

with the lowest expected pollution concentration, such as near a park in a residen-

tial area, can also help in establishing a baseline for comparison and facilitates the

identification of areas with elevated pollution levels.

For monitoring traffic related air pollution (TRAP): To capture TRAP, the ideal

placement of sensors are at intersections, bus shelters, or other areas with heavy

traffic. Since TRAP decreases with distance from the road [19], stakeholders with

access to these locations, such as governing bodies, should prioritize this place-

ment. However, for communities or individuals, obtaining government support or

permission might pose significant challenges. In Chapter 6, we describe deploying

sensors to capture TRAP (including major roads and rail line) at nearby residences

of individuals who were willing to host them.

For addressing environmental injustice concerns: Sensors should be deployed

in areas where marginalized communities, elderly care homes, and other vulner-

able populations are located. Governments and academics working with a com-

munity should prioritize engaging with its members to gain insights about their

neighborhood. In Chapter 6, we conducted a walking tour of the neighborhood

with a community member to identify areas with different receptors. Census data

can serve as an alternative method for obtaining demographic information.

Although these are ideal practices, field deployments are often limited by con-

straints such as accessibility to deployment location. As a result, the data collected

may not be perfect. In such situations, sensors may need to be placed where hosts

agree. In these cases, certain sensors become more critical for understanding air

quality patterns. For example, sensors located closer to one another may provide

redundant data, whereas, an isolated sensor away from the rest of the network may

have a bigger influence on the spatial patterns of pollutants. To address this, crit-

ical sensors should be identified and prioritized, ensuring their functionality and

providing prompt maintenance. One potential way of identifying critical sensors

using a Monte Carlo simulation is described in Section 6.6.1. In this method, con-

centrations are estimated at each point (or grid) in space via kriging interpolation

using LCS data from all sensors in the network: (1) including test sensor and (2)

excluding test sensor. The outcomes of the two data sets is compared and the test

sensor is flagged as critical if the mean difference is statistically significant (p <


Sensor network density: How many sensors?

The number of sampling locations have varied across studies, ranging from 42-

174 at regional-scale [94, 191, 220] , 40-133 at city-scale [25, 59, 110] and 60

at neighbourhood-scale [188]. As such, the density of sensors is often limited by

two factors: a) the availability of volunteers for hosting the sensor, or b) budget

constraints. Therefore, it is important to deploy sensors in meaningful locations

to understand the pollutant variability. For example, in Chapter 6, we explain our

site selection strategy in a neighbourhood to capture diverse sources and receptors

of air pollution with only 11 sensors. Nonetheless, to ensure data reliability, it

is recommended to have at least a few sensors validating each other’s readings.

Optimizing sensor density is an open question and is a major area identified for

future research.

Length of deployment: How long should the sensors be deployed for?

In Chapter 5, the data collected from a year-long deployment of sensors enabled

temporal assessment across seasons, highlighting that it may be ideal to deploy

sensors for a minimum of one year. However, if a full year deployment is not

feasible, low-cost sensors, with high temporal resolution (hourly or better), can

still be valuable in identifying temporal patterns as concentrations can vary by

time of day and day of the week. In Chapter 6, we deployed sensors for three

months and observed spatial and temporal patterns within that period, which was

useful in identifying areas and times of concern. Therefore, it is recommended to

deploy sensors for at least a few weeks to capture spatial and temporal variations

under typical conditions (e.g., non-wildfire periods, for non-wildfire studies) and

ideally for a year to account for seasonal variability. If a full-year deployment

of sensors is not feasible, it is recommended to consider the specific pollutant’s

characteristics when determining the deployment time-period. As such, different

pollutants exhibit varying seasonal patterns. For example, to capture the persistent

issues related to O3 , it is advisable to deploy sensors during the summer season.

It is important to note that sensor performance may also exhibit seasonal varia-

tions [42], which could necessitate the maintenance of sensor calibrations through-

out the deployment period. For instance, a study by Sayahi et al. [199] highlighted

a decrease in the correlation between the PM2.5 LCS and regulatory monitors dur-

ing spring and wildfire seasons. To ensure the ongoing calibration of sensors, one

approach include: (1) collocating all sensors with regulatory monitors before and

after the study period and establishing a relationship between different LCS and

(2) leaving a few sensors collocated with the regulatory monitors for the entire

duration of the study that can be used to build and maintain calibration models.

These calibration models can then be retroactively applied to deployed sensors by

leveraging the established relationship between the sensors.

7.3.3 During Deployment

Maintenance: How to perform sensor maintenance?

Tracking daily LCS data is a recommended practice for sensor maintenance. It

involves monitoring the status of the sensor’s power supply, noting high and/or

erratic spikes in the readings, and identifying any non-operational sensors that are

displaying zero readings. Power supply issues can usually be resolved by checking

the connection of the charging cable or replacing the battery when there is no active

power supply. Sensors reporting consistently incorrect values or showing unusual

spikes may require recalibration. Non-operational sensors, which fail to provide

any readings, should be replaced.

To track the collected data, Chapter 2 discusses various options for data trans-

mission that are offered by different companies, including Wi-Fi, built-in SIM

cards, or SD cards [45]. Among these options, the use of SD cards can be par-

ticularly beneficial in areas with limited internet access. However, it is important

to note that tracking the quality of data can be more challenging in such cases.

Determining the responsible party for network management is an important

aspect of sensor maintenance. Academic and government bodies should assign

a dedicated person or team to track the sensors and the quality of data collec-

tion, and perform maintenance as needed. In a community, a large sensor network

(20 or more sensors) may require a dedicated person responsible for daily main-

tenance and data monitoring. For smaller networks, especially those deployed at

residences, hosts can be trained to carry out monitoring and maintenance activities.

To streamline the management of a large sensor network, it is advisable to

automate the tracking of sensor data. This can be accomplished by developing

databases using SQL and employing dashboard platforms such as Tableau or Grafana

to visualize the measured concentrations. Furthermore, stakeholders are encour-

aged to establish automated alerts within Grafana or use external alert systems like

Google Firebase Cloud Messaging and Microsoft Azure so that they can be notified

promptly of any issues or anomalies in the sensor data, enabling timely intervention

and maintenance.

7.3.4 Post-deployment

Calibration: How to calibrate the sensors?

One of the identified disadvantages of using LCS is that they are characterized by

sensor degradation and need to be calibrated across full range of meteorological

and pollutant concentrations every 1-2 years [142, 150, 212]. Data used in Chap-

ters 4 and 6 were calibrated by collocating sensors at a regulatory monitoring sta-

tion, which is a typical practice recommended for governments or academics. The

calibration models used in previous research have predominantly been constructed

using two types of statistical techniques: multiple linear regression (MLRs) and

machine learning (ML) methods, such as random forests (RFs) and artificial neural

networks (ANNs). MLRs offer advantages in terms of simplicity, interpretability,

speed, and the ability to extrapolate beyond the training range. However, they as-

sume a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables, and

fail to account for the interactions between different predictors. In contrast, ML

models are computationally demanding and are restricted in their ability to extrap-

olate beyond the training range [95]. However, they hold the advantage of not

assuming linearity between independent and dependent variables [11, 63], and are

able to capture the complex relationships between various independent variables,

yielding the potential to model complex systems more accurately. For the purpose

of calibrating LCS, research indicates that MLR methods have demonstrated com-

parable or better performance for PM2.5 sensors [111, 148], while ML models have

improved performance for gas sensors [141, 212].

However, for communities and individuals with limited access to a monitor-

ing station, the feasibility of collocating sensors may be challenging. Additionally,

while calibration models may not require complex data inputs, their computational

requirements can limit accessibility for the general public. In such cases, stake-

holders are encouraged to connect with their air quality monitoring agencies for

tools that can support calibration or performance assessment [153]. Otherwise,

stakeholders can opt for sensor reported data. Although the sensor reported data

may not meet the stringent accuracy and precision standards of governments or

academic institutions, certain sensors have undergone extensive studies and veri-

fication to demonstrate their ability to provide reliable data. Resources like AQ-

SPEC [211] or the US EPA Air Sensor Toolbox [228] can be used to evaluate the

commercial sensors for performance before selecting a vendor.

Accuracy and precision: How to test the reliability of reported

Typically, the reliability of measurements (reported or calibrated) is assessed by

testing for accuracy and precision against observed (regulatory monitoring) data.

The US EPA has suggested guidelines for the performance of LCS, segregated by

their application, and are these listed in the Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Suggested Performance Goals for LCS by the US EPA [251].

Tier Application Precision & Data Com-

Bias Error pleteness
I Education and Information < 50% ≥ 50%
II Hotspot Identification and Characterization < 30% ≥ 75%
III Supplemental Monitoring < 20% ≥ 80%
IV Personal Exposure < 30% ≥ 80%
V Regulatory Monitoring < 7-15%* ≥ 75%
* < 7% for O3 , < 10% for PM2.5 and CO and < 15% for NO2 .

However, as mentioned earlier, collocating sensors is not always feasible, es-

pecially by communities and individuals, making performance testing challenging.

In such situations, alternative methods for assessing sensor performance include:

Data screening: Manually screening the collected data for outliers, or data

gaps, can be useful in identifying measurement errors or equipment malfunctions

when dealing with a few sensors. For a larger network of sensors, a dashboard and

an automated alert can be set up for identifying any high and/or erratic spikes, or

zero readings.

Sensor validation: A comparative analysis between the data collected by LCS

with reference monitors can be used to identify potential drift or deviation in the

sensor readings. To avoid collocation, stakeholders can instead track the ratio of

their LCS vs closest reference data during quiet hours (e.g., 2-4 AM) when pollu-

tion sources are limited.

Visual inspection: Time-series plots are an effective tool for monitoring the

performance of sensors over an extended period and identifying any changes or

degradation in the sensor readings. In Chapter 6, we discuss the typical diurnal

patterns of pollutants, which can be particularly helpful in assessing the behavior

of pollutants. For example, higher nighttime O3 concentrations may indicate that

the sensor is not providing reliable readings.

Data quality assurance: Assessing the operating principle of the LCS can be a

useful tool for testing the quality of data. For instance, in Chapter 3, we discuss that

PurpleAir (PM2.5 vendor) reports average concentration readings based on two in-

dividual PM2.5 sensors housed within the same box. As such, comparing the data

reported by these two sensors can serve as a data quality test; discrepancies be-

tween the two sensors may indicate potential issues with the sensor’s performance.

Spatial Models: How to estimate concentrations in unsampled areas?

As monitoring is not feasible everywhere and at all times, spatiotemporal pollution

models can be applied to LCS networks to estimate air pollutant concentrations

in unsampled areas [40, 71, 170]. Since there are many types of models, with

varying accuracy and complexity, the selection depends on the purpose and user.

For LCS, kriging and land use (LU) models have been primarily used for building

spatial models. Kriging is an interpolation technique that accounts for autocorre-

lation in the dataset [166], and is favoured for its ease of implementation and self-

sufficiency, as it operates without the need for external datasets. However, kriging

models suffer from both linearity (uniformity in all directions) and stationarity (sta-

tionary mean and variance across the study space) [174] and are less accurate than

other more complex LU models [6, 152]. LU models require extensive set of data

for accurate predictions as it uses different spatial (e.g., elevation) and temporal

(e.g., temperature) variables in a regression model (e.g., MLR, RF, ANNs) to es-

timate concentrations at unmonitored locations. In Chapter 4, LU models were

found to be accurate but required extensive LU data, making them suitable for aca-

demics or government bodies. However, for community-based projects like the one

discussed in Chapter 6, simpler geospatial alternatives such as kriging or IDW (In-

verse Distance Weighting) are highlighted as a more suitable option for individuals

or communities with limited access to required model inputs.

Individuals without personal monitors, but who are concerned about air qual-

ity at their homes or workplaces, can instead choose to leverage existing systems

to approximate concentrations at specific locations of interest. One such exam-

ple is IQAir, that generalizes air quality from various sensor networks, including

regulatory and LCS data, and merging it with wind information [103].

7.4 Future Research Directions

1. The calibration models developed in Chapter 3 specifically target PM2.5 and

do not encompass other pollutants such as NO2 and O3 . Since these pol-

lutants exhibit greater atmospheric complexity, and sensor accuracy is of-

ten worse, ongoing exploration of transferable gas-phase LCS calibration

method is recommended as an area for future research.

2. The calibration method proposed in Chapter 3 offers the greatest advantage

for areas characterized by high pollutant concentrations. This is because

financial resources are typically limited in these areas and therefore, the es-

tablishment of traditional monitoring stations is challenging. Therefore, a

recommended area of future study is to test the regional calibration models

for transferability in extreme pollution scenarios (regional concentrations >

100 µg m−3 ).

3. Calibration models can be developed specifically targeting the local com-

ponent of the total signal for different sources of emissions, independent of

geographic influence. The key advantage of such models is their univer-

sal applicability, allowing stakeholders from diverse locations to adopt them

without the need for substantial modifications.

4. Generalized and transferable spatiotemporal pollution models are currently

lacking. Replicating and testing decomposed LURF models in new regions

is a promising avenue for future research to explore, particularly in areas

with high pollutant concentrations.

5. To improve temporal resolution and capture sub-daily variations in exposure

profiles, sub-daily predictors can be incorporated into the dynamic models

created in Chapter 5. Furthermore, integrating agent-based models can en-

able the simulation of individual exposures, leading to more precise estima-


6. While this thesis primarily concentrates on ambient air pollution, it is im-

portant to acknowledge that individuals are also exposed to air pollution in

indoor settings. The use of indoor-outdoor ratios, in combination with dy-

namic models, can provide valuable insights and enhance exposure estimates

by accounting for both indoor and outdoor sources of pollution and is a rec-

ommended area of future study.

7. LCS technology offers the potential to collect abundant data, raising the

question of how many sensors are necessary for optimal coverage. Future

work can focus on sensor optimization to determine the ideal number and

placement of sensors for effective air pollution monitoring and assessment.

8. A user-friendly kriging-based dashboard, using only location and pollution

data as inputs, can make the results of spatial variations more accessible to

the public.


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Appendix A

Supplementary Information:
Chapter 3

A.1 Calculating ALT Concentrations

This section is recreated using information provided by PurpleAir, subjected to

PurpleAir fair use policies [4].

Plantower output provides the total number of particles in six overlapping size

categories: > 0.3 µm, > 0.5 µm, > 1 µm, > 2.5 µm, > 5 µm and > 10 µm.

Steps to calculate ALT concentrations:

1. Calculate the total particle number N (per deciliter) in the following size

categories: 0.3-0.5 µm, 0.5-1 µm, 1-2.5 µm.

2. Select the geometric mean in each size category to represent the bin.

3. Calculate total volume V using the equation A.1.

V= (A.1)

4. Calculate the mass by multiplying the volume with density of water (Equa-

tion A.2).

M = ρV (A.2)

5. Add the three mass concentrations to estimate total PM2.5 concentrations.

6. Multiply by a calibration factor (CF) of 3.

A.2 RollingBall Algorithm

The rolling ball method involves tracing the topmost point of a ball as it is rolled

under the total concentration in a line graph, Figure A.2 contains a visual represen-

tation of the method. The method requires two parameters to be defined: width of

local window, wm, and width of local window for smoothing, ws. To establish the

baseline concentration, the dataset is divided into separate datasets, each of which

is equal in size to wm. The algorithm then identifies the minimum points of each

individual dataset, and performs linear interpolation between these points. This

process is repeated two more times, with the dataset shifted by 1/3 of the window

width [98].

Smoothing is applied by repeating the process ws times. With each iteration,

the wm increases by h ∗ wm, with h ranging from 1 to ws. The outcomes from all

the iterations, until h=ws, are averaged to give final results. Points with baseline

values greater than the total concentration is then replaced with total concentration

60 (a) Standard

PM2.5 (μg/m )




60 (b) Baseline Separation
PM2.5 (μg/m )





60 (c) Estimated Regional
PM2.5 (μg/m )





60 (d) Local
PM2.5 (μg/m )





Figure A.1: Visual representation of the rolling ball technique.


A.3 Rolling Ball Model Input

Table A.1: Average values for the ratio of estimated baselines to total con-
centrations for all cities. The selected model input (wm) is in bold font.

wm (Hours) Season 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Bengaluru 0.76 0.74 0.73 0.70 0.69 0.66 0.65 0.63 0.62 0.62
Chico 0.69 0.67 0.65 0.64 0.62 0.6 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.56
Kathmandu 0.80 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.65 0.65
Summer 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.63 0.62 0.61 0.60
Winter 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.72 0.67 0.63 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.57
Summer 0.75 0.73 0.72 0.69 0.66 0.65 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.62
Winter 0.75 0.73 0.72 0.69 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.60 0.60 0.59

A.4 Regression Model Selection

Table A.2: Average model RMSE (µg m−3 ) across all testing PAs. Text in
bold is the lowest RMSE model for the city.

Model Bengaluru Chico Delhi Kathmandu Lahore Mean Median

PM 5.97 5.67 18.98 6.81 16.07 10.70 6.81
PM+T 6.21 5.64 19.57 8.63 15.23 11.06 8.63
PM+RH 6.61 5.76 19.92 6.30 14.84 10.68 6.61
PM+DP 6.97 5.80 20.08 8.77 17.08 11.74 8.77
PM+T+RH 6.88 6.54 19.89 8.89 16.04 11.65 8.89
PM+T+DP 7.01 5.92 21.30 8.47 16.28 11.80 8.47
PM+RH+DP 6.97 6.20 20.87 8.50 15.98 11.70 8.50
PM+T+RH+DP 6.97 6.64 20.93 8.48 16.00 11.80 8.48

A.5 Intra-city Model Performances

Table A.3: Model Performances for Chico.

Uncalibrated ATM Signal Calibrated ATM Signal

Testing Period Sensor ID
CPA1 0.94 19.70 57% 0.97 9.38 27%
2020 CPA2 0.94 20.36 59% 0.97 9.10 26%
CPA3 0.86 21.87 63% 0.90 10.67 31%
CPA1 0.95 16.39 65% 0.96 7.86 31%
2021 CPA2 0.95 17.29 69% 0.96 8.12 32%
CPA3 0.88 16.48 66% 0.93 6.91 27%

Table A.4: Model Performances for Kathmandu.

Testing Period Sensor ID Uncalibrated ATM Signal Calibrated ATM Signal

June KPA2 0.34 12.20 44% 0.39 3.15 11%
July KPA2 0.48 10.36 93% 0.43 3.01 27%
August KPA2 0.26 9.22 103% 0.21 3.18 36%
September KPA2 0.33 12.34 100% 0.38 2.99 24%
October KPA2 0.81 12.71 80% 0.92 3.13 20%
November KPA2 0.32 22.71 69% 0.42 9.59 29%

Table A.5: Model Performances for Bengaluru.

Testing Period Sensor ID Uncalibrated ATM Signal Calibrated ATM Signal

BPA1 0.47 17.62 73% 0.55 7.16 30%
BPA2 0.25 13.18 54% 0.26 7.17 30%
BPA1 0.74 15.38 51% 0.72 4.80 16%
BPA2 0.75 8.37 28% 0.71 6.28 21%
BPA1 0.79 15.65 47% 0.85 3.58 11%
BPA2 0.84 7.43 22% 0.86 6.15 18%
BPA1 0.71 13.19 45% 0.78 5.27 18%
BPA2 0.76 7.68 26% 0.85 5.78 20%
BPA1 0.45 13.76 75% 0.57 5.17 28%
BPA2 0.34 6.95 38% 0.50 4.52 24%
BPA1 0.41 7.97 88% 0.41 4.42 49%
BPA2 0.25 4.32 48% 0.25 3.68 41%
BPA1 0.43 6.76 61% 0.50 3.93 35%
BPA2 0.56 3.50 31% 0.66 4.47 40%
BPA1 0.42 7.39 73% 0.60 3.24 32%
BPA2 0.38 4.18 41% 0.56 4.05 40%
BPA1 0.59 8.56 69% 0.73 3.18 26%
BPA2 0.34 5.25 43% 0.50 3.48 28%
BPA1 0.71 22.61 104% 0.90 6.14 30%
BPA2 0.84 7.81 36% 0.87 3.72 18%
BPA1 0.91 24.04 75% 0.94 5.64 18%
BPA2 0.90 8.08 25% 0.92 10.60 33%
BPA1 0.87 21.39 101% 0.91 7.59 36%
BPA2 0.87 8.98 43% 0.91 4.74 23%

Table A.6: Model Performances for Delhi.

Testing Period Sensor ID Uncalibrated ATM Signal Calibrated ATM Signal

< 100 µg m−3
DPA1 0.36 28.03 39% 0.58 13.86 19%
January DPA2 0.61 27.77 39% 0.70 57.98 81%
DPA3 0.25 24.51 34% 0.41 14.44 20%
DPA1 0.68 25.72 46% 0.57 11.89 21%
February DPA2 0.58 15.26 27% 0.62 36.93 67%
DPA3 0.68 19.82 36% 0.68 12.39 22%
DPA1 0.76 30.57 56% 0.74 11.02 20%
March DPA2 0.76 9.67 18% 0.83 24.44 45%
DPA3 0.61 24.94 46% 0.72 9.58 18%
DPA1 0.29 44.08 68% 0.41 17.14 26%
April DPA2 0.37 27.74 43% 0.50 13.42 21%
DPA3 0.18 40.49 62% 0.25 15.09 23%
DPA1 0.48 39.68 66% 0.59 19.60 33%
May DPA2 0.45 25.77 43% 0.54 12.74 21%
DPA3 0.37 35.49 59% 0.45 15.13 25%
DPA1 0.18 30.45 75% 0.59 10.84 27%
June DPA2 0.14 22.13 55% 0.43 11.96 30%
DPA3 0.12 27.23 67% 0.43 9.19 23%
DPA1 0.84 13.74 51% 0.85 7.70 29%
July DPA2 0.74 6.86 26% 0.77 17.33 65%
DPA3 0.56 11.29 42% 0.60 9.69 36%
DPA1 0.79 14.31 59% 0.82 11.29 47%
August DPA2 0.77 6.31 26% 0.81 9.72 40%
DPA3 0.66 11.58 47% 0.70 7.38 30%
DPA1 0.85 18.75 61% 0.89 11.83 38%
September DPA2 0.83 9.22 30% 0.86 11.04 36%
DPA3 0.78 14.48 47% 0.83 7.72 25%
DPA1 0.83 35.76 67% 0.91 22.15 42%
October DPA2 0.83 24.85 47% 0.90 14.01 26%
DPA3 0.82 22.91 43% 0.92 9.86 19%
DPA2 0.08 33.83 38% 0.12 10.87 12%
DPA3 0.08 41.69 47% 0.11 16.41 19%
> 100 µg m −3

DPA2 0.83 83.81 49% 0.82 30.71 18%

DPA3 0.69 88.78 52% 0.70 31.63 19%
December DPA2 0.49 62.36 37% 0.53 38.83 23%
Table A.7: Model Performances for Lahore.

Testing Period Sensor ID Uncalibrated ATM Signal Calibrated ATM Signal

LPA1 0.47 18.60 27% 0.49 16.56 24%
LPA2 0.41 18.92 28% 0.53 14.22 21%
LPA1 0.35 17.52 26% 0.36 16.13 23%
LPA2 0.49 20.27 30% 0.47 13.00 19%
LPA1 0.08 28.23 39% 0.04 13.90 19%
LPA2 0.27 33.44 46% 0.30 12.24 17%
LPA3 0.18 31.18 43% 0.24 11.48 16%
LPA4 0.16 28.06 39% 0.08 13.95 19%
LPA1 0.27 21.54 32% 0.54 14.21 21%
LPA2 0.37 30.16 45% 0.59 11.37 17%
LPA3 0.32 24.78 37% 0.50 10.86 16%
LPA4 0.42 23.94 36% 0.65 13.85 21%
LPA1 0.17 19.44 30% 0.37 14.33 22%
June LPA2 0.28 33.29 51% 0.57 12.61 19%
LPA4 0.24 28.40 43% 0.37 14.34 22%
LPA1 0.53 30.96 84% 0.62 14.09 38%
July LPA2 0.69 8.13 22% 0.77 7.80 21%
LPA4 0.73 11.87 32% 0.81 5.83 16%
LPA1 0.62 16.84 44% 0.64 7.55 20%
August LPA2 0.55 9.09 24% 0.60 7.77 20%
LPA4 0.58 10.41 27% 0.59 9.08 24%
LPA1 0.68 16.63 29% 0.69 16.67 29%
September LPA2 0.62 13.40 24% 0.65 12.12 21%
LPA4 0.69 13.11 23% 0.70 13.04 23%
LPA1 0.36 24.41 36% 0.35 13.81 20%
October LPA2 0.32 16.28 24% 0.43 12.64 18%
LPA4 0.43 21.99 32% 0.36 13.69 20%
LPA1 0.34 15.71 21% 0.58 15.72 21%
LPA4 0.39 36.37 49% 0.44 13.07 18%

Table A.8: Model Performances for Lahore.

Testing Period Sensor ID Uncalibrated ATM Signal Calibrated ATM Signal

> 100 µg m−3
LPA1 0.47 50.60 28% 0.53 47.12 26%
January LPA2 0.53 46.76 26% 0.63 39.88 22%
LPA3 0.48 49.87 27% 0.62 41.12 23%
LPA1 0.62 26.34 19% 0.62 26.34 19%
February LPA2 0.73 39.15 28% 0.76 23.20 16%
LPA3 0.67 34.15 24% 0.53 20.58 15%
LPA1 0.18 17.42 16% 0.18 26.83 25%
March LPA2 0.52 13.69 13% 0.47 20.79 19%
LPA3 0.24 16.46 15% 0.23 23.94 22%
LPA1 0.21 42.29 35% 0.31 18.20 15%
LPA2 0.06 60.43 50% 0.09 14.83 12%
LPA3 0.20 52.40 44% 0.33 11.80 10%
LPA4 0.23 49.49 41% 0.27 15.51 13%
LPA1 0.00 44.71 38% 0.43 8.39 7%
LPA2 0.01 56.87 49% 0.18 11.09 10%
LPA1 0.47 39.73 25% 0.57 29.55 18%
LPA2 0.62 39.19 24% 0.70 33.87 21%
LPA1 0.41 54.44 32% 0.49 38.10 22%
LPA4 0.53 45.00 26% 0.64 34.81 21%
LPA1 0.34 112.18 49% 0.31 103.93 45%
LPA4 0.60 53.48 23% 0.62 49.04 21%

A.6 Inter-City Model Performances

Table A.9: Performances of Inter-city Models. RMSE values are in µg m−3

and nRMSE values are in %.

ATM Raw Signal ATM Calibrated Signal ALT Raw Signal ALT Calibrated Signal
Testing Model
< 100 µg m−3
California 0.81 15.71 75 0.87 5.03 23 0.83 9.69 46 0.88 5.19 24
Kathmandu 0.81 15.71 75 0.84 5.70 26 0.83 9.69 46 0.90 5.54 26
California 0.83 7.63 36 0.85 7.85 36 0.85 6.30 30 0.85 6.43 30
Kathmandu 0.83 7.63 36 0.83 8.18 38 0.85 6.30 30 0.87 5.55 26
Bengaluru 0.94 18.46 60 0.96 6.13 20 0.93 9.61 32 0.96 6.13 20
Kathmandu 0.94 18.46 60 0.95 5.59 18 0.93 9.61 32 0.93 7.56 25
Bengaluru 0.94 19.20 62 0.95 6.25 20 0.93 10.31 34 0.95 6.25 20
Kathmandu 0.94 19.20 62 0.95 5.46 18 0.93 10.31 34 0.94 7.32 24
Bengaluru 0.87 19.92 65 0.87 8.20 27 0.84 12.45 41 0.87 8.20 27
Kathmandu 0.87 19.92 65 0.87 8.31 27 0.84 12.45 41 0.84 9.51 31
Bengaluru 0.84 16.66 54 0.89 5.86 19 0.81 6.76 22 0.86 5.25 17
California 0.84 16.66 54 0.89 4.42 14 0.81 6.76 22 0.86 5.69 18
DPA1 Lahore 0.60 27.95 58 0.58 14.21 32 0.55 33.61 71 0.52 14.44 32
DPA2 Lahore 0.51 18.08 36 0.61 16.94 36 0.52 23.40 49 0.62 16.88 36
DPA3 Lahore 0.56 23.82 49 0.68 13.37 28 0.59 33.34 70 0.61 14.37 31
LPA1 Lahore 0.15 29.34 48 0.18 30.20 53 0.17 26.67 43 0.10 37.96 69
LPA2 Delhi 0.32 24.07 38 0.49 13.72 24 0.33 31.14 50 0.39 17.94 33
LPA3 Delhi 0.10 22.08 33 0.18 11.39 17 0.30 28.02 44 0.23 24.57 45
LPA4 Delhi 0.20 38.49 60 0.37 20.59 36 0.05 42.09 64 0.20 25.08 41
Average 0.68 19.95 54 0.73 10.39 27 0.68 17.29 42 0.70 12.10 30
> 100 µg m−3
DPA1 Lahore 0.72 61.83 41 0.40 40.83 27 0.67 66.57 44 0.64 29.63 20
DPA2 Lahore 0.19 62.71 41 0.16 45.53 30 0.16 74.22 49 0.12 47.87 32
DPA3 Lahore 0.59 69.43 46 0.56 44.27 29 0.70 83.96 55 0.67 45.06 30
LPA1 Delhi 0.54 42.25 27 0.59 82.99 54 0.03 30.01 45 0.55 50.09 33
LPA2 Delhi 0.67 45.37 30 0.73 52.88 34 0.22 36.68 55 0.66 56.80 37
LPA3 Delhi 0.64 42.40 28 0.66 70.99 46 0.15 33.92 51 0.61 46.87 30
LPA4 Delhi 0.65 43.42 28 0.73 88.52 58 0.01 47.23 71 0.66 45.05 29
Average 0.57 52.49 34 0.55 60.86 40 0.28 53.23 53 0.56 45.91 30

A.7 Comparison with Other Studies

Table A.10: Comparison with other studies. MAE and RMSE values are in
µg m−3 .

Study Location n Sensor T.R. Time Span Calibration R2 Error

3 Shinyei PPD42NS Hourly 18 months Regression 0.75 MNE: 41%
Bai et al. [18] Nanjing, China
3 Shinyei PPD42NS Hourly 18 months ANN 0.84 MNE: 29.7%
Becnel et al. [24] Salt Lake County, Utah 50 PMS7003 Hourly 6 months Regression 0.85-0.90 RMSE: 3.49-5.59
Bi et al. [27] California, USA 2090 PMS5003 Hourly 1 year Regression 0.86 NA
>6 PMS5003 Hourly 1 year Regression 0.82-0.95 nRMSE: 20-32%α
Campmier et al. [42] Multiple cities, India
>6 PMS5003 Hourly 1 year Regression 0.52-0.93 nRMSE: 24-71β
12 PMS7003 Hourly 3 months Regression 0.81 MAPE: 13%
Jha et al. [111] Mumbai, India
12 PMS7003 Hourly 3 months DNN 0.82 MAPE: 11.84%
9 PMS5003 Hourly 11 months Regression 0.52 MAE: 2.5
Malings et al. [142] Pittsburgh, USA
25 Met-One NPM Hourly 11 months Regression 0.49 MAE: 3.5
5 PMS5003 Hourly 3 days Regression 0.49 RMSE: 25.31
Malyan et al. [143] Mumbai, India
5 PMS5003 Hourly 3 days RF 0.75 RMSE: 20.73
5 PMS5003 Hourly 6 months Regression 0.9 MAE: 7.3
McFarlane et al. [148] Kampala, Uganda
5 PMS5003 Hourly 6 months RF 0.91 MAE: 7.2
Puttaswamy et al. [190] Tamil Nadu, India 5 PMS7003 Hourly 4 months Regression 0.87 nRMSE: 15%
Multiple cities, India 9 PMS7003 Hourly 45 days Regression 0.32-0.89 nRMSE: 14-23%
V et al. [239]
Mumbai, India 9 PMS7003 Hourly 45 days Regression NA NAα
Wang et al. [243] Shanghai 17 PMS7003 Hourly 2 days Regression 0.72-0.78 NA
Zheng et al. [267] Delhi, India 10 PMS7003 Daily 59 days GPR 0.58-0.81 nRMSE: 30%
26 PMS A003; Shinyei Daily 2.5 years Regression 0.74-0.95 RMSE: 1.67-2.46
Multiple cities, USA
Zusman et al. [273]
Seattle, USA 26 PMS A003; Shinyei Daily 2.5 years Regression 0.67-0.80 RMSE: 0.84-3.41β
Bengaluru, Chico, Delhi, 15 PMS5003 Hourly 1 year Regression 0.64 nRMSE: 26%α
Our Study
Kathmandu, Lahore 15 PMS5003 Hourly 1 year Regression 0.78 nRMSE: 25%β
TR: Time Resolution; ANN: Artificial Neural Networks; DNN: Deep Neural Networks; RF: Random Forests; GPR: Gaussian Process Regression
α: Intra-city model; β : Inter-city model

Appendix B

Supplementary Information:
Chapter 4

B.1 QA/QC for the monitoring data (Zimmerman et al.,

2020 and Malings et al., 2019, 2020)
A detailed report on calibration models for RAMP monitors can be found in Zim-

merman et al. (2020) [272], Malings et al. (2019, 2020) [141, 142]; Zimmerman et

al. (2018) [271]. A subset of methodology and results from Malings et al. (2019,

2020) [141, 142] is paraphrased below. All methodologies, results, figures and

tables in this section are the intellectual property of Carl Malings and have been

paraphrased or reproduced here with his permission.

B.1.1 Gas Sensor Calibrations – paraphrased from Malings et al.


RAMP monitors were deployed in 2017 for 1 month in summer and fall at Carnegie

Mellon University (CMU). Located less than 10m from the RAMP monitors were

high-quality regulatory-grade instruments (all instruments were owned and oper-

ated by the CAPS group at Carnegie Mellon University) for measuring ambient

concentrations of CO (Teledyne T300U instrument), CO2 (LI-COR 820), O3 (Tele-

dyne T400 photometric ozone analyzer), and NO and NO2 (2B Technologies model

405nm). These instruments provided the “true” concentration values for these var-

ious gases to which the RAMP monitors were exposed. Additionally, one RAMP

monitor was collocated with the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD)

regulatory monitors in Lawrenceville (urban background site measuring all EPA

criteria pollutants) and one was collocated at the ACHD Parkway East site along

I-376 highway (higher levels of NOx ). These sensors were first calibrated at CMU

and subsequently tested against data independently at the ACHD sites. Essentially,

these collocations were used to analyze the performance of our sensor against regu-

latory grade monitor at different locations or locations with higher concentrations.

A general calibration model was developed for all sensors deployed at same

place and same time for each gas sensor (CO and NO2 ). Data from 75% of the

RAMP monitors were used as the training dataset and remaining 25% of the RAMP

monitors were used as testing data. The steps followed by Malings to create a

general calibration model have been paraphrased below:

1. Data from all the RAMPs deployed at the same time and place was compiled.

2. Median concentrations were identified from the RAMPs at EACH timestamp

(RAMPs from point 1 above).

3. A new time-series was created using the median values. This signal is treat-

ed/labelled as a ‘typical RAMP’.

4. The data from this ‘typical RAMP’ was used to build one calibration model

against the reference monitors. The resulting models are denoted as gRAMP

(general RAMP).

5. gRAMP model is applied to all RAMPs.

Various calibration techniques were tested for RAMP monitors by collocating

with regulatory grade monitors – including linear and quadratic regression, cluster-

ing, artificial neural networks and random forests. To circumvent the disadvantages

associated with random forests (outputs of a random forest model for new data can

only be within the range of the values included as part of the training data), it was

expanded into hybrid random forest–linear regression model.

Figure B.1: (Adapted from Malings et al., 2019 [141], duplicated with per-
mission): Performance evaluation of various calibration techniques for
gRAMP models. Out of the 5 techniques listed, best 3 performing cali-
bration techniques are displayed for each gas in the figure.

B.1.2 Correction of PM2.5 Data – paraphrased from Malings et al.

PM2.5 measurements were obtained via commercial low-cost nephelometer - ei-

ther a Met-One Neighborhood Monitor or a PurpleAir PA-II. The sensors were

calibrated against Beta Attenuation Monitors (BAM) at Allegheny County Health

Department (ACHD) or Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

(DEP). The two nephelometers were calibrated differently, using the methods de-

veloped by Malings et al. (2020) [142], and evaluation of long-term performance

of the two sensors has been discussed thoroughly in Malings et al. (2020) [142].

Two different methods were tested for accuracy and precision of the calibration.

The first method, a physics-based approach, combined hygroscopic growth factor

with linear correction to calibrate the sensors. These two steps are described below

Hygroscopic growth factor

RAMP’s PM2.5 sensors were corrected for humidity using hygroscopic growth fac-

tor (ratio of PM at a given humidity and temperature to that at 22°C and 35%

relative humidity (RH)). It was calculated using method described in Petters and

Kreidenweis (2007) [127], and the formula is reported in the Eq. B.1:

αw (T, RH
f RH(T, RH) = 1 + κbulk (B.1)
1 − αw (T, RH)

4σw Mw −1
αw (T, RH) = RHexp (B.2)
ρw RT D p


κbulk : hygroscopicity of bulk aerosol; κbulk = Σi xi κi where xi and κi : are the volume

fraction hygroscopocity parameters of major non-refractory aerosol components

sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and organic matter. xi values can be found in Gu et al.

2018 [85]. κi : values can be obtained from Cerully et al. 2015 [48] and Petters and

Kreidenweis, 2007 [127].

αw : water activity parameter

σw , Mw , and ρw : the surface tension, molecular weight and density of water (0.072

N/m, 0.018 kg/mol, 1000 kg/m3 respectively)

T: absolute temperature

R: ideal gas constant (8.314 J/mol K)

RH: ambient relative humidity

D p : particle diameter; adopted as volume median diameter from long-term size

distribution measurements using SMPS in Pittsburgh.

Linear Correction

The following equation B.3 was adopted to calibrate the sensors to the refer-

ence grade instrument.

PM2.5 as reported
Corrected PM2.5 = θ1 + θ0 (B.3)
f RH(T, RH)

Here, corrected PM2.5 refers to the concentrations obtained by reference mon-

itor and PM2.5 as reported refers to RAMP observations. Values of coefficients θ0

and θ1 are reported below in Table B.1.

Table B.1: Calibrated coefficients (θ0 and θ1 ) calculated using typical linear
regression techniques for Met-One NPM and PurpleAir PPA over 3 dif-
ferent periods – summer, winter and other. S.D. denotes the standard
deviation. (Table taken from Malings. et al. 2020 [142])

θ0 θ1
Met-One NPM PurpleAir PPA Met-One NPM PurpleAir PPA
Coefficient S.D Coefficient S.D Coefficient S.D Coefficient S.D
Summer 5.28 0.09 5.4 0.4 1.5 0.01 0.62 0.03
Winter 2.03 0.08 -0.3 0.2 1.5 0.01 1.25 0.01
Other 1.68 0.13 3.7 0.1 1.76 0.02 0.83 0.01

B.1.3 Emperical Correction Method

A second method, empirical correction method was tested as an alternative since

specific aerosol chemical composition might be unavailable at locations. Separate

equations for NPM and PurpleAir sensors were used and are Eq.B.4 and Eq.B.5.

Coefficients for the equations can be found in table S4 of Malings (2020).

Corrected PM2.5 = α0 + α1 [NPM PM2.5 ] + α2 T + α3 RH + α4 [NPM PM2.5 ]2 +

α5 [NPM PM2.5 ]T + α6 [NPM PM2.5 ]RH + α7 T 2 + α8 T RH + α9 RH 2


β0 + β1 [PPA PM2.5 ] + β2 T + β3 RH+

β4 DP(T, RH) if [PPA PM2.5 ] > 20 µg m−3

Corrected PM2.5 = (B.5)

γ0 + γ1 [PPA PM2.5 ] + γ2 T + γ3 RH+

γ DP(T, RH) if [PPA PM ] ≤ 20 µg m−3

4 2.5

B.2 Distribution of daily pollutant concentrations

Figure B.2: Distribution of daily average PM2.5 concentrations for 47 sites

(only 47 out of deployed 50 sensors collected PM2.5 data) for the period
August 2016 – December 2017. Mean values are marked with an ‘X’
and median values are denoted with a solid line. PM2.5 concentrations
vary notably across 47 sites, with 4 datapoints exceeding 80 µg m−3
(not shown here). Site 17 (blue plot, with high concentrations) is on
a roof in downtown Pittsburgh, 20m away from a restaurant exhaust
vent. The restaurant specialized in wood-fired pizzas, and was therefore
characterized by extremely high concentrations.

Figure B.3: Distribution of daily average NO2 concentrations for all sites for
the period August 2016 – December 2017. Mean values are marked
with an ‘X’ and median values are denoted with a solid line. Site 49
(blue, second last boxplot) is near a railway track, and hence is char-
acterized with high concentrations. NO2 concentrations vary notably
across 50 sites, with 4 datapoints exceeding 35 ppb (not shown here).

Figure B.4: Distribution of daily average CO concentrations for all sites for
the period August 2016 – December 2017. Mean values are marked
with an ‘X’ and median values are denoted with a solid line. Site 49
(blue, second last boxplot) is near a railway track, and hence is char-
acterized with high concentrations. CO concentrations vary notably
across 50 sites, with 4 datapoints exceeding 2000 ppb (not shown here).

B.3 Limit of Detection values
Limit of Detection (LoD) was determined for each pollutant to establish the mini-

mum concentration that would be reliably measured by the sensors. Our approach

to determining LoD involved calculating error fractions of pollutants. Essentially,

we trained random forest models on 45 random sites (and testing on the remaining

5 sites). This was iterated until each site was tested against or 20 times, whichever

is larger.

120 200 250

PM2.5 NO2 CO

60 100
Error Fraction %

Error Fraction %

Error Fraction % 100


0 0 0

-20 -50
<10th [0, 139)

>90th [493, 1320]

10-20th [139, 173)
20-30th [173, 201)
30-40th [201, 228)
40-50th [228, 252)
50-60th [252, 281)
60-70th [281, 323)
70-80th [323, 387)
80-90th [387, 493)
<10th [0, 5.6)

40-50th [8.7, 10)

<10th [0, 4.3)

10-20th [5.6, 6.9)
20-30th [6.9, 7.8)
30-40th [7.8, 8.7)

10-20th [4.3, 5.6)

20-30th [5.6, 6.6)
30-40th [6.6, 7.4)
40-50th [7.4, 8.3)
50-60th [8.3, 9.1)
50-60th [10, 11.2)
60-70th [11.2, 12.6)
70-80th [12.6, 14.6)
80-90th [14.6, 17.4)
>90th [17.4, 42.2]

70-80th [10.1, 11.4)

80-90th [11.4, 13.3)
>90th [13.3, 21.7]
60-70th [9.1, 10.1)

Percentile bin

Figure B.5: Boxplots of error fractions for PM2.5 , NO2 and CO divided into
deciles (of observed daily average concentrations) used to determine
LoD. Black solid line represents the ideal error fraction (closer to zero
is better) and was used to determine the decile where it stabilizes. The
final LoD was determined as the lower decile of the bin where error
fraction stabilizes.

The predicted concentration from each run is then plotted as error fraction per-

cent against observed concentration (Figure S5), where error fraction is defined as

a ratio of error (predicted concentration – observed concentration) and observed


LoD was then determined as the observation where error fraction stabilizes

( 10% median error fraction). The LoD for daily average PM2.5 , NO2 and CO con-

centrations were henceforth selected as 7 µg m−3 , 6.5 ppb and 200 ppb respectively

(rounded off).

B.4 Description of wavelet decomposition approach

(Zimmerman et al., 2020)
(Paraphrased with permissions from Naomi Zimmerman)

Wavelet decomposition is a method used to separate local and regional back-

ground signals, reflecting the impact of sporadic vs persistent local enhancements.

It is a signal processing method that separates a time-series data into its high fre-

quency (level of detail, d1 ) and low frequency (level of approximation, a1 ). The

low frequency signal is further broken down into second level of detail (d2 ) and

approximation (a2 ), and the process is repeated few more times, until desired level

of detail is obtained. The original data are reconstructed by adding the final level of

approximation (an ) and the sum of each level of detail (d1 +d2 +. . . +dn ). The level

of decomposition corresponds to changes on time scales of 2n (Sabaliauskas et al.,

2014) [196].

Details of the wavelet decomposition approach used in the manuscript are de-

scribed previously (Zimmerman et al., 2019) but summarized here. A 3-level de-

composition was used to separate the short-lived events (3 level = changes above

baseline occur on the order of 2 h; 15 min x 23 = 2 h). The difference between the

baseline of the 3-level decomposition and a 5-level decomposition (changes above

Figure B.6: (From Zimmerman et al., 2020, duplicated with permission):
Wavelet decomposition of measured pollutant concentration (CO), from
short-lived events to regional background signals.

baseline occur on the order of 8 h; 15 min x 25 = 8 h) were defined as the contribu-

tion from longer-lived events. The difference between the 5-level decomposition

baseline and the regional background was defined as the persistent enhancement. A

second decomposition of 3-level was conducted to identify and separate the short-

lived events, which is equivalent to separating a baseline (a5 ) that changes on the

order of 2 hours (15 min x 23 = 2 h). Persistent enhancements were obtained by

subtracting regional background concentrations from fifth level of approximation,


B.5 Description of model covariates

Table B.2: Land use covariates used in LUR and LURF models

Category Description Source Unit Buffer Ra-

dius (m)
Static predictors
Population density Number of inhabi- Allegheny 25, 50, 100,
tants County 200
Road length Length of all roads PASDA m 25, 50, 100
Housing density Number of house- Allegheny 25, 50, 100,
holds Country 200
Vehicle density Vehicle density on PennDOT Veh m/day 25, 50, 100
all roads
Bus fuel consump- Bus fuel consump- PennDOT Kg fuel/day 25, 50, 100
tion tion
Rail length Rail length PennDOT m 50, 100
Elevation Elevation (height USGS m
above mean sea
Inverse distance to Inverse distance to PASDA 1/m
the road the road
Time-varying pre-
Temperature Daily average tem- NWS F
Wind Daily average wind NWS km/h
Precipitation Daily total precipi- NWS mm
EPA CO EPA’s daily CO EPA ppm
EPA PM EPA’s daily PM2.5 EPA µg m−3
Allegheny County: Allegheny County GIS Group
PASDA: Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access
PennDOT: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
USGS: USGS National Elevation Dataset
NWS: US National Weather Service
EPA: US Environmental Protection Agency

B.6 Model covariates of sites and LUR variable coefficients

Table B.3: Predictor values used in model building

(25) (50) (100) (200) (25) (50) (100) (25) (50) (100) (200) (25) (50) (100) (25) (50) (100) (50) (100)
1 40.511 -79.869 0.8 3.3 12.2 53.3 2.3 9.3 41.4 0.3 1.1 4.1 18.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 329.8
2 40.494 -79.907 1.0 3.8 18.5 81.6 5.7 21.8 89.8 0.5 1.9 9.2 40.4 151.7 148.1 151.9 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 260.8
3 40.478 -79.970 1.9 7.5 25.8 122.7 11.0 41.0 153.5 1.3 5.0 17.1 78.1 194.7 192.9 178.8 0.1 0.4 1.6 8.7 33.3 0.0 226.7
4 40.478 -79.957 5.8 22.2 87.8 322.2 9.8 38.2 148.4 3.5 13.5 53.1 194.4 29.8 39.0 41.0 0.1 0.7 3.0 1.6 5.2 0.1 229.8
5 40.465 -79.959 1.5 12.5 62.7 463.6 5.3 23.7 76.1 0.4 6.8 35.9 284.7 2.0 1.2 42.6 0.0 0.7 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 255.9
6 40.468 -79.926 11.5 44.9 179.6 706.7 9.7 38.1 148.4 7.3 28.5 114.1 444.4 48.1 49.2 45.8 0.2 1.0 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.1 279.8
7 40.463 -79.916 4.1 16.1 67.1 275.2 7.4 30.1 117.2 2.5 9.9 41.1 166.2 13.8 14.1 13.7 0.1 0.3 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 304.6
8 40.459 -79.928 4.6 18.1 73.6 334.6 11.7 44.5 175.3 2.8 11.1 44.6 212.4 72.9 67.3 64.7 1.1 4.6 16.7 3.6 14.3 0.1 274.6

9 40.456 -79.890 4.7 18.4 73.7 307.3 10.5 40.8 159.2 3.4 13.3 53.0 214.1 47.5 46.7 45.6 0.2 0.9 3.5 0.0 0.1 0.1 278.9
10 40.457 -79.925 15.8 62.3 246.9 944.7 8.0 33.6 137.0 10.3 40.6 161.4 620.6 24.2 24.6 26.1 0.1 0.7 2.9 0.4 2.2 0.1 277.7
11 40.453 -79.908 1.3 4.9 19.0 81.0 4.6 4.7 4.5 0.8 2.9 11.0 46.2 70.8 63.3 60.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 335.2
12 40.451 -79.942 9.7 38.4 145.0 630.2 6.0 25.3 99.2 5.2 20.7 78.2 345.6 55.0 54.3 51.2 0.1 0.4 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 274.9
13 40.450 -79.909 7.4 29.1 114.5 457.0 8.0 33.3 133.7 3.6 14.1 55.7 227.4 64.9 66.9 63.5 0.2 0.7 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 297.6
14 40.449 -79.901 6.1 24.0 94.8 352.2 7.2 29.7 119.0 3.3 12.9 50.9 187.1 34.9 37.0 35.5 0.3 1.1 4.3 1.7 6.4 0.0 290.5
15 40.441 -79.997 0.0 0.0 2.6 25.2 19.3 51.5 184.7 0.0 0.0 6.6 64.0 464.2 268.3 216.7 8.5 19.6 42.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 229.6
16 40.442 -79.942 3.9 15.4 61.3 240.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 9.3 1.3 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 285.3
17 40.441 -79.995 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 4.3 44.4 175.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.7 178.7 186.5 0.0 5.0 29.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 230.9
18 40.444 -79.996 0.0 19.5 45.1 132.8 10.4 46.0 156.7 4.0 15.4 38.1 125.0 130.3 216.6 135.4 2.4 5.4 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 224.9
19 40.445 -79.976 0.7 9.8 43.7 257.5 9.3 61.2 236.3 1.0 4.6 26.6 187.2 58.4 110.0 67.0 0.0 1.9 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 305.0
20 40.447 -79.927 5.4 21.2 81.5 345.8 5.2 21.1 90.9 2.0 7.7 29.1 129.9 22.2 27.3 29.8 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 323.6
21 40.444 -79.895 4.4 17.3 72.1 286.4 7.4 30.9 128.5 2.6 10.3 42.7 167.3 11.8 11.3 11.1 0.1 0.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 323.5
22 40.438 -79.926 8.2 32.3 127.9 503.3 6.4 22.6 88.5 3.8 14.9 59.9 236.6 53.6 36.9 36.3 0.6 1.9 6.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 334.1
23 40.438 -79.963 6.7 26.6 115.1 482.6 8.7 35.9 135.3 2.9 11.6 51.7 200.2 125.6 130.0 119.1 0.7 3.1 11.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 278.0
Table B.3: Predictor values used in model building

(25) (50) (100) (200) (25) (50) (100) (25) (50) (100) (200) (25) (50) (100) (25) (50) (100) (50) (100)
24 40.433 -80.010 6.4 25.0 99.5 380.9 8.6 33.7 133.2 4.4 17.3 68.7 258.5 58.1 56.4 56.7 0.0 0.3 1.3 2.7 10.7 0.1 313.4
25 40.429 -79.986 0.0 10.6 91.1 288.2 20.1 63.3 194.3 1.8 8.8 68.8 222.1 3.7 93.1 55.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 229.6
26 40.435 -79.877 4.9 19.2 73.2 298.9 5.2 22.2 91.6 2.4 9.5 35.8 146.5 2.6 2.7 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 319.9
27 40.431 -79.893 6.1 23.7 88.8 329.7 7.9 31.0 124.9 2.9 11.1 41.4 155.1 1.6 2.9 13.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 272.9
28 40.435 -79.896 6.7 26.5 108.5 429.5 8.1 30.5 123.7 4.0 15.8 64.7 251.4 32.7 30.3 33.4 0.2 0.6 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 277.6
29 40.437 -79.863 2.9 11.4 44.0 178.1 7.1 26.6 103.9 1.8 6.9 26.1 105.4 207.4 192.6 177.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 367.1
30 40.427 -79.917 10.3 39.9 148.2 633.6 7.4 29.8 125.7 5.4 20.9 76.3 327.0 89.2 89.5 94.6 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 328.2
31 40.422 -79.933 10.7 41.9 167.4 661.0 8.5 34.3 139.2 5.4 21.0 84.0 332.5 10.3 11.8 16.4 0.2 0.8 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 332.2
32 40.425 -79.894 4.3 17.0 75.9 307.5 11.9 48.3 181.7 2.4 9.5 42.2 168.4 126.7 120.0 94.6 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 265.6
33 40.416 -79.880 4.3 16.9 65.7 278.9 6.0 24.5 99.9 2.4 9.4 36.0 149.9 30.5 30.9 29.3 0.4 1.3 6.3 3.9 15.2 0.0 295.1
34 40.418 -79.903 4.4 16.9 67.6 264.9 8.7 33.9 126.9 2.1 8.0 32.2 125.8 10.9 10.1 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 2.3 6.3 0.0 275.8

35 40.407 -79.901 6.3 24.3 98.6 380.1 8.9 36.0 147.4 3.3 12.8 52.0 206.3 3.1 2.8 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.1 264.2
36 40.398 -79.863 1.1 4.4 17.1 79.1 6.4 25.5 94.9 0.4 1.5 6.1 28.1 10.6 9.7 8.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 9.7 0.0 228.4
37 40.402 -79.860 4.5 17.5 69.0 274.2 8.3 34.2 136.7 2.3 9.1 36.5 145.4 8.6 9.2 9.2 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.6 2.6 0.0 288.4
38 40.402 -79.844 5.8 22.9 86.3 322.8 11.6 45.6 179.5 3.0 11.6 44.1 167.0 26.5 30.4 32.4 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.1 315.5
39 40.388 -79.919 3.2 12.6 50.6 189.4 3.5 14.0 55.2 1.5 5.9 24.0 89.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 338.9
40 40.381 -80.049 9.8 38.2 150.9 571.8 8.1 30.4 124.8 5.8 22.4 89.8 333.0 12.1 14.0 16.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 355.5
41 40.380 -79.871 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.5 2.4 10.4 44.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 16.1 20.4 21.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 332.1
42 40.359 -80.110 2.8 11.1 42.3 165.5 6.8 26.6 102.0 1.5 5.8 22.2 87.4 58.0 53.9 50.5 0.1 0.4 1.7 5.5 21.2 0.0 259.4
43 40.355 -79.977 1.9 7.3 29.3 124.3 3.3 14.3 62.8 0.8 3.1 12.4 52.8 14.7 14.8 16.8 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 365.7
44 40.344 -79.824 0.9 3.6 13.0 67.3 3.0 12.8 57.6 0.4 1.4 5.3 27.3 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 316.0
45 40.318 -79.901 0.4 1.4 5.6 23.6 3.6 14.0 49.3 0.2 0.7 2.7 11.7 10.7 11.2 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 268.0
46 40.311 -79.863 0.4 1.5 5.7 22.0 1.7 6.1 26.2 0.2 0.6 2.3 8.8 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 308.7
47 40.314 -79.875 0.1 0.3 1.1 4.9 1.7 6.7 24.9 0.0 0.2 0.6 2.8 6.2 7.3 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 8.3 0.0 274.5
48 40.308 -79.869 0.1 0.2 0.7 2.9 2.7 9.9 41.5 0.0 0.1 0.4 1.7 5.6 5.4 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 4.6 0.0 314.7
49 40.297 -79.886 0.5 1.9 10.8 46.1 3.1 11.0 43.0 0.3 1.2 6.1 24.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.6 16.8 0.0 244.3
Table B.3: Predictor values used in model building

(25) (50) (100) (200) (25) (50) (100) (25) (50) (100) (200) (25) (50) (100) (25) (50) (100) (50) (100)
50 40.291 -79.888 3.6 14.2 58.0 239.0 7.6 28.8 115.4 1.7 6.8 27.9 121.7 1.6 1.5 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 300.5
Lat: Latitude; Lon: Longitude; PD: Population Density; RL: Road Length; HD: Housing Density; VD: Vehicle Density; BFC: Bus Fuel Consumption; RaL: Rail Length; Inv: Inverse Distance to the Road; Ele: Elevation
B.7 Description of random forest models
A random forest model is a machine learning algorithm for solving regression or

classification problems [33]. The model is constructed as an ensemble of decision

trees. A decision tree is a series of distinct choices that assigns a probability to

each outcome scenario. It starts with a single main node and branches into sub-

sequent secondary nodes. The secondary nodes represent the possible outcomes

of the event. These secondary nodes then act as a primary node and branch into

further possibilities. The process is repeated until a terminal node is reached. The

user specifies the number of trees that make up the forest, and each tree uses a

bootstrapped random sample from the training data set. The origin node of the

decision tree is split into sub-nodes by considering a random subset of the possible

variables and splitting based on which of these variables are strong predictors of

the response. The number of variables to randomly select at each node is chosen

by the user. This is repeated until a terminal node is reached; the user can specify

the maximum number of sub-nodes or the minimum number of data points in the

node as the indication to terminate the tree. In this project, we used 10-fold cross

validation method and terminated at 1000 trees with minimum terminal node size

of 1. The 10-fold cross-validation method, referred to as the K-fold technique, in-

volves randomly splitting the data into K (=10 here) folds. The model is trained on

K minus 1 folds (training set) and validated against the remaining Kth fold (testing

set). The process is iterated K times, until each K-fold gets a chance to be validated

as the testing dataset – essentially, until every datapoint from the original dataset

gets an opportunity to appear in the testing set. Random forests are often imple-

mented in prediction analysis due to their increased accuracy and ability to capture

complex interaction problems as compared to linear regression [34].

B.8 Observed vs Predicted concentrations

Observed Concentrations
Standard Signal Standard Signal
PM2.5 Deconvolved Signal Deconvolved Signal
40 40

Predicted concentrations (μg/m )

PM2.5 (μg/m )

30 30

20 20
NO2 10 20 30 40
Observed concentrations (μg/m )

25 Predicted concentrations (ppb) 30

NO2 (ppb)


5 10 15 20 25 30
1200 Observed concentrations (ppb)
Predicted concentrations (ppb)

1000 1000
CO (ppb)

800 800
600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
11-01-17 01-01-17 03-01-17 05-01-17 0 400 800 1200
Observed concentrations (ppb)

Figure B.7: (Figures above depicts predicted LUR (orange and green) and
LURF (blue and pink) concentrations (for standard and deconvolved
signals respectively) for the duration between October 2016 and June
2017 for site at Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD). Figure
(b) is a scatterplot between observed and predicted concentrations, with
dotted black line representing 1:1 line.

B.9 LUR Coefficients

Table B.4: LUR Coefficients for PM2.5 . U and S represent coefficients of Unstandardized and Standardized data,

Standard Persistent Long-lived Short-lived

Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients
U S p-Value U S p-Value U S p-Value U S p-Value
Intercept 3.93 13.63 0.51 3.60 0.19 0.76 3.30 1.00
EPA PM 0.93 3.80 <2e-16 0.26 1.05 <2e-16 0.04 0.18 <2e-16
EPA CO 0.36 0.10 2.4E-09
Inverse Distance to
the Road

Housing Density -0.01 -1.31 <2e-16 -0.004 -0.45 7.3E-09 -0.002 -0.26 <2e-16 -0.01 -1.12 <2e-16
Bus Fuel Consump-
tion (25m)
Population Density 0.19 0.62 2.8E-07 0.09 0.29 2.5E-04 0.03 0.11 1.1E-07 0.15 0.52 <2e-16
Elevation 0.01 0.35 <2e-16
Bus Fuel Consump- 0.27 2.34 <2e-16 0.14 1.20 < 2e-16 0.04 0.34 <2e-16
tion (100m)
Road Density 0.01 0.62 <2e-16
R2 0.72 0.54 0.13 0.22
MAE 1.83 0.77 0.42 0.20
Average 13.63 3.60 0.76 1.00
CvMAE 0.13 0.21 0.56 0.20
Table B.5: LUR Coefficients for NO2 . U and S represent coefficients of Unstandardized and Standardized data, respec-

Standard Persistent Long-lived Short-lived

Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients
U S p-Value U S p-Value U S p-Value U S p-Value
Intercept 13.00 10.53 4.37 4.67 0.39 0.63 0.85 0.64
EPA PM 0.16 0.70 <2e-16 0.08 0.36 <2e-16 0.00 0.02 6.6E-03
EPA CO 2.24 0.64 <2e-16 -0.45 -0.13 1.1E-03 0.39 0.11 <2e-16
Bus Fuel Consump- 0.03 0.25 1.3E-08 0.03 0.30 1.4E-15
tion (100m)
Population Density 0.00 0.08 <2e-16
Temperature 0.06 1.14 <2e-16 0.003 0.05 <2e-16

Wind -0.09 -0.29 5.5E-10 -0.08 -0.26 2.7E-10 -0.02 -0.07 <2e-16 -0.02 -0.08 8.6E-09
Housing Density -0.001 -0.08 1.3E-04
Road Density 0.00 0.01 8.2E-02
Population Density -0.09 -0.15 1.4E-04
Elevation 0.02 0.62 <2e-16 0.01 0.47 <2e-16
R2 0.64 0.20 0.16 0.08
MAE 2.02 1.14 0.28 0.25
Average 10.53 4.67 0.63 0.64
CvMAE 0.19 0.24 0.44 0.39
Table B.6: LUR Coefficients for CO. U and S represent coefficients of Unstandardized and Standardized data, respec-

Standard Persistent Long-lived Short-lived

Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients
U S p-Value U S p-Value U S p-Value U S p-Value
Intercept 229.6 367.6 129.4 189.9 13.18 26.87 19.24 31.25
EPA PM 10.35 44.66 <2e-16 6.16 26.57 <2e-16 1.26 5.42 <2e-16
EPA CO 111.8 32.31 <2e-16 17.14 4.95 <2e-16 16.54 4.78 7E-08
Population Density 0.61 0.24 3E-06 3.42 12.58 2E-14
Housing Density -0.17 -21.63 <2e-16 -0.12 -14.70 1E-15
Temperature 2.06 31.42 <2e-16

Population Density -0.07 -15.52 4E-15

Bus Fuel Consump- 2.21 14.63 2.8E-09 1.10 7.30 4E-04
tion (100m)
Road Density 0.08 5.04 1E-05
Elevation 0.37 14.46 1.0E-11 0.03 1.25 9.6E-03
R2 0.67 0.16 0.30 0.10
MAE 96.15 48.71 8.60 6.43
Average 367.59 189.90 26.87 31.25
CvMAE 0.26 0.26 0.32 0.21
B.10 Average performance metrics of the pollutants
across all models

Table B.7: Average performance metrics of the pollutants across all models
for 20 iterations

R-squared (Average)
Standard Decomposed Standard Decomposed Standard Decomposed
PM2.5 0.59 0.73 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.75
NO2 0.40 0.43 0.59 0.56 0.56 0.54
CO 0.30 0.31 0.40 0.41 0.35 0.34
MAE (Average)
Standard Decomposed Standard Decomposed Standard Decomposed
PM2.5 2.63 2.43 1.83 2.08 1.81 2.19
NO2 1.94 1.81 1.30 1.55 1.30 1.53
CO 108.76 109.11 100.46 98.97 95.37 96.74
CvMAE (Average)
Standard Decomposed Standard Decomposed Standard Decomposed
PM2.5 0.23 0.21 0.16 0.19 0.17 0.19
NO2 0.22 0.21 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
CO 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.32

B.11 Comparison to other published studies

Table B.8: Comparison with other published studies.

Project Location Sensor Prediction Time Average No of No of R2 [Mean

Method Resolu- Concen- Sites Days (Min-
tion tration Max)]
CO (ppb)
Brunelli et al. [37] Italy Regulatory Monitor- ANN Daily N.R. 8 730 0.9 (0.86-
ing Network Max. 0.92)
Hassanpour Matiko- Tehran, Iran N.R. Regression Hourly N.R. 30 90 0.38
laei et al. [91]
Pittsburgh, RAMP Regression Daily 367.6 50 518 0.30 (0.05-
USA 0.53)

Pittsburgh, RAMP LURF Daily 367.6 50 518 0.40 (0.14-

This project
USA 0.75)
Pittsburgh, RAMP Hybrid Daily 367.6 50 518 0.35 (0.05-
USA 0.65)
NO2 (ppb)
Japan Regulatory Monitor- LURF Monthly 15-20 81 1460 0.79
ing Network
Araki et al. [14]
Japan Regulatory Monitor- Regression Monthly 15-20 81 1460 0.73
ing Network
Brunelli et al. [37] Italy Regulatory Monitor- ANN Daily N.R. 8 730 0.87 (0.81-
ing Network Max. 0.96)
Table B.8: Comparison with other published studies.

Project Location Sensor Prediction Time Average No of No of R2 [Mean

Method Resolu- Concen- Sites Days (Min-
tion tration Max)]
Pearl River Regulatory Monitor- Regression Annual 18.22 69 365 0.56
Yang et al. [261] Delta, China ing Network
Beelen et al. [25] Europe Ogawa passive sam- Regression Annual 14.3 1434 42 0.7 (0.31-
plers 0.87)
Ma et al. [139] Auckland, New Passive Diffusion Regression Annual 15.5 107 120 - 0.6
Zealand Tubes 132
Crouse et al. [59] Montreal, Ogawa passive sam- Regression Annual 11.9 129 14 0.78
Canada plers
Jerrett et al. [110] Toronto, Ogawa passive sam- Regression N.R. 32.2 95 14 0.69
Canada plers

Portland, USA Ogawa passive sam- Regression Annual 11-13 174 14 0.75-0.80
Rao et al. [191]
Portland, USA Ogawa passive sam- LURF Annual 11-13 174 14 0.80-0.83
Henderson et al. Vancouver, Ogawa passive sam- Regression Annual 16.2 116 14 0.56-0.60
[94] Canada plers
Hassanpour Matiko- Tehran, Iran N.R. Regression Hourly N.R. 30 90 0.27
laei et al. [91]
Pittsburgh, RAMP Regression Daily 10.5 50 518 0.40 (0.09-
USA 0.57)
Pittsburgh, RAMP LURF Daily 10.5 50 518 0.59 (0.20-
This project
USA 0.82)
Pittsburgh, RAMP Hybrid Daily 10.5 50 518 0.56 (0.22-
USA 0.80)
Table B.8: Comparison with other published studies.

Project Location Sensor Prediction Time Average No of No of R2 [Mean

Method Resolu- Concen- Sites Days (Min-
tion tration Max)]
PM2.5 (µg m−3 )
Cincinnati, Harvard-type Im- LURF N.R. 17.6 24 1460 0.51
USA pactors, 37-mm
Teflon Membrane
Brokamp et al. [34]
Cincinnati, Harvard-type Im- Regression N.R. 17.6 24 1460 0.64
USA pactors, 37-mm
Teflon Membrane
Eeftens et al. [71] Europe Harvard Impactors Regression Annual 15.7 436 42 0.58 (0.21-
Li et al. [130] Pittsburgh, Filter sampling, 47- Regression N.R. 14.6 36 92 0.34

USA mm Teflon Filter

Yang et al. [261] Pearl River Regulatory Monitor- Regression Annual 41.7 69 365 0.87
Delta, China ing Network
North China Satellite Monitoring ANN Daily N.R. N.R. 90 0.66
Yao et al. [262]
North China Satellite Monitoring Regression Daily N.R. N.R. 90 0.34
Brokamp et al. [35] Cincinnati, Satellite Monitoring Random Daily 12.61 52 +5000 0.88
USA Forest (median)
Henderson et al. Vancouver, Harvard Impactors Regression Annual 4.08 116 14 0.52
[94] Canada
Hassanpour Matiko- Tehran, Iran N.R. Regression Hourly N.R. 30 90 0.38
laei et al. [91]
Stafoggia et al. Italy N.R. LURF Daily 17.1 198 - 1095 0.80
[213] 229
Table B.8: Comparison with other published studies.

Project Location Sensor Prediction Time Average No of No of R2 [Mean

Method Resolu- Concen- Sites Days (Min-
tion tration Max)]
Pittsburgh, RAMP Regression Daily 13.6 50 518 0.60 (0.46-
USA 0.73)
Pittsburgh, RAMP LURF Daily 13.6 50 518 0.78 (0.61-
USA 0.92)
This project
Pittsburgh, RAMP Hybrid Daily 13.6 50 518 0.74 (0.53-
USA 0.90)
N.R.: Not Reported; ANN: Artificial Neural Networks
Note 1: ESCAPE (Europe) Project’s R2 and average concentration value have been averaged over the 36/20 sites for NO2 /PM2.5 respectively.
Maximum and minimum concentrations were noted down for individual site.
Note 2: R2 values for ”this project” consists of average values for standard signals. The minimum-maximum values have been noted after

removing outliers.
Note 3: Daily average concentration for Araki et al. (2018) is an estimate obtained via figure 1 in the paper.
B.12 Spatial Mapping
Using LURF standard and decomposed prediction models, spatial maps at 50 m

resolution were plotted for Allegheny county (total grids = 772,805). Steps fol-

lowed for the same are as follows:

1. Grids with ≥ 50% spatial variables exceeding training model limits (both upper

and lower limits from 50 training sites) were excluded from the map. For instance,

if standard signal model used 6 variables for model training, grids with < 4 vari-

ables within training model limits were filtered out.

2. Daily PM2.5 was predicted at each of the remaining grids (total remaining grids

= 387,938) for 2017. These predictions were then averaged to determine annual


Standard LURF Signal Decomposed LURF Signal

Average PM2.5 (μg/m3)


0 4 8 16 24 32 Pittsburgh City
Allegheny County

Figure B.8: (Figures above depicts annual average PM2.5 using LURF stan-
dard and decomposed signal prediction models. Pittsburgh city and
Allegheny county boundaries are marked by blue and black lines re-

Although both standard and decomposed signals had similar performance when

tested against external dataset, decomposed signal were found to have more reliable

results. This is depicted in Figure B.8 – standard signal model tended to predict

lower concentrations on roadways compared to surrounding area. Therefore, when

considering machine learning approaches, it is recommended to opt for wavelet

signal decomposition for more accurate and reliable results.

B.13 Comparison of model performance with EPA

monitoring stations

Table B.9: MAE calculations for data predicted at EPA monitoring stations

EPA’s monitoring data* LURF Decomposed Model Predictions

South Fayette 8.7 11.19
Lawrenceville 9.2 12.16
Clariton 9.8 11.67
Harrison 10 11.57
North Braddock 11 12.58
Liberty 13.4 11.52
MAE 2.06
*Data collected via Allegheny County Health Department report.

Appendix C

Supplementary Information:
Chapter 5

C.1 Limit of Detection (LOD)

For this work, LOD is the smallest concentration that can be reliably measured by

the low-cost sensors and was identified as 5 µg m−3 . We opted against removing the

datapoint below LOD as the data would then be skewed high. Similarly, replacing

the datapoints below LOD with 0 would result in data skewed low. Therefore, we

opted for replacing the data measured below LOD with 3.53 µg m−3 (LOD/ 2),

as recommended by [99] and [222]. Figure C.1 shows a boxplot for the percent of

data at each of the 47 sites replaced due to being below LOD.

C.2 Selection of prediction models and variables

In our previous study Jain et al. [105], we compared regression, random forests, and

hybrid regression-random forest models for both standard and time-decomposed

Figure C.1: Boxplot for percent of data at each site (n = 47 sites) that were

below Limit of Detection (LOD; 5 µg m−3 ) and replaced with LOD/ 2
(=3.53 µg m−3 ).

signals. In time-decomposed analysis, we created separate land use regression /

random forest models for persistent enhancements (>8 h duration), longer-lived

events (2-8 h duration) and short-lived events (< 2 h duration) and layered these

on top of the regional background to predict overall PM2.5 concentrations. For

modeling of PM2.5 , random forest models outperformed regression models (R2 in-

creases of 0.17-0.19; normalized mean absolute error decreased by 4-7%). Hybrid

regression-random forest models were created to address the incapability of ran-

dom forests to extrapolate. However, we found that hybrid models didn’t improve

the overall model performance or robustness of random forest models. Therefore,

random forest models were chosen for predicting concentrations at every grid cell.

For random forest models, the standard signal model had comparable performance

to decomposed signals. However, decomposing the signal improved the relative

importance of static (spatial) variables in the model for short-lived events. This

implies that local spikes in concentrations can be predicted using land use charac-

teristics in the nearby locations. Since we are primarily looking into spatial effects

for this work, we opted for the decomposed signal model. For a detailed discus-

sion of the relative model performance of land use regression vs. land use random

forest, as well as the impact of time decomposition, see Jain et al. [105].

Table C.1: Top 5 most important variables for modeling of random forest
decomposed signal. Value in the brackets signify buffer distance.

Signal Spatial variables Temporal variables

Persistent Population density (100m), road EPA’s daily PM2.5
enhance- length (100m), housing density measurements
ment (100m), rail length (100m)
Long-lived Elevation, vehicle density (50m), EPA’s daily CO mea-
events bus fuel consumption (50m), in- surements
verse distance to the road
Short-lived Elevation, road length (50m), vehi- Wind
events cle density (100m), bus fuel con-
sumption (100m)

C.3 Land Use Types by Allegheny County GIS Group

The list below are the available land use types from the Allegheny County GIS

Group [12].

1. Water

2. Transportation

3. Forest

4. Grasslands

5. Agriculture

6. Low-density residential

7. Medium-density residential

8. High-density residential

9. Identified malls

10. Commercial

11. Light industrial

12. Heavy industrial

13. Strip mine

14. Non-vegetative

C.4 Spatial distribution at 100m buffers for residential

and commercial areas

Figure C.2: Spatial distribution of (a) Residential and (b) Commercial areas
at 100m buffers in Pittsburgh city, obtained via Allegheny County GIS
Group [12]. Grid cells with no value (colorless) imply residential or
commercial density is zero for that grid.

C.5 Average day-wise concentrations in 2017

Figure C.3: Boxplot for mean day-wise concentrations in 2017 for data col-
lected at EPA’s Lawrenceville site in Pittsburgh city.

This work segregates the daily concentrations into weekday (Monday through

Friday) and weekend (Saturday and Sunday) concentrations. Figure C.3 shows a

boxplot for EPA’s daily PM2.5 concentrations across different days of the week for

2017. Amongst weekdays, Mondays through Thursdays have similar medians ( 8

µg m−3 ). Median Friday concentrations are higher ( 9 µg m−3 ) and can be attributed

to higher rate of various evening activities by individuals or citywide events (e.g.,

dining out, game nights, festivals). Nonetheless, we opted to group weekday con-

centrations because we expect similar behavioural movement (e.g., amount of time

spent) between residential and commercial areas during the weekdays. Analo-

gously, even though Saturday and Sunday concentrations are also dissimilar, we

have grouped them together into weekends.

C.6 Uncertainties in measurement and models

We identified two uncertainties associated with this work – uncertainties in mea-

surements taken by RAMPs and uncertainties in prediction modeling.

• Uncertainties in measurements: In Pittsburgh city, we collocated a RAMP

at EPA’s Lawrenceville site. We compared calibrated daily PM2.5 measure-

ments from RAMP with EPA’s data and found mean error to be 8%.

Σni=1 (EPA measurementsi − RAMP measurementsi )

Mean Error(ME) =

• Uncertainties in modeling: Random Forest models are created as an en-

semble of decision trees. However, these decision trees use the mean value

estimate predicted values. To ascertain that we account for uncertainties as-

sociated at this stage of modeling, in addition to mean values, we noted 2.5th

and 97.5th percentile predicted values. Using these, we found mean error to

be about 28% and 72% respectively for 2.5th and 97.5th percentile predicted


We assume that uncertainties in modeling had a higher overall effect due to

higher mean error. Therefore, we opted to evaluate model uncertainties, and used

the predicted values across 5th and 95th percentile random forest models and com-

pared the concentrations in residential and commercial areas (Figure C.4).

Figure C.4: Boxplots for daily predicted PM2.5 for residential (plots with
solid colors) and commercial (plots with diagonal lines) land-use type
separately. Blue and orange boxplots refer to annual average predicted
PM2.5 concentrations when random forest models noted 5th and 95th
percentile concentrations, instead of mean concentrations (pink box-

Average and median concentrations at commercial area was higher than con-

centrations at residential areas across 5th percentile, mean and 95th percentile (Fig-

ure C.4). As such, for pink boxes (mean; Figure C.4), both median and average

concentration at commercial areas were 6% higher than at residential areas. Both

average and median concentration at commercial areas were 1% higher than res-

idential areas for the 5th percentile model runs. Similarly, average and median

concentration at commercial grids were 22% and 18% higher for 95th percentile

model runs.

Although the absolute value between models (5th , mean and 95th percentile;

Figure C.4) are different, the average concentration at commercial areas were al-

ways higher when compared to residential areas. As such, addressing the uncer-

tainties strengthen our argument that average PM2.5 concentrations that the popu-

lation was exposed to was underreported when movement of the population isn’t


C.7 Static and Dynamic Models

Figure C.5: Boxplots for static and dynamic models when α = 12 and β = 18
hours in Equations 4 and 5 of the main manuscript.

Appendix D

Supplementary Information:
Chapter 6

D.1 Population

Figure D.1: Population across each Dissemination Block [214].

Error Fraction % D.2



<10th [0, 1.46)
10-20th [1.46, 2.04)
20-30th [2.04, 2.68)
30-40th [2.68, 3.32)
40-50th [3.32, 4.07)
50-60th [4.07, 4.92)
60-70th [4.92, 5.97)
% Error

70-80th [5.97, 7.53)

80-90th [7.53, 9.75)

>90th [9.75, 31.58)

Error Fraction %



<10th [0, 7.07)
10-20th [7.07, 10.30)
20-30th [10.30, 12.29)
30-40th [12.29, 14.13)

40-50th [14.13, 16.25)
50-60th [16.25, 18.84)
60-70th [18.84, 22.00)
70-80th [22.00, 25.99)

Percentile bin
80-90th [25.99, 30.33)

>90th [30.33, 74.03)

Error Fraction %


<10th [0, 0.34)

10-20th [0.34, 0.64)
20-30th [0.64, 2.30)
30-40th [2.30, 6.09)
40-50th [6.09, 11.26)
50-60th [11.26, 14.87)
60-70th [14.97, 18.25)
70-80th [18.25, 21.87)
80-90th [21.87, 27.47)

Figure D.2: Boxplots for % error of each pollutant across each decile bin.

>90th [27.47, 41.47)

D.3 Typical Diurnal Pattern

Figure D.3: Diurnal pattern observed over the study period (for RAMP

D.4 RAMPs vs MV comparison

Table D.1: Individual RAMPs with corresponding number of days days when
the error-informed dataset exceeded average regional MV concentra-
tions. Total number of days when the data was assessed is listed in the
last column.

RAMP PM2.5 NO2 O3 Total

1001 51 95 0 100
1002 53 111 28 119
1004 30 99 28 119
1005 18 82 55 96
1008 41 88 19 119
1009 35 110 17 119
1011 22 42 42 108
1012 5 92 29 96
1039 17 39 34 59
1040 13 96 33 119 (PM=28)
1041 25 85 62 93

D.5 Descriptive Statistics

Table D.2: Descriptive Statistics for each pollutant (across all RAMPs) and
calculated CHI (across all DBs).

Mean Median Std. Dev. COV Min.a Max.b

PM2.5 (µg/m3 ) 4.57 4.01 3.39 0.07 1.37 16.18
NO2 (ppb) 21.72 21.51 5.68 0.26 10.32 36.32
O3 (ppb) 28.14 27.86 8.89 0.32 9.82 51.86
Additive CHI 2.99 2.99 0.16 0.05 2.60 3.43
Multiplicative CHI 0.99 0.99 0.16 0.16 0.61 1.44
Std. Dev.: Standard Deviation; COV: Coefficient of Variation (Mean/Std. Dev.)
a: 1st percentile; b: 99th percentile

D.6 Aggregate Multiplicative and Additive CHI

Figure D.4: Aggregated Multiplicative CHI across the study period.

Figure D.5: Aggregated Additive CHI across the study period.

D.7 Wind Speed and Direction

Figure D.6: Windrose for the direction and speed of wind during the study


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